Report-002 AFR

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Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry

High Court of Sindh, Principal Seat Karachi, Bench at Sukkur, Circuit Courts at Hyderabad and Larkana
A.F.R (Judgements / Orders )

Note: The figures in the following table only show the number of important Judgements/Orders uploaded on this site. It does not reflect total disposal of the Hon'ble Judges.

Apex Court: Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan, Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan:

Show Only Authored Judgements

S.No. Citation Case No. Case Type Case Year Parties Order_Date A.F.R Head Notes/ Tag Line Bench Apex Court Apex Status
1 Execution 58/2004 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2004 M/S. A.H. SERVICES (Petitioner) VS PROV. OF SINDH & ORS. (Decree Holder) 10-JAN-20 No When the decree provides for an alternate mode for satisfaction of the decree, this is not a case that requires treating the Execution as a suit under section 47 CPC to determine a disputed question of fact. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
2 Suit.B 58/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2015 National Bank of Pakistan. (Plaintiff) VS Tuwairqi Steel Mills Ltd., & another. (Defendant) 31-MAY-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
3 Cr.Bail 391/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Habibullah Sharl (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) 14-JUN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
4 H.C.A 332/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Arshad Mahmud & another (Appellant) VS Province of Sindh & another (Respondent) 10-OCT-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
5 Const. P. 2102/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 M/s Textilers (Pvt) Ltd and Ors (Petitioner) VS Meezan Bank Ltd and Ors (Respondent) 24-DEC-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
6 Suit 1518/2007 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2007 ANSAR ALI (Plaintiff) VS ALTAF AHMED MEMON & ANOTHER. (Defendant) 09-AUG-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
7 S.M.A 199/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 Nuzhat Jameela (Petitioner) VS Party-2 (Defendant) 01-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
8 Suit 212/2000 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2000 HAJI FAZAL UL REHMAN. (Plaintiff) VS ABDUL SATTAR & ORS. (Defendant) 20-FEB-24 No Revocation of agency of sub-agent. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
9 Cr.Bail 519/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Ali Sher (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) 26-JUL-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
10 Const. P. 3508/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Riasat Ali and Ors (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 09-DEC-19 Yes 1. Pursuant to Article 129 of the Constitution, the executive authority of the Provincial Government is to be exercised by the Provincial Cabinet as a collective entity albeit in the name of the Governor. When a Provincial statute, such as the Sindh Agriculture University Act, 1977, provides for the exercise of executive authority by the Provincial Government, that is to be done and the decision for that has to be taken by the Provincial Cabinet and not by the Chief Minister alone. Rel: Mustafa Impex v. Government of Pakistan (PLD 2016 SC 808); Karamat Ali v. Federation of Pakistan (PLD 2018 Sindh 8); Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Ltd. v. Province of Sindh, C.P. No.D-8591/2018. 2. Having seen that the word Government in section 27(1) of the Sindh Agriculture University Act, 1977, as it stood amended at the relevant time by the Sindh Universities and Institutes Laws (Amendment) Act, 2014, could only mean the Provincial Cabinet, the decision to extend the tenure of the Respondent No.5 as Vice Chancellor for another term, and the terms and conditions of such extension, had to be taken by the Provincial Cabinet and not by the Chief Minister in isolation of the Provincial Cabinet. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
11 Civil Revision 51/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 Wilayat Ali Khaskheli and others (Applicant) VS Gul Hassan Khaskheli and others (Respondent) 03-SEP-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
12 Cr.Rev 201/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 MST. NAGHMA IMJRAN WD/O IMRAN KHAN (Applicant) VS THE STATE & ORS (Respondent) 06-DEC-19 Yes The Explanation clause of section 435 Cr.P.C. entails that while the High Court can call for and examine the record of proceeding before a Magistrate, either suo moto or in Revision arising from an order of a Sessions Judge, a Revision application against the order of a Magistrate is to filed by the litigant to the Sessions Judge to whom the Magistrate is a Court inferior within the meaning of the Explanation clause of section 435 Cr.P.C. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
13 Const. P. 2375/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2011 Muhammad Essa Bhutto and ors (Petitioner) VS Chairman Sindh Labour Appellate Tribunal and ors (Respondent) 09-OCT-19 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.722-K/2019 Ali Akbar Ujjan and others v. The Chairman Port Qasim Authority and others,C.P.723-K/2019 Akbar Adeeb Zubairi and another v. The Chairman Sindh Lobour Appellate and others,C.P.741-K/2019 Rasheed Ahmed Memon v. The Chairman Sindh Labour Appellate Tribunal and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed,Disposed Dismissed,Disposed Dismissed
