Report-002 AFR

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Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan

High Court of Sindh, Principal Seat Karachi, Bench at Sukkur, Circuit Courts at Hyderabad and Larkana
A.F.R (Judgements / Orders )

Note: The figures in the following table only show the number of important Judgements/Orders uploaded on this site. It does not reflect total disposal of the Hon'ble Judges.

Apex Court: Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan, Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan:

Show Only Authored Judgements

S.No. Citation Case No. Case Type Case Year Parties Order_Date A.F.R Head Notes/ Tag Line Bench Apex Court Apex Status
1 J.M 17/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2011 HAMEEDULLAH & ORS. (Applicant) VS AZAM WAZEER KHAN & ORS. (Respondent) 18-JUL-16 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
2 Civil Revision 116/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Managing Director Sindh Agriculture SASO & Others (Applicant) VS Mian Allah Jurio @ & Others Mian Arshad Ali & Others (Respondent) 22-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
3 Const. P. 2032/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Ikramuddin (Petitioner) VS Raees Ahmed and others (Respondent) 16-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
4 Civil Tran 2/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Original Side 2018 Jumoon (Applicant) VS Mir Ali Sher & Others (Respondent) 23-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
5 Suit 1154/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2014 Hamad Illahi (Plaintiff) VS Abdul Hussain Mohsin Jawad Sajwani (Defendant) 26-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
6 Civil Revision 336/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2010 Province of Sindh & Ors (Applicant) VS Syed Moazam Rasool (Respondent) 15-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
7 Civil Revision 107/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Malikdino and an other (Applicant) VS Rabdino Junejo (Respondent) 08-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
8 II.A. 6/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Moizuddin and others (Appellant) VS Muhammad Alam (Respondent) 23-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
9 Civil Revision 59/2004 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2004 Mir Behram Khan and other (Applicant) VS Govt of Sindh and other (Respondent) 19-JAN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
10 Const. P. 1499/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Muhammad Uris (Petitioner) VS Sain Dino & Ors (Respondent) 21-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio(Author)
11 Civil Revision 110/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Managing Director Sindh Agriculural Saso & Ors (Applicant) VS Main Allah Jurio alias Mian Arshad Ali and Others (Respondent) 22-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
12 I. A 102/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 MCB Bank Ltd. (Appellant) VS Syed Tasneem Hussain Zaidi (Respondent) 23-APR-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
13 Const. P. 7984/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 F.J Enterprises and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
14 Const. P. 2567/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Surgikare (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
15 Const. P. 236/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Overseas Transit Agency Pvt Ltd and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-APR-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
16 Const. P. 4001/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Orange Motorcycle Co. (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 04-DEC-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
17 Const. P. 6740/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 M/s Pharmagen Ltd (Petitioner) VS Federal Board of Revenue and Ors (Respondent) 17-DEC-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
18 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 155/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS Muhammad Arif-ur-Rehman & another (Respondent) 12-DEC-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
19 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 131/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS M/s. Pir Muhammad & another (Respondent) 11-JAN-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
20 Const. P. 2611/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Stamco Steel (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No After hearing all the parties, in accordance with law; and The Anti-Dumping Appellate Tribunal may pass appropriate order on the interlocutory application(s) so filed by the petitioner(s) and/or may decide the appeal(s) filed by the petitioner(s), within the stipulated period as provided under section 70 of the Anti-Dumping Duties Act, 2015. However, in case no order could be passed either on the stay application(s) or on the main appeal(s) by Anti-Dumping Appellate Tribunal within the stipulated period, the respondents may not adopt any coercive measures for seeking enforcement of final determination by National Tariff Commissioner (NTC) till an order is passed either on stay application or in the main appeal(s) of the petitioner Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
21 Const. P. 7981/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 M/s Jaun Enterprises (Petitioner) VS The Director, Directorate of Custom and Ors (Respondent) 10-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
22 I. A 44/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Muhammad Waseem (Appellant) VS M/s. Bank Al-Falah Ltd (Respondent) 14-APR-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
23 Const. P. 7096/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Nadeem Aqeel Rajput (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 05-OCT-20 No In view of the above Rules and the well-settled law discussed above, the petitioner does not have any vested right to seek regularization of his contractual service ; and, he has also not acquired any legal right from the appointment made by TCP and accepted by him admittedly on contract. Therefore, no corresponding legal duty was/is cast on TCP to appoint him on regular basis, and thus writ of mandamus, as prayed for by the petitioner, cannot be granted. Petition dismissed with no order as to costs. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.922-K/2021 Muhammad Nadeem Aqeel Rajput v. The Federation of Pakistan & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
24 Const. P. 6166/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Pakistan Currency Exchange Co. Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 21-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
25 Const. P. 6093/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Adam Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
26 Const. P. 6141/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Sakrand Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
27 2022 PTD 402 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 418/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS Abdul Ghafoor (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
28 Const. P. 6102/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Fine Star Ind Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
29 Const. P. 6160/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Bakhtiar Khan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
30 Const. P. 1920/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Tairq Siddiqui (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 01-AUG-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
31 Const. P. 7023/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Miracle Products (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
32 Const. P. 6399/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Chas A. Mendoza (Petitioner) VS Commissioner I.R (Appeals-IV) and Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
33 I.T.R.A 363/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 THE COMMISSIONER INLAND REVENUE (Applicant) VS M/S ARSHAD AMJAD & ABID (PVT) LIMITED (Respondent) 12-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
34 2022 PTD 1302 Const. P. 3068/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Quick Contractor & Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-DEC-21 Yes With this observation since Import Policy Order 2013 in its present form is exactly the same (for present purpose) as it stood in 2009, the clarification will be carried forward and the objections of the department insofar as the two dissimilar brands/makes i.e. crane and truck are concerned, would not be tenable. It was never the requirement of Import Policy Order 2013 that a truck-mounted crane should be factory-fitted or that the crane and truck should not be dissimilar as far as their makes are concerned. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
35 Const. P. 6599/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2014 M/s Lucky Cement (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and ORs (Respondent) 20-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.21/2022 Lucky Cement Limited, Karachi v. Federation of Pakistan through the Secretary Revenue Division, Chairman Federal Board of Revenue, Ministry of Finance and Revenue, Islamabad and another,C.A.318/2022 Lucky Cement Limited, Karachi v. Federation of Pakistan through the Secretary Revenue Division, Chairman Federal Board of Revenue, Ministry of Finance and Revenue, Islamabad and another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave Granted,Disposed Dismissed as Not Pressed
36 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 73/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Collector of Customs MCC (Applicant) VS M/s. Haji Abdul Raziq Khan & Brothers (Respondent) 12-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
37 Const. P. 7255/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Tanweer Ahmed Khan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
38 Const. P. 6554/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Sugrah Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Collector of Customs and Others (Respondent) 10-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
39 Const. P. 1631/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Sarfaraz Khan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
40 Const. P. 5834/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Khawaja Anver Majid (Petitioner) VS F.B.R & Others (Respondent) 09-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
41 Const. P. 7044/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ms. Rashida Yousfa Pasha (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 10-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
42 Const. P. 6641/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s SAMBA Bank Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
43 Const. P. 6521/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ahmed Fine Textile Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
44 Const. P. 6598/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Liberty Power Tech Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 15-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
45 Const. P. 6623/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Aligarh Institute of Technology (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
46 Const. P. 6307/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Yamaha Motor Pakistan Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Othes (Respondent) 28-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
47 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 36/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS M/s. Quick Contractors & Traders (Respondent) 24-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author) C.P.L.A.519-K/2022 The Collector of Customs v. M/s. Quick Contractors & Traders Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
48 Const. P. 6369/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Galaxy Impex (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
49 2022 PTD 984, 2022 SBLR Sindh 1536 Const. P. 5791/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Zona Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 10-JAN-22 Yes There is no space of interpretation provided by petitioners in relation of Foreign Exchange Manual read with Section 154 of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Similarly, there is no applicability of extra territorial operation for giving effect to Article 141 of the Constitution. Hence we conclude accordingly. The doctrine of occupied field would also not come into play as we are of the view that Entry 49 of Federal Legislative List, as structured after 18th Amendment, empowers the province to legislate on the subject under consideration. The legislative powers defined under Articles141, 142 and 143 of the Constitution have not been violated while encompassing services rendered by indenters to be within the frame of SSTA 2011 and find its place within exclusion defined in Entry 49 of Federal Legislative List of Fourth Schedule of Constitution. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.917/2022 Zona Pakistan (Private) Limited Karachi v. Province of Sindh, through the Secretary, Karachi and others,C.A.4024/2022 Zona Pakistan (Private) Limited Karachi v. Province of Sindh, through the Chief Secretary, Karachi and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave Granted, CMA Notice, Relist with connected appeals after vacations at Islamabad,Disposed Disposed of
50 Const. P. 6601/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Amin Impex (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
51 Const. P. 6896/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Fuzail Ahmed Qadir (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
52 Const. P. 7225/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Sadruddin Gilani (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 20-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
53 Const. P. 6819/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Geo Entertainment Television (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS S.R.B and Ors (Respondent) 08-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
54 Const. P. 7274/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Iftikhar Ahmed & Co. (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 22-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
55 Const. P. 3462/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 United Brands Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 09-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
56 Const. P. 6348/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Naurus (Pvt) lTD (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
57 Const. P. 3534/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Pakistan Mobile Communication Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
58 Const. P. 4963/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Atlas Metal (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 23-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
59 Const. P. 4169/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Javed Saeed (Petitioner) VS Commissioner I.R & Ors (Respondent) 23-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
60 Const. P. 1711/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Premier Mercantile Services Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 28-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.1667-K/2021 The Province of Sindh through Chairman Sindh Revenue Board & others v. M/s. Premier Mercantile Services (Pvt) Ltd. Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
61 H.C.A 70/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 P. I. A. C. Ltd. & another (Appellant) VS Faisal Mehmood & another (Respondent) 04-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
62 Const. P. 2158/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Jalal Brothers (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 05-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
63 Const. P. 48/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s PTCL (Petitioner) VS FBR and Others (Respondent) 07-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
64 H.C.A 42/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Shahzad Syed Mushraf Ali (Appellant) VS Sheikh Fawad Ashfaq Siddiqui & Others (Respondent) 07-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
65 Const. P. 2465/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 M/s Aircraft Sales & Services (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 18-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
66 H.C.A 48/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 National Bank of Pakistan (Appellant) VS M/s Shabbir Enterprises (Respondent) 11-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
67 H.C.A 371/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Syed Muhammad Rizwan (Appellant) VS Syed Shoaib ur Rehman & others (Respondent) 27-MAY-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
68 Const. P. 4336/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Arif Habib Ltd (Petitioner) VS S.R.B and Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
69 Const. P. 1663/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Pioneer Steel (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
70 Const. P. 4456/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s National Insurance Co. Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
71 Const. P. 8482/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co. Ltd (Petitioner) VS Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
72 Const. P. 2650/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/S EFU Genral Insurance Ltd Officers Pension Fund (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
73 Const. P. 2772/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Rauf Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
74 Const. P. 80/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Shan Associates (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 13-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
75 Const. P. 1284/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Mst Salma Masih (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 16-DEC-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
76 Const. P. 1234/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Mst Premi Hindu (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 16-DEC-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
77 H.C.A 92/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Abdul Rehman & Others (Appellant) VS Asrar Ahmed Burney & Others (Respondent) 08-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
78 Const. P. 2968/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Cavish Security Service (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 23-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.L.A.579/2022 Sindh Revenue Board Through Chairman, Karachi v. Cavish Security Service (PVT) Ltd. and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
79 I. A 33/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 United Bank Ltd. (Appellant) VS Syed Taufeeq Ali Mousvi (Respondent) 07-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
80 Const. P. 5162/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Burshen LPG (Pakistan) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-JUN-22 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
81 II.A. 13/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2005 Ali Bux and others (Appellant) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 12-MAR-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
82 R.A (Civil Revision) 149/2004 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2004 Syed Ghulam Qadir Shah and anor (Applicant) VS Syed Habibullah Shah and other (Respondent) 10-OCT-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author) C.P.200-K/2020 Syed Habibullah Shah & others v. Syed Ghulam Qadir Shah & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave Granted+Stay
83 Const. P. 7574/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Mehboob Re-Rollings Mills & Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
84 Const. P. 90/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Havelet Gas Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-JUN-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
85 R.A (Civil Revision) 52/2002 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2002 Wali Muhammad (Applicant) VS Muhammad Anwar (Respondent) 19-AUG-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
86 R.A (Civil Revision) 145/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2005 Pir Mohammad Sadiq (Applicant) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 12-MAR-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
87 R.A (Civil Revision) 147/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2005 Ali Bux & Ors (Applicant) VS D.D.O & Ors (Respondent) 13-APR-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
88 I. A 182/2002 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2002 Rais Ameer Bux Khan (Appellant) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 12-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
89 Const. P. 2673/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 MRC Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
90 Criminal Appeal 79/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: Cr.Appeal.No- D. 80/2022 Original Side 2022 Abdul Rasheed (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 13-OCT-23 Yes The sole evidence of a material witness i.e. an eyewitness is always sufficient to establish the guilt of the accused if the same is confidenceinspiring and trustworthy and supported by another independent source of evidence because the law considers the quality of evidence and not its quantity to prove the charge. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
91 Const. P. 5671/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Farooq Baig and Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 29-MAR-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
92 Const. P. 2460/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 M/s Bellagio Banquet & Conference Hall (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 19-MAY-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
93 Const. P. 2662/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Mulk Management (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 30-MAY-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
94 Const. P. 2242/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Tashkeel Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 04-MAY-23 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
95 Const. P. 4427/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Naseem (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 24-FEB-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
96 Cr.J.A 122/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Khemchand (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 12-OCT-23 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
97 Suit 1582/1997 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 1997 MST. MARRIUM HAJI & ORS. V/S YASMIN & ORS. (Plaintiff) VS V/S YASMIN & ORS. (Defendant) 02-APR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
98 Const. P. 1565/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Party-1 (Petitioner) VS Party-2 (Respondent) 02-MAY-17 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
99 Const. P. 7961/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Mst. Zara Ali (Petitioner) VS V/S Province of Sindh & ors. (Respondent) 28-DEC-15 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Shahnawaz Tariq, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
100 Const. P. 7951/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Mst. Hukum Jana (Petitioner) VS V/S Govt. of Sindh & ors. (Respondent) 29-DEC-15 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Shahnawaz Tariq, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
101 Cr.Bail 1707/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 MOHAMMAD TARIQ S/O WALIAT MASIH (Applicant) VS V/S THE STATE (Respondent) 15-JAN-16 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
102 Civil Revision 113/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Managing Director Sindh SASO & Others (Applicant) VS Mian Allah Jurio @ Mian Arshad Ali & Others (Respondent) 22-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
103 Civil Revision 111/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2005 Province of Sindh & others (Applicant) VS Ali Dino and others (Respondent) 16-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
104 II.A. 10/2008 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2008 Khalid Ali (Appellant) VS Mst Amnat (Respondent) 24-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
105 II.A. 1/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Khalid Ali and Others (Appellant) VS Mst: Mumtaz (Respondent) 24-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
106 Suit 990/2004 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2004 Muhammad Aslam (Plaintiff) VS Mst. Naseem Dil Aferoze and 4 others (Defendant) 09-APR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
107 II.A. 49/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Imam Bux & another (Appellant) VS Ahmed Khan & Ors. (Respondent) 09-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.A.71-K/2017 Muhammad Aftab v. Rukhsana Asif and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
108 Civil Revision 7/2013 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2013 Tariq Mehmood (Applicant) VS Ali Muhammad Ansari and others (Respondent) 30-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
109 Const. P. 2563/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Madina Ind (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
110 Const. P. 8633/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Ghulam Ali Bhatia (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 09-OCT-20 Yes WRIT PETITION UNDER ARTICLE 199 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN, 1973. A Divisional Bench of this Court comprising of Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi and Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, has pronounced the judgment on 09.10.2020 in the case of Ghulam Ali Bhatia & others v. Federation of Pakistan & others (along with connected petitions), whereby, the petitioners have expressed their grievance against impugned amendment in SRO 583/2017 dated 01.07.2017, for being discriminatory, as according to petitioners, the concession and reduction in payment of duty and taxes to the Ship Breaking Industry in respect of re-rollable and re-meltable scrap is violative of Article 25 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, whereas, a declaration has been sought to the effect that petitioners, who are the importers and manufacturers of re-rollable and re-meltable scrap, may be given the similar concession/reduction in tax liability as according to the petitioners, they fall within the same class of persons. The aforesaid petitions have been dismissed by the Divisional Bench of this Court while holding that petitioners, who are importers of re-rollable and re-meltable scrap are covered under PCT Heading 7204.4910, whereas, ship (vessel) imported by the Ship Breaking Industry are covered under PCT Heading 8909.0000, hence cannot be treated at par. It has been further held that through impugned amendment, reduction of tax liability has been granted as an incentive for the revival of ship breaking industry pursuant to policy decision, whereas, there seems no legal impropriety in the impugned amendment. No additional liability or burden has been created through impugned amendment, in violation of constitutional provisions or the law, therefore, the allegation of discrimination amongst the same class of person is otherwise misconceived. Reliance has been placed in the case of Messrs Elahi Cotton Mills Ltd. and others vs. Federation of Pakistan and others (PLD 1997 SC 582), wherein, it has been held as under:- "(vi) That the tests of the vice of discrimination in a taxing law are less rigorous. If there is equality and uniformity within each group founded on intelligible differentia having a rational nexus with the object sought to be achieved by the law, the Constitutional mandate that a law should not be discriminatory is fulfilled." Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.1482-K/2021 The Commissioner Inland Revenue, (Legal) v. Ghulam Ali Bhatia Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
