Cr. Transfer Application No.S-80/2018.



               Order with signature of Judge

            1. For Orders on office objection.

            2. For hearing of main case.




                        Mr. UbedullahG.Ghoto advocate for applicant/complainant.

Mr. Mir Afazal Hussain Talpur, Deputy Prosecutor General.


                        Applicant/complainant is present along with his counsel. Mr. Sudhamchand @ SudhamoKewalRamani advocate files vakaltanam on beahfl of respondents No. 1 & 2, which is taken on record.

                        Through instant Crl. Transfer Application, applicant Noor Muhammad being complainant seeks transfer of Sessions Case No. 236/2011 Re: State Versus Shabbir Chachar& Other, arising out of Crime No. 02/2011 registered with P.S. KatchiBindi-I, District Ghotki for offence under section 302, 324, 337H(2), 147, 148, 149 P.P.C, from the Court of IstAdditional Sessions Judge, Ghoti to any other Court having jurisdiction on the ground that learned trial Court is lying vacant and this is a murder case and pending since 2011.

                        Learned counsel appearing on behalf of private respondents/accused recorded no objection if the above Sessions Case is withdrawn from the file of IstAdditional Sessions, Ghotki to any other Competent Court. Learned APG also recorded no objection to the above proposal.

                        In view of the above and by consent of the parties, Sessions Case 236/2011 Re: State Versus Shabbir Chachar& Other, arising out of Crime No. 02/2011,offence under section 302, 324, 337H(2), 147, 148, 149 P.P.C registered with P.S. KatchiBindi-I, District Ghotki, is hereby withdrawn from the file of learned IstAdditional Sessions Judge, Ghotki and entrusted to the Court of learned Sessions Judge, Ghotki for its disposal in accordance with law with directions to decide the case within three months.

                        Learned counsel for the applicant/complainant makes assurance that complainant and his witnesses will be in attendance before the transferee trial Court on the date of hearing for recording their evidence.

                        In view of the above, the instant Criminal Transfer application is disposed of in above terms. 

