ࡱ> [ 0!bjbj 8>ΐΐ PP8$T.WWWWW2225777777$P[22222[WWp2^WW525`hWF cF!0 dֱ^ֱhhֱkA2222222[[x^2222222ֱ222222222P Y:  ORDER SHEET IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINDH, CIRCUIT COURT, HYDERABAD C.P No.S- 1473 of 2016 DATE ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF JUDGE 1. For orders on office objection 2. For Katcha Peshi. 08.11.2016. Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Soomro, Advocate alongwith petitioner. Mr. Allah Bachayo Soomro, A.A.G alongwith ASI Iftikhar Chandio of P.S Shahpur Chakar. Mr. Abdul Majeed Hingoro, Advocate for respondents No.4 & 5. -.-.-. Today, private respondents are present and deny the allegation that they have caused any harassment or extended threats to petitioner. Today, Counsel representing private respondents has also filed his reply alongwith vakalatnama, under which he has filed copies of proceedings pending in Case No. 58/2015 as well as other litigation pending between the parties, who basically are part of the same family but unfortunately cannot live together, which resulted in litigation. This petition is disposed of with the following directions:- 1. Primarily, the dispute is with regard to the property for which a 1st Class Suit No.38/2016 is pending adjudication before the learned Court of Senior Civil Judge, Shahdadpur. Learned Senior Civil Judge is directed to decide the said suit expeditiously, without granting unnecessary adjournments to any side so that the main bone of contention between the parties is settled. 2. Police officials/official respondents are directed to provide legal protection to the petitioner if they are approached with such a request, as petitioner is a senior citizen of this Country and has serious complaints against private respondents. 3. Private respondents No.4 & 5 are directed to desist from causing any harassment to the petitioner and his family members in any manner whatsoever; however, they can agitate their grievance through due process of law. With these observations instant petition stands disposed of. JUDGE ORDER SHEET IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINDH, CIRCUIT COURT, HYDERABAD C.P No.S- 439 of 2016 DATE ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF JUDGE 1. For orders on office objection 2. For Katcha Peshi. 08.11.2016. Mr. Hatim Ali Sakhi, Advocate for petitioner. Mr. Allah Bachayo Soomro, A.A.G alongwith SIP Muhammad Changal on bhelaf of SSP Hyderabad, ASI Abdul Ghani P.S Market and Inspector Jameel Ahmed P.S Market, Hyderabad -.-.-. Today, Mr. Ali Gohar Khokhar, Advocate, files vakalatnama on behalf of respondent No.5, who is also present in person. When queried, said respondent No.5 submits that petitioner No.2 has given him a cheque of Rs.3.5 Million, which was dishonored. However, petitioners Counsel submits that said cheque was not for consideration but was pre-signed by petitioner No.2 in good faith for meeting certain expenditures. Be that as it may, according to learned A.A.G, challan in the case crime No. 229/2015 registered under Sections 489-F, 420 PPC against petitioners has already been submitted before the concerned Court. In view of this factual and legal position and on undertaking given by the police officials and the private respondents that they will not cause harassment to the petitioners, present petition is disposed of. However, it is clarified that parties and particularly private respondents are at liberty to pursue their remedy before any forum by invoking due process of law. JUDGE Ali Haider ORDER SHEET IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINDH, CIRCUIT COURT, HYDERABAD R.A No. 266 of 2016 DATE ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF JUDGE 1. For orders on C.M.A 1607/16 2. For orders on C.M.A 1608/16 3. For Katcha Peshi. 08.11.2016. Mr. Masood-ul-Nabi Bachani, Advocate for applicant. -.-.-. 1. Granted. 2. Granted subject to all just exceptions. 