111 Const. P. 2465/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Ambani Corporation (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 20-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
112 Const. P. 3654/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 M/s Nippon Paint Pakistan (Petitioner) VS Fed Of Pakistan and ors (Respondent) 26-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
113 Const. P. 7059/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Muhammad Umair (Petitioner) VS Director Intelligence & Investigation and Ors (Respondent) 19-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
114 Const. P. 6978/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Amin Mithani (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
115 Const. P. 459/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Paksat International Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 10-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
116 Const. P. 477/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Royal Packages Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
117 Const. P. 6581/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Bacha Khan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
118 Const. P. 7078/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Balochistan Engineering (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
119 Const. P. 1482/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Samiullah Khan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and another (Respondent) 20-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
120 Const. P. 4326/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Abdul Waheed (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 05-OCT-20 No Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
121 Const. P. 4316/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Rizwan ul Haque (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 14-SEP-20 No As the matter has not yet been concluded by the respondents, the petitioner will be at liberty to raise objection(s) with regard to the jurisdiction / authority of the respondents to hold the impugned inquiry and/or to pass any order in pursuance thereof. In such an event, respondents shall first decide his objection(s) before proceeding further. Needless to say proper opportunity of hearing shall be afforded to the petitioner and the matter shall be conducted strictly in accordance with law. Let notice be issued to the respondents as well as to learned Advocate General Sindh for compliance. The petition and listed applications stand disposed of in the above terms with no order as to costs. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
122 Const. P. 6693/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Advance Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 21-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
123 Const. P. 6451/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Balochistan Engineering Works Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.1138/2020 Director, Directorate General of Intelligence & Investigation, Karachi v. M/s Balochistan Engineering Works Ltd, PECHS, Karachi and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
124 Const. P. 2566/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Surgicon Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
125 Const. P. 6980/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Huzaifa Sachwani (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
126 Const. P. 6094/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Adam Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
127 Const. P. 6192/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Tando Allayar Sugar Mills Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 21-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
128 I.T.R.A 367/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 THE COMMISSIONER INLAND REVENUE (Applicant) VS M/S DIGITECH SYSTEM KHI (Respondent) 21-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
129 Const. P. 1994/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Abbas Ali Nayani (Petitioner) VS Dir: Investigation & Intelligence & Ors (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
130 H.C.A 33/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Frontier Works Organization (FWO) & another (Appellant) VS M/s. Zubair Hassan Enterprises (Respondent) 21-APR-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
131 Const. P. 6139/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Panjwani International (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
132 Const. P. 6921/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Avanza Solutions (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
133 Const. P. 6965/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Deharki Sugar Mills Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
134 Const. P. 1671/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Meskay & Fentee Trading Co. (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
135 Const. P. 2310/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Pakistan Beverages Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
136 Const. P. 1747/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Revive Pharmakon (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
137 Const. P. 7335/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Shah Murad Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 23-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
138 2022 PTD 363 Const. P. 6544/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Drive Line Motor Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Othes (Respondent) 05-NOV-21 Yes Since section 138 deals with the frustrated cargo and Rule 86 has defined what frustrated cargo would be. It is thus one which will brought into customs station by reason of inadvertence or misdirection or where consignee is untraceable or has dishonoured his commitments and the consignor wishes to have it re-shipped to him. Since the consignee has refused or dishonored his commitments, the consignor immediately acted upon by moving an application for re-export on 17.04.2018 and that is exercised under Rule 88 of the ibid Rules. There was no occasion for the Collector of Customs to have avoided or discarded the application of the consigner for the re-export of the vehicle as it was and is within the definition of frustrated cargo and permission ought to have been followed in terms of Rule 89 on Collector being satisfied which he should under the relevant circumstances of the case as in our view the vehicle came out as a frustrated cargo. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
139 Const. P. 6393/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s NTL (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Sindh Revenue Board and Others (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
140 Const. P. 6597/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Orient Textile Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Commissioner IR (Appeals-II) and Others (Respondent) 15-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
141 Const. P. 309/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Lucky Star Steel Ind. (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 26-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
142 Const. P. 8570/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Nisar Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-DEC-21 Yes There is not an iota of evidence available to disagree with the observation of the Tribunal which ordered its (vehicles) release unconditionally however subject to verification of ownership. This being situation no question has arisen to deviate from the findings of the Tribunal and proposed question No.1 is answered in affirmative as the seizing agency has failed to comply with the provisions as required under section 26 of Customs Act, 1969 whereas the proposed questions No.2 is irrelevant for the purpose of declaring the subject vehicle as an smuggled vehicle. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
143 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 74/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Collector of Customs MCC (Applicant) VS M/s. Haji Abdul Raziq Khan & Brothers (Respondent) 12-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
144 Const. P. 4902/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Hameed Haroon (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
145 Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 314/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Commissioner I-R Zone-II (Applicant) VS M/s. Dewan Cement Limited dewan Centre Khi (Respondent) 27-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
146 Const. P. 6974/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 SEPCO Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
147 Const. P. 6614/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Basiruddin Omar Khan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 15-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
148 Const. P. 7263/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Pharma Net (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 22-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
149 Const. P. 3932/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Ayan Energy Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 17-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
150 Const. P. 6794/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Noor Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 23-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
151 Const. P. 3455/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Zahid World Corp (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 26-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
152 Const. P. 7148/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s KKR Oil & Ghee Mills Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 13-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.234/2022 M/s KKR OIL AND GHEE MILLS (PVT) LTD., Mirpur AJK v. The Province of Sindh, through the Secretary Excise & Taxation Department, Sindh, Karachi and another,C.A.2072/2022 M/s KKR OIL AND GHEE MILLS (PVT) LTD., Mirpur AJK v. The Province of Sindh, through the Secretary Excise & Taxation Department, Sindh, Karachi and another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave be fixed in 1st week of October 22,Pending Adjourned (Next hearing: After 2 weeks)
153 I.T.R.A 92/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Merck (Private) Limited (Applicant) VS Deputy Commissioner Inland Revenue (Respondent) 17-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
154 Const. P. 6923/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s SEPCO III Electric (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 02-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
155 Const. P. 6913/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Aisha Steel Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
156 Const. P. 6400/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Grace Passion (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
157 Const. P. 6934/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Avaises (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
158 Const. P. 4628/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Khuwaja Anwar Majid (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 09-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
159 Const. P. 6749/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s G (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
160 Const. P. 6633/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Heeran Bai (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
161 Const. P. 6945/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ocean Network Express Pakistan Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
162 Const. P. 7847/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Swiss Specialty Chemicals (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 05-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
163 2022 PTD 290 Const. P. 5113/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 OBS Pakistan Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 17-NOV-21 Yes The impugned Circular has only restored the process of Section 170 of Ordinance 2001 for claiming refund only however actions which have already been taken thereunder are not open for a scrutiny at least under Section 221 of Ordinance 2001. For convenience however we may say that impugned Circular has prospective effect only. The adjustments made and allowed on the basis of Circular 4 cannot be subjected to provisions of Section 221 of Ordinance 2001. Applications made under section 170 of Ordinance 2001 for refund has the limitation of three years in terms of Section 170(2) i.e. deemed assessment or when tax was paid whereas deemed assessment itself could be subjected to amendment within five years of such deemed assessment hence the purpose which cannot be achieved under Section 170 is available under other provisions of Ordinance 2001. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.139-K/2022 Commissioner Inland Revenue v. Sanofi-Aventis Pakistan Limited,C.P.70-K/2022 The Commissioner Inland Revenue, (Legal) v. OBS Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed,Disposed Dismissed
164 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 879/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS M/s. Real Impacts, Lahore (Respondent) 08-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.L.A.164-K/2022 The Collector of Customs v. M/s. Real Impacts Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
165 Const. P. 6756/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Imran Industries (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 23-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
166 Const. P. 7026/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Miracle Products (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed/ of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
167 Const. P. 6294/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Naveena Steel Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 28-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
168 Const. P. 4770/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Aslam & Sons Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 15-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
169 Const. P. 6743/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Raheel (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
170 Const. P. 6701/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Adam Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
171 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 215/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS M/s. Suleman Sons, Karachi (Respondent) 15-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
172 Const. P. 8568/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Falak Jan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.272/2022 Falak Jan v. The Federation of Pakistan through its Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Islamabad and another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed as Not Pressed
173 Const. P. 5887/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Engro Elergy Terminal (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Sindh and Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
174 Const. P. 3972/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Mrs. Ratna Gul Thadani (Petitioner) VS S.R.B and Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
175 Const. P. 4339/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Triple Tree Associates (Petitioner) VS S.R.B and Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
176 Const. P. 5204/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd (Petitioner) VS Commissioner I.R & Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
177 Const. P. 5528/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Hawa Energy (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
178 Const. P. 935/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Raj Kumar and Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
179 Const. P. 2681/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Pakistan Mobile Communcation (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
180 Const. P. 3933/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Habib Metropolitan Financial Service Ltd (Petitioner) VS S.R.B and Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
181 Const. P. 1529/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Attari Waires (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
182 H.C.A 75/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Zia ul Haq (Appellant) VS Alexis Hague Malik & Others (Respondent) 04-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
183 Const. P. 3313/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Rehan Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
184 Const. P. 2223/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s A.B Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
185 I. A 49/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Amjad Ali Khan Warsi (Appellant) VS Junaid ul Haq (Respondent) 21-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
186 H.C.A 370/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Mohsin Raza Khan (Appellant) VS Syed Shoaib ur Rehman & others (Respondent) 27-MAY-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
187 Const. P. 501/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Mst Jiando Khatoon (Petitioner) VS P O Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 15-OCT-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
188 Const. P. 1286/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Mst. Mumtaz Khatoon (Petitioner) VS Fed of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 15-OCT-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
189 Const. P. 4454/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 National Insurance Co. Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
190 Const. P. 2610/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Misbah Cosmetics Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
191 I.T.R 192/1993 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 1993 Commissioner of Income Tax (Applicant) VS Metropolatan Steel Coporation Ltd (Respondent) 24-MAR-22 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
192 Const. P. 232/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Aiza Foods Products & Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
193 Const. P. 1840/2000 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2000 Muhammad Ali (Petitioner) VS Sindh Labour Appellae Tribunal & Others (Respondent) 26-APR-17 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
194 Const. P. 2262/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Teltonika Pakistan Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 28-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
195 Const. P. 3126/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 M/s Jumbo Leather (Petitioner) VS Collector of Customs (Respondent) 30-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
196 Const. P. 3214/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Harbin Power Engineering Co. Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
197 Const. P. 8081/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Saleem Memorial Trust Hospital (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
198 H.C.A 249/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 D.G. Malir Development Authority & Another (Appellant) VS Fareedullah & Others (Respondent) 02-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
199 Const. P. 3145/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2014 Mst. Kamalan Khatoon (Petitioner) VS D.C. Ghotki @ Mirpur Mathelo and others (Respondent) 03-DEC-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
200 Const. P. 3700/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s FFBL Power Co. Ltd (Petitioner) VS Sindh and Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
201 Const. P. 226/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2012 Allied Bank Limited (Petitioner) VS Tariq Mehmood (Respondent) 06-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio(Author) C.P.L.A.5820/2021 Allied Bank Ltd Karachi v. Tariq Mehmood (deceased) through his L.Rs and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Converted into Appeal and Allowed
202 Const. P. 1283/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Mst Seema Masih (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 16-DEC-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
203 Const. P. 2652/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: abc Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Bushance Petroleum (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 27-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
204 H.C.A 21/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Adeel Rauf (Appellant) VS Muhammad Arshad & others (Respondent) 19-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
205 I. A 109/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Meer Mustafa Brohi & Others (Appellant) VS Bank Islami Pakistan Ltd & Another (Respondent) 21-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
206 Const. P. 3770/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Sameed International Trading Co. Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 30-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
207 Const. P. 2717/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Laiqam Services Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
208 Const. P. 1546/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Vikesh Kumar and Another (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
209 R.A (Civil Revision) 54/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2011 Muhammad Manzoor (Applicant) VS Muhammad Younis Mughal (Respondent) 20-SEP-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
210 Const. P. 1088/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Mian Saeed & Sons (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 23-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
211 Const. P. 686/1995 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 1995 Moule Dino and others (Petitioner) VS Matloob Hussain and others (Respondent) 14-SEP-22 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author) C.P.1319-K/2022 Matloob Hussain deceased through his LRs: & others v. Moule Dino deceased through his legal & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
212 II.A. 30/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Saeed Qureshi (Appellant) VS Muhammad Iqbal Qureshi (Respondent) 13-SEP-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
213 R.A (Civil Revision) 187/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Muhammad Sidique Thr: LRs and others (Applicant) VS Mst Rabbia Bassri and Others (Respondent) 23-SEP-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
214 W.T.A 42/2002 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2002 Comm Income Tax (Appellant) VS M/s.B.K.Associate (Respondent) 02-JUN-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
215 Cr.Bail 957/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Shahab (Applicant) VS The State (Complainant) 06-OCT-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
216 Cr.Bail 723/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Nazar Muhammad @Popat (Applicant) VS The State (Complainant) 08-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
217 Criminal Appeal 80/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: Cr Appeal NO-D-79/2022 Original Side 2022 FAIZ MUHAMMAD (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 13-OCT-23 Yes The sole evidence of a material witness i.e. an eyewitness is always sufficient to establish the guilt of the accused if the same is confidenceinspiring and trustworthy and supported by another independent source of evidence because the law considers the quality of evidence and not its quantity to prove the charge. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
218 Criminal Appeal 8/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Original Side 2020 Muhammad Ramzan (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 10-AUG-23 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author) J.P.366/2023 Muhammad Ramzan & 2 others v. The State Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
219 Const. P. 1623/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Asghar Abdullah & Another (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 29-MAR-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
220 Const. P. 8045/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Muhammad Asif Lania (Petitioner) VS V/S NAB & Others (Respondent) 01-JAN-16 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Shahnawaz Tariq, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
221 Civil Revision 29/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 M/s. Body Fashion (Applicant) VS Mansoor Tannery (Pvt) Ltd (Respondent) 05-JAN-16 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
222 S.M.A 132/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2015 Mst. Nilofar Ahmed Wd/o. Muhammad Saleem Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Party-2 (Defendant) 03-DEC-15 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
223 Civil Revision 319/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2010 Nawab Hashim @ Irshad Ahmed Hashim & Others (Applicant) VS Mst Hanifan & Others (Respondent) 30-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
224 Civil Revision 111/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Mauaging Director Sindh Agriculture SASO & Others (Applicant) VS Main Allah Jurio @ Main Asshad Ali & Others (Respondent) 22-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
225 Civil Revision 115/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Managing Director Sindh Agriculture SASO & Others (Applicant) VS Mian Allah Jurio @ Mian Arshad Ali & Others (Respondent) 22-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
226 I. A 55/2013 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2013 Banochi Khan (Appellant) VS Nisar Ahmed (Respondent) 19-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
227 Const. P. 731/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2011 Abdul Jabbar & Others (Petitioner) VS Mst Zarin Akhtar & Others (Respondent) 11-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
228 Cr.Appeal 6/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Nadeem and Naukar (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 17-OCT-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Mahar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
229 Cr.Appeal 108/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Sasui (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 18-OCT-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Mahar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
230 Civil Revision 192/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Muhammad Khan (Applicant) VS District Judge Hyd and an other (Respondent) 07-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
