Report-004 S.B / D.B Category Wise Consolidated

Search Result on selected Judge

Hon'ble Justice Ms. Sana Akram Minhas

High Court of Sindh at Karachi, Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Courts at Hyderabad and Larkana
Current Status of Category Wise Judgments / Orders
Total Judgements/Orders :
S.# Case Category S.B D.B
1 Cr.Rev 1
2 I.T.R 2
3 Execution First Appeal 1
4 Const. P. 69
5 I. A 22
6 Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 3
7 H.C.A 72
8 I.T.R.A 1
9 I.T.C 1
10 Cr.Bail 1 2
11 M.A. 1
12 Suit 1
13 Spl.H.C.A 1
14 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 12
15 Spl.Anti.T.Acq.A 2
Sub Total4188
Grand Total192