
Search Result on selected Judge

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arshad Hussain Khan

High Court of Sindh at Karachi, Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Courts at Hyderabad and Larkana
Judgement/Order Wise List of cases (Judgments / Orders )
Code S.No. Citation Case No. Case Year Parties Bench Order_Date A.F.R Head Notes Judgement/Order
153997 1 2017 YLR 1769, 2018 SBLR Sindh 104 Const. P. 395/2006 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2006 Israr Ul Haq & Ors (Appellant) VS Mst. Zohra Jabeen & Ors (Appellant) S.B. 27-FEB-17 Yes
121913 2 Cr.Appeal 135/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2017 Muhammad Hanif (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 15-JAN-18 No Nil.
129054 3 Const. P. 4897/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 Muhammad Hassab Bakshi (Petitioner) VS Provincial Election Commission & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 20-JUL-18 No Nil.
153988 4 2017 CLC Note 79, 2017 SBLR Sindh 501 II.A. 89/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Naseem Akhtar (Appellant) VS Abdur Rehman (Respondent) S.B. 14-NOV-16 Yes
137439 5 S.M.A 64/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Mazhar Iqbal s/o Abdul Salam (Petitioner) VS . (Respondent) S.B. 12-APR-19 No Nil.
109844 6 Suit 1176/1997 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1997 S.M. YOUSUF (Plaintiff) VS THE SECRETARY GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN & ORS (Defendant) S.B. 23-DEC-16 Yes Nil.
122036 7 Cr.Appeal 39/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2014 Abdul Latif Chandio (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 18-JAN-18 No Nil.
109828 8 Const. P. 4973/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Maersk Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistn through Secretary Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis (Respondent) D.B. 11-JAN-17 No Nil.
154090 9 2017 PLC Lab. 176 Const. P. 4973/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Maersk Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistn through Secretary Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis (Respondent) D.B. 11-JAN-17 Yes
135647 10 Suit 1253/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2011 ABDUL AZIZ (Plaintiff) VS ABDUL WAHAB & OTHERS (Defendant) S.B. 11-OCT-18 Yes Nil.
131168 11 Suit 983/2008 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2008 ABDUL SATTAR (Plaintiff) VS IRFAN & OTHER (Defendant) S.B. 30-AUG-18 No Nil.
125141 12 Const. P. 3685/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2017 Shamsuddin Dal (Petitioner) VS Director General NAB (Respondent) D.B. 01-FEB-18 Yes Nil.
132273 13 Suit 1017/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2011 NOVARTIS AG.. (Plaintiff) VS GENIX PHARMA (PVT) LTD. (Defendant) S.B. 11-OCT-18 No Nil.
125144 14 Criminal Miscelleneous 282/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2017 Mst. Nazi (Applicant) VS The State & Others (Respondent) S.B. 02-MAR-18 Yes Nil.
124392 15 Const. P. 974/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Haji Gul Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 07-MAR-18 Yes Nil.
124399 16 Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 424/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Sindh Revenue Board (Applicant) VS M/s Meesam Construction Company (Respondent) D.B. 20-NOV-17 Yes Nil.
120154 17 Suit 877/2007 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2007 M/S. NISAR AHMED JAPANWALA (Plaintiff) VS THE C.D.G.K. & ORS. (Defendant) S.B. 06-NOV-17 Yes Nil.
120152 18 Suit 57/1995 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1995 AZIZ UR REHMAN (Plaintiff) VS RASHID AHMED & ORS. (Defendant) S.B. 31-OCT-17 Yes Nil.
124444 19 Cr.Acq.A. 30/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2013 The State/Anti Narcotics Force thr A.D Law (Appellant) VS Faiz Muhammad (Respondent) D.B. 15-FEB-18 No Nil.
128573 20 H.C.A 235/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Saeeduddin Qureshi & others (Appellant) VS Mrs. Bushra Qureshi & another (Respondent) D.B. 30-MAY-18 Yes Nil.
128572 21 Const. P. 5220/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Works Cooperative Housing Society (Petitioner) VS Government of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 03-MAY-18 Yes Nil.
125140 22 Const. P. 1658/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2012 Mehmood Ali Qaimkhani (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) D.B. 16-AUG-17 Yes Nil.
140162 23 Suit.B 89/2013 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2013 Bank Al-Falah Limited. (Plaintiff) VS Gulistan Spinning Mills Limited and others. (Defendant) S.B. 26-AUG-19 Yes Nil.
145225 24 Suit 950/2008 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2008 MUHAMMAD ARSHAD MALIK (Plaintiff) VS PIAC & ORS. (Defendant) S.B. 04-MAY-20 No Nil.
144984 25 Suit 90/2004 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2004 MRS.ANJUM ARA (Plaintiff) VS SHABBIR A.HALAI (Defendant) S.B. 20-MAR-20 Yes Nil.
144991 26 2021 YLR 208 Suit 1163/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2009 SHAHID SHAFI (Plaintiff) VS M/S.QUICE FOOD INDUSTRIES & ORS. (Defendant) S.B. 30-APR-20 No Nil.
149025 27 Const. P. 3776/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2012 K.E.S.C. Labour Union & Others (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) D.B. 21-JAN-21 Yes
162705 28 Const. P. 1363/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Sakrand Sugar Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
155367 29 Const. P. 5482/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Mst. Shazia Dilawar (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 04-NOV-21 No
162843 30 Const. P. 1945/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Ranipur Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162822 31 Const. P. 1843/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Digri Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
168410 32 R.A (Civil Revision) 45/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2019 Ameen Ullah (Applicant) VS Mujeeb Ullah and others (Respondent) S.B. 14-APR-22 No
167946 33 Cr.Acctt.A 25/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2022 Mansoor Ahmed Mahar (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 29-APR-22 No
189889 34 H.C.A 178/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 M/s. Democrat Construction Co. Pvt Ltd. (Appellant) VS Abdul Hameed (Respondent) D.B. 22-MAR-23 Yes
203299 35 I. A 79/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: I.A D 78/2021 2021 M/S Qalandri Filling & CNG Station & others (Appellant) VS SME Leasing Limited (Respondent) D.B. 28-SEP-23 Yes
212414 36 Cr.Appeal 578/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2023 ASHIR @ WASEEM S/O BOOTA MASIH (Appellant) VS LEARNED XTH ADJ KHI WEST (Respondent) S.B. 21-MAR-24 Yes
107188 37 2017 YLR 633, 2017 SBLR 821 Suit 1305/1998 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1998 Crescent Greenwood Limited (Plaintiff) VS Sea Land Service (Defendant) S.B. 29-SEP-16 No Nil.