231 Civil Revision 162/2007 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2007 Haji Muhammad Zaman and aor (Applicant) VS Mukhtiarkar Revenue & other (Respondent) 06-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
232 Civil Revision 144/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Badaruddin (Applicant) VS Rasheed & Ors (Respondent) 18-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
233 Civil Tran 46/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Original Side 2017 Muhammad Nadeem (Applicant) VS Muhammad Saleem (Respondent) 29-JAN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
234 Civil Revision 69/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Mir Abdul Hussain Thr:his LRs (Applicant) VS Govt:of Sindh and others (Respondent) 24-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
235 Civil Revision 44/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2010 Govt. Of Sindh and Others (Applicant) VS Ahmed Khan and Others (Respondent) 21-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
236 Const. P. 2285/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Sahibzada Shabbir Hussain Ansari (Petitioner) VS Election Commission of Pakistan and another (Respondent) 11-JUL-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Mahar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.2852/2018 Sahib Zada Shabbir Hussain Ansari v. Federation of Pakistan thr. M/o Law Government of Pakistan, Islamabad & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed as Withdrawn
237 Const. P. 2224/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Excellent Impex City (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
238 Const. P. 4327/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Mehtab Tahir Niazi (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 14-SEP-20 No We direct the appellate authority of respondent No.2 to decide the petitioners appeal within three (03) weeks from the date of receipt of this order strictly in accordance with the prevailing rules and regulations of respondent No.2. Needless to say that the petitioner shall be provided adequate opportunity of hearing and his appeal shall be decided strictly on merits. Till the final decision of his said appeal, further coercive action shall not be taken against him. Issue notice to respondent No.2 for compliance. The petition and the listed application stand disposed of in the above terms with no order as to costs. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
239 Const. P. 2869/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Ahmed Khan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 15-SEP-20 No Petition is hit by the doctrine of laches, for which no explanation whatsoever has been offered by the petitioner. Accordingly, the petition and pending CMA No.12487/2020 are dismissed in limine with no order as to costs. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
240 Const. P. 6981/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Zubair Gheewala (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
241 Const. P. 6739/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 M/s Zafa Pharma Laboratories Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Federal Board of Revenue and Ors (Respondent) 20-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
242 Const. P. 8315/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Nisa SF (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 05-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
243 Const. P. 5794/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 M.F Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Fed of Pakistan (Respondent) 01-NOV-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
244 Const. P. 7175/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Procon Engineering (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.1195/2020 Director, Directorate General of Intelligence & Investigation, Karachi v. M/s Procon Engineering (Pvt) Ltd and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
245 Const. P. 2577/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s AS AM Traders (Petitioner) VS FBR and Ors (Respondent) 20-NOV-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
246 Const. P. 403/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Ali Raza and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 23-SEP-20 No Finance Department of Government of Sindh is directed to pay / disburse the Special Judicial Allowance to all the employees and officers of this Court and the district and subordinate Courts in Sindh (BPS-1 to BPS-22) for the months of July, August and September 2020 latest by 30.09.2020, and to ensure the provision / payment / disbursement of the said allowance to them for the remaining twenty one (21) months / installments with effect from October 2020 strictly on monthly basis. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.L.A.3873/2024 The Secretary, Finance Department, Government of Sindh, Karachi and others v. Ali Raza and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
247 Const. P. 458/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Paksat International Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 10-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.A.2963/2022 Chairman, National Accountability Bureau through Prosecutor General Accountability, NAB Headquarter, Islamabad v. Iqbal Hussain Jumani Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
248 Const. P. 237/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Overseas Transit Agnency Pvt Ltd and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-APR-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
249 Const. P. 7302/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Ali Raza (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 17-DEC-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
250 Const. P. 4870/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Allah noor and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
251 H.C.A 38/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Frontier Works Organization (FWO) & another (Appellant) VS M/s. Muhammad Rafiq & Company (Respondent) 21-APR-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
252 Const. P. 6145/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Lefres (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
253 H.C.A 37/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Frontier Works Organization (FWO) & another (Appellant) VS Al-Raee Construction Company (Pvt) Ltd. (Respondent) 21-APR-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
254 Const. P. 6193/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Tando Allayar Sugar Mills Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 21-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
255 Const. P. 6158/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Jamshoro Power Co. Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
256 H.C.A 122/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Talib Deen Jokhio (Appellant) VS Province of Sindh & others (Respondent) 04-MAY-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
257 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 466/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS Abdullah Paracha & others (Respondent) 25-OCT-21 No There is absolutely no justification for the department to file this Reference since goods declaration that reflects and identify the goods was filed with the department. The only justification provided by the department was that the respondents have not justified/put forwarded any other explanation and it was asserted by the department that the sales tax invoices do not mention the name of the tea garden to identify the seized tea. We may observe that this is a novel proposition rendered by the departments counsel as once the importability of the goods was justified by providing goods declaration for its lawful import then it does not lie in their mouth to raise this absurd and novel proposition that the sales tax invoices do not mention the name of the tea garden where the subject tea was grown/harvested. There can hardly be a question of law arising out of the impugned judgment. The proposed questions are thus answered accordingly i.e. in favour of the respondent and against the applicant, in result whereof instant Special Customs Reference Application stands dismissed along with listed application. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
258 2022 PTD 94 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 203/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 M/s. Universal Enterprise (Applicant) VS The Customs Appellate Tribunal & others (Respondent) 27-OCT-21 Yes The amount of remittance may not be of any importance as the actual evidence is invoice which is relied upon. Hence the price actually paid could very conveniently be determined on the basis of such documents and notwithstanding the insertion / amendment made in the year 2017 as far as the second proviso to Section 25A is concerned, it is the amount, which is actually paid or payable which is considered as customs value for the goods when sold for export to Pakistan. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
259 Const. P. 6222/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muna Manzoor Ul Hasan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
260 Const. P. 6973/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 SEPCO Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
261 Const. P. 6595/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s MATCO Foods Ltd (Petitioner) VS Commissioner IR (Appeals-II) and Others (Respondent) 15-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
262 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 170/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS M/s. Brothers Pen Company (Respondent) 01-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
263 Const. P. 7041/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Rizwan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 13-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
264 Const. P. 3879/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Princely Jets (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
265 Const. P. 3300/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s EPlanet Communications (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS The Commissioner I.R (Appeals-III) and Ors (Respondent) 26-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
266 Const. P. 2135/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Adeel Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
267 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 704/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Director DG I&I (Customs) (Applicant) VS Abdul Hameed Sheikh & another (Respondent) 26-NOV-21 Yes Had it been registered then perhaps the lawful presumption would have attached to such registered document but no such document constitute evidentiary value for the purposes of the impugned order passed by the Tribunal as such data of all the aforesaid documents are different and distinguishable and are not reconcilable. The impugned orders, at least of the Tribunal, is not clear at all, particularly as to on what basis the vehicle is being released as the Motor Vehicle Tax Slip, Annexure-D to the memo of Reference, discloses the identity of the subject vehicle as Toyota Crown as against claimed vehicle Toyota Surf Jeep. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
268 Const. P. 5203/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2014 A F Steel (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
269 Const. P. 7046/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s CEEC TIAJIN (PAK) ELECTRIC POWER CONST: (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 09-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
270 Const. P. 4892/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Mrs. Shazia Haroon (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
271 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 432/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Collector of Customs MCC of Preventive (Applicant) VS Kamran Khan (Respondent) 21-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
272 Const. P. 6957/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Shabbir Teli (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
273 Const. P. 6947/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Khamiso Khan & Co. (Petitioner) VS SRB and Others (Respondent) 03-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
274 Const. P. 5204/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2014 Nizami Steel Products (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
275 Const. P. 6959/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Mehmood Ahmed Memon (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
276 Const. P. 5205/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2014 Naimatullah Steel (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
277 Const. P. 6629/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Shahid (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
278 Const. P. 7327/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Iqbal Latif Bawaney & Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
279 Const. P. 6446/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Lucky Ind (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 04-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
280 Const. P. 6699/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Adam Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
281 Const. P. 6690/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
282 Const. P. 6963/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Meezan Islamic Fund (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
283 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 880/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS M/s. Power Solution, Lahore (Respondent) 24-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
284 Const. P. 6241/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s South Creek Mills Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 27-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
285 Const. P. 6700/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Adam Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
286 Const. P. 7425/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Mansoor Ellahi Shamsi (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 22-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
287 Const. P. 1608/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 TPL Insurance Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 09-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.103-K/2022 The Commissioner Inland Revenue v. TPL Insurance Limited & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
288 I. A 25/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Muhammad Ashraf (Appellant) VS House Building Finance Company Limited & Another (Respondent) 11-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
289 Const. P. 7272/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Abdul Rauf (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 21-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
290 Const. P. 4158/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Distribution Cub (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
291 Const. P. 1828/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Pacific Exim (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
292 Const. P. 3904/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Mian Zahid Shah and ors (Petitioner) VS KMC and ors (Respondent) 19-MAY-17 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
293 Const. P. 1382/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Decent C.G.P.F & Oil Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 21-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
294 I.T.C 119/2002 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2002 Comm Income Tax (Applicant) VS M/s.Credit Agricole Ind. (Respondent) 28-APR-17 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
295 Const. P. 6763/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Metro Capital Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Sindh Revenue Board & Ors (Respondent) 04-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
296 Const. P. 1550/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s MRC Enerprises & another (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
297 H.C.A 79/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Abrar Patel (Appellant) VS Bilal Ghani & Others (Respondent) 16-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
298 I. A 28/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Mohsin Ashraf Tabani (Appellant) VS M/s. Habib Metropolitan Bank Ltd. & others (Respondent) 14-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
299 I. A 33/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Asghar Valika through Ghulam Mohiuddin (Appellant) VS Sarwar Ijaz Siddiqui & another (Respondent) 14-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.190/2023 Vikyo@ Vikio Khan Shoro and another v. Province of Sindh through Secretary Irrigation Department Government of Sindh, Karachi and others,C.P.L.A.510-K/2023 Asghar Valika v. Sarwar Ijaz Siddiqui & another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending ,Pending
300 H.C.A 229/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Muhammad Imran Khan & others (Appellant) VS Haji Muhammad Akhtar & others (Respondent) 21-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
301 Const. P. 1985/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Smart Enterprises & Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
302 Const. P. 564/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/S Sawera Industries CGP Factory & Oil Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 30-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
303 I. A 6/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 M/s. Elite Publishers Ltd. & another (Appellant) VS M/s. MCB Bank Ltd. & others (Respondent) 31-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
304 I. A 17/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 National Bank of Pakistan Ltd (Appellant) VS M/s. Saudi Pak Ind.&Agri. Invest. Co. Pvt. Ltd. (Respondent) 21-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
305 Const. P. 4203/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Philip Morris (Pakistan) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-FEB-22 No These petitions were also heard along the main bunch (CP D-5107 of 2021 & others case of Atlas Honda Ltd. and others) but since these are prima facie not covered by the point decided through the common judgment of Atlas Honda Ltd & others hence are de-tagged from the main bunch Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
306 2022 PTD 866, 2024 SBLR Sindh 409, 2022 PTCL 253 Const. P. 5107/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Atlas Honda Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-FEB-22 Yes Sectoral benchmark ratios are therefore figures for various business metrics that must be used by the Commissioner to determine taxable income for a taxpayer where a taxpayer has been lawfully selected for audit but is unable to provide the relevant information, sufficient explanation for the record. Sectoral benchmark ratio does not concern with sectoral audit selection. It only empowers the Commissioner on an event when a taxpayer has failed to furnish record or documents including books of accounts or has furnished incomplete record or books of accounts or is unable to provide sufficient explanation regarding defect in relation to the documents or books of accounts on the basis of an independent procedure of Section 177 of Ordinance 2001. It is at this stage when the guidelines of sectoral benchmark ratios, as prescribed by the Board, could be adhered to. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.L.A.680-K/2022 The Commissioner Inland Revenue, (Legal) v. Atlas Honda Limited & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
307 Const. P. 387/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Arjan Das Hindu (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 13-OCT-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
308 Criminal Appeal 82/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Original Side 2020 Khushi Ram (Appellant) VS State (Respondent) 17-AUG-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio(Author) Crl.P.119-K/2021 Khushi Ram @ Bhomoon v. The State Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending Adjourned
309 I. A 14/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Mrs. Mahrukh Haider & another (Appellant) VS Mst. Farhat Imrana & another (Respondent) 01-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
310 Const. P. 1749/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Byco Petroleum Pakistan Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 25-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
311 Const. P. 1580/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Chocolate House (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
312 Const. P. 470/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Ideal Food Products (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 21-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
313 Const. P. 1979/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Power Supplies Co. Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
314 Const. P. 2026/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Meezan Islamic Income Fund (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
315 Const. P. 8907/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 M/s Infotech Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS GOS & Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
316 Const. P. 1728/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Muhammad Shah Nawaz Azam (Petitioner) VS FBR and Others (Respondent) 11-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
317 Const. P. 2465/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Lahore Trading Co. (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
318 H.C.A 89/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Gunvor International B.V Amsterdam Geneva Br. (Appellant) VS Pakistan LNG Ltd (PLL) & Another (Respondent) 04-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
319 I.T.R 124/2006 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2006 The CIT (Legal Division) (Applicant) VS M/s Pakistan National Shipping Corp ,Kar (Respondent) 07-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
320 Const. P. 1185/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Hamza (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
321 Const. P. 511/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Kamran Haider (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
322 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 180/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Director of Customs Valuation (Applicant) VS M/s. Hanna Dairies, I-301 (Respondent) 23-MAY-22 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
323 Const. P. 7324/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Balochistan Engineering Works Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 17-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
324 R.A (Civil Revision) 350/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2011 Nooruddin & Others (Applicant) VS Ghulam Yaseen Thr: LRs & Others (Respondent) 17-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
325 R.A (Civil Revision) 148/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2005 Ali Bux (Applicant) VS Govt of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 13-APR-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
326 Const. P. 564/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Sharfuddin (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Sajid Siddiqui & Ors. (Respondent) 22-AUG-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
327 Const. P. 242/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Jamaluddin (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Sajid Siddiui & Ors (Respondent) 30-AUG-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
328 II.A. 31/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Saeed Qureshi & another (Appellant) VS Muhammad Iqbal Qureshi (Respondent) 13-SEP-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
329 Const. P. 1818/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Dilaram Khan & Another (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 02-JUN-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
330 Const. P. 2165/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Sajid Plastic Factory (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-JUN-22 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.900-K/2022 The Collector of Customs v. M/s. Sajid Plastic Factory & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
331 Const. P. 666/2013 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2013 Muhammad Sajid Siddiqui (Petitioner) VS Shahabuddin and others (Respondent) 20-AUG-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
332 Const. P. 209/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Creator Pacific (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-JUN-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
333 Const. P. 2935/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Wahid Hardware Store (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
334 Civil Revision 145/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2005 Pir Mohammad Sadiq (Applicant) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 12-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
335 Const. P. 1975/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Taj Munawar & Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 08-FEB-23 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
336 Const. P. 637/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Sharimati Moheni (Petitioner) VS Mirchumal & Others (Respondent) 15-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
337 Criminal Appeal 29/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: Conf:Cases 05/2021 & Cr A S 51/2021 Original Side 2021 VEERO (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 10-OCT-23 Yes The medical evidence is in the nature ofsupporting, confirmatory or explanatory of the direct or circumstantial evidencein the sense the term is used in legal parlance for a piece of evidence that itself also has force to connect the accused person(s) with the commission of the offence Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author) J.P.439/2023 Veero v. The State Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
338 Const. P. 2576/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Muhammad Hanif Qureshi (Petitioner) VS SBCA and Others (Respondent) 24-MAY-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
339 Cr.J.A 6/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Mavia (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 19-SEP-23 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
340 Const. P. 462/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Mst. Shahar Bano (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 09-MAR-23 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
341 Cr.J.A 8/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Ramzan (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 10-AUG-23 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
342 Cr.Appeal 26/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Bibi Yasmeen Shah (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 19-SEP-23 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
343 Suit 831/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2012 MS. SHEHAR BANO ALI (Plaintiff) VS SYED MEHDI RAZA ALI & OTHERS (Defendant) 20-JUL-16 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
344 Cr.Bail 19/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 HINA JUNAID D/O AQEEL KAREEM DEDHI (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 06-JAN-16 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan Crl.P.990/2018 Tahir Hussain v. The State thr. P.G, Sindh Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed as Not Pressed
