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Search Result on selected Judge

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Amjad Ali Sahito

High Court of Sindh at Karachi, Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Courts at Hyderabad and Larkana
Category Wise List of cases (Judgments / Orders )
Total Judgements/Orders :
Code S.No. Citation Case No. Case Year Parties Bench Order_Date A.F.R Head Notes Judgement/Order
126688 1 Cr.Appeal 63/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2017 Abdul Qadir Chandio (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 24-APR-18 No Nil.
130275 2 Cr.Appeal 71/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2018 Abdul Hakeem Durrani (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 15-AUG-18 No Nil.
125474 3 Cr.Appeal 24/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2018 Taj Muhammad Buriro (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 06-APR-18 No Nil.
127457 4 Cr.Appeal 96/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2017 Ghulam Muhammad Mazari and Others (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 01-JUN-18 Yes Nil.
126655 5 Cr.Appeal 124/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2016 Naeem @ Gunda Dahar (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 23-APR-18 No Nil.
125743 6 Cr.Appeal 147/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2011 Khawand Bux Shaikh & another (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 26-MAR-18 No Nil.
127473 7 Cr.Appeal 62/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2016 Asad Brohi (Appellant) VS The state (Respondent) S.B. 18-MAY-18 No Nil.
126654 8 Cr.Appeal 125/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2016 Naeem @ Gunda Dahar (Appellant) VS The state (Respondent) S.B. 23-APR-18 Yes Nil.
127017 9 Cr.Appeal 101/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2009 Khadim Khoso & another (Appellant) VS The state (Respondent) S.B. 04-MAY-18 Yes Nil.
127555 10 Cr.Appeal 125/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2010 Wahid Bux @ Waroo Marhato (Appellant) VS The state (Respondent) S.B. 07-MAY-18 No Nil.
127317 11 Cr.Appeal 100/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2011 Ubedullah Bangulani & others (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 25-MAY-18 Yes Nil.
127351 12 Cr.Appeal 40/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2016 Gahno Gishkori (Appellant) VS The state (Respondent) S.B. 28-MAY-18 Yes Nil.
126943 13 Cr.Appeal 102/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2009 Hakim Khoso (Appellant) VS The state (Respondent) S.B. 04-MAY-18 No Nil.
126136 14 Cr.Appeal 110/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2017 Mehboob Dasti (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 13-APR-18 No Nil.
223677 15 Cr.Appeal 262/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: Criminal Revision Application No.D-38 of 2019 2019 Nadeem @Nadoo (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 17-DEC-24 Yes
129632 16 Cr.Appeal 41/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2015 Sartaj Khan (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 13-AUG-18 No Nil.
126312 17 Cr.Appeal 109/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana 2017 Mehboob Dasti (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) S.B. 13-APR-18 No Nil.