123812 38 Const. P. 5812/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Shahrukh Shakeel Khan and others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh through Chief Secretary, Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 05-MAR-18 Yes Nil.
153954 39 2017 CLC 495, 2017 SBLR Sindh 725 Suit 45/1998 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1998 MUHAMMAD AKRAM QURESHI & ORS. V/S (Plaintiff) VS l PAK DEFENCE HOUSING AUTHORITY. (Defendant) S.B. 31-AUG-16 Yes
154005 40 2017 PLD Sindh 1497 Const. P. 2358/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 ORI-TECH, OILS PRIVATE LIMITED (Petitioner) VS The Chief Commissioner Inland Revenue, Regional Tax Office-I, Karachi (Respondent) D.B. 08-MAY-17 Yes
113966 41 H.C.A 165/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Dr. Farzana (Appellant) VS Syed Shahrukh Abbas (Respondent) D.B. 10-MAY-17 Yes Nil.
109141 42 Const. P. 6306/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Zahid Khan and Ors (Petitioner) VS KMC and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 13-DEC-16 No Nil.
154033 43 2017 CLC 966 Const. P. 6849/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Saad Aslam Kareemi (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 15-DEC-16 Yes
137153 44 Const. P. 8620/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 M/s Pakistan International Container Terminal Ltd (Petitioner) VS SLAT and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 22-MAR-19 Yes Nil.
109142 45 Const. P. 5406/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Periz (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 09-DEC-16 Yes Nil.
154102 46 2017 PTD 2191 Const. P. 6696/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Khayaban-e-Iqbal (Pvt) Limited (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 28-JAN-17 Yes
122640 47 Cr.Appeal 200/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2012 Haris Khan Qaimkhani (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 25-JAN-18 No Nil.
154104 48 2017 PTD 1803, 2017 YLR 2155 Const. P. 6377/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Continental Biscuit Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 23-FEB-17 Yes
132272 49 Suit 882/2002 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2002 Nazeer Ahmed & Other. (Plaintiff) VS K.P.T & Others (Defendant) S.B. 11-OCT-18 Yes Nil.
154002 50 2017 MLD 596 Cr.Bail 1446/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Mehboob son of Muhammad Soomar (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 28-NOV-16 Yes
154084 51 2017 PLC CS Note 97 Const. P. 2562/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Tasawar Abbas Tanveer (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 11-JAN-17 Yes
154028 52 H.C.A 213/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Ali Sufyan (Appellant) VS Waheeda Aslam (Respondent) D.B. 12-APR-17 Yes
112243 53 H.C.A 213/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Ali Sufyan (Appellant) VS Waheeda Aslam (Respondent) D.B. 12-APR-17 Yes Nil.
154108 54 2018 MLD 802 Suit 1768/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 H. Nizam Diin & Sons (Pvt) Ltd. (Plaintiff) VS Pakistan Defence Officers HOusing Authority & Ors. (Defendant) S.B. 31-OCT-17 Yes
120156 55 2018 YLR Note 258 Suit 642/2003 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2003 M/S.SILVER FLOUR MIOLLS. (Plaintiff) VS K.E.S.C (Defendant) S.B. 01-NOV-17 Yes Nil.
144992 56 2021 MLD 83 Suit 644/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2005 MUHAMMAD KASHIF (Plaintiff) VS FURQAN KARIM & OTHER (Defendant) S.B. 30-APR-20 Yes Nil.
149201 57 Const. P. 1779/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Pakistan Re-Insurance Co. Ltd (Petitioner) VS Wafaqi Mohtasib (Ombudsman) and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 16-JAN-21 Yes
149026 58 Const. P. 3767/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 United Human Right Commission (Petitioner) VS Fed. Of Pakistan and ors (Respondent) D.B. 21-JAN-21 Yes
144986 59 Suit 603/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2005 MST.RASHEEDAN BIBI (Plaintiff) VS MUHAMMAD HANIF & ORS. (Defendant) S.B. 20-MAR-20 Yes Nil.
150976 60 Const. P. 8056/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Imran Ali and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 19-APR-21 No
154003 61 2017 PCr.LJ Note 93, 2017 SBLR Sindh 1651, 2018 SBLR Sindh 340 Criminal Appeal 314/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 MUHAMMAD ASIF S/O HAJI KHUDA BUX (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) S.B. 07-DEC-16 Yes
152088 62 Const. P. 1307/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2020 Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 07-JUL-21 Yes
162819 63 Const. P. 1819/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Khairpur Sugar Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162836 64 Const. P. 1909/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Faran Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162718 65 Const. P. 3194/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Popular Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162826 66 Const. P. 1845/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Digiri Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
167730 67 Civil Revision 105/2003 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2003 Ch Ghulam Rasool & Ors (Applicant) VS Mistri Ghulam Rasool (Respondent) S.B. 13-SEP-17 Yes
172424 68 Const. P. 3268/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 Mst Naeema & Ors (Petitioner) VS Mst Fehmida & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 11-OCT-22 No
168173 69 R.A (Civil Revision) 42/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2012 Ali Bux and others (Applicant) VS Mst. Naziran and others (Respondent) S.B. 16-MAY-22 No
185911 70 H.C.A 276/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Province of Sindh (Appellant) VS Rahim Ali Palari & others (Respondent) D.B. 07-MAR-23 Yes
192054 71 First Appeal Against Order 63/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 Asif Munawwar S/o Munawwar Ahmed (Appellant) VS Bank Islami Pakistan & others (Respondent) D.B. 19-APR-23 Yes
204133 72 2024 PLD Sindh 428 Const. P. 40/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2021 Munawar Ali Sagar & Others (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 16-OCT-23 Yes
111122 73 Const. P. 395/2006 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2006 Israr Ul Haq & Ors (Appellant) VS Mst. Zohra Jabeen & Ors (Appellant) S.B. 27-FEB-17 Yes Nil.