3. Issue notices to official respondents as well as to A.A.G. Office is directed to issue notices to private respondents No. 8 to 10 by all modes except publication for 05.12.2016. In the meantime, office is directed to call R & Ps of the case so that the matter can be proceeded accordingly. JUDGE Ali Haider ORDER SHEET IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINDH, CIRCUIT COURT, HYDERABAD R.A No. 291 of 2011 DATE ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF JUDGE 08.11.2016. Mr. Abdul Hameed Bajwa, Advocate for the applicant. Mr. Allah Bachayo Soomro, A.A.G. Mr. Ali Ahmed alias Zaman Khan Patoli, Advocate for respondents No.5 to 7. -.-.-. Notice issued to newly added respondent No.9 is not yet returned. If, in case, the notices are not served upon the said respondent No.9, then office shall repeat notices through all modes except publication and Bailiff will ensure that notice is served through pasting. After compliance of above, the matter shall be fixed in Court for further proceeding. Adjourned. JUDGE Ali Haider ORDER SHEET IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINDH, CIRCUIT COURT, HYDERABAD R.A No. 350 of 2011 DATE ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF JUDGE For Katcha Peshi. 08.11.2016. None present for applicants. Mr. Arbab Ali Hakro, Advocate for respondents No.2 to 6. -.-.-. Office is directed to file duly marked Kawish newspaper in which notice has been published before the next date of hearing so that the matter can be proceeded further. Adjourned to a date in office. JUDGE Ali Haider ORDER SHEET IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINDH, CIRCUIT COURT, HYDERABAD R.A No. 30 of 2012 R.A No. 121 of 2012 DATE ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF JUDGE 08.11.2016. Mr. Allah Bachayo Soomro, A.A.G for applicants in R.A No. 30/2012 Mr. Suresh Kumar, Advocate for applicants in R.A No. 121/2012. -.-.-. Mr. Jagdish R. Mullani, Advocate, who represents respondent No.4 is not present today, therefore, matters are adjourned. Both Revision Applications should be fixed together. JUDGE Ali Haider ORDER SHEET IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINDH, CIRCUIT COURT, HYDERABAD R.A No. 44 of 2015 DATE ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF JUDGE 1. For Katcha Peshi. 2. For hearing of C.M.A 434/15 3. For hearing of C.M.A 435/15 08.11.2016. Applicant No.1 and respondent are present in person. From the order sheets it appears that this Revision Application is tagged with another Revision Application No. 45/2015, which is not fixed today. Office is directed to fix both Revision Applications tagged together on next date of hearing and also thereafter. Adjourned to 30.11.2016 at 11:00 a.m. JUDGE Ali Haider     (+E[h * ` a    mXYZhiu꾳ʠʠʘʘʌʄʄʘʘyqfhah2 2CJaJh,CJaJhah:hCJaJh?CJaJhVhVCJH*aJh:hCJaJhAhVCJaJhj&CJaJhnhVCJaJhahV5CJaJhVCJaJhahV5CJaJhahV5CJ"aJ"hahVCJaJhahCJaJ%+DE\h a b ^gd $^a$gdj&dh^`gdj&dhgdj&$$d&dNPa$gdgd$a$gd@ ^@ gd@ ^@ gd B =Yhu+$$d&dNPa$gdwRgdwR$a$gdwR@ ^@ gd $dh`a$gd $dha$gdV $dha$gd?$dh`a$gdVu*+8g_4S )CF`t 9ET|ܽԲԲܪ܋ܲԀ܋uhah CJaJhh2 2CJaJhah2 2CJ aJ hNhN>*CJaJhNCJaJh8CJaJhAh2 2CJaJhnh2 2CJaJhah2 25CJaJh2 2CJaJhah2 2CJaJhah2 25CJaJhah2 25CJ"aJ"++,8g    )F$a$gd2 2@ ^@ gd2 2 gdwR$dh`a$gdwR$d`a$gdN$d`a$gdN $^a$gd2 2^gdwRdgdwRgdwRF_`t:EQ|$dh`a$gd2 2 $dha$gdwR $da$gd2 2 $^a$gd2 2dgd2 2$$d&dNPa$gd2 2gd2 2$a$gd2 2'JKLX $^a$gd dgd $$d&dNPa$gd gd $a$gd @ ^@ gd  gd2 2gd2 2'JXt./0;et-ԽԽܲܲܪ{hah5CJaJhah5CJaJhah5CJ"aJ"hahCJaJhCJaJhah CJ aJ hAh CJaJhah 5CJaJh CJaJhah CJaJhah 5CJaJhah 5CJ"aJ",u/0<dgd $$d&dNPa$gd $a$gd @ ^@ gd  gd gd $dh`a$gd $d`a$gd2 2<YGftuvwygdwR$a$gdwR@ ^@ gdwR gd $dh`a$gd $d`a$gd $d`a$gd gd  $^a$gd  !-{|t@ ^@ gdwR gdwR$dh`a$gdwR$d`a$gd^gdwR $^a$gddgdwRgdwR$$d&dNPa$gdwR-Lz{s01op} !!!!!! ! ! ! !!!̨̠̕~~~~hcjhcUhEnhbCJaJhahbCJ aJ hbCJaJhahb5CJaJhahb5CJaJhahb5CJ"aJ"hahbCJaJhahCJ aJ hahCJaJhCJaJhAhCJaJ*1Pop|} $dh`a$gdwR$d`a$gd$d`a$gddgdwR$$d&dNPa$gdwRgdwR$a$gdwR !!!!! ! ! !!!!!gd"@ ^@ gd gdwRgdwR6&P1h:p^F/ N! 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