14 Criminal Miscelleneous 154/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2019 MRS. FARHEEN W/O AURANGZEB MUHAMMAD KHAN (Applicant) VS THE STATE & ANOTHER (Respondent) 18-DEC-19 Yes 1. The ratio of the said judgments of the Supreme Court is that where the remedy under section 249-A Cr.P.C. is available before the trial Court, the High Court should not exercise inherent jurisdiction under section 561-A Cr.P.C except in extraordinary circumstances which warrant such an action. In other words, the question is not to the jurisdiction of the High Court, but the manner in which such jurisdiction is to be regulated by the High Court. Ref. Muhammad Farooq v. Ahmed Nawaz Jagirani (PLD 2016 SC 55); Maqbool Rehman v. State (2002 SCMR 1076); Bashir Ahmed v. Zafar-ul-Islam (PLD 2004 SC 298); Mian Munir Ahmad v. State (1985 SCMR 257). 2. It is a misconception to state that in all cases where it is being contended that a civil dispute has been converted into a criminal case, an applicant need not approach the trial Court under section 249-A Cr.P.C. or 265-K Cr.P.C. 3. The argument that section 249-A Cr.P.C. cannot be invoked until a formal charge is framed under section 242 Cr.P.C., is misconceived. Section 249-A Cr.P.C. categorically states that the power thereunder can be exercised at any stage of the case. Rel. State v. Ashiq Ali Bhutto, 1993 SCMR 523. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
15 Const. P. 838/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2014 Imran Ahmed Ansari (Petitioner) VS Fed. Of Pakistan and ors (Respondent) 22-JAN-20 Yes 1. Since the Petitioners service was terminated under Rule 8(b)(1) of the DHA Service Rules, which rule has since been declared un-constitutional by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case of Itrat Sajjad (2017 SCMR 2010), the only point left for our consideration is whether the effect of the declaration in Itrat Sajjad on the case of the Petitioner can be addressed by us in writ jurisdiction. 2. It had been settled by a 5 member Bench of the Supreme Court in DHA v. Jawaid Ahmed (2013 SCMR 1707) that applying the function test, the DHA is a person to whom a writ can issue under Article 199(1)(a)(ii) of the Constitution of Pakistan. But then, moving to a question distinct, viz. whether the employee of a statutory authority can invoke the writ jurisdiction of the High Court to enforce service rules of the statutory authority, it was held that where service rules were non-statutory, those cannot normally be enforced in writ jurisdiction for such rules attract the principle of master and servant; but at the same time it was also held that where action of a statutory authority in a service matter is in violation of principles of natural justice, such action can be interfered with in writ jurisdiction. Itrat Sajjad reiterates the same principles, and while it was concluded that the DHA Service Rules are non-statutory and thus not enforceable ordinarily by way of a writ petition, the judgment went on to hold that since Rule 8(b)(1) of the DHA Service Rules violated the principle of natural justice, the case fell within the recognized exception that a writ can issue where the action of a statutory authority in a service matter is violative of the principle of natural justice. For the same reason, this petition, to the extent it assails termination issued under the same Rule 8(b)(1) of the DHA Service Rules, is also maintainable. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
16 2021 CLD 362 Suit 94/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 Jazaa Foods (Pvt.) Limited & another. (Plaintiff) VS Junaid Jamshed (Pvt.) Limited & others. (Defendant) 07-APR-20 Yes 1. Effect of disclaimer made under section 21 of the Trade Marks Ordinance, 2001 from exclusive use of a name. 2. The principle that registration of a trade mark gives rise to a prima facie case, balance of convenience and likelihood of irreparable loss, that principle would be applicable where the trade mark was registered without a disclaimer. 3. In view of section 42(3) of the Trade Marks Ordinance, 2001, the use of the disclaimed feature of the mark in question would not constitute trade mark infringement. 4. An action for passing-off is essentially to protect property in goods based on the reputation of those goods, as distinct from an action to protect a trade mark which is a property in itself. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
17 Criminal Appeal 486/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 MUHAMMAD KASHIF S/O SHER MUHAMMAD & ANOTHER (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 12-FEB-20 Yes The test for weighing the evidence of identification proceedings is to first assess the system variables, i.e. the precautions taken at the test identification parade, and then to assess the estimator variables i.e. the capacity and ability of the eye-witness to identify the accused in the circumstance of the case. Rel. Mian Sohail Ahmed v. The State (2019 SCMR 956) and The matter of Kanwar Anwaar Ali (PLD 2019 SC 488). Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) J.P.496/2020 Muhammad Kashif and Muhammad Hanif @ Kalia @ Mamoo v. The State Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed as Infructuous
18 Const. P. 51/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Paryal & An Other (Petitioner) VS Atta Muhammad & Others (Respondent) 14-OCT-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