106838 74 2017 CLC 495, 2017 SBLR 725 Suit 45/1998 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1998 MUHAMMAD AKRAM QURESHI & ORS. V/S (Plaintiff) VS l PAK DEFENCE HOUSING AUTHORITY. (Defendant) S.B. 31-AUG-16 No Nil.
153996 75 2017 YLR 2262, 2018 SBLR Sindh 281 Const. P. 52/2006 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2006 Israrul Haq (Petitioner) VS Nooruddin (Respondent) S.B. 27-FEB-17 Yes
124504 76 Cr.Appeal 72/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2016 Hameed uz Zaman (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 09-FEB-18 No Nil.
153989 77 2017 YLR 994 Const. P. 1014/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Faraz Alamgir (Petitioner) VS ADJ-VIII Karachi South & Ors (Respondent) S.B. 21-DEC-16 Yes
154085 78 H.C.A 165/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Dr. Farzana (Appellant) VS Syed Shahrukh Abbas (Respondent) D.B. 10-MAY-17 Yes
154047 79 H.C.A 363/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Sharafat Ali (Appellant) VS Abdul Majeed (Respondent) D.B. 11-MAY-17 Yes
153999 80 Const. P. 1362/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2011 Muhammad Sultan (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Yousuf (Respondent) S.B. 28-FEB-17 No
109564 81 Const. P. 5801/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Aslam Khan (Petitioner) VS Director General SBCA (Respondent) D.B. 15-DEC-16 Yes Nil.
122395 82 Const. P. 3786/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2017 Party-1 (Appellant) VS Party-2 (Appellant) D.B. 23-JAN-18 No Nil.
154083 83 2017 PLC Lab. Note 71 Const. P. 2109/2008 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2008 Muhammad Ramzan (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 11-JAN-17 Yes
108062 84 2017 SBLR 489, 2017 MLD 806 Const. P. 3503/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Syeda Imammah Ali and Ors (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Yaqoob and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 20-OCT-16 No Nil.
122594 85 Cr.Appeal 22/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2015 Moula Bux (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 17-JAN-18 No Nil.
136836 86 Const. P. 4844/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Deedat Ali Kalhoro (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 07-MAR-19 No Nil.
109070 87 Cr.Appeal 314/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Muhammad Asif (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 07-DEC-16 Yes Nil.
109883 88 Const. P. 1945/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2013 Ehsanullah Khan, Addl. Director FIA (Retired) (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 11-JAN-17 No Nil.
122639 89 Cr.Appeal 88/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2015 Nadeem (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 17-JAN-18 No Nil.
119019 90 I. A 30/2001 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2001 Darya Khan Thr LRs and Others (Appellant) VS Govt Of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 19-SEP-17 No Nil.
154129 91 Suit 1324/2008 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2008 MUHAMMAD SHAFIQ & ORS. (Plaintiff) VS MUHAMMAD RAFIQ (Defendant) S.B. 31-OCT-17 Yes
109882 92 Const. P. 2562/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Tasawar Abbas Tanveer (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 11-JAN-17 Yes Nil.
120155 93 Suit 1768/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 H. Nizam Diin & Sons (Pvt) Ltd. (Plaintiff) VS Pakistan Defence Officers HOusing Authority & Ors. (Defendant) S.B. 31-AUG-17 No Nil.
154115 94 2018 CLC 1824 Suit 57/1995 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1995 AZIZ UR REHMAN (Plaintiff) VS RASHID AHMED & ORS. (Defendant) S.B. 31-OCT-17 Yes
124378 95 I.T.C 228/2003 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2003 M/s.Habib Insurance Co.Ltd., (Appellant) VS Commissioner of Income Tax (Respondent) D.B. 23-NOV-17 Yes Nil.
124380 96 I.T.C 229/2003 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2003 Habib Insurance Company Ltd (Appellant) VS Commissioner of Income Tax (Respondent) D.B. 23-NOV-17 Yes Nil.
128472 97 H.C.A 395/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Jamshoro Joint Venture Limited (Appellant) VS Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (Respondent) D.B. 29-JUN-18 Yes Nil.
130295 98 Const. P. 348/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2010 Arbab Imtiaz Khan (Petitioner) VS Zaheeruddin Qamar another (Respondent) D.B. 17-AUG-18 No Nil.
150287 99 Const. P. 38/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2019 Muhammad Shahid Hussain (Petitioner) VS Province Of Sindh & Others (Respondent) S.B. 19-MAR-21 No
154298 100 S.M.A 527/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Samina Umer Khan w/o Mohammad Umer Khan (Petitioner) VS . (Respondent) S.B. 30-SEP-20 No
151150 101 Const. P. 5205/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Prof: Dr. Muhammad Zahid (Petitioner) VS Chancellor of Fed: Urdu University & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 28-APR-21 Yes
150887 102 Const. P. 1726/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2012 Agha Nazimuddin and others (Petitioner) VS Govt of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 11-MAR-21 No
150925 103 Const. P. 1761/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Abu Hashim & another (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 19-APR-21 Yes
149618 104 Const. P. 421/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2020 Sohail Abbasi (Petitioner) VS Mst. Khusboo & Others (Respondent) S.B. 15-FEB-21 Yes
152234 105 Conf.Case 41/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2019 Ali Sher & others (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 08-JUL-21 No
162723 106 Const. P. 1485/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Matiari Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162840 107 Const. P. 1944/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Ranipur Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162812 108 Const. P. 1617/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Khairpur Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162846 109 Const. P. 1946/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Ranipur Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162794 110 Const. P. 1562/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Darya Khan Sugar Mill (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162775 111 Const. P. 1550/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Sanghar Sugar Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162798 112 Const. P. 1563/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Darya Khan Sugar Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
184191 113 R.A (Civil Revision) 229/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2010 Ovais Akhter & Ors (Applicant) VS Abdullah & Ors (Respondent) S.B. 21-FEB-23 Yes
202195 114 Const. P. 1949/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2019 Gul Muhammad (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Other (Respondent) D.B. 05-SEP-23 No
227700 115 I. A 56/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2022 Muhammad Yahya Akbar (Appellant) VS Muhammad Rashid Khan and another (Respondent) D.B. 22-JAN-25 No
120161 116 Suit 1342/2007 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2007 MUHAMMAD SHAFI (Appellant) VS SYED CHAN PIR SHAH & ORS (Appellant) S.B. 31-OCT-17 Yes Nil.
