Constitutional Petition No.D-1979 of 2018

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Date                                         Order with Signature of the Judge                                                                         


1.For hearing of Misc. 8477/2018.

2.For hearing of main case.



10th April, 2018.

Ms. Naheed Akhtar Bhatti, Advocate for petitioner.

Mr. Ashfaq Rafiq Janjua, Assistant Attorney General.

Mr. Hakim Ali Shaikh, Additional Advocate General, Sindh.

SIP Ghulam Rasool Police Station Docks, Karachi.

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Aftab Ahmed Gorar, J.:- Learned Additional Advocate General, Sindh files para-wise comments on behalf of respondent No. 2 which are taken on the record, copy of same has been provided to learned counsel for the petitioner, who after going through the same submits that petitioner shall be satisfied if this petition is disposed of with directions to official respondents to act in accordance with law and in the manner that no harassment is caused to the petitioner.


2.         Learned Assistant Attorney General and learned Advocate General, Sindh submit that official respondents shall conduct themselves strictly in accordance with law and ensure that no harassment is caused to the petitioner.


3.         Since learned counsel for the petitioner seeks disposal of instant petition with directions to official respondents to act in accordance with law and is satisfied with the statement made by learned Assistant Attorney General as well as learned Additional Advocate General, Sindh in this respect, the instant petition alongwith pending application stands disposed of with directions to official respondents to conduct themselves strictly in accordance with law in the manner that no one shall cause harassment to the petitioner.



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