345 Civil Revision 264/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Imtiaz Ali and an other (Applicant) VS Suhrab and an other (Respondent) 09-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
346 Const. P. 1665/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Mumtaz Ali (Petitioner) VS Mst Hina Iqbal and Others (Respondent) 15-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
347 Const. P. 2328/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Abdul Wahid (Petitioner) VS Election Commission of Pakistan and others (Respondent) 10-JUL-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Mahar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
348 Const. P. 4000/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Muhammad Javed & Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 08-SEP-20 No Order on contempt applications. No case for initiating contempt proceedings has been made out by the petitioners. In any event, the grievance of the petitioners in relation to the findings of the Scrutiny Committee is beyond the scope of the listed contempt applications. If any of the petitioners is aggrieved with the findings of the Scrutiny Committee, he may avail his remedy before the competent forum in accordance with law. The listed contempt applications stand disposed of in the above terms with no order as to costs. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
349 Civil Revision 68/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Mir Abdul Hussain Thr:his LRs. (Applicant) VS Govt:of Sindh and others. (Respondent) 24-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
350 Civil Revision 150/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 Ahmed Khan Lund (Applicant) VS Nabi Bux Khan and Others (Respondent) 26-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
351 2020 CLC 1173 H.C.A 381/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Muhammad Jamil (Appellant) VS Mst. Waheeda Aslam & others (Respondent) 19-JUL-19 Yes It is plaintiff (respondent No.1) who has come for execution of decree of money. Now money decree was matured only on account of her relinquishment of share in the immovable property being auctioned. Had she not relinquished her share in the property, her money decree would not have been passed. The property which she relinquished was auctioned for her money decree Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.527-K/2019 Mst: Waheeda Aslam and others v. Muhammad Jamil and others,C.P.592-K/2019 Ali Sufyan and another v. Muhammad Jamil and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed for Non-Prosecution,Disposed Dismissed as Not Pressed
352 Const. P. 8573/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Abul Bakar (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 23-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
353 Const. P. 548/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Al-Sajr Corp Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
354 Const. P. 6726/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Mansoor Malik (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-NOV-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
355 Const. P. 7076/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s World Wide Distributors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
356 Const. P. 2562/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Rasool Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
357 Const. P. 6874/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Khan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 17-DEC-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
358 Const. P. 2564/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Zohaib International (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
359 Const. P. 7428/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Hassan Steel and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.1197/2020 Director, Directorate General of Intelligence & Investigation, Karachi and others v. M/s Hassan Steels and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
360 Const. P. 6901/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Home System (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
361 Const. P. 3147/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2016 M/s Sialkot International Airport Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Collector of Customs and Ors (Respondent) 25-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
362 Const. P. 2503/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Mehboob Steel Pipe (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & ors (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No After hearing all the parties, in accordance with law; and The Anti-Dumping Appellate Tribunal may pass appropriate order on the interlocutory application(s) so filed by the petitioner(s) and/or may decide the appeal(s) filed by the petitioner(s), within the stipulated period as provided under section 70 of the Anti-Dumping Duties Act, 2015. However, in case no order could be passed either on the stay application(s) or on the main appeal(s) by Anti-Dumping Appellate Tribunal within the stipulated period, the respondents may not adopt any coercive measures for seeking enforcement of final determination by National Tariff Commissioner (NTC) till an order is passed either on stay application or in the main appeal(s) of the petitioner Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
363 Const. P. 2521/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Shangrila Food Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
364 Const. P. 4826/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Ms/ Careem Network Pakistan Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 20-DEC-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
365 Const. P. 1505/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s B.G Textile (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 04-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
366 Const. P. 2195/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Syed Ali Irteza Rizvi (Petitioner) VS Pakistan Re-Insurance Co. Ltd and Ors (Respondent) 11-AUG-20 No The impugned enquiry reports dated 01.07.2014, being not sustainable either in law or on facts, are hereby set aside, and the instant petitions are allowed with no order as to costs. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
367 Const. P. 1708/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Haji Javed Iqbal (Petitioner) VS Pakistan Re-Insurance Co. Ltd and Ors (Respondent) 11-AUG-20 No The impugned enquiry reports dated 01.07.2014, being not sustainable either in law or on facts, are hereby set aside, and the instant petitions are allowed with no order as to costs. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
368 Const. P. 4310/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Rizwan Khan (Petitioner) VS KMC and Others (Respondent) 14-SEP-20 No We direct respondents 3 and 4 to assign posting to the petitioner within a reasonable time strictly in accordance with law in his own pay scale. Let notice be issued to respondents 3 and 4 for compliance. The petition and listed applications stand disposed of in the above terms with no order as to costs. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
369 Const. P. 2544/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Sultan & Co. (Petitioner) VS The Collector of Custom and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No After hearing all the parties, in accordance with law; and The Anti-Dumping Appellate Tribunal may pass appropriate order on the interlocutory application(s) so filed by the petitioner(s) and/or may decide the appeal(s) filed by the petitioner(s), within the stipulated period as provided under section 70 of the Anti-Dumping Duties Act, 2015. However, in case no order could be passed either on the stay application(s) or on the main appeal(s) by Anti-Dumping Appellate Tribunal within the stipulated period, the respondents may not adopt any coercive measures for seeking enforcement of final determination by National Tariff Commissioner (NTC) till an order is passed either on stay application or in the main appeal(s) of the petitioner Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
370 Const. P. 1348/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 National Foods Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
371 Const. P. 1497/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Nasir Kamal (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-JUN-21 Yes PNSC is hereby directed to pay all the post-retirement benefits to the petitioner strictly in accordance with law without fail within fifteen (15) days and to submit compliance report to this Court through MIT-II within seven (07) days thereafter. For future as well as for cases pending for calculation and/or payment of post-retirement benefits, PNSC is further directed to ensure compliance of the directions given by the Honble Supreme Court in Haji Muhammad Ismail Advocate (supra) and Province of Punjab, through Conservator of Forest, Faisalabad (supra) in letter and spirit The petition is allowed in the above terms with costs. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.1089-K/2021 Pakistan National Shipping Corporation through its Chairman v. Nasir Kamal & another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
372 Const. P. 6127/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Sixth Constructon (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
373 H.C.A 32/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Frontier Works Organization (FWO) & another (Appellant) VS M/s. Zubair Hassan Enterprises (Respondent) 21-APR-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
374 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 71/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS M/s. Island Textile Mills Ltd. (Respondent) 22-FEB-21 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
375 Const. P. 6465/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Imran Farooqui (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
376 Const. P. 6799/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Imtiaz Provisions Store (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 23-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
377 Const. P. 6865/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Agha Steel Ind. Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 23-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
378 Const. P. 6426/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Conwill Pakistan Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 04-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
379 Const. P. 7633/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Rasheed (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 17-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
380 Const. P. 7364/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Royal Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 13-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
381 Const. P. 6599/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2014 M/s Lucky Cement (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and ORs (Respondent) 21-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author) C.P.21/2022 Lucky Cement Limited, Karachi v. Federation of Pakistan through the Secretary Revenue Division, Chairman Federal Board of Revenue, Ministry of Finance and Revenue, Islamabad and another,C.A.318/2022 Lucky Cement Limited, Karachi v. Federation of Pakistan through the Secretary Revenue Division, Chairman Federal Board of Revenue, Ministry of Finance and Revenue, Islamabad and another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave Granted,Disposed Dismissed as Not Pressed
382 H.C.A 474/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Sindh Revenue Board (Appellant) VS Mst. Shamim Taher Sachak & another (Respondent) 17-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
383 2022 PTD 539 Const. P. 4292/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Outdoorsman (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 Yes We do not find any necessity of an independent license from the federal government in presence of Import Policy Order, 2016 w.e.f. 14.6.2018 followed by Import Policy Order, 2020. The Import Policy Order, 2016 in terms of the subject in hand was amended by virtue of SRO No.772(1)/2018 on 14.6.2018 which provides that the individual license holders or arms dealership license holders [as issued by Home Department, Province of Sindh] are allowed to import arms and ammunition. It was clarified by Federal Government, Ministry of Commerce & Textile vide letter dated 06.09.2019 that the import of arms and ammunition does not require any import authorization from the Commerce Division Islamabad after issuance of SRO No.772(I)/2018 dated 14-06-2018. For convenience and ready reference, text of [i]. Letter dated 06.09.2019, [ii]. Section 6(1) and [iii]. Entry No.62 Part I of Appendix B of IPO, 2020 ---Section 4 of ibid Act 2013 is related to the license for the manufacture/sale of arms and ammunition which is not the case here. Section 5 deals with the import, export and transportation which for all intent and purposes means import and export within the province of Sindh and we, while read it down, do not find it to be ultra vires to the Constitution. It primarily concerns with the person who is brining into and taking out of Sindh or any of its districts, arms, ammunition or military stores of a firearm or convert an imitation firearm into a firearm unless a license has been issued in accordance with the provisions and rules thereunder. Similarly, in section 9&10 the words import and export are in relation to brining into and taking out of the province of Sindh and any of its districts and it does not mean import of any arms and ammunition from outside the country which is an independent subject of the federal government hence, we read down these provisions to be within frame of Sindh Arms Act, 2013 and are not ultra vires the Constitution. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.245-K/2022 The Province of Sindh through Home Department Government of Sindh & others v. M/s. Outdoorsman & others,C.P.246-K/2022 Federal Board of Revenue & others v. M/s. Outdoorsman & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending ,Pending
384 Const. P. 6964/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Shah Murad Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
385 2022 PTD 576 Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 2/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 IMS Health Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. (Applicant) VS Commissioner-II SRB (Respondent) 29-NOV-21 Yes It is the consideration in money including federal and provincial duties and taxes which constitute value of taxable services which the person provides against the consideration but it excludes the amount of sales tax under the ibid Act. The Tribunal was of the view that the invoices generated on the amount includes the expenses/expenditures plus 10-% service charges and is to be taken as one revenue component for services rendered. The Tribunal is also of the view that in certain cases there is specific rule in Sindh Sales Tax on Services Act, 2011 providing for valuation of a particular service and providing a certain minimum threshold and also any exemption and exception. However, Tribunal considered that since no rule is available for the category of Business Support Services full value of generated invoices shall be taken as the value of services rendered or provided in terms of provisions of Section 5 ibid. --Primarily value of service charges for the purposes of Act 2011 is governed by the value of service agreed upon between the provider and the recipient as the market itself is so competitive that nothing could defeat the actual amount being declared to be taxed. However, in case such understanding of value of service is doubtful as it does not disclose correct value of service, it was open for the department to have considered the open market price of such service as required to be determined under section 6 of Sindh Sales Tax on Services Act, 2011 which is not the case here. Two provisos to Section 5 deals the situation of value of service. In a situation where the consideration of value of service is in kind or is partly in kind and partly in money, value of service shall mean open market price2 excluding the amount of sales tax under Act 2011. Similarly in case where service is provided by provider to a recipient who is an associated person and the value is not the actual value of service, then the value of service which is being provided by a provider to a non-associated person shall be counted and in case no consideration is claimed or value is lower than it is being provided by other persons, the value of service shall be of open market. In principle the department has not disputed the value of services rather the department is of the view that reimbursed amount or the amount of maintenance/expenses incurred should be made part of the value of the service. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
386 Const. P. 6789/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Gul Ahmed Holdings (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
387 Const. P. 6422/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/S Madina Private Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.5904/2021 M/s Madina (Private) Limited, Karachi v. Province of Sindh through Secretary Excise and Taxation Department Sindh Sectt, Karachi and others,C.A.2062/2022 M/s Madina (Private) Limited, Karachi v. Province of Sindh through Secretary Excise and Taxation Department, Karachi and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave be fixed in 1st week of October 22,Pending Adjourned (Next hearing: After 2 weeks)
388 Const. P. 2699/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Ibrahim & Sons (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
389 Const. P. 4891/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Jawad Naseer (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 05-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
390 Const. P. 6526/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ahmed Fine Textile Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
391 Const. P. 2539/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s RAZ Textile (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
392 Const. P. 6944/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s ISRA University (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
393 Const. P. 6996/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Danish Naseem (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
394 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 447/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Collector of Customs MCC (Applicant) VS Fareed Ahmed Shager & another (Respondent) 29-OCT-21 Yes The initial burden is on the department, which has to be discharged in the light of registration book which carries all presumption to its genuineness and more important when copies of such documents were sent to customs department. In the absence of any record of the excise department at the time when the subject vehicle was transferred in favour of the respondents, no question arises out of the proceedings to cast any doubt over the bona fide transfer of the vehicle and hence no interference is required as far as impugned decision is concerned. The proposed questions, though not arises out of the Tribunals order, yet are deliberated upon to avoid any element of they (respondents) being condemned unheard Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
395 Const. P. 6525/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ahmed Fine Textile Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
396 Const. P. 7062/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Shah Transport Network (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 10-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
397 Const. P. 6391/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Chandar Lal (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
398 Const. P. 5206/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2014 Amir Asim Steel (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
399 Const. P. 6745/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Power Cement Ltd (Petitioner) VS FBR and Others (Respondent) 22-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
400 Const. P. 6698/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Adam Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
401 Const. P. 6725/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Sarfaraz Ali Pario (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
402 Const. P. 6398/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Sino Sindh Resources (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
403 Const. P. 2405/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Shakir Ali Bhaijee (Petitioner) VS The Commissioner I.R & Ors (Respondent) 08-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
404 Const. P. 2680/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Sardar Muhammad Kashif KHan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 02-JUN-17 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
405 Const. P. 3574/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s MCB Arif Habib (Petitioner) VS S.R.B and Ors (Respondent) 30-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
406 Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 19/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 M/s. Yasir Fruit Juice Pvt Ltd Karachi (Applicant) VS The Commissioner Inalnd Revenue and Another (Respondent) 24-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
407 Const. P. 1836/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Akhter Hussain & Co. (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
408 Const. P. 4537/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 TPL Tracker Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
409 Const. P. 2645/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s FFBL Power Co. Ltd (Petitioner) VS Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
410 I.T.C 418/2004 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2004 The Commissioner of Income Tax (Applicant) VS M/s.Huma ServicesPvt.Ltd., (Respondent) 28-APR-17 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
411 Const. P. 3694/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Pakistan International Bulk Terminal (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
412 Const. P. 3821/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Allied Rental Modaraba (Petitioner) VS S.R.B and Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
413 I.T.A. 918/2000 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2000 Commissioner of Income Tax (Petitioner) VS m/S. J & S Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd (Respondent) 20-APR-17 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
414 Const. P. 2804/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Khuda Dost (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 27-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
415 Const. P. 2325/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Gar Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 12-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
416 I. A 48/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Shahzad Lashari (Appellant) VS Dr Sikander Ali & another (Respondent) 30-APR-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
417 Const. P. 600/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Mohammad Mushtaque Qureshi (Petitioner) VS P O Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 21-OCT-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
418 Const. P. 1594/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Adnan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
419 Const. P. 1946/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s New Mujahid Alcon Ind (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
420 Const. P. 1014/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 The Universal Insurance Co. Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 29-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
421 Const. P. 3510/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s NKC (SMC-PVT) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
422 I.T.A. 14/2001 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2001 The Commissioner Of Income Tax (Petitioner) VS M/s.Bank Of Tokyo Ltd (Respondent) 26-APR-17 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
423 Const. P. 6587/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 ENI Pakistan Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
424 I. A 49/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Humayun (Appellant) VS Muhammad Iqbal (Respondent) 17-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
425 Const. P. 516/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Hasanali & Gulbanoo Lakhani Foundation (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
426 Const. P. 2370/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Khan Brothers (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 15-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
427 Const. P. 1556/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Hussain Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
428 Const. P. 2155/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Abbas Traders & Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 06-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author) C.P.1173-K/2023 The Collector of Customs v. M/s Abbas Traders and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
429 Const. P. 2263/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Ora-Tech System (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 10-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
430 R.A (Civil Revision) 234/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2011 Muhammad Ismail (Applicant) VS Mst. Qurat-ul-Ain & Ors (Respondent) 09-AUG-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
431 Const. P. 2892/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Sultan & Co. (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 17-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
432 Const. P. 2732/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Vehicle Tracking (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS S.R.B & Ors (Respondent) 24-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
433 R.A (Civil Revision) 68/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Mir Abdul Hussain Thr:his LRs. (Applicant) VS Govt:of Sindh and others. (Respondent) 02-FEB-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
434 Const. P. 636/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2012 Muhammad Sualeheen (Petitioner) VS Suhail Ahmed and others (Respondent) 22-AUG-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
435 R.A (Civil Revision) 151/1996 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 1996 Amjad Hussain and others (Applicant) VS Arif Ali Abbasi and others. (Respondent) 01-SEP-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
436 Const. P. 1644/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s MAG Corp (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 31-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
437 R.A (Civil Revision) 69/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Mir Abdul Hussain Thr:his LRs. (Applicant) VS Govt:of Sindh and others (Respondent) 02-FEB-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
438 R.A (Civil Revision) 168/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Rahim Dino, Thr: LRs (Applicant) VS Muhammad Sadiq and Others (Respondent) 26-SEP-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
439 Const. P. 203/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Fateh Muhammad (Petitioner) VS Altaf & Ors (Respondent) 08-SEP-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