149007 117 Const. P. 1511/2005 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2005 K.E.S.C Labour Union and others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and ors. (Respondent) D.B. 21-JAN-21 Yes
143871 118 Suit 665/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2005 DR.ABID MEHMOOD (Plaintiff) VS MUBASSHIR IQBLA KHAN (Defendant) S.B. 21-FEB-20 Yes Nil.
121990 119 Cr.Appeal 67/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: Attached M.A No 4645/16 D/O 2016 Ali Nawaz (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 16-JAN-18 No Nil.
111049 120 Const. P. 52/2006 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2006 Israrul Haq (Petitioner) VS Nooruddin (Respondent) S.B. 27-FEB-17 Yes Nil.
124502 121 Cr.Appeal 44/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2014 Asghar(alias)Munarar (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 30-JAN-18 No Nil.
113942 122 Const. P. 2358/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 ORI-TECH, OILS PRIVATE LIMITED (Petitioner) VS The Chief Commissioner Inland Revenue, Regional Tax Office-I, Karachi (Respondent) D.B. 08-MAY-17 Yes Nil.
113965 123 2017 CLD 1428 Spl.H.C.A 282/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Bank Alfalah Limited (Appellant) VS Interglobe Commerce Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. (Respondent) D.B. 07-MAR-17 Yes Nil.
154001 124 2017 YLR Note 99, 2017 SBLR Sindh 1433, 2016 SLJ 1559 Cr.Bail 1463-S/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Siraj Muhammad (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 14-DEC-16 Yes
111123 125 Const. P. 1362/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2011 Muhammad Sultan (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Yousuf (Respondent) S.B. 28-FEB-17 Yes Nil.
110067 126 Civil Revision 101/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Muhammad Saeed (Appellant) VS Muhammad Baqir Bukhari (Respondent) S.B. 24-JAN-17 No Nil.
118959 127 I. A 20/2001 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2001 Tahir (Appellant) VS L.A.O and Other (Respondent) D.B. 19-SEP-17 No Nil.
122003 128 Cr.Appeal 52/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2015 Akber (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 10-JAN-18 No Nil.
154064 129 2017 CLC 1322 Const. P. 5879/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 M/s Tuwairqi Steel Mills (Petitioner) VS 3rd SCJ kARACHI SOUTH (Respondent) D.B. 13-JAN-17 Yes
112733 130 Const. P. 1089/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 MAL Pakistan Ltd (Petitioner) VS PAKISTAN through secretary revnue Division (Respondent) D.B. 27-FEB-17 Yes Nil.
130302 131 Const. P. 604/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2010 Arbab Imtiaz Khan (Petitioner) VS Atir Mehmood and others (Respondent) D.B. 17-AUG-18 No Nil.
130720 132 1990 PLD 504, 2000 SCMR 506, 2001 SCMR 683, 2006 SCMR 178, 2007 SCMR 287, 2008 SCMR 105, 2010 SCMR 1925, 2011 SCMR 279, 2015 SCMR 456, 1994 CLC 2214, 2006 CLC 342, 2008 CLC 573, 2014 CLC 965, 2015 PLC 719, 2005 YLR 2423, 1917 OTHER 56, 1957 OTHER 97, 1957 OTHER 311, 2010 OTHER 373 Const. P. 2025/2008 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2008 Syed Jarrar Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Prov. of Sindh &Ors (Respondent) D.B. 04-SEP-18 Yes Nil.
109071 133 Cr.Bail 1446/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Mehboob son of Muhammad Soomar (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 28-NOV-16 Yes Nil.
120153 134 2019 CLC 1253 Suit 640/2008 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2008 PSO LTD (Plaintiff) VS CANTONMENT BAORD CLIFTON & OTHER (Defendant) S.B. 26-OCT-17 Yes Nil.
130297 135 Const. P. 350/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2010 Arbab Imtiaz Khan (Petitioner) VS Saleem Shaikh & another (Respondent) D.B. 17-AUG-18 No Nil.
124381 136 I.T.R.A 80/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 The Commissioner Inland Revenue (Appellant) VS Tianshi International Pakistan Co (Respondent) D.B. 07-MAR-18 Yes Nil.
130300 137 Const. P. 353/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2010 Arbab Imtiaz Khan (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Faisal Rashid another (Respondent) D.B. 17-AUG-18 No Nil.
130303 138 Const. P. 1822/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2012 Arbab Imitaz Khan (Petitioner) VS Aijazul Hassan & ors (Respondent) D.B. 17-AUG-18 No Nil.
141548 139 Civil Revision 65/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2018 Munawar Ali Son of Ghulam Rasool Abbasi (Applicant) VS SEPCO Through Chief Executive, Sukkur and Ors (Respondent) S.B. 05-SEP-19 No Nil.
149024 140 Const. P. 3775/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2012 K.E.S.C. Labour Union & Others (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) D.B. 21-JAN-21 Yes
149027 141 Const. P. 3818/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Moulvi Iqbal Haider (Petitioner) VS Fed. Of Pakistan and ors (Respondent) D.B. 21-JAN-21 Yes
144985 142 Suit 443/2004 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2004 SHABBIR A.HALAI (Plaintiff) VS MRS.ANJUM ARA (Defendant) S.B. 20-MAR-20 Yes Nil.
