Constitution Petition No.S-670/2018


               Order with signature of Judge




                           For hearing of main case.                                               





                           Mr. Mujahid Ali Shah, Advocate for petitioners.  

                           Mr. Rafique Ahmed Shar, Advocate for respondents No. 6, 7& 8.

                           Mr. Noor Hassan Malik, AAG.  





Petitioners have filed this petition with following prayers.


a)         That this Honourable Court may be pleased to direct respondents No. 2 to 5 to provide legal protection to the petitioners and  their family members and hands of private respondents.

b)         That this Honourable Court may be pleased to restrain the respondents No. 4 & 5 not to harass and not to lodge any false FIR against the petitioners, family members and their relatives on the instance of private respondents.

c)         That this Honourable Court may be pleased to call the private respondents in person before this court and direct them to submit their P.R bond that they shall not harass or cause any harm to the petitioners in future.

d)         That this Honourable Court may be pleased to grant any other equitable relief which has not been specifically prayed for, which this Honourable Court deems fit and proper in the circumstances of the above case.


                        Notices were issued to the respondents. Mr. Rafique Ahmed Shar files power on behalf of respondents No. 6, 7 & 8, which is taken on record. Respondents No. 3 & 5 have filed their written statements, which are also taken on record. Learned counsel for the petitioners submits that petitioner No. 2 has contracted marriage with petitioner No. 1 with his own free will and respondents who are closely relatives of petitioners No. 1 are annoyed on this un-ceremonial marriage and causing harassment to the petitioners and their families and official respondents are not providing legal protection to the petitioners.


                        Learned counsel for the private respondents submits that neither private respondents have caused harassment to the petitioners, nor intend to do so in future.


                        Learned AAG undertakes that official respondents shall provide legal protection to the petitioners in accordance with law.


                        SSP Khairpur and Nousheroferoz are directed to provide legal protection to the petitioners and their family members in accordance with law.


Instant petition stands disposed of in above terms.











