C.P No.D-3628 of 2014



Order with signature of the Judge

Hearing/Priority Cases

1.         For hearing of main case. 

2.         For hearing of CMA No. 29116 of 2014

3.         For hearing of CMA No. 18496 of 2014

4.         For hearing of CMA No. 24348 of 2014  


09-05-2016                None present for the Petitioner.

Mr. Malik Altaf, advocate for the Intervener

                                    Mr. Adnan Karim Memon, AAG




Through this petition the Petitioner has challenged his transfer and posting. It is further stated that he is the victim of frequent transfer made by the respondents therefore they may be restrained that without completing three years tenure the petitioner should not be transferred from his last posting. Learned counsel for the intervener invited our attention to the order dated 13-11- 2014 in which reference of order dated 25-09-2014 has also been given, whereby; the respondents were restrained not to transfer the petitioner from his existing post. It is further stated that pursuant to the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court, the petitioner has been repatriated. Perhaps this is the reason that since 13-11-2014 till to-date the interim orders were not extended. The petitioner’s counsel and the petitioner both are called absent and after his repatriation in pursuance of the Supreme Court judgment; this petition has become infructuous which is dismissed in limine.


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