440 Const. P. 614/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Cosco Shipping Lines (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
441 Const. P. 1322/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Birjees Naseem Educational (Petitioner) VS Govt of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 11-JAN-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
442 Const. P. 637/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2012 Muhammad Sualeheen (Petitioner) VS Suhail Ahmed and others (Respondent) 22-AUG-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
443 R.A (Civil Revision) 144/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Badaruddin (Applicant) VS Rasheed & Ors (Respondent) 18-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
444 Const. P. 2848/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Melamine Emporium (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
445 Const. P. 3297/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s HPH International (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 30-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
446 Cr.J.A 51/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: Cr A D 29/2021 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Mst. Rado @ Ladoni (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 10-OCT-23 Yes Life Imprisonment Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author) J.P.570/2023 Mst. Rado @ Ladoni v. The State Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
447 Const. P. 5106/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Zaheer Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Zafar Abbas & Ors (Respondent) 27-APR-23 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
448 Cr.J.A 66/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: Cr. Jail Appeal D 67/2021 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Badurddin (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 13-OCT-23 Yes The sole evidence of a material witness i.e. an eyewitness is always sufficient to establish the guilt of the accused if the same is confidenceinspiring and trustworthy and supported by another independent source of evidence because the law considers the quality of evidence and not its quantity to prove the charge. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author) J.P.481/2023 Badaruddin Lashari v. The State Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
449 Const. P. 2680/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Muhammad Imran and Others (Petitioner) VS Sect: Religious Affairs & Others (Respondent) 31-MAY-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
450 H.C.A 162/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Pakistan International Container Terminal Ltd. (Appellant) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Respondent) 02-JUN-23 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
451 Const. P. 4140/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Danish (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 08-MAY-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
452 Const. P. 88/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Mehboob Ali (Petitioner) VS Mst. Sunaina & Others (Respondent) 06-OCT-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author) C.P.1293-K/2023 Mehboob Ali Ghangro v. Mst. Sunaina and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
453 Const. P. 1757/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Allah Jewayo (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 06-APR-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
454 Cr.Bail 947/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Imdad Ali @ubaidullah (Applicant) VS The State (Complainant) 06-OCT-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
455 Cr.Bail 1048/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Muhammad Ishaque (Applicant) VS The State (Complainant) 13-OCT-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
456 Criminal Appeal 6/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Original Side 2024 Mst: Noor Jahan (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 15-JAN-25 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Amjad Ali Sahito(Author)
457 Criminal Appeal 347/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 SHOIB AHMED SHAIKH S/O LATE BASHIR AHMED & ANOTHER (Appellant) VS THE ADDITIONAL SESSIONS JUDGE SOUTH KHI & ANOTHER (Respondent) 21-FEB-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
458 Suit 791/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2014 Bashir Ahmed & Others (Plaintiff) VS K.M.C. & Others (Defendant) 02-JUL-16 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
459 Const. P. 7912/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Mst. Razia Sultan (Petitioner) VS V/S Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 28-DEC-15 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Shahnawaz Tariq, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
460 Civil Revision 293/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 Zahid Hussain Shaikh (Applicant) VS Sultan Ahmed and Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
461 I. A 17/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Sindh Small Industries Corporation (Appellant) VS Nabi Bux (Respondent) 13-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
462 Civil Revision 110/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2005 Province of Sindh & Ors (Applicant) VS Abdul Wahid & ORs (Respondent) 16-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
463 Civil Tran 22/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Original Side 2017 Abdul jaleel (Applicant) VS Kamran & others (Respondent) 22-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
464 Civil Revision 58/2004 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2004 Mir Behram Khan & ors (Applicant) VS Province of Sindh and other (Respondent) 19-JAN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
465 H.C.A 234/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Attaullah & others (Appellant) VS Sanaullah & others (Respondent) 16-MAR-22 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.20-K/2019 Siraj Ahmed Mughal and others v. Sanaullah (decd) thr. his L.Rs and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
466 Const. P. 1977/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Muhammad Saffar (Petitioner) VS Learned Additional Sessions Judge-II Dadu and othes (Respondent) 18-OCT-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Mahar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
467 Suit 717/1997 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 1997 Rafiq Ahmed Khan Kandhari (Plaintiff) VS Akhtar Ellahi and 4 others (Defendant) 29-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
468 Const. P. 2315/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Siraj Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Election Commissioner and others (Respondent) 10-JUL-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Mahar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
469 Civil Revision 112/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2011 Province of Sindh & Ors (Applicant) VS Muhammad Aslam (Respondent) 07-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
470 Civil Revision 6/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2010 Maqsood Ahmed and Others (Applicant) VS Muhammad Moosa and an Other (Respondent) 05-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
471 Civil Revision 91/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Muhammad Younis (Applicant) VS Muhammad Sharif and others (Respondent) 12-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
472 Const. P. 7525/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Loyal Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 10-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
473 Const. P. 1019/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Ayaz Khan & Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-JUL-20 Yes A Divisional Bench of this Court comprising of Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi and Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, has pronounced the judgment on 24.07.2020 in the case of Muhammad Ayaz Khan and others v. Federation of Pakistan & others (along with C.P.No.D-1046/2019), whereby, Members of the Establishment of Sindh High Court and Members of Establishment of the Establishment of sub-ordinate judiciary of Province of Sindh, expressed their grievance against withholding of income tax by the Accountant General Sindh on the amounts paid towards Judicial Allowance and Special Judicial Allowance by treating the same as part of their salary income chargeable to tax under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. The Hon'ble bench of Sindh High Court has been pleased to allow both these petitions in the following terms:- "In view of hereinabove facts and circumstances of the case, we are of the considered opinion that amount of judicial allowance and special judicial allowance paid to the Members of establishment of Sindh High Court as well as to the Members of the establishment of sub-ordinate judiciary of Province of Sindh falls within the exclusion in terms of clause (c) of sub-section (2) of Section 12 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, therefore, not part of their taxable salary income, hence, not chargeable to Tax or deduction under Section 149 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Accordingly, withholding of income tax on the aforesaid amounts is hereby declared to be illegal and without lawful authority. Consequently, both the constitutional petitions are allowed along with listed applications. Respondents are directed not to withhold any amount of income tax from judicial allowance and special judicial allowance of the Members of establishment of Sindh High Court as well as the Members of establishment of sub-ordinate judiciary in Province of Sindh. The amounts already deducted from the salary of the Members of establishment of Sindh High Court as well as to the sub-ordinate judiciary, shall be refunded by the FBR, on their filing refund applications in accordance with law, preferably, within a period of three months from the date of such claims." Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.L.A.484-K/2020 Commissioner Inland Revenue v. Muhammad Ayaz Khan & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
474 Const. P. 1046/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Ashfaq Muhammad Awan and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-JUL-20 Yes A Divisional Bench of this Court comprising of Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi and Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, has pronounced the judgment on 24.07.2020 in the case of Muhammad Ayaz Khan and others v. Federation of Pakistan & others (along with C.P.No.D-1046/2019), whereby, Members of the Establishment of Sindh High Court and Members of Establishment of the Establishment of sub-ordinate judiciary of Province of Sindh, expressed their grievance against withholding of income tax by the Accountant General Sindh on the amounts paid towards Judicial Allowance and Special Judicial Allowance by treating the same as part of their salary income chargeable to tax under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. The Hon'ble bench of Sindh High Court has been pleased to allow both these petitions in the following terms:- "In view of hereinabove facts and circumstances of the case, we are of the considered opinion that amount of judicial allowance and special judicial allowance paid to the Members of establishment of Sindh High Court as well as to the Members of the establishment of sub-ordinate judiciary of Province of Sindh falls within the exclusion in terms of clause (c) of sub-section (2) of Section 12 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, therefore, not part of their taxable salary income, hence, not chargeable to Tax or deduction under Section 149 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Accordingly, withholding of income tax on the aforesaid amounts is hereby declared to be illegal and without lawful authority. Consequently, both the constitutional petitions are allowed along with listed applications. Respondents are directed not to withhold any amount of income tax from judicial allowance and special judicial allowance of the Members of establishment of Sindh High Court as well as the Members of establishment of sub-ordinate judiciary in Province of Sindh. The amounts already deducted from the salary of the Members of establishment of Sindh High Court as well as to the sub-ordinate judiciary, shall be refunded by the FBR, on their filing refund applications in accordance with law, preferably, within a period of three months from the date of such claims." Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.485-K/2020 Commissioner Inland Revenue v. Ashfaq Muhammad Awan & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
475 Const. P. 5652/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Muhammad Arif Construction (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 04-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
476 Const. P. 4302/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s QTS International (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-NOV-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
477 Const. P. 171/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Pakistan Motors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
478 Const. P. 7983/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Digital Technologies & Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
479 Const. P. 6161/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Khaliq Dad Khan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 10-SEP-20 No The petitioner undertakes to vacate the premises within three (03) months from today. As the legitimate post-retirement dues have been admittedly withheld by the respondents, they shall not take any coercive action against the petitioner during the next three (03) months, including any action for recovery of rent. It is, however, clarified that if the premises are not vacated by the petitioner within three (03) months, the respondents would be at liberty to seek his eviction strictly in accordance with law. In view of the above, the petition and listed applications stand disposed of in the above terms with no order as to costs. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
480 Const. P. 7512/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Procon Engineering (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-DEC-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
481 Const. P. 7581/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Solution One (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
482 Const. P. 7135/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Kiran Food Products (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 12-DEC-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
483 H.C.A 35/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Frontier Works Organization (FWO) & another (Appellant) VS Al-Raee Construction Company (Pvt) Ltd. (Respondent) 21-APR-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
484 Const. P. 1444/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Zam Zam Steel (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 01-APR-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
485 Const. P. 6092/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Adam Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
486 Const. P. 6076/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Mehran Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
487 Const. P. 6205/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Imran Ind (Petitioner) VS Fed, of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
488 2022 PTD 390, 2022 PTCL 396 Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 104/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Commissioner I-R Zone-I (Applicant) VS M/s. Faizan Steel (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.1679-K/2021 Commissioner Inland Reveue v. M/s. Faizan Steel,C.A.442/2023 Commissioner Inland Reveue v. M/s. Faizan Steel Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Converted into Appeal and Allowed and Remanded,Disposed
489 Const. P. 6191/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Tando Allayar Sugar Mills Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 21-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
490 Const. P. 1415/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Diamond Steel Ind (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
491 Const. P. 3135/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Millennium Mall Management Co. (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 06-MAY-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.L.A.931/2024 Faisal Cantonment Board thr. Cantonment Executive Officer, Karachi v. Millennium Mall Management Company thr. its Managing Partner, Karachi & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending Adjourned (Next Date: 05-Aug-24)
492 Const. P. 6359/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s International Entperises (Petitioner) VS Fed.of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
493 Const. P. 6642/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s SAMBA Bank Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
494 Const. P. 7025/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Miracle Products (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
495 Const. P. 8448/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Ms Mirza Corp (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 17-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
496 Const. P. 6445/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Zeal Pak Cement Factory Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 04-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
497 Const. P. 6394/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Zahir uddin Khan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
498 Const. P. 7329/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Habib Metropolitan Bank (Petitioner) VS SRB and Others (Respondent) 23-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
499 Const. P. 6523/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ahmed Fine Textile Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
500 Const. P. 2538/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Raz Textile (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
501 Const. P. 7848/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Tajran-e-Umar Farooqui Market (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 16-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
502 Const. P. 6580/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Quality Textile Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 15-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
503 Const. P. 6596/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s MATCO Food Ltd (Petitioner) VS Commissioner IR (Appeals-II) and Others (Respondent) 15-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
504 Const. P. 4374/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Madiha International Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
505 Const. P. 6579/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Arbab Ali Khan (M/s Best Homes) (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 12-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
506 Const. P. 6889/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Tahir Engineers & Contractors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 30-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
507 Const. P. 1206/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Royal Corp. and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 25-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
508 Const. P. 737/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Black Gold Ind (Petitioner) VS FOP & Ors (Respondent) 19-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
509 Const. P. 6813/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Jawaid Nabi Memon (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
510 Const. P. 7281/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Tariq Chobdar (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 15-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
511 Const. P. 5201/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2014 Faizan Steel (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
512 Const. P. 6583/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Sadruddin Gilani (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 15-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
513 Const. P. 6961/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Allied Engineering & Services (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
514 Const. P. 7108/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Tayyab Usman Memon (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 14-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
515 Const. P. 2111/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s J.R Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 05-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
516 Const. P. 7149/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s MSK Industries (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 13-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.235/2022 M/s MSK INDUSTIES at Mohmand Economic Zone, Michni District Mohmand v. The Province of Sindh, through the Secretary Excise & Taxation Department, Sindh, Karachi and others,C.A.2073/2022 M/s MSK INDUSTIES v. The Province of Sindh, through the Secretary Excise & Taxation Department, Sindh, Karachi and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave be fixed in 1st week of October 22,Pending Adjourned (Next hearing: After 2 weeks)
517 Const. P. 7064/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Shah Transport Network (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 10-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
518 Const. P. 6183/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s A.A.D Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
519 Const. P. 6403/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
520 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 822/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 The Collector MCC, Hyderabad (Applicant) VS M/s. Rizwan Khan & another (Respondent) 18-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
521 Const. P. 7176/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Shahid Aziz (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
522 Const. P. 7304/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Erum Tahir (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 23-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
523 Const. P. 6425/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Meskay & Femtee Trading Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 04-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
524 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 1233/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS Ms. Shazia Aman (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 Yes the Valuation Ruling such as one dated 10.07.2008 is not applicable as the valuation is to be issued on the basis of data of 90 days, either before or after, import in terms of Rule 107(A) of Customs Rules 2001. It has not been disclosed as to what the exact dates of the clearance of the goods are however subsequent valuation rulings, as reviewed, are of 15.07.2009 and 27.04.2010 respectively. In the absence of a clear date of clearance of the goods, the applicability of Valuation Ruling of 15.07.2009 and 27.04.2010 would be farfetched. Subsection 4 to Section 25A of Customs Act, 1969 was amended by Finance Act 2010 and assented on 30.06.2010 which was subsequent to the last ruling relied upon, hence by the time goods were cleared the regime of availability of 90% data, pre or post, was applicable as the applicability of last issued Valuation Ruling was introduced after 30.06.2010. Even the show-cause notice is silent as to the date of clearance of the goods. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
525 Const. P. 6370/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s SEPCO Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
526 Const. P. 3699/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Crete Sol (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 26-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
527 Const. P. 1096/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Shafi Muhammad (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
528 Const. P. 1096/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Zeeshan Mangi (Petitioner) VS Govt of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 24-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
529 Const. P. 4679/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Pearl Securities Ltd (Petitioner) VS The Commissioner II SRB and Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
530 I.T.C 101/2002 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2002 Comm Income Tax (Applicant) VS Credit Agricole Indosuez (Respondent) 28-APR-17 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
531 H.C.A 22/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Adeel Rauf (Appellant) VS Mohammad Madni & others (Respondent) 19-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
532 Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 153/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 M/s. Jankuf Corporation (Applicant) VS Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue & others (Respondent) 31-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
533 Const. P. 101/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Allah Dino Lakho (Petitioner) VS Fed of Pak & Others (Respondent) 18-NOV-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
534 H.C.A 60/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Military Estate Officer (Appellant) VS Ardeshir Cowasjee & others (Respondent) 17-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author) C.P.795-K/2022 Military Estate Office v. Ardeshir Cowasjee & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
535 Cr.Rev 23/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Hadi Bux (Applicant) VS State (Respondent) 15-SEP-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio(Author)
536 Const. P. 4968/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Asian Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 21-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
537 Const. P. 1232/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Mst Maqsooda Begum Bhatti (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 16-DEC-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
538 Const. P. 2979/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Al-Asar mTraders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
539 Const. P. 1833/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Universal Chemical Ind (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
540 Const. P. 7811/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 M/s Jhimpur Power (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS S.R.B and Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
541 Const. P. 1748/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Byco Petroleum Pakistan Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 25-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
542 Const. P. 364/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 China Power Hub Generation Co. (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 24-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
543 Const. P. 171/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 M/s New Kohistan Cotton (Petitioner) VS The Chief Commissioner I.R and Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
544 Const. P. 4150/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Jaun Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
545 Criminal Appeal 76/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Original Side 2019 Mehrullah & another (Appellant) VS state (Respondent) 02-SEP-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio(Author) J.P.35/2022 Aijaz Ali v. The State Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
546 I. A 16/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 National Bank of Pakistan Ltd (Appellant) VS M/s. Saudi Pak Ind.&Agri. Invest. Co. Pvt. Ltd. (Respondent) 21-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
547 Const. P. 1279/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Mst Nazeeran Masih (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 16-DEC-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
548 Const. P. 1282/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Gulzar Masih (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 16-DEC-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
549 H.C.A 27/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Moeed Khan thorugh Attorney Saeed Khan (Appellant) VS Mst. Sehar Gul & others (Respondent) 16-MAR-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.L.A.536-K/2021 Muhammad Moeed Khan v. Mst.Sehar Gul & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
550 Const. P. 451/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Haji Abdul Raziq Khan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 27-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
551 Const. P. 2729/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Smart Link (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.941-K/2022 Narain Das Rupchandani v. Province of Sindh through Home Department Government of Sindh & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
552 Const. P. 2501/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s R & I Electrical Appliances & Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
553 Const. P. 2866/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Axiom Trading Inc (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
554 Const. P. 227/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Nisar Ahmed & Ors (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Sualeheen & Ors (Respondent) 20-AUG-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
555 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 12/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 The Collector, Model Customs Collectorate (Applicant) VS Shafi Muhammad & another (Respondent) 24-MAY-22 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.883-K/2022 Collector of Customs v. Shafi Muhammad Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
556 II.A. 34/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 Khalid Akhtar (Appellant) VS Muhammad Ali and Others (Respondent) 11-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
557 Const. P. 1385/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Shah & Sons (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 20-SEP-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
558 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 64/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Director DG I & I (Customs) (Applicant) VS M/s. Digicom Trading (Pvt) Ltd. & another (Respondent) 28-APR-22 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
559 R.A (Civil Revision) 60/1993 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 1993 Ali Nawaz and others (Applicant) VS Govt of Sindh and others (Respondent) 27-AUG-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
560 II.A. 14/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 Abdul Sattar and an Other (Appellant) VS Haji Abdul Majeed and Others (Respondent) 07-OCT-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
561 Const. P. 3981/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Karachi Human Right Society (Petitioner) VS SBCA and Others (Respondent) 24-AUG-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
562 Const. P. 4043/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Abdul Karim and Another (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Another (Respondent) 24-AUG-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
563 Cr.Bail 63/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Hashim Sand & Others (Applicant) VS The State (Complainant) 05-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi
564 Cr.Bail 648/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Irshad (Applicant) VS The State (Complainant) 25-AUG-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
565 Cr.Bail 55/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Muhammad Riaz & Others (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) 12-OCT-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author) Crl.P.1322/2023 Muhammad Riaz S/o Abdul Ghafoor and others v. The State through Prosecutor General Sindh Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed as Not Pressed
566 Const. P. 120/2002 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2002 Mushtaq Ahmed and others (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Shafi and others (Respondent) 29-SEP-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio(Author)
567 Const. P. 126/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Zamanullah (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Ashraf & another (Respondent) 16-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
568 Const. P. 343/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2014 Muhammad Nadeem (Petitioner) VS 5th A.D.J Hyd & Ors (Respondent) 02-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
569 Const. P. 463/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Nadir Ali (Petitioner) VS Mst. Humaira Akhtar & Ors. (Respondent) 11-DEC-17 No Prima facie, factual issues are involved which are not available for deliberation in constitutional petition as such the complaint as made is not liable to be entertained. Without involving him-self in this controversy and without prejudice to any right of the parties Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
570 Const. P. 1149/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Mst. Saba & another (Petitioner) VS V/S Province Of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 09-JUL-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
571 Civil Revision 245/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Mohammad Hassan and others (Applicant) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 09-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
572 Civil Revision 210/2006 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2006 Muhammad Wassan through LRs (Applicant) VS Govt of Sindh and other (Respondent) 26-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
573 Civil Revision 112/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Mauaging Director Sindh Agriculture SASO & Others (Applicant) VS Main Allah Jurio @ Main Asshad & Others (Respondent) 22-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
574 Const. P. 825/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2011 Nizakar Ali and another (Petitioner) VS Ghulam Rasool and another (Respondent) 29-JAN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
575 Const. P. 1964/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Samiuddin (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Azam & Others (Respondent) 08-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
576 Civil Revision 140/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Shoukat Ali Bhatti (Applicant) VS Khadim HUssain Bhatti (Respondent) 02-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
577 Const. P. 2039/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Masood Ahmed Sangi and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 10-AUG-20 No Respondents 1 and 2 are directed to comply with the order dated 26.11.2018 by regularizing the services of petitioners 1 and 3 viz. Masood Ahmed Sangi and Ghulam Qadir within fifteen (15) days, however, subject to fulfillment of remaining legal and codal formalities, if any, and to submit compliance report to this Court within seven (07) days thereafter through MIT-II. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
578 Const. P. 7024/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Galaxy Tradcom & Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
579 Const. P. 5172/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Waves Singer Pakistan Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 11-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
580 Const. P. 4087/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Sarmad Raza (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 06-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
581 Const. P. 7302/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 M/S Asad Trading Co. (Petitioner) VS Federation Of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 17-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
582 Const. P. 7245/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Megaplus Pakistan and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
583 Const. P. 322/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Rasheed (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 02-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
584 Const. P. 5277/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Mirza Khan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-NOV-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
585 Const. P. 6802/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Rubina Begum and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
586 Const. P. 7077/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Awan Distributors (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
587 Const. P. 3568/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Fareed Ahmed Sabir (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 10-SEP-20 No They undertake to consider and finalize his case within a period of one (01) month from today and to submit compliance report through MIT-II of this Court within seven (07) days thereafter. It is clarified that the conviction of the petitioner, which has been set-aside by this Court, shall not be treated or considered as an impediment or disqualification in considering or deciding his case for regularization, which shall be decided strictly in accordance with law and the prevailing rules, regulations and policy of KMC ; and, same treatment shall be given to him as was given to other contractual employees of KMC. By consent, the petition and pending application are disposed of in the above terms with no order as to costs. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
588 Const. P. 803/2009 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2009 Yaseen Khan. (Petitioner) VS Fed of Pakistan and others (Respondent) 27-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
589 I.T.R.A 65/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 THE COMMISSIONER INLAND REVENUE (Applicant) VS M/S EXIDE PAKISTAN LIMITED (Respondent) 10-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
590 Const. P. 2543/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Oro Ind (Petitioner) VS The Collector of Custom and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No After hearing all the parties, in accordance with law; and The Anti-Dumping Appellate Tribunal may pass appropriate order on the interlocutory application(s) so filed by the petitioner(s) and/or may decide the appeal(s) filed by the petitioner(s), within the stipulated period as provided under section 70 of the Anti-Dumping Duties Act, 2015. However, in case no order could be passed either on the stay application(s) or on the main appeal(s) by Anti-Dumping Appellate Tribunal within the stipulated period, the respondents may not adopt any coercive measures for seeking enforcement of final determination by National Tariff Commissioner (NTC) till an order is passed either on stay application or in the main appeal(s) of the petitioner Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
591 Const. P. 6164/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Hapag-Lloyd Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
592 I.T.R.A 85/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 THE COMMISSIONER INLAND REVENUE (Applicant) VS M/S EMPACT ACTIVATION SERVICE (PVT) LTD (Respondent) 21-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
593 I.T.R.A 16/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 THE COMMISSIONER INLAND REVENUE (Applicant) VS M/S. ROCHE PAKISTAN LTD. (Respondent) 20-OCT-21 No We have also noticed that invariably references are being filed by the department where they themselves frame questions. We would appreciate if the counsels who are filing such references also apply their mind and after going to the root of the case and the cause as to what in fact serious questions of law arising out of the order and only then such proposed questions of the department could be finalized by the counsels themselves. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
594 H.C.A 36/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Frontier Works Organization (FWO) & another (Appellant) VS Al-Raee Construction Company (Pvt) Ltd. (Respondent) 21-APR-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
595 Const. P. 6106/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Fine Star Ind Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
596 Const. P. 2636/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2015 M/S Thatta Cement Company (Petitioner) VS Ghulam Muhammad and Others (Respondent) 03-SEP-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio(Author)
597 2022 PTD 245 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 335/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS Forte Impex Lahore (Respondent) 25-OCT-21 Yes Simply mentioning that there is danger of removal of goods is not sufficient. The officer must state grounds which justify apprehension of danger of such removal and so also information that he received from an individual having name and that the concerned party has taken steps or about to take steps for the removal of the goods. Nothing of such sort is mentioned in the under considered warrant allegedly issued under section 163 of Customs Act, 1969. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
598 Const. P. 2169/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Everfresh Farms (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 05-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
599 Const. P. 6556/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Iqbal Ahmed (Petitioner) VS The Chairman FBR and Others (Respondent) 09-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
600 Const. P. 6643/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s SAMBA Bank Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
601 Const. P. 7167/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 J.B Saeed Studio (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
602 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 72/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Collector of Customs MCC (Applicant) VS M/s. Haji Abdul Raziq Khan & Brothers (Respondent) 12-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
603 Const. P. 6073/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Al Haadi Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
604 Const. P. 4749/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Memon Motors (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS FBR and Others (Respondent) 01-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
605 Const. P. 6956/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s International Brands Distributions (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 29-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
606 Const. P. 7024/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Miracle Products (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
607 Const. P. 5546/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Meelano Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 13-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
608 Const. P. 6930/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 JS Bank Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 02-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
609 Const. P. 8449/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Anas International (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 17-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
610 Const. P. 6452/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Sidat Hyder Morshed Associates Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 04-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
611 Const. P. 6875/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Distribution of Fast Moving Goods Co. Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 05-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
612 Const. P. 6524/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ahmed Fine Textile Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
613 Const. P. 7124/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Rubicon Builders & Developers (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 14-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
614 Const. P. 7150/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Comfort Oil Mills Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 13-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.236/2022 M/s COMFORT OIL MILLS (PVT) LTD., Islamabad v. The Province of Sindh, through the Secretary Excise & Taxation Department, Sindh, Karachi and others,C.A.2074/2022 M/s COMFORT OIL MILLS (PVT) LTD., Islamabad v. The Province of Sindh, through the Secretary Excise & Taxation Department, Sindh, Karachi and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave be fixed in 1st week of October 22,Pending Adjourned (Next hearing: After 2 weeks)
615 Const. P. 7125/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Rubicon Builders & Developers (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 14-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
616 Const. P. 6305/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s ORB Exim Corporation (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 28-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
617 Const. P. 6463/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Khyber Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
618 Const. P. 6624/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Aligarh Institute of Technology (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
619 Const. P. 4418/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Rehmatullah Khan (Petitioner) VS Cantonment Board Faisal (Respondent) 09-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
620 2022 PTD 779 Const. P. 5596/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Zarif Khan Zai and Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 Yes Appendix "H" of Import Policy Order 2016 provides list of Pre-shipment Inspection Companies which includes M/s SGS whose certificate was provided by the respondent at the time of import. The Committee, allegedly constituted for compliance of Import Policy Order 2016, however considered the manufacturing year of the vehicle as 2006 on the basis of seatbelt, which perhaps is extraneous consideration; there is no serious challenge to the pre-shipment report of M/s SGS which is one of the preshipment inspection companies, as structured in Appendix "H" of Import Policy Order 2016. There has to be material of evidentiary value to form a different view than the one disclosed in M/s SGS certificate. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
621 Const. P. 6985/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Ramzan Dahir (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
622 Const. P. 7309/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Naseem Aksar (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 23-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
623 Const. P. 7353/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s ISRA Islamic Foundation (Guarantee) (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
624 2022 PTD 205, 2022 PTCL 400 Const. P. 8297/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Louis Dreyfus Co. Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS F.B.R & Others (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 Yes the goods which have already been subjected to sales tax under the previous regime and were in stock by 30.6.2019 and to be supplied after the effected date of the standard regime would be subjected to input tax adjustment under standard regime to save the goods from double / increased incidence of tax. Several sectors have been accommodated by the FBR such as steel sector, oil and ghee sector etc., but specifically the bulk importers of edible oil were not given this fair opportunity to maintain equality. Thus STGO No.105/2019 in its true spirit be applied in the case of the petitioner in relation to a stock for which stock report has been filed in terms of FBRs letter dated 09.7.2019. The manual returns thus filed in terms of the orders of this Court shall be taken into consideration in view of the above, wherein adjustment of the stock, as mentioned above is claimed. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
625 Const. P. 7303/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Erum Tahir (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 23-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
626 Const. P. 6519/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Shad & Co. (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 09-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
627 Const. P. 6522/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ahmed Fine Textile Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
628 Const. P. 5192/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Ber\ (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 13-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
629 Const. P. 2691/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Greaves Air-Conditioning Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
630 Const. P. 4551/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Torque Corp (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS The Commissioner I.R and Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
631 I.T.R.A 1247/2008 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2008 Commissioner (Legal Division) (Applicant) VS Habib Sugar Mills Ltd. (Respondent) 10-APR-17 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
632 Const. P. 2481/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Pakistan International Bulk Terminal Ltd (Petitioner) VS Govt of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
633 Const. P. 4455/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s National Insurance Co. Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
634 Const. P. 1182/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s A.N Ind (Pvt) Ltd and another (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
635 H.C.A 94/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Ghulam Rasool Azhar (Appellant) VS Asim Anwar & Others (Respondent) 24-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
636 H.C.A 70/1981 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 1981 Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd (Appellant) VS World Marine Services Ltd & another (Respondent) 25-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
637 Const. P. 1982/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Haikimi Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 30-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
638 Const. P. 984/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Munawar Ali & others (Petitioner) VS Umar Daraz & others (Respondent) 24-AUG-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio(Author)
639 I. A 5/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Sadia Amir (Appellant) VS National Bank of Pakistan (Respondent) 14-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
640 I. A 28/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Shah Zamin Khan & another (Appellant) VS Muhammad Zada & others (Respondent) 11-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
641 Const. P. 2213/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s S.A Design (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
642 Const. P. 1981/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Global Imports (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 30-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
643 Const. P. 305/2008 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2008 Mir Kamran Ali (Petitioner) VS Senior Member Federal Land Commission Islamabad (Respondent) 07-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio(Author) C.P.5920/2021 Mir Karam Ali alias Mir Kazim Raza and another v. The Federal Land Commission, through its Senior Member, Islamabad and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
644 H.C.A 143/2000 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2000 Pakistan Insurance Corporation (Appellant) VS National Bank of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 07-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
645 Const. P. 3359/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Saad Rehman (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 27-MAY-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.L.A.824/2024 Cantonment Board Clifton thr. Cantonment Executive Officer, Karachi v. Saad Rehman & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending Adjourned (Next Date: 05-Aug-24)
646 Const. P. 6513/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Hameedullah (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 06-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
647 H.C.A 24/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Commissioner Inland Revenue Lahore & another (Appellant) VS M/S Adamjee Insurance Co. Ltd & others (Respondent) 10-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
648 Const. P. 3830/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Kamla Brothers (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
649 Const. P. 1498/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Mst Maira alias Shakeela & another (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 22-DEC-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
650 Const. P. 1280/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Riasat Ali Siddiqui (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 16-DEC-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
651 Const. P. 1757/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Tijarat World Wide (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
652 Const. P. 1088/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & others (Respondent) 12-OCT-22 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
653 II.A. 1/1993 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 1993 Ali Nawaz & Others (Appellant) VS Govt of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 27-AUG-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
654 I. A 183/2002 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2002 Rais Ameer Bux and another (Appellant) VS Ali Khan and others (Respondent) 12-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
655 Const. P. 2184/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Sikandar & Co. (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-MAY-22 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
656 R.A (Civil Revision) 197/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2010 Mst Mumtaz Jan Begum (Applicant) VS Muhammad Ismail & Others (Respondent) 20-NOV-17 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
657 Conf.Case 21/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Khemchand (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 12-OCT-23 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