19 Civil Revision 88/2002 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2002 Syed Shahan Shah @ Syed Nasrullah Shah (Applicant) VS Syed Amanullah Shah and others (Respondent) 05-OCT-20 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
20 2021 PLD Sindh Note 57 Suit 1740/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2014 Sadan General Trading LLC. (Plaintiff) VS Trading Corporation of Pakistan & another. (Defendant) 25-JUN-20 Yes Measure of damages under section 73 of the Contract Act. Assessment of reasonable compensation under section 74 of the Contract Act. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
21 Suit 547/2007 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2007 TRADING CORP. OF PAKISTAN (PVT) LTD. (Plaintiff) VS ADAM SUGAR MILLS LTD. (Defendant) 12-MAY-20 No Objection to Arbitration Award was that where compensation was awarded on the basis of a sum stipulated in a clause of the contract, then further compensation on basis of similar clauses could not have been declined by arbitrators. Held: arbitrators had found that none of the parties committed breach of contract; thus amount awarded by arbitrators was not as compensation under section 74 of the Contract Act but on an equitable consideration of the matter to which the Defendant had not objected. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
22 Suit 1009/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2014 Umair Shahab. (Plaintiff) VS Province of Sindh & Others. (Defendant) 25-JUN-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
23 Suit.B 15/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2011 NIB BANK LTD (Plaintiff) VS M/S.VENUS CHEMICALS PVT LTD. (Defendant) 01-JUN-20 Yes Statement of account filed by the bank did not bear the name and official title of the persons certifying the same as required by section 9(2) of the FIO, 2001 read with section 2(8) of the Bankers Books Evidence Act, 1891. Such was not a certified copy and did not attract a presumption of correctness. The bank will have to prove the same as any other document. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
24 Const. P. 2805/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Dr. Shamim Qureshi (Petitioner) VS J.S.M.U and Others (Respondent) 23-APR-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
25 Const. P. 427/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ghulam Farooq (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 15-APR-21 Yes In our view, no candidate shall be appointed to a post unless after such medical examination as Government may prescribe such candidate is found medically fit to discharge the duties of the post. In the present case, the petitioner was relieved from the duties on medical grounds and his appeal was rejected on the same analogy. Besides above, the assertion of the petitioner is misconceived on the premise that he obtained a medical examination fitness test certificate on 02.12.2019 after the rejection of his appeal, on 14.5.2019, thus this document could not be taken into consideration, besides the respondents have relied upon the documents which prima facie show adverse inference against him. Thus, at this stage, we cannot declare him medically fit or otherwise for the subject post, which was a contractual position and by efflux of time expired. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
26 Suit 2206/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 M/s. Chhipa Corporation (Plaintiff) VS Sui Southern Gas Company Limited & another (Defendant) 17-MAR-21 Yes Explanation clause to Order II Rule 2 CPC Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
27 Const. P. 2518/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Yaqoob (Petitioner) VS M/s Hub Domestic Products Pvt Ltd and Others (Respondent) 20-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
28 Const. P. 2686/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Syed Mehmood Akhtar Naqvi (Petitioner) VS Govt of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 19-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
29 Const. P. 2625/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Shell Pakistan Employees Union (Petitioner) VS NIRC & another (Respondent) 22-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
30 Const. P. 1914/2020 (F.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Along with other connected Petitions Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Amir Akbar Khan (Petitioner) VS NAB & Ors (Respondent) 26-APR-21 Yes Applicability of the regime of sections 204 and 91 Cr.P.C. to a Reference under the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Shamsuddin Abbasi C.P.5188/2021 Chairman National Accountability Bureau through Prosecutor General Accountability, NAB Headquarters, Islamabad v. Amir Akbar Khan Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Converted into Appeal and Allowed and Remanded
31 Const. P. 2728/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Mst. Bashiran Inayat Masih (Petitioner) VS Administrator DMC Korangi and Others (Respondent) 21-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
32 Const. P. 2094/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Zahida Quadri (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 23-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
33 Suit 1234/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 Muhammad Naeed. (Plaintiff) VS Abdul Karim Rathor & Others. (Defendant) 21-JUN-21 No When matter can be addressed by an injunction, no need to appoint Receiver. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
