Criminal Bail Application No. 851 of 2017


Mst. Rehana @ Muni…………...………………...…………………..Applicant




The State………….………………………………..……………….Respondent



Criminal Bail Application No. 245 of 2017


Kamran Rasheed…...…………...………………...…………………..Applicant




The State………….………………………………..……………….Respondent


Date of hearing and order :     25.07.2017


Mr. Ahmed Nawaz, advocate for applicant in BA No.851/17

Mr. Kausar Ali Shar, advocate for applicant in BA No.245/17

Mr. Muhammad Farooq, advocate for complainant

Mr. Zafar Ahmed Khan, Addl.P.G.



Fahim Ahmed Siddiqui, J: This single order will dispose of the two bail applications moved on behalf of applicants Mst. Rehana @ Munni (BA No. 851/2017) & Kamran Rasheed (BA No. 245/2017) as both of them are involved in a criminal case on the basis of one and the same FIR. Amongst them the bail application for the former applicant is the post-arrest bail application while for the latter is the pre-arrest bail application. The complainant Mst. Ghulam Fatima is an Overseas Pakistani and she lodged FIR No. 08/2017 against the applicants at PS Mobina Town under Sections 201, 406, 420, 468, 471, 506 & 34 PPC.

2.         The learned advocates for the applicants and the learned Prosecutor enjoyed the full opportunity of addressing the Court. I have considered their submissions and gone through the record of the case. From whatever said and produced before me, I have observed as under:

(a)       The allegations against the applicants are that they in collusion of the other accused got transferred, leased out and disposed of the house of complainant, an Overseas Pakistani, by managing false and fabricated documents.

(b)       The applicant Mst. Rehana @ Munni, who is the sister of brother-in-law of complainant, impostor herself as the original owner of the house before the authorities and she managed to issue a fake CNIC, as such she got the said house mutated and sold out to accused Muhammad Aquil who further sold out the said property to applicant Kamran Rasheed, who mortgaged the said property in a bank as such obtained considerable financing but did not pay the same as such he caused heavy loss to complainant and her family.

(c)       The prosecution has collected sufficient and concrete evidence against the applicants, which is adequate to suggest that the applicants are the author of the offence.

(d)       The woman applicant is well aware of the absence of complainant and her family from Pakistan, and she got advantage of their absence, as such she hatched a plot against the complainant party with the help and assistance of co-accused and succeeded in fulfilling her ill design with the help and assistance of her associates and co-accused persons.

(e)       The delay in lodging the FIR is quite rational as the complainant was residing out of Pakistan, where her husband was employed and after returning to Pakistan when she tried to get her property leased out, she came to know that the applicant Mst. Rehana @ Munni has prepared a CNIC by appearing in NADRA office and giving the particulars of complainant as her own. In this way, she succeeded in getting a CNIC in the name of complainant in which her own picture was affixed. It is a clear-cut fraud, cheating, dishonesty and deception by the applicant Mst. Rehana @ Munni.

(f)        No doubt, the case of the female applicant falls under first proviso of Section 497 CrPC, but a strong documentary evidence is available against the applicant that she acted in a duplicitous manner for getting CNIC for which she herself appeared before the concerned office where she got her photograph taken with full knowledge that she is getting a bogus CNIC, which was used by her again at the time of execution of sale deed, therefore, she being the main culprit is not entitled for any concession.

(g)       The overseas Pakistanis are earning a huge amount of foreign exchange for the country, as such, it is the responsibility of all the state organs to provide protection to their families and safeguard their valuable properties and other securities.

(h)      As far as the applicant Kamran Rasheed (BA No. 245/2017) is concerned, he is the person who has subsequently purchased the house of the complainant and just after purchasing the same, he managed to get financing from the bank and thereafter he purposely avoided to pay loan, as such the bank initiated proceedings before the concerned Banking Court. The prosecution has collected sufficient material to show that the applicant Kamran Rasheed was involved in the entire episode from the beginning and actually he is a partner in the planning of fraud and cheating committed in respect of the house of the complainant.

(i)        It has also come on the record that the applicants Kamran Rasheed, Mst. Rehana @ Munni and co-accused Muhammad Aquil all are involved in the cheating and fraud. Muhammed Aquil is the person who lodged a non-cognizable report at police station Aziz Bhatti wherein he described himself as the maternal nephew of complainant and reported that the original documents of the house of complainant have lost. In this way, he paved the way to get the property transferred in the name of impostor lady and later on getting the property leased out in his name.

(j)         It has also come on the record that just after getting lease in his favour, Muhammed Aquil and applicant Kamran Rasheed prepared a sale deed in favour of applicant Kamran and it has come on the record that all the accused persons are the partners in the said fraud, which is clear from an Iqrarnama annexed  with the objection of complainant (page 443) that they have hatched a plot jointly with an intention to usurp the property of an Overseas Pakistani woman by getting advantage of her absence from Pakistan.

(k)       The fraud of applicants is very much clear from the fact that although all these documents were managed by them, but they are not in possession of the property and the same is still in possession of the complainant.

3.         In the above circumstances, it can be said tentatively that the prosecution has collected considerable and convincing evidence to connect the applicants with the commission of the offence. In my humble view, being the white-collar offenders, the evidence so far collected is sufficient to form a speculative opinion that the applicants are involved in an offence of a serious nature and such type of offenders may shake the confidence of Overseas Pakistanis to invest and purchase property in Pakistan, as such they are not entitled for any lenient view. I am of the considered opinion that at least at this stage, prima facie no case of further probe is made out to favour the applicant besides no question of malicious involvement and ulterior motive are established to consider the extraordinary relief to applicant Kamran Rasheed.

4.         The upshot of the above discussion is that both the applicants are not entitled to any relief as such pre-arrest bail application of applicant Kamran Rasheed and post arrest bail application of applicant Mst. Rehana @ Munni are dismissed and interim order dated 22-02-2017 passed in Bail Application No. 245/2017 is recalled.

5.         Both the bail applications have already been dismissed under my short order dated 25-07-2017 and the above are the reasons for the same.

6.         Before parting, I would like to make it clear that the above observations are purely tentative in nature, and the same are only meant for the purpose of bail and would have no impact or effect on any party during the trial.


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