C.P. No.D-4248 of 2012


Dated:                  Order with signature of Judge(s)


1.         For orders on MIT-II report dated 09.09.2017

2.         For order on statement dated 08.12.2016.

3.         For Hg. of CMA No.14971/2018

4.         For Hg. of CMA No.3006/2018

5.         For Hg. of CMA No.11730/2017




Mr. Shaukat Ali Shaikh, advocate for petitioners.

Mr. Abdul Jalil Zubedi AAG.



1,2&4) Deferred.

3&5)    In compliance of order passed on 25.06.2018 Nazir has submitted a comprehensive report wherein it is stated that in compliance of order dated 27.04.2018 the documents of 7 Intervenors/applicants were sent to the Sub-Registrar Liaquatabad, Karachi for verification and for other letter was issued to the NADRA for verification of legal heirs and their status. It is further stated that Sub-Registrar has sent the verification of such intervenors through letter dated 20.06.2018 and reported that the relevant documents are original/genuine. However, for verification of legal heirs the NADRA office has requested to provide photocopies of CNIC of deceased and copies of legal heirs for provision of legal heirs details.

In view of above circumstances, Nazir is directed to pay compensation to the applicants No.1 to 6 whose documents are verified to be original/genuine. However, with regard to applicants No.7 to 9 learned counsel for the applicants is directed to provide CNIC and other details as required by the Nazir of this Court and Nazir is directed to proceed further in terms of orders already passed by this Court. After completing such exercise a comprehensive report should be submitted to this Court through MIT-II.

In the above terms these applications stands disposed of.