Criminal Anti-Terrorism Acquittal Appeal No. 123 of 2014



                                                                                Mr. Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto

                                                                                Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio          


Date of Hearing:                                            18.09.2017


Date of announcement of judgment:                        29.09.2017     


Appellant:                                                      The State through Mr. Abrar Ali Khichi DPG.


Respondent:                                                   Naveed Ahmed is not present.





NAIMATULLAH PHULPOTO, J:  Respondent/accused was tried by learned Judge, Anti-Terrorism Court No.IV, Karachi, in Special Case No.A-61/2013 for offences under Sections 384/385/386 PPC read with Section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997, registered at P.S. Gulistan-e-Jauhar, Karachi, by Judgment dated 30.10.2014, Respondent/accused was acquitted by extending him benefit of doubt. State filed instant Criminal Anti-Terrorism Acquittal Appeal No.123 of 2014 against the acquittal recorded by the trial Court.


2.         Brief facts leading to the filing of the appeal against acquittal are that on 25.05.2013 at 1800 hours, complainant Muteeullah registered FIR bearing Crime No. 293/2013 registered at Police Station Gulistan-e-Jauhar, for offences under Section 384/385/386 PPC read with Section 7 of Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997, stating therein that he was running his own shop in the name and style of “Zubair Hardware”. One unknown culprit had received extortion of Rs.70,000/- at different times through Easy Paisa on Mobile Phone No.0311-2007909 and CNIC No.42101-7410597. Accused was apprehended at the spot by the police. On inquiry, apprehended accused disclosed his name as Naveed Ahmed son of Fayyaz Ahmed. On his personal search, police recovered one mobile phone Nokia N-73 with SIM and Rs.200/- in presence of mashirs. Mashirnama of arrest and recovery was prepared. Thereafter, accused and case property were brought at police station where complainant recorded FIR bearing Crime No. 293/2013 for offences under Section 384/385/386 PPC read with Section 7 of Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997.

3.         Charge was framed against accused by the learned Judge, A.T.C. No.IV, Karachi, under the aforesaid sections at Ex-4. Accused pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried. At the trial, prosecution examined six prosecution witnesses. Thereafter, prosecution side was closed at Ex-12.

4.         Statement of the accused was recorded under Section 342 Cr.P.C. as Ex.13 in which accused has denied the prosecution allegations and stated that he has been falsely implicated by the complainant as there was some outstanding dues towards complainant by his father/DW-2 Fayyaz. Accused declined to give statement on Oath in disproof of prosecution allegations. However, accused examined DW- Syed Samiur Rehman and DW-2 Fayyaz in his defence.


5.         On the conclusion of the trial, learned Judge, ATC-IV, Karachi, after hearing the learned counsel for the parties, on the assessment of entire evidence acquitted the accused by judgment dated 30.10.2014, mainly for the following reasons:- 

“In this case there is main and important role of complainant, who is private person namely Muteeullah, is the owner of the Hardware shop where such alleged incident of Bhatta amount took place but here the prosecution failed to examine the complainant Muteeullah, who lodged FIR against accused however, in my humble view the FIR itself is not substantive piece of evidence until and unless the same is corroborated with the deposition of complainant even here the complainant did not examine, despite of issuing repeatedly process of summons and NBWs against complainant Muteeullah and other PW Azizullah, both brothers interse, and prosecution were repeated directed to procure their attendance before this court, as their evidence is much important than the other police officials but in this regard the I.O failed to procure their attendance while stated in  his deposition that he went to the address of complainant where it was informed by the locality persons that they have concealed themselves and migrated from their addresses and they have sold out their Hardware shop which is situated in Gulistan-e-Jauhar and in his connection Investigating Officer recorded the statements of inhabitants of shop as well as resident of complainant which is available on record.

Apart from this, accused deposed in his statement u/s 342 Cr.P.C as well as DW-1 Syed Samiur Rehman and his father/DW-2 Fayyaz in his favour they both were working in the complainant as Plumber and they stated that there is dispute between complainant party and father of accused in respect of some outstanding dues towards complainant and on the demand of DW-2, complainant threatened DW-2 Fayyaz, the father of accused with dire consequence and lastly due to relations with police personnel, complainant booked accused Naveed, the son of DW-2 Fayyaz in this case with connivance of police, which shows that there is no incident took place viz Bhatta amount but there is some settlement regarding outstanding/dues towards complainant which received by accused party at different times through Easy Paisa even the owner of Easy Paisa Shop also failed to recognize the accused person during his deposition recorded in this Court at Ex.10 and rest of the PWs are police officials who are interested one and main and important witnesses who are complainant his brother as private persons, including complainant were not examined in this court. Here it is lacking therefore, in these circumstances there appears reasonable doubt, as such the point discussed above is answered as not proved.”


6.         Mr. Abrar Ali Khichi, learned DPG argued that prosecution has proved its case against the accused. Sufficient evidence was brought on record by the prosecution to connect the accused in the commission of the offence. Lastly, it is contended that prosecution proved its case but trial Court without assigning sound reasons acquitted accused. It is prayed that acquittal may be converted to conviction.


7.         We have heard the learned DPG and perused the record. We have come to the conclusion that prosecution has failed to prove its case against Respondent/accused for the reasons that complainant Muteeullah and P.W Azizullah most important witnesses of the case were not examined before the Trial Court. Trial Court made efforts to record their evidence, but prosecution failed to produce them before the Trial Court. Other evidence brought on record was in sufficient to connect the Respondent/accused with the commission of the offence. Ingredients of offence with which the Respondent/accused was charged are not satisfied from the evidence, which has been brought on record. So far the appeal against acquittal is concerned after acquittal respondent/accused has acquired double presumption of innocence, this Court would interfere only if the judgment was arbitrarily, capricious or against the record. But in this case there were number of infirmities and impugned judgment of acquittal in our considered view did not suffer from any misreading and non-reading of the evidence. As regard to the consideration warranting the interference in the appeal against acquittal and an appeal against  conviction  principle has been laid down by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in various judgments. In the case of State/ Government Sindh through Advocate General Sindh, Karachi versus Sobharo (1993 SCMR 585), Honourable Supreme Court has laid down the principle that in the case of appeal against acquittal while evaluating the evidence distinction is to be made in appeal against conviction and appeal against acquittal. Interference in the latter case is to be made when there is only gross misreading of evidence, resulting in miscarriage of justice. Relevant portion is reproduced as under:-


“14.     We are fully satisfied with appraisal of evidence done by the trial Court and we are of the view that while evaluating the evidence, difference is to be maintained in appeal from conviction and acquittal appeal and in the latter case interference is to be made only when there is gross misreading of evidence resulting in miscarriage of justice. Reference can be made to the case of Yar Muhammad and others v. The State (1992 SCMR 96). In consequence this appeal has no merits and is dismissed.”

8.         For what has been discussed above, we are of the considered view that impugned judgment is based upon valid and sound reasons and is entirely in consonance with the law laid down by the Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan. Neither, there is misreading, nor non-reading of material evidence or misconstruction of facts and law. Resultantly, Criminal Anti-Terrorism Acquittal Appeal No. 123 of 2014 is without merits and the same is dismissed.