162700 143 Const. P. 1361/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Ssakrand Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed.of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
150338 144 Civil Revision 185/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2019 Haji Umer (Applicant) VS Manthar & others (Respondent) S.B. 08-MAR-21 No
151711 145 Const. P. 265/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Muhammad Salman Khan Baloch (Adv) (Petitioner) VS Syed Mustafa Kamal & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 04-JUN-21 Yes
150390 146 R.A (Civil Revision) 185/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2019 Haji Umer (Applicant) VS Manthar & Ors (Respondent) S.B. 08-MAR-21 No
150389 147 R.A (Civil Revision) 184/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2019 Shafi Muhammad @Shaffan (Applicant) VS Ali Muhammad & Ors (Respondent) S.B. 08-MAR-21 No
152908 148 Const. P. 1859/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Muhammad Khurram Siddiqui and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of SIndh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 04-JUN-21 No
154867 149 Const. P. 2713/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Abdul Sattar Tunio (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 27-OCT-21 No
162834 150 Const. P. 1908/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Faran Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162741 151 Const. P. 1548/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Sanghar Sugar Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162854 152 Const. P. 4301/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Habib Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162859 153 Const. P. 4302/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Habib Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162742 154 Const. P. 1549/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Sanghar Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
164017 155 R.A (Civil Revision) 8/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2020 Ali Akbar deceased through his L.Rs. and others (Applicant) VS Ali Anwar and another (Respondent) S.B. 31-MAR-22 No
182549 156 R.A (Civil Revision) 229/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2010 Ovais Akhter & Ors (Applicant) VS Abdullah & Ors (Respondent) S.B. 21-FEB-23 Yes
171835 157 Const. P. 6359/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 Syed Abdul Rehman (Petitioner) VS Mst. Naheed Hussain & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 26-SEP-22 Yes
175332 158 Criminal Appeal 463/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 HAJI KHAN S/O SHAH WALI KHAN & ORS (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) D.B. 02-DEC-22 Yes
196078 159 I. A 26/2007 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2007 M/s. Industrial Resources (Pvt) Ltd & Ors (Appellant) VS M/s. United Bank Ltd (Respondent) D.B. 19-MAY-23 No
201573 160 Cr.Acq.A. 92/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2023 Waheed ali (Appellant) VS Umardin & Ors (Respondent) S.B. 18-AUG-23 No
201463 161 Const. P. 1531/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2021 Platinum Petroleum Service (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Other (Respondent) D.B. 23-AUG-23 Yes
130294 162 Const. P. 347/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2010 Arbab Imtiaz Khan (Appellant) VS Mudassar Zawwar another (Appellant) D.B. 17-AUG-18 No Nil.
109122 163 Const. P. 3232/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2011 Adil Khan (Petitioner) VS Secretary to Govt. of Pakistan and others (Respondent) D.B. 29-NOV-16 Yes Nil.
107544 164 Const. P. 4574/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Muhammad Ejaz Malik (Petitioner) VS DJ Rangers and others (Respondent) D.B. 07-OCT-16 No Nil.
124503 165 Cr.Appeal 122/2006 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2006 Ali Akbar (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 21-FEB-18 No Nil.
153992 166 2017 CLC Note 151 II.A. 20/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2011 Muhammad Azam (Appellant) VS Honourary General Secretary, Jamiat Dehli Punjabi Saudagran (Respondent) S.B. 23-JAN-17 Yes
110063 167 II.A. 20/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2011 Muhammad Azam (Appellant) VS Honourary General Secretary, Jamiat Dehli Punjabi Saudagran (Respondent) S.B. 23-JAN-17 Yes Nil.
110065 168 Adm. Suit 101/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Muhammad Saeed (Appellant) VS Muhammad Baqir Bukhari (Respondent) S.B. 24-JAN-17 Yes Nil.
154020 169 Const. P. 6306/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Zahid Khan and Ors (Petitioner) VS KMC and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 13-DEC-16 Yes
153982 170 2017 CLC 800 Suit 1176/1997 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1997 S.M. YOUSUF (Plaintiff) VS THE SECRETARY GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN & ORS (Defendant) S.B. 23-DEC-16 Yes
109831 171 Const. P. 2109/2008 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2008 Muhammad Ramzan (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 11-JAN-17 Yes Nil.
109826 172 Civil Revision 32/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Shamim Akhtar (Applicant) VS The Chairman Evacuee Trust Property & Ors (Respondent) S.B. 11-JAN-17 No Nil.
109832 173 Const. P. 1945/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2013 Ehsanullah Khan, Addl. Director FIA (Retired) (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 11-JAN-17 Yes Nil.
120395 174 H.C.A 220/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2011 Muhammad Farooque vs Aman Elahi (Appellant) VS Aman elahi (Respondent) D.B. 14-NOV-17 Yes Nil.
154082 175 Const. P. 6562/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Adeel Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 15-DEC-16 Yes
109753 176 Const. P. 6562/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Adeel Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 15-DEC-16 No Nil.
120160 177 Suit 876/2007 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2007 Mustafa H. Jivanjee (Plaintiff) VS The Director General Karachi Development Authority (Defendant) S.B. 06-NOV-17 Yes Nil.
154170 178 Const. P. 4859/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 Naeem Adil Shaikh (Petitioner) VS R.O & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 19-JUL-18 Yes
130296 179 Const. P. 349/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2010 Arbab Imtiaz Khan (Petitioner) VS Waseem Qadeer another (Respondent) D.B. 17-AUG-18 No Nil.
130299 180 Const. P. 352/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2010 Arbab Imtiaz Khan (Petitioner) VS Jamil Ahmed Khan another (Respondent) D.B. 17-AUG-18 No Nil.
139154 181 Const. P. 1015/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2019 Muhammad Abbas S/o Sher Dil Mahar (Petitioner) VS The Appellate Tribunal Sindh, & ORS (Respondent) D.B. 16-JUL-19 No Nil.
145299 182 Suit 733/2003 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2003 COL. (RETD) MUHAMMAD SHARIF (Plaintiff) VS SQ. LDR. NOW LT. COL. (RETD) GHULAM FARI (Defendant) S.B. 29-MAY-20 Yes Nil.
144105 183 Suit 719/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Malik Zulfiqar Hussain. (Plaintiff) VS Anees Parekh & Others. (Defendant) S.B. 26-FEB-20 Yes Nil.
145226 184 Suit 2527/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Asif Majeed & others(ISSUES) (Plaintiff) VS Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (Defendant) S.B. 04-MAY-20 Yes Nil.
143566 185 Adm. Suit 23/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2011 Abdul Wahid (Plaintiff) VS M/s. Mediterranean Shipping Co. S.A and another (Defendant) S.B. 07-FEB-20 Yes Nil.