34 Const. P. 2665/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Saleem (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 21-APR-21 No To ascertain as to whether the respondent-Sindh Building Control Authority, has complied with the directions contained in the order dated 22.01.2019 passed by the Honble Supreme Court in the aforesaid matter in its letter and spirit in respect of the issue of conversion of amenity plot for another use or otherwise. Let notice be issued to the respondents as well as to learned AAG for 04.05.2021 with direction to file comments. In view of the above position of the case; and, to ascertain the factual position of the subject premises, let at the first instance inspection of the subject premises be carried out by the Nazir of this Court strictly under law, after due notice to all concerned Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
35 Suit 1710/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 Mrs. Tahera Iqbal Kazi & another (Plaintiff) VS Mrs. Naseem Abid Khan & others (Defendant) 07-MAY-21 No Time of essence of contract. Judgment on admission. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
36 Cr.Bail 919/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 TALHA S/O LIAQUAT ALI PARDAR (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 09-JUN-21 No Bail in ATA Case. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
37 Const. P. 2191/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Saeed Akhter (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 15-APR-21 Yes Primarily, this petition has served its purpose, which is disposed of in the terms, whereby the competent authority of the respondent-department is directed to issue posting and transfer orders of the petitioner and the private respondent, if no disciplinary proceedings are pending against them, strictly under the schedule of the establishment of law department KMC, with correct description/designation of their respective posts as per their entitlement under the law. The said exercise shall be undertaken within two weeks from the date of this order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
38 Const. P. 614/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2012 Mst:Akbaro (Petitioner) VS Appellate Authority Board Of Trustee E.O.B.I, & Or (Respondent) 01-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
39 Const. P. 770/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Salman Qureshi (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 28-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.L.A.1712-K/2021 Salman Qureshi v. Province of Sindh through Secretary Home Department Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
40 Const. P. 96/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: C. P. No. D- 06 of 2020 [Muhammad Asif & another vs. Province of Sindh & others] C. P. No. D- 96 of 2020 [Abdul Rasheed & another vs. Province of Sindh & others] C.P. No. D-111 of 2020 [Muhammad Anwar vs. Province of Sindh & others] C.P. No. D-126 of 2020 [Nizamuddin & others vs. Province of Sindh & others] C.P. No. D-244 of 2020 [Wali Muhammad & others vs. Province of Sindh & others] Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Abdul Rasheed & Others (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.4725/2021 Shahi Khan Jagirani v. Province of Sindh thr. Secretary Health Department, Larkana and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
41 Const. P. 1619/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Mst Shumaila & Other (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
42 Const. P. 256/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2013 Sajid Hussain (Petitioner) VS Province Of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
43 Const. P. 182/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: C.P.No.D-198 of 2021 [Qurban & another Ali vs. Province of Sindh & Ors] C.P. No.D-435 of 2021 [Khalil Ahmed & anothervs. Province of Sindh & Ors] C.P. No.D-479 of 2021 [Mushtaque Ali & others vs. Province of Sindh & Ors] C.P. No.D-509 of 2021 [Noorullah Dehraj vs. Province of Sindh & Ors] C.P. No.D-534 of 2021 [Nazar Ali vs. Province of Sindh & Ors] C.P. No.D-668 of 2021 [Gul Mir vs. Province of Sindh & Ors] C.P No.D-769 of 2021 [Mst. Razia & another vs. Province of Sindh & Ors] C.P No.D-845 of 2021 [Abdul Majeed vs. Province of Sindh & Ors] C.P No.D-914 of 2021 [Pir Bux & others vs. Province of Sindh & Ors] C.P No.D-1027 of 2021 [Ali Ahmed & another vs. Province of Sindh & Ors] C.P No.D-1070 of 2021 [Ayaz Ali & others vs. SHO PS Punhan Khan Chandio & another] C.P No.D-1198 of 2021 [Ali Khan vs. Province of Sindh & Ors] C.P No.D-1277 of 2021 [Mukhtiar Ali & another vs. Province of Sindh & Ors] C.P No.D-1543 of 2021 [Behram Khan vs. Province of Sindh & Ors] C.P No.D-1556 of 2021 [Khurram Ali vs. Province of Sindh & Ors] -:2:- C.P No.D-182/2021 a/w connected petitions C.P No.D-1689 of 2021 [Muhammad Waris @ Suneel vs. Province of Sindh & Ors] Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Mevo Khan (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
44 I. A 1/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: Intra Court Appeal No.01 of 2019 [Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited versus Saleem Ahmed Memon] Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited (Appellant) VS Saleem Ahmed Memon (Respondent) 30-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