658 Cr.Tran 45/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Vinod Kumar (Applicant) VS Govind @ Raja & Others (Respondent) 15-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
659 Const. P. 2164/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Farooq and Others (Petitioner) VS KMC and Others (Respondent) 05-APR-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
660 Const. P. 1625/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Muhammad Amir Aziz (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 13-APR-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
661 Const. P. 3772/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Ruqaya (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 08-MAY-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
662 Const. P. 2426/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Ali Haider (Petitioner) VS Government of Sindh & others (Respondent) 23-MAY-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
663 Const. P. 421/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Syed Fiaz ul Hassan Shah (Petitioner) VS KMC and Others (Respondent) 23-MAY-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.L.A.2795/2023 Muhammad Atif Shah Anwari Taji v. Karachi Municpal Corporation through Municipal Commissioner, Karachi and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
664 Cr.J.A 67/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: Cr. Jail Appeal D 66/2021 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Allah Warayo (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 13-OCT-23 Yes The sole evidence of a material witness i.e. an eyewitness is always sufficient to establish the guilt of the accused if the same is confidenceinspiring and trustworthy and supported by another independent source of evidence because the law considers the quality of evidence and not its quantity to prove the charge. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
665 Const. P. 2095/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 M/s Union Steel Ind & Another (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 28-APR-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
666 Const. P. 1529/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Muhammad Imran & Another (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 19-APR-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
667 Conf.Case 5/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 VERO (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 10-OCT-23 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
668 I. A 15/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Sindh Small Industries Corporation (Appellant) VS Haji Talib (Respondent) 13-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
669 I. A 16/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Sindh Small Industries Corporation (Appellant) VS Mir Salahuddin (Respondent) 13-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
670 Civil Revision 112/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2005 Province of Sindh and other (Applicant) VS Asad Hameed and other (Respondent) 16-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
671 Civil Tran 21/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Original Side 2017 Abdul jaleel Akhund / Memon (Applicant) VS Iqbal Ahmed Akhund & Others. (Respondent) 22-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
672 Cr.J.A 7/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Nadeem and Naukar (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 17-OCT-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Mahar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
673 Cr.Appeal 133/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Nadeem and Naukar (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 17-OCT-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Mahar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan Crl.A.6-K/2018 Nadeem v. The State thr. P.G. Sindh Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
674 Civil Revision 149/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2010 Mir Muhammad & Others (Applicant) VS Mst Maqbool & Others (Respondent) 30-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
675 Const. P. 190/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Rizwan Ali (Petitioner) VS Deceased Safdar Ali & ather (Respondent) 23-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
676 Civil Revision 113/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2005 Province of Sindh & ORs (Applicant) VS Ghulam Qadir & ORs (Respondent) 16-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
677 Const. P. 131/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Mst. Mehwish (Petitioner) VS Province Of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 12-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
678 Const. P. 2358/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Abdul Nabi (Petitioner) VS Election Commission of Pakistan and others (Respondent) 12-JUL-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
679 Const. P. 952/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Mumtaz Ali Rajpar & Brothers (Petitioner) VS POS & Ors (Respondent) 25-APR-22 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.3667/2019 Ghulam Ali v. Federation of Pakistan to be served thr. Secretary Interior Ministry, Islamabad & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
680 Const. P. 7080/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Mirza Muhammad Abbas (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
681 Const. P. 499/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Ebrahim Textile Mills Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 10-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
682 Const. P. 4122/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Azar Kalwar and Others (Petitioner) VS C.B.C and Others (Respondent) 02-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
683 Const. P. 4309/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Asif Hashim Mughal (Petitioner) VS Dawood Uni of Engineering & Technology & Others (Respondent) 14-SEP-20 No We direct respondent No.1 to decide the petitioners representation / appeal within fifteen (15) days from receipt of this order strictly in accordance with law, prevailing rules, regulations and policy of DUET, and after providing opportunity of hearing to him. Let notice be issued to respondent No.1 for compliance. This petition and listed applications stand disposed of in the above terms with no order as to costs. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
684 Const. P. 4088/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Saif Rind Baloch (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 06-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
685 Const. P. 7766/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Kami Corp (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
686 Const. P. 6982/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Rizwan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
687 Const. P. 2565/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Hassan Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
688 Const. P. 1336/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Farhan Ali Qureshi (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 10-AUG-20 No Respondents 1 and 2 are directed to comply with the order dated 26.11.2018 by regularizing the services of petitioners 4, 5 and 10 viz. Ali Raza, Muhammad Iqbal and Ali Asghar, respectively, within fifteen (15) days, however, subject to fulfillment of remaining legal and codal formalities, if any, and to submit compliance report to this Court within seven (07) days thereafter through MIT-II. Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
689 Const. P. 2530/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Volka Food International (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
690 Const. P. 7079/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Zubair Gheewala (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
691 Const. P. 8171/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s T.F Ind (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 13-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
692 Const. P. 7133/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Abdul Samad (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 12-DEC-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
693 Const. P. 8071/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Anumat Foods (SMC-PVT) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 05-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
694 Const. P. 7579/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s S. Zia & Sons (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
695 Const. P. 2731/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Hashmat Ali (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 21-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
696 Const. P. 2568/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Sabro Trading Co. (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
697 Const. P. 2569/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Aarfuh International (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
698 Const. P. 1341/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Fahad Sultan (Barrsiter at Law) (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 30-OCT-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
699 Const. P. 4132/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2013 M/S MUHAMMAD TRADING COMPANY (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 30-OCT-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
700 Const. P. 3139/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Adil Steel Furnace (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 06-MAY-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
701 Const. P. 4039/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Mansoor Ahmed and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 17-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.4275/2021 House Building Finance Company Ltd Karachi v. Mansoor Ahmed and others,C.A.1480/2021 House Building Finance Company Ltd Karachi v. Mansoor Ahmed and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave be fixed after 3 months.also status quo,Disposed Disposed of
702 Const. P. 6091/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Sakrand Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
703 H.C.A 34/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Frontier Works Organization (FWO) & another (Appellant) VS Al-Raee Construction Company (Pvt) Ltd. (Respondent) 21-APR-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
704 Const. P. 3648/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s S.R Global (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
705 2022 PTD 345, 2022 PTCL 415 Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 94/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Commissioner inland revenue legal (Applicant) VS M/s filters pakistan pvt. ltd. (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 Yes Section 6 is pari materia to provisions for recovery of sale tax in respect of goods imported into Pakistan and time and manner shall be similar to that of recovery made under Customs Act, 1969. For the instant matter, for determining tax liability for the period 2011-12 limitation would perish by 30 June, 2017. Show cause notice was issued on 21.08.2017, after requisite period. Hence, any notice that was issued belatedly i.e. beyond the statutory requirement would have no bearing. --The consequential point that arises is whether a timeframe prescribed under Section 11(5) of the Sales Tax Act, 1990 for issuance of show-cause notice and after the expiry of timeframe prescribed, could be extended and/or resurrected a time barred cause under SRO 394(I)/2001 dated 21.05.2009 read with Section 74 of the Act, 1990. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
706 2022 PTD 372, 2022 PTCL 420 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 948/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS M/s. Abdullah Traders (Respondent) 22-OCT-21 Yes The goods declaration for the release of the consignments were filed prior to the insertion of sub section 4 of Section 25-A. Learned counsel for the applicant does not controvert these facts. Thus at the relevant time when the goods were cleared and/or goods declarations were filed, benefit of sub section 4 of Section 25-A was not available with the applicant for enforcing earlier Valuation Ruling dated 10.12.2007 which was reviewed on 1.9.2008 issued by the competent authority under Section 25-A and 25-D of the Act. Undoubtedly before insertion of sub section 4 the continuity of an earlier time lapsed Valuation Ruling could not have been enforced. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
707 H.C.A 381/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Shahid Hafeez Khawaja & others (Appellant) VS Muhammad Akbar Ansari & others (Respondent) 13-APR-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.825-K/2021 Muhammad Akbar Ansari & others v. Shabbir Ahmed Butt & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
708 Const. P. 6082/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ahsanullah (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
709 Const. P. 8807/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Imran Ind (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 05-JUL-19 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
710 Const. P. 5608/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Gulf Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 17-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
711 Const. P. 3717/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s M. Siddique (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 13-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
712 2022 PTD 512 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 850/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Collector of Customs MCC (Preventive) (Applicant) VS Falak Jan & another (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 Yes Exemption is a privilege being enjoyed by diplomats and other dignitaries. If we trace history of last 50 years (though there were earlier SROs also), we come across initial SRO 53(I)/70 issued in exercise of powers available under Section 19 of Customs Act for all articles of household and personal effects including motor vehicles for the personal use by the ruler of any of the Gulf Sheikhdoms including vehicles imported by the UAE dignitaries which includes use and donations to welfare projects in Pakistan with conditions, such as articles will not be sold without prior consent of Central Board of Revenue, as it then was. It was persons specified SRO as it contained list of all such dignitaries with a table attached. Vehicle was imported in 2002 when SRO 506(I)/88 was active. It restricted the sale without prior permission of Federal Government, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to be routed through a formal application. In other event, no such vehicle could have been sold within two years of its importation to anyone other than Department of Investment Promotion or diplomatic representatives or mission of foreign government, except when the diplomatic representative by whom it was imported is transferred within two years of its importation and it has been used by him for not less than one year. So nothing beneficial could be achieved by respondent through said SRO Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.273/2022 Falak Jan v. The Collector of Customs Model Collectorate of Customs (Preventive) Custom House Karachi and another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed as Not Pressed
713 Const. P. 5756/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Abdul Hameed Sheikh (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 26-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
714 Const. P. 6356/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s M.M Associates (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
715 Const. P. 204/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Hansika Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 17-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
716 Const. P. 7251/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Aitkenstuart Pakistan Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
717 I.T.R.A 264/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 THE COMMISSIONER INLAND REVENUE (Applicant) VS M/S CENTURY INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
718 Const. P. 1677/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Tapal Tea Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Govt of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
719 Const. P. 7336/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Shah Murad Sugar Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 23-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
720 Const. P. 4327/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Meezan Islamic Fund (Trust) (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
721 Const. P. 3310/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Indus Motor Co. Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 02-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
722 Const. P. 4888/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ghandhara Ind Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
723 Const. P. 6814/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Jawaid Nabi Memon (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
724 Const. P. 6910/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Tariq Chobdar (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 10-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
725 Const. P. 5202/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2014 A F Steel (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
726 Const. P. 6931/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 JS Bank Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 02-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
727 Const. P. 6798/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Imtiaz Provisions Store (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 23-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
728 Const. P. 6815/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Shamsuddin Ahmed Khan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
729 Const. P. 6946/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Khamiso Khan & Co. (Petitioner) VS SRB and Others (Respondent) 03-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
730 Const. P. 7189/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Syed Sohail Ahmed Shah (Petitioner) VS Collector of Customs Appraisal West & Ors (Respondent) 14-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
731 Const. P. 3254/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Amanullah (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
732 Const. P. 3596/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Maqsood Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Cantonment Board Malir (Respondent) 29-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
733 Const. P. 3488/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Greeno Corp Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS The Chief Commissioner IR and Others (Respondent) 20-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
734 Const. P. 7334/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Shahmurad Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & ors (Respondent) 23-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
735 Const. P. 5836/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Khawaja Anver Majid (Petitioner) VS F.B.R & Others (Respondent) 09-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
736 Const. P. 7207/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Jetpur Wala (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
737 Const. P. 6671/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Sakrand Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 17-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
738 Const. P. 7326/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Iqbal Latif Bawaney & Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
739 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 2795/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Muhammad Yousaf (Applicant) VS The Member Technical & Judicial & others (Respondent) 16-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
740 Const. P. 6644/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s SAMBA Bank Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
741 Const. P. 3206/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Zahid Umer (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
742 Const. P. 7275/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Mansoor Ellahi Shamsi (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
743 Const. P. 7055/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 M/s Mumtaz and Minerals (Petitioner) VS The Chief Commissioner I.R and Ors (Respondent) 04-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
744 Const. P. 7308/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Lucky Oil Co. (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 23-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
745 Const. P. 7342/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Project Managers (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 24-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
746 Const. P. 1917/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Adeel (Petitioner) VS Cantonment Board Faisal & Ors (Respondent) 09-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
747 Const. P. 6392/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Talib Amin (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
748 Const. P. 6397/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Murtaza Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
749 Const. P. 6360/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Greeno Corp (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Chief Commissioner I.R and Others (Respondent) 01-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
750 I.T.A. 828/2000 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2000 Commissioner of Income Tax (Petitioner) VS M/s Habib Sugar Mills Ltd. (Respondent) 10-APR-17 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
751 Const. P. 4998/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Kashif Zaki (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
752 Const. P. 4987/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s BSL (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
753 Const. P. 3743/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Shahid Mehmood (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
754 I.T.A. 831/2000 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2000 Commissioner of Income Tqax (Petitioner) VS M/s Fector Sugar Mills Limited (Respondent) 10-APR-17 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
755 Const. P. 1942/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 BT Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
756 Const. P. 1181/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Security & Management Services (Petitioner) VS Sindh and Others (Respondent) 28-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
757 Const. P. 2056/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s U & A MEtal Recycling Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
758 Const. P. 775/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Mureed Hussain Mahesar (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 20-OCT-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
759 Const. P. 331/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Anwar Ali Bhutto & another (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan and others (Respondent) 03-DEC-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
760 Const. P. 2466/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 M/s Al-Muslim Coop Housing Society (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 18-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
761 Const. P. 5495/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Evaluation Technologies (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
762 Const. P. 4404/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Mst Perveena Mai (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 05-MAY-17 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
763 Const. P. 2243/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Reckitt Benckiser (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.6189/2021 Reckitt Benckiser Pakistan Limited, Karachi v. Federation of Pakistan thr. the Secretary M/o Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Islamabad and others,C.A.323/2022 Reckitt Benckiser Pakistan Limited, Karachi v. Federation of Pakistan thr. the Secretary M/o Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Islamabad and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave Granted,Pending
764 Const. P. 1981/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Global Imports (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
765 Const. P. 1240/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Brussedl Trading (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
766 Const. P. 2922/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s FFBL Power Company Ltd (Petitioner) VS Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
767 Const. P. 221/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Infotech (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Govt of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
768 Const. P. 995/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Syed Iqbal Hussain Shah (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 12-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
769 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 493/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS Abdul Sattar & another (Respondent) 10-MAY-22 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
770 2024 CLD 580 Const. P. 3601/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Pakistan Stock Exchange (Petitioner) VS Sindh and Others (Respondent) 27-JAN-22 Yes Stock Exchange is a commercial organization and is engaged in a business of providing services for the trading of securities. As per definition of the term Stock Exchange it is a market place where facilities for trading of securities are provided. The surplus (receipts over expenses) is distributed regularly as dividend amongst the shareholders. Its shareholders taking part in trading activities as brokers derive profit. Even before demutualization the members of stock exchange were entitled to trading on stock exchange and were also provided services as brokers; they have established their offices and solicit business and use their membership for earning income therefore economic and commercial activities were the core activities of the erstwhile members and also the present TRE holders (trading right entitlement). Stock exchanges entertain applications from individuals and corporate entities to issue them such trading certificates for their economic/business activity. The stock exchange lacks the important attribute of lack of commerciality of a members club for application of the doctrine of mutuality Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.L.A.775/2022 Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited, Karachi v. Sindh through the Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Karachi and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
771 Const. P. 3312/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Shahid Brothers (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
772 Const. P. 1278/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Suriya Khatoon Shaikh (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 16-DEC-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
773 I. A 4/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2010 Federation of Pakistan & others (Appellant) VS Khalid Hussain (Respondent) 15-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio(Author)
774 I. A 19/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Syed Waqar Haider Rizvi (Appellant) VS Anwar Ali Khan (Respondent) 07-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.A.101-K/2022 Province of Sindh through Land Acquisition Officer v. Abdul Tawab & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
775 Const. P. 7271/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Atlas Honda Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 22-APR-22 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.825-K/2022 The Collector of Customs v. M/s. Atlas Honda Limited & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
776 Const. P. 8487/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Ibrahim & Sons (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 30-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
777 Const. P. 850/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Akhtar (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.3086/2021 Alina Hasanain v. Syed Raza Ali Shah and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Disposed of
778 Const. P. 7392/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Gulsher Ahmed Chachar and Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
779 Const. P. 2702/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Paksat International Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 17-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
780 Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 45/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Faco Trading (Applicant) VS Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue & others (Respondent) 19-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
781 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 876/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 M/s. Eastern Construction Co. (Applicant) VS The Customs Appellate Tribunal & others (Respondent) 17-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
782 Const. P. 10/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Mehmood Ali (Petitioner) VS Fedration of Pakisran & Others (Respondent) 30-SEP-22 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
783 R.A (Civil Revision) 23/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2011 Shah Zaman thr: L.Rs & Ors (Applicant) VS Dr. Mst. Hameeda Batla & Ors (Respondent) 17-SEP-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
784 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 20/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Collector of Customs MCC (Applicant) VS M/s HKL Traders, Peshawar (Respondent) 27-APR-22 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
785 Const. P. 971/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Ali Asghar (Petitioner) VS V.C QUEST& Other (Respondent) 16-AUG-22 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author) C.P.3267/2022 The Vice Chancellor, Quaid-e-Awam University, Nawabshah and others v. Ali Asghar Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Disposed of
786 I.T.R.A 217/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 COMMISSIONER INLAND REVENUE (Applicant) VS M/S TOURISM PROMOTION SERVICE PAK LTD (Respondent) 19-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
787 R.A (Civil Revision) 28/2007 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2007 Dr.Muhammad Ali (Applicant) VS Muhammad Siddique and another (Respondent) 01-SEP-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
788 Const. P. 1047/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Shah Murad Sugar Mills (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
789 Const. P. 625/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Abdullah (Petitioner) VS Collector of Customs and Others (Respondent) 20-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
790 Const. P. 2257/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Muzaffar Ali Khan (Petitioner) VS Deputy Commissioner Central & Ors (Respondent) 11-MAY-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
791 Const. P. 1543/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Farhan (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 03-APR-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
792 Cr.Bail 64/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Azizullah @ Pajoo (Applicant) VS The State (Complainant) 05-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi
793 Criminal Appeal 37/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Original Side 2023 Khurram Ali (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 30-AUG-23 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
794 Const. P. 2817/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Humanitas Education Services (Pvt) Ltd & Another (Petitioner) VS SBCA (Respondent) 02-JUN-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
795 Const. P. 2661/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 MBJ Health Association (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 30-MAY-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
796 M.A. 30/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Riazuddin Qureshi Thr. Syed Muhammad Farhaj Uddin (Appellant) VS International Consumer Products (Pvt.) Ltd & Other (Respondent) 27-MAR-24 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
797 Cr.Appeal 6/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Mst: Noor Jahan (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 15-JAN-25 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Amjad Ali Sahito(Author)
798 Cr.Appeal 272/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 MUHAMMAD HASSAN S/O MUBARAK & 02 ORS (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 14-JAN-16 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
799 Civil Revision 114/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Manging Director Sindh Agriculture SASO & Others (Applicant) VS Mian Allah Jurio @ Mian Arshad Ali & Others (Respondent) 22-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
800 I. A 14/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Sindh Small Industries Corporation (Appellant) VS Shahid Ali Khan (Respondent) 13-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.602-K/2010 Imam Ali Soomro v. M/s Saudi Pak Leasing Co.Ltd. & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
801 Civil Revision 229/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Mst: Siyani ( SInce Deceased) (Applicant) VS Govt. Of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 22-JAN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
802 Civil Revision 239/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Muhammad Ismail (Applicant) VS Muhammad Azeem (Respondent) 22-JAN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
803 Civil Revision 128/2013 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2013 Banochi Khan Pathan (Applicant) VS Nisar Ahmed Tunio (Respondent) 19-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
804 Civil Revision 344/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2011 Abdul Waheed (Applicant) VS Abdul Karim and Others (Respondent) 29-JAN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
805 Const. P. 246/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2014 Sain Dino (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Uris and Others (Respondent) 21-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio(Author)
806 Civil Revision 66/2003 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2003 Province Of Sindh and Others (Applicant) VS Allah Jurio and Others (Respondent) 23-NOV-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
807 Const. P. 8214/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Goldway Hygiene Products (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 13-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
808 H.C.A 177/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 M/s. Getz Pharma Pvt Ltd. (Appellant) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Respondent) 02-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
809 Const. P. 7760/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Spectra Distribution (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
810 Const. P. 5265/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2013 Nasim Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 24-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
811 Const. P. 8444/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s M.N Traders Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
812 Const. P. 2603/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Injection System Pvt Ltd and Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
813 Const. P. 6979/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Uzair (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
814 Const. P. 1281/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s A.S International (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
815 Const. P. 7132/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Zain Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 12-DEC-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
816 Const. P. 4291/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/S P.S Distribution & Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-NOV-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
817 Const. P. 6105/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Fine Star Ind Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
818 Const. P. 6103/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Fine Star Ind Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
819 Const. P. 6077/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Mehran Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
820 Const. P. 3140/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Pir Muhammad Sadiq (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 06-MAY-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
821 Const. P. 6475/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Pharma Net (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
822 Const. P. 6920/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Print Textiles Industries (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 02-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
823 Const. P. 5207/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2014 Naimatullah Steel Works (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
824 Const. P. 7239/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammd Rahim (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 21-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
825 Const. P. 8904/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Nisar Ali Abbasi (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
826 Const. P. 6609/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Battery Hodgson Pakistan Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 15-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
827 Const. P. 1664/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Al-Asar Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 15-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
828 Const. P. 6490/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Knitwear Enterprises (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 09-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
829 Const. P. 7123/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Rubicon Builders & Developrs (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 14-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
830 Const. P. 2303/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Mysons Engineering System Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 14-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
831 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 851/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Collector of Customs MCC (Applicant) VS M/s. Fahad Bashir Bangash & another (Respondent) 29-OCT-21 No The reliance on the forensic report is not impressive as this was not the case of the department in show-cause notice; they (the department) never raised any allegation as to tampering either in chassis number or engine number. The only question raised was that it was a smuggled one and to overcome such allegation sufficient documents are available on record for the Tribunal to reach to a lawful conclusion, which it has done Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.3-K/2022 Collector of Customs v. M/s. Fahad Bashir Bangash Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
832 Const. P. 6984/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ms. Soofia Saeed Shah (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
833 Const. P. 6892/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Sohail Aziz (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
834 Const. P. 5835/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Khawaja Anver Majid (Petitioner) VS F.B.R & Others (Respondent) 09-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
835 Const. P. 2903/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Needle Impressions (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 26-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
836 Const. P. 3485/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Shaikh Impex (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
837 Const. P. 6888/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 CNG System (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
838 Const. P. 6304/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s ORB Exim Corporation (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 28-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
839 Const. P. 7063/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Shah Transport Network (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 10-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
840 Const. P. 773/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Salman Naeem (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
841 Const. P. 6412/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/S Pakistan Currency Exchange Co (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fedratoin of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
842 Const. P. 6760/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 China Power Hub Generation Co. Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 22-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
843 Const. P. 4755/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Hamza Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
844 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 46/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2013 Abdullah Computers. (Applicant) VS Collector of Customs. (Respondent) 21-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
845 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 38/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Director General Customs Valuation (Applicant) VS M/s. Indus Trading Co. & others (Respondent) 08-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
846 Const. P. 4502/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Mst Azra Zulfiqar (Petitioner) VS Cantonment Board Faisal & Ors (Respondent) 09-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
847 Const. P. 6594/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Sky Overseas (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
848 Const. P. 6550/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Khyber Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
849 Const. P. 6702/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 M/s Adam Sugar Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
850 Const. P. 2985/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Gatro Power (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.L.A.1699-K/2021 M/s. Gatro Power (Pvt) Ltd. v. Province of Sindh through the Secretary Finance Department & others,C.A.2038/2022 M/s. Gatro Power (Pvt) Ltd. v. Province of Sindh through the Secretary Finance Department & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed ,Pending Adjourned (Next hearing: After 2 weeks)
851 Const. P. 3676/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 M/s Asad Trading (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 06-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
852 Const. P. 4342/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Ghazi Brohters (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
853 Const. P. 1866/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Pakistan Decorative Material (SMC-Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
854 Const. P. 5857/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2016 M/s Berger Paints Pakistan (Pvt) (Petitioner) VS The Sindh Revenue Board and Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
855 Const. P. 3599/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s BIPL Security (Petitioner) VS Commissioner I.R SRB & Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
856 Const. P. 1882/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Next Tier (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
857 Const. P. 4526/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s C & M Management (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
858 Const. P. 5315/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Qasim International Container Terminal Pak Ltd (Petitioner) VS Sindh and Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
859 I.T.R 14/1996 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 1996 Commissioner of Income Tax (Applicant) VS M/S. Dossal Prescesion Casting (vt) Ltd (Respondent) 26-APR-17 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
860 Const. P. 2073/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Port Qasim Authority (Petitioner) VS Asstt: Commissioner S.R.B and Ors (Respondent) 31-JAN-20 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
861 Const. P. 1577/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Khan Trading Co. and Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
862 H.C.A 31/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Saba Farhat (Appellant) VS Farhat Rashid & others (Respondent) 27-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
863 H.C.A 30/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Saba Farhat (Appellant) VS Farhat Rashid & others (Respondent) 27-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
864 Const. P. 1882/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 PSRM (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 29-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
865 Const. P. 1928/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Shabbir Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 01-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
866 I. A 18/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 National Bank of Pakistan Ltd (Appellant) VS M/s. Saudi Pak Ind.&Agri. Invest. Co. Pvt. Ltd. (Respondent) 21-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
867 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 173/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: C.P. No.D-1000 of 2020 Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Collector of Customs MCC (Applicant) VS Syed Saddaruddin & another (Respondent) 14-APR-22 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
868 Const. P. 2533/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Mehboob Steel Pipe Ind and Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.1193-K/2022 The Collector of Customs v. M/s. Mehboob Steel Pipe Industry & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending Adjourned
869 Const. P. 1410/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Saakh Pharma (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 21-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
870 I. A 59/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Ashfaq Mughal (Appellant) VS Aziz Khan & another (Respondent) 14-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
871 Const. P. 662/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Balbir Hindu (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 21-OCT-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
872 Const. P. 5160/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Abdul Wahab (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 28-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
873 Const. P. 1363/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/S Sindh Bank Ltd (Petitioner) VS Sindh Revenue Board & Others (Respondent) 22-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
874 Const. P. 490/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Niaz Ali Gorar (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 24-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
875 Const. P. 119/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Qasim (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 28-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
876 Const. P. 6399/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Mumtaz Ali (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
877 H.C.A 36/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 United Energy Pakistan Limited (Appellant) VS Federation of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 31-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
878 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 125/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 The Collector of Customs, (Enforcement) Karachi (Applicant) VS M/s. Hassan Trading Company Karachi & another (Respondent) 28-APR-22 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.2185/2022 The Collector of Customs (Enforcement), Customs House, Karachi v. M/s Hassan Trading Company Karachi and another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed as Withdrawn
879 Const. P. 2651/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: abc Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Bushance Petroleum (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 27-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
880 Const. P. 2678/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Mian & Sons (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 27-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
881 I. A 15/2004 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2004 WAPDA (Appellant) VS Land Acquisition Officer & another (Respondent) 21-SEP-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio(Author)
882 I. A 27/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Nasir Hyder (Appellant) VS Al-Karim & others (Respondent) 11-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
883 I. A 12/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Muhammad Asghar (Appellant) VS IInd A.D.J. Karachi West & Another (Respondent) 15-FEB-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
884 Const. P. 1605/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 South Asia Pakistan Terminal Ltd (Petitioner) VS Sindh and Others (Respondent) 15-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
885 H.C.A 272/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Malik Afzal Khan through legal heirs & Others (Appellant) VS Mst. Mehrunnisa & Others (Respondent) 08-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
886 Const. P. 1604/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 The Aga Khan Hospital & Medical College (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 15-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
887 Const. P. 2146/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Malkani Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-APR-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
888 Const. P. 3463/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 M/s Sone Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-JUN-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
889 Const. P. 2274/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 SSGCL (Petitioner) VS Nabi Bux and Others (Respondent) 17-MAY-22 No Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.3616/2022 M/s Sui Sothern Gas Company Ltd (SSGCL), Karachi v. Nabi Bux Domki and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
890 R.A (Civil Revision) 146/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2005 Ali Bux (Applicant) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 13-APR-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
891 R.A (Civil Revision) 157/2006 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2006 Muhammad Khan (Applicant) VS Dr. Haji Khan and other (Respondent) 01-JUN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
892 W.T.C. 236/2005 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2005 Commissioner of Income Tax (Petitioner) VS Sindh Steel Corporatoin Pvt.,Ltd., (Respondent) 12-MAY-22 Yes Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
893 R.A (Civil Revision) 143/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Badaruddin (Applicant) VS Ghulam muhammad Thro LRs & others (Respondent) 18-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
894 R.A (Civil Revision) 335/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2010 Aijaz Ali & Ors (Applicant) VS Sher Muhammad & Ors (Respondent) 05-AUG-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
895 II.A. 35/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 Khalid Akhtar (Appellant) VS Muhammad Ali (Respondent) 11-DEC-17 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
896 H.C.A 114/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Ashfaq (Appellant) VS Tanzeem Ahmed Khan & Others (Respondent) 17-MAR-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan C.P.L.A.874-K/2022 Muhammad Ashfaq v. Tanzeem Ahmed Khan & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
897 R.A (Civil Revision) 162/2007 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2007 Haji Muhammad Zaman and anor (Applicant) VS Mukhtiarkar Revenue & other (Respondent) 06-NOV-17 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
898 Cr.J.A 5/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Rahib Ali (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 19-SEP-23 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author) J.P.424/2023 Rahib Ali v. The State Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
899 Const. P. 7321/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Kokan Muslim Coop Housing Society (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 29-MAR-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
900 Cr.Bail 859/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Aftab Ali & others (Applicant) VS The State (Complainant) 25-AUG-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
901 Const. P. 7450/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Akbar Ali and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 23-JAN-23 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
902 Cr.Bail 647/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Irshad (Applicant) VS The State (Complainant) 25-AUG-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
903 Cr.Appeal 29/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 VEERO (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 10-OCT-23 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
904 Const. P. 107/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Mst. Mahnoor (Petitioner) VS Fayaz Ahmed & Others (Respondent) 31-AUG-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author) C.P.1294-K/2023 Fayyaz Ahmed v. Mst.Mahnoor & another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
905 Criminal Appeal 26/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Original Side 2021 Bibi Yasmeen Shah (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 19-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)