150388 186 R.A (Civil Revision) 109/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2020 Orangi Charitable Trust (OST) (Applicant) VS Abid Hussain (Respondent) S.B. 18-JAN-21 No
154106 187 2018 YLR Note 228 Criminal Appeal 136/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 BASAR, MOOSA, BABU ALL S/O QASIM OTHO (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) S.B. 13-FEB-17 Yes
153221 188 Const. P. 288/1994 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1994 M/S. Associated Industries (Garment) (Petitioner) VS Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Respondent) D.B. 02-SEP-21 No
162736 189 Const. P. 1486/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Matiari Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162713 190 Const. P. 3192/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Popular Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162824 191 Const. P. 1844/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Digri Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162708 192 Const. P. 3190/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Popular Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162809 193 Const. P. 1616/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Khairpur Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162802 194 Const. P. 1564/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Darya Khan Sugar Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
175542 195 Criminal Appeal 527/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 ZARDULLAH KHAN S/O SHUJA ALAM KHAN (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) D.B. 08-DEC-22 Yes
167724 196 R.A (Civil Revision) 105/2003 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2003 Ch Ghulam Rasool & Ors (Applicant) VS Mistri Ghulam Rasool (Respondent) S.B. 13-SEP-17 No
185003 197 H.C.A 272/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2022 Muhammad Anwar (Appellant) VS Pakistan through Secretary & Others (Respondent) D.B. 02-MAR-23 Yes
154132 198 2018 CLC 866 Suit 1342/2007 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2007 MUHAMMAD SHAFI (Appellant) VS SYED CHAN PIR SHAH & ORS (Appellant) S.B. 31-OCT-17 Yes
136837 199 2021 PLD Sindh Note 28 Suit 1492/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2011 MAHMOODA TAPAL & ANOTHERS (Plaintiff) VS STANDARD CHARTERED BANK (PAKISTAN) LTD & OTHERS (Defendant) S.B. 06-MAR-19 Yes Nil.
118170 200 Const. P. 1324/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 SSGC-LPG (PVT) LTD (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 28-MAR-17 Yes Nil.
124501 201 Cr.Appeal 30/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2015 Fateh Muhammad (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 01-FEB-18 No Nil.
124454 202 Cr.Appeal 88/2008 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2008 Lal Bux @ Lalu (Appellant) VS The State. (Respondent) D.B. 13-FEB-18 No Nil.
109751 203 Const. P. 1014/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Faraz Alamgir (Petitioner) VS ADJ-VIII Karachi South & Ors (Respondent) S.B. 21-DEC-16 No Nil.
153993 204 2017 CLC Note 153 Civil Revision 101/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Muhammad Saeed (Appellant) VS Muhammad Baqir Bukhari (Respondent) S.B. 24-JAN-17 Yes
153983 205 2017 YLR 2197 Suit 1376/1997 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1997 Syed Sajid Raza (Plaintiff) VS City District Government & others (Defendant) S.B. 31-JAN-17 Yes
118993 206 Const. P. 422/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2017 Hakim Ali (Petitioner) VS Mst. Iffta Ali & Others (Respondent) S.B. 11-AUG-17 No Nil.
136838 207 Const. P. 1492/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Rashid Hussain (Petitioner) VS P.T.C.L & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 18-FEB-19 No Nil.
122641 208 Cr.Appeal 49/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2016 Lal Bux (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 18-JAN-18 No Nil.
137154 209 Const. P. 219/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 M/s Combined Ind. (Petitioner) VS Sabir Hussain & another (Respondent) D.B. 22-MAR-19 Yes Nil.
154093 210 2018 PLC CS Note 89 Const. P. 1945/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2013 Ehsanullah Khan, Addl. Director FIA (Retired) (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 11-JAN-17 Yes
138718 211 Suit 1528/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 M/s. Shabbeer Enterprise. (Plaintiff) VS M/s. National Bank of Pakistan & Others. (Defendant) S.B. 31-MAY-19 No Nil.
154103 212 2017 CLC 1204, 2017 SBLR Sindh 1052 Const. P. 1089/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 MAL Pakistan Ltd (Petitioner) VS PAKISTAN through secretary revnue Division (Respondent) D.B. 27-FEB-17 Yes
135646 213 1965 PLD Sindh 3746, 1983 PLD SC 693, 1985 PLD Sindh 274, 2008 PLD SC 42, 1995 SCMR 1431, 2004 SCMR Sindh 834, 1990 CLC 1649, 2001 CLC 1686, 2007 CLC 1814, 2005 YLR 1905, 2007 YLR 2333, 2016 YLR 2528, 1999 MLD 3345 Suit 540/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2005 MANSOOR AHMED & ORS (Plaintiff) VS MST. SAEEDA BEGUM & ORS (Defendant) S.B. 10-JAN-19 Yes Nil.
135645 214 2018 CLC Note 77 Suit 1324/2008 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2008 MUHAMMAD SHAFIQ & ORS. (Plaintiff) VS MUHAMMAD RAFIQ (Defendant) S.B. 31-OCT-17 Yes Nil.
130301 215 Const. P. 602/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2010 Arbab Imtiaz Khan (Petitioner) VS Abdul Asif and another (Respondent) D.B. 17-AUG-18 No Nil.
129812 216 Const. P. 237/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2013 Jawaid & Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 06-AUG-18 No Nil.
130298 217 Const. P. 351/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2010 Arbab Imtiaz Khan (Petitioner) VS Sabit Ali Shah & another (Respondent) D.B. 17-AUG-18 No Nil.
125138 218 Const. P. 1480/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2011 Muhammad Saleh & Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 12-SEP-17 Yes Nil.
145300 219 Suit 1409/2001 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2001 TRADING CORP. OF PAK. PVT. LTD. (Plaintiff) VS M/S. COX & KING AGENTS (Defendant) S.B. 29-MAY-20 Yes Nil.
148545 220 Suit 1065/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Advocate General Sindh (Plaintiff) VS Rt. Rev. Sadiq Daniel & another (Defendant) S.B. 16-NOV-20 Yes
144987 221 Suit 1713/2008 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2008 MUHAMMAD AYAZ S/O MUHAMMAD HANEEF (Plaintiff) VS MILITARY ESTATE OFFICE (Defendant) S.B. 20-MAR-20 Yes Nil.
