Criminal Bail Application No. 618 of 2017






The State………….………………………………..……………….Respondent



Criminal Bail Application No. 633 of 2017


Tanveer Abbas……...…………...………………...…………………..Applicant




The State………….………………………………..……………….Respondent



Criminal Bail Application No. 796 of 2017






The State………….………………………………..……………….Respondent


Date of hearing and order :     01.08.2017


Mr. Liaquat Ali, advocate for applicant in BA No.618/17

Mr. Amir Jameel, advocate for applicant in BA No.633/17

Mr. Muhammad Akbar Khan, advocate for applicant in BA No.796/17

Mr. Raja Ghulam Murtaza, Special Prosecutor, Coast Guard

Mr. Mir Hussain Abbasi, Assistant Attorney General





Fahim Ahmed Siddiqui, J: This single order will dispose of the above bail applications moved on behalf of applicants Shah Zaib (BA No. 618/2017), Tanveer Abbas, & Muhammad Riaz (BA No. 633/2017) and Hameedullah (BA No. 796/2017) as all of them are based on one and the same FIR. The applicants by filing these applications raised plea for their release on bail during trial under Section 497 Cr.P.C in a case registered against them under FIR No.1004/2017 of Police Station IInd Battalion, Pakistan Coast Guard, Karachi under Section 9 (c) of the Control of Narcotic Substance Act, 1997.


2.    The learned advocates for the applicants and the learned Prosecutor enjoyed the full opportunity of addressing the Court. I have considered their submissions and gone through the record of the case. From whatever said and produced before me, I have observed as under:


a)         The allegations against the applicants are that with their connivance, assistance and/or negligence, the main accused was succeeded in transporting the huge quantity of hashish (charas) from Rawalpindi to Karachi through a coach which was under the management and control of applicants Hameedullah (Driver), Tanveer Abbass (Cleaner) and Muhammad Riaz (Second Driver). It is also alleged that the accused Shah Zaib was the relative of the main accused Inaamullah and he was sitting next to the main accused in the coach and allegedly the luggage from which narcotics were recovered were booked on their behalf jointly.


b)         The learned counsel for the staff of the coach took the plea that the applicants were not in the constructive possession of the recovered hashish and they were not in conscious knowledge of the recovered contraband substance. In this respect, my observation is that they are bound to take all measures to check the luggage of all the passengers and the act does not come in simple negligence but it amounts to criminal negligence as it has provided opportunity to alleged main culprits for transporting such a huge quantity from Rawalpindi to Karachi.


c)         The learned counsel for the applicant Hameedullah during the course of arguments submits that the culprits were boarded during the way as such proper checking was not possible. In this respect, my observation is that Pir Wadhai Bus Terminal is a proper stoppage of intercity coaches, where booking offices of different road transport services are situated. It is the duty of the staff of coach to do proper and thorough search and checking before boarding of a person in the coach.


d)         As far as the plea of non-associating of private witnesses is concerned, it is a settled legal position that the officials are competent recovery witnesses unless something contrary is established against them, which is persuasive to believe about foisting the narcotics.

e)         The recovery of huge quantity of hashish (charas) i.e. 30 kg is sufficient to belie the possibility of foisting.


f)          It has come on the record that the narcotics belongs to the persons, who were sitting on seat No. 7 and 8, and amongst those seats, one was occupied by the applicant Shah Zaib besides it is also come on the record that he is the relative of main accused Inaamullah as such it is hard to believe that he was not in the knowledge of the alleged offence.


g)         As the tendency of using narcotics is rampant in our society and now the narcotics paddlers succeeded to penetrate in our education institution, it is; therefore, the demand of time that such persons should not be dealt with in leniency.


h)         A concession in granting bail to the applicants should be unfair, and even, if they are released temporarily, in all probability, they would continue the similar activities of dealing in contraband substance.


3.         It is my tentative view that there is sufficient material available on record to associate the applicant with the commissioning of offence and such type of crimes are against the society. In the instant matter, prima facie no case of further investigation within the meaning of Section 497 (2) Cr.P.C. has been made out for the grant of bail and accordingly the bail applications of all the applicants are declined.


4.     In the instant matter, charge has been framed against all the accused, as such the case is ripe for trial. The trial Court is directed to pace up the trial and dispose of the same within the shortest possible time, preferably within a period of three months.


5.    I would like to make it clear that the above observations are purely tentative in nature, and the same are only meant for the purpose of bail and would have no impact or effect on any party during the trial.




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