C. P. No. D – 2047 of 2018

Date of hearing

Order with signature of Judge


1.    For orders on office objection

2.    For hearing of CMA No.10160/2018

3.    For hearing of main case






Mr. Gul Feroze Kalwar advocate for petitioner.

Mr. Noor Hassan Malik, Assistant Advocate General Sindh.



            This case involves a question that concerns with the demarcation of the land. In this matter, neither the title of the land is being determined nor the occupation of any occupier is being legitimized. This petition is only being entertained on account of the fact that he claims to have moved an application for demarcation of the land which he, on the strength of title or claimed to have been trespassed by other trespasser or adjoining land owner. Without prejudice to the right of any one over the land, in case such application for demarcation is filed by the petitioner before the Revenue authorities in terms of Section 117 of the Land Revenue Act, 1967, it may be forwarded to the concerned Mukhtiarkar who may act accordingly by issuing notices to the Survey Superintendent who may depute their technical team and notices may also be issued to all khatedars for demarcation of the land alone. This process, however, as stated above, would neither determine title nor take away rights of any one in respect of which litigation is pending either before this Court or before civil Court and / or appellate Court. This process is only meant for the boundaries of the land to be determined.


The petition stands disposed of in the above terms along with listed application.







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