153991 222 2017 YLR 851 R.A (Civil Revision) 32/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 SHAMIM AKHTER & OTHERS (Applicant) VS THE CHAIRMAN EVACUEE TRUST PROPERTY & OTHERS (Respondent) S.B. 11-JAN-17 Yes
150160 223 Civil Revision 276/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2017 Shah Nawaz (Applicant) VS Muhammad Azam & others (Respondent) S.B. 01-FEB-21 Yes
150975 224 Const. P. 7615/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Trading Corporation of Pakistran (Pvt.) Limited (Petitioner) VS Ghulam Anwar Soomro & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 19-APR-21 No
152910 225 Const. P. 1243/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 Patient Welfare Society (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 19-APR-21 Yes
157465 226 Const. P. 1359/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Sakrand Sugar Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
152911 227 Const. P. 5689/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Abdul Qayoom Solangi (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 04-JUN-21 Yes
154868 228 Const. P. 7590/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Abdul Nabi and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 29-OCT-21 No
162832 229 Const. P. 1907/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Faran Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162790 230 Const. P. 1561/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Daryan Khan Sugar Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162830 231 Const. P. 1906/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Faran Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162848 232 Const. P. 1947/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Ranipur Sugar Mills (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162850 233 Const. P. 4300/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Habib Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
176501 234 Criminal Appeal 93/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Ali Bux alias Ali Muhammad alias Aloo (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 03-JAN-23 No
175820 235 Spl.Anti.Ter.J.A. 39/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2022 MUHAMMAD MAQSOOD & ANOTHER (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) D.B. 15-DEC-22 Yes
185511 236 I. A 77/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Ghulam Bahauddin Khan & another (Appellant) VS Muhammad Islamuddin & others (Respondent) D.B. 06-MAR-23 Yes
211568 237 Election Appeal 63/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2024 Dr. Fahmida Mirza W/o Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza (Appellant) VS The RO NA-223 Badin-II and Others (Respondent) S.B. 08-JAN-24 Yes
107511 238 Const. P. 4876/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Obaidullah (Petitioner) VS PTCL and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 29-SEP-16 No Nil.
153984 239 2017 YLR 501 Suit 1392/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 M/s Gul Construction (Plaintiff) VS V/S Province of Sindh & others V/S Province of Sindh & others (Defendant) S.B. 15-AUG-16 Yes
124499 240 Cr.Appeal 421/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2010 Muhammad Juman Mallah (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 31-JAN-18 No Nil.
129053 241 Const. P. 4778/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 Muhammad Feroze (Petitioner) VS Election Commission of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 19-JUL-18 No Nil.
122625 242 Cr.J.A 133/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2014 Deedar Ali (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 22-JAN-18 No Nil.
122773 243 H.C.A 262/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Gulshan Weaving Mills Limited (Appellant) VS Al Baraka Bank (Pakistan) Limited & others (Respondent) D.B. 21-NOV-17 Yes Nil.
122004 244 Cr.J.A 61/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2014 Shah nawaz@ Shahoo (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 11-JAN-18 No Nil.
137155 245 Const. P. 1770/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2013 M. Nadeem Ahmed Khan (Petitioner) VS Director Geneal NLC and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 22-MAR-19 Yes Nil.
109758 246 Const. P. 5879/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 M/s Tuwairqi Steel Mills (Petitioner) VS 3rd SCJ kARACHI SOUTH (Respondent) D.B. 13-JAN-17 Yes Nil.
110199 247 Const. P. 6696/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Khayaban-e-Iqbal (Pvt) Limited (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 28-JAN-17 Yes Nil.
125139 248 I. A 23/2001 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2001 Rano son of Loung (Appellant) VS Land Acquisition Officer & SDM Kotri (Respondent) D.B. 19-SEP-17 Yes Nil.
154197 249 Suit 1494/2001 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2001 AZAM AHMED KHAN (Plaintiff) VS MUHAMMAD YAQOOB KHOKHAR & OTHER (Defendant) S.B. 24-OCT-17 Yes
120151 250 Suit 1494/2001 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2001 AZAM AHMED KHAN (Plaintiff) VS MUHAMMAD YAQOOB KHOKHAR & OTHER (Defendant) S.B. 24-OCT-17 No Nil.
154000 251 2018 CLD 116 I. A 10/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2009 Syed Itrat Hussain Rizvi (Appellant) VS M/s. Tameer Micro Finance & Ors (Respondent) S.B. 03-MAR-17 Yes
154015 252 Const. P. 5547/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Ghulam Tariq (Petitioner) VS The State and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 23-NOV-16 Yes
151987 253 Const. P. 4371/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Syed Ghulam Mohiuddin and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 29-JUN-21 Yes
152233 254 Criminal Appeal 178/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2019 Ali Sher & Others (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 08-JUL-21 No
162698 255 Const. P. 1360/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Sakrand Sugar Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162702 256 Const. P. 1362/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Sakrand Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed.of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162714 257 Const. P. 3193/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Popular Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
181949 258 I. A 107/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Muhammad Saeed (Appellant) VS Shahid Ali (Respondent) D.B. 20-FEB-23 No
162779 259 Const. P. 1551/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Sanghar Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
175544 260 Criminal Appeal 678/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 MUHAMMAD IRSHAD S/O AMANAT KHAN (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) D.B. 09-DEC-22 Yes
180883 261 I. A 45/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Muhammad Sohail (Appellant) VS M/s. Zari Taraqiati Bank Ltd. & another (Respondent) D.B. 08-FEB-23 Yes
203857 262 Cr.Acq.A. 134/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2023 Muhammad Anwar (Appellant) VS Muhammad Bux & others (Respondent) S.B. 04-OCT-23 No
201571 263 Const. P. 441/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2018 Mohammad Ramzan & another (Petitioner) VS District & Session Judje Sanghar & others (Respondent) D.B. 16-AUG-23 No
203297 264 2024 CLD 106 I. A 78/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: I.A D 79/2021 2021 M/S Qalandri Filling & CNG Station (Appellant) VS The Manager SME Leasing Ltd (Respondent) D.B. 28-SEP-23 Yes
126465 265 Const. P. 1697/2009 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2009 Mubarak Maseh (Petitioner) VS V/S Muhammad Yaqoob & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 25-APR-18 Yes Nil.
153979 266 2017 YLR 633 Suit 1305/1998 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1998 Crescent Greenwood Limited (Plaintiff) VS Sea Land Service (Defendant) S.B. 29-SEP-16 Yes
107207 267 2017 PLD 276, 2017 SBLR 1860 Suit 571/1997 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1997 TRADING CORP OF PAKISTAN. (Plaintiff) VS V/S M/S. PUNJAB TRADING AGENCY (Defendant) S.B. 28-SEP-16 No Nil.
153696 268 2017 PLD Sindh 276, 2017 SBLR Sindh 1860 Suit 571/1997 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1997 TRADING CORP OF PAKISTAN. (Plaintiff) VS V/S M/S. PUNJAB TRADING AGENCY (Defendant) S.B. 28-SEP-16 Yes
121949 269 Cr.Appeal 41/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2017 Aijaz Ali (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 11-JAN-18 No Nil.
125992 270 Const. P. 6662/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Moulvi Iqbal Haider (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 09-FEB-17 Yes Nil.
111053 271 Family Appeal 10/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2009 Itrat Hussai (Appellant) VS Micro Finance Bank Pvt Ltd (Respondent) S.B. 03-MAR-17 No Nil.
154007 272 2017 CLD 1428 Spl.H.C.A 282/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Bank Alfalah Limited (Appellant) VS Interglobe Commerce Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. (Respondent) D.B. 07-MAR-17 Yes
129037 273 Const. P. 5002/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 Amjadullah Khan (Petitioner) VS Election Commission of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 20-JUL-18 No Nil.
154060 274 Const. P. 1406/2009 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2009 Muhammad Irfan (Petitioner) VS City District Government & others (Respondent) D.B. 14-DEC-16 Yes
109145 275 Const. P. 1406/2009 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2009 Muhammad Irfan (Petitioner) VS City District Government & others (Respondent) D.B. 14-DEC-16 Yes Nil.
113967 276 H.C.A 363/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Sharafat Ali (Appellant) VS Abdul Majeed (Respondent) D.B. 25-APR-17 Yes Nil.
108610 277 II.A. 89/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Naseem Akhtar (Appellant) VS Abdur Rehman (Respondent) S.B. 14-NOV-16 No Nil.
149831 278 Const. P. 940/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 M/s Al-Zarina Glass (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 14-JUL-17 Yes
109483 279 Const. P. 6849/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Saad Aslam Kareemi (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 09-NOV-16 Yes Nil.
109833 280 Const. P. 5396/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Naeem Akhtar Chang (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 11-JAN-17 Yes Nil.
154094 281 2017 PLC Lab. Note 100 Const. P. 5396/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Naeem Akhtar Chang (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 11-JAN-17 Yes
110291 282 Suit 1376/1997 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1997 Syed Sajid Raza (Plaintiff) VS City District Government & others (Defendant) S.B. 31-JAN-17 No Nil.
154181 283 Const. P. 1897/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Ghulam Shabbir Narejo V/S Province of Sindh and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 20-OCT-16 No
108082 284 Const. P. 1897/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Ghulam Shabbir Narejo V/S Province of Sindh and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 19-OCT-16 No Nil.
154006 285 2017 SBLR Sindh 489, 2018 SBLR Sindh 508, 2017 MLD 806 Const. P. 3503/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Syeda Imammah Ali and Ors (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Yaqoob and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 20-OCT-16 Yes
122638 286 Cr.Appeal 59/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2016 Muhammad Nawaz (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 22-JAN-18 No Nil.
137152 287 Const. P. 201/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2012 Mr. Abdul Rashid. (Petitioner) VS Pakistan Defence Officers Housing Autority & Ors. (Respondent) D.B. 19-MAR-19 Yes Nil.
154049 288 2017 CLC Note 90 Const. P. 5406/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Periz (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 09-DEC-16 Yes
154086 289 Const. P. 6561/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Muhammad Arif (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 15-DEC-16 Yes
109757 290 Const. P. 6561/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Muhammad Arif (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 15-DEC-16 No Nil.
111016 291 Cr.Appeal 136/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Basar & others (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 13-FEB-17 Yes Nil.
121955 292 Cr.Appeal 115/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2014 Munwar@Qadoo@Ali Hassan (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 16-JAN-18 No Nil.
122336 293 Cr.Appeal 82/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2017 Chetan (Appellant) VS The state (Respondent) D.B. 24-JAN-18 No Nil.
129116 294 Const. P. 4859/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 Naeem Adil Shaikh (Petitioner) VS R.O & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 19-JUL-18 No Nil.
139155 295 Const. P. 997/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2019 Shabarati Khan S/O Mange Khan (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & ORS (Respondent) D.B. 16-JUL-19 No Nil.
150337 296 Civil Revision 184/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2019 Shafi Muhammad (Applicant) VS Ali Muhammad & others (Respondent) S.B. 08-MAR-21 No
152516 297 Const. P. 2680/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Pakistan Broadcaster Association (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 13-AUG-21 Yes
150336 298 Const. P. 2561/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2019 Faraz Ali & Others (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 24-FEB-21 No
161296 299 Const. P. 4517/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2013 FACO Trading (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 21-JAN-22 No
162787 300 Const. P. 1560/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Darya Khan Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162807 301 Const. P. 1615/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Khairpur Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162783 302 Const. P. 1552/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Sanghar Sugar Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
162722 303 Const. P. 1484/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Matiari Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
157060 304 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 491/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS M/s. Urooj Autos (Respondent) D.B. 27-JAN-22 Yes
162738 305 Const. P. 1487/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Matiari Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-FEB-22 Yes
186811 306 I. A 46/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Mohammad Iftikhar (Appellant) VS M/s. First Dawood Investment Bank Ltd & others (Respondent) D.B. 13-MAR-23 Yes
214439 307 Criminal Appeal 189/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2023 MST. SHABANA KAUSAR D/O MUHAMMAD ASHRAF (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) S.B. 09-MAY-24 Yes
224065 308 R.A (Civil Revision) 157/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2023 Nihal Khan & Others (Applicant) VS Province Of Sindh (Respondent) S.B. 20-DEC-24 Yes