45 Criminal Appeal 437/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 ATHAR ELLAHI S/O AKHTAR ELLAHI (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 08-NOV-21 No Safe custody of narcotic not proved. Accused acquitted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
46 Const. P. 6/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Asif & another (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 Yes "Shifting of SABZI MANDI - MARKET COMMITTEE" Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
47 Const. P. 1197/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Dr. Ali Murad Lajwani & others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & others (Respondent) 02-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
48 Const. P. 437/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Mst. Hawa & Ors (Petitioner) VS National Highway Authority & Others (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
49 Const. P. 1416/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Zulfiqar Ali Solangi (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan and others (Respondent) 23-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.L.A.153-K/2022 Zulfiqar Ali Solangi v. Federation of Pakistan & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed for Non-Prosecution
50 Const. P. 1133/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Muhammad Yaboob@Yaqoob another (Petitioner) VS Learned Civil Judge & JM NolI-Matli (Respondent) 16-MAY-16 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
51 Criminal Appeal 94/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Original Side 2011 Akbar @ Bangul (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 20-JUN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
52 Spl.Cr.Bail 15/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Spl. Criminal Bail Applications No. 16 of 2022 [Sanjay Kumar v. The State] Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 HARESH KUMAR S/O GOBINDAR KHAN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 28-APR-22 No Section 2(s) Customs Act, 1969 Bail Granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
53 Suit 474/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 All Pakistan Solvent Extractors Association & ors (Plaintiff) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Defendant) 11-MAY-22 Yes Quarantine pests. Pakistan Plant Quarantine Rules, 2019. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
54 Const. P. 1103/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Mst Hameeda Nawaz Phulpoto (Petitioner) VS P O Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 20-JUN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
55 R.A (Civil Revision) 161/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Haji Arbab & another (Applicant) VS Kheemchand thr: L.Rs & others (Respondent) 01-AUG-22 No revision application is dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
56 Cr.Acq.A. 5/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Gulsher Lahbar (Appellant) VS Aqeel Ahmed & Others (Respondent) 22-FEB-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author) Crl.P.476/2023 Gulsher Lahbar v. The State through Prosecutor General Sindh and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
57 Suit 570/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Suit No. 1968 of 2021 Original Side 2020 Sadaquat Hussain (Plaintiff) VS Mrs. Shamim Ishaq (Defendant) 05-SEP-22 No Rent case cannot be stalled by a suit for specific performance by tenant. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
58 Cr.Acq.A. 48/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Ali Akbar Mugheri (Appellant) VS Sadam Hussain Mugheri and others (Respondent) 08-FEB-23 No Courts generally do not interfere with double presumption of innocence unless find the reasoning in the impugned judgment to be perverse, arbitrary, foolish, artificial, speculative and ridiculous. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
59 Suit 1074/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2019 Ever Shine Constructors (Plaintiff) VS Khairpur Special Economic Zone (Defendant) 23-MAY-22 Yes Court having jurisdiction under section 20 Arbitration Act, 1940. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
60 Const. P. 4941/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Syed Mureed Ali Shah (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 26-AUG-22 No No writ lies against contract by Bar council. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
61 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 4/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: SCRA No. 5 of 2011, SCRA No. 6 of 2011 & SCRA No. 7 of 2011 Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2011 Additional Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS M/s K.S.Sulemanji Esmailji and Sons 9 (Pvt) Ltd (Respondent) 22-SEP-22 No Member Judicial sitting singly can decide a question of classification. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
62 Suit 1803/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Alongwith 181 connected suits. Original Side 2020 KARAM CERAMICS LTD & OTHERS (Plaintiff) VS FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN & OTHERS (Defendant) 21-FEB-23 Yes Challenge to the gas tariff issued under the OGRA Ordinance, the definition of Captive Power Plants and the Moratorium on the supply of gas to Captive Power Plants. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
63 R.A (Civil Revision) 46/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 EDO Roads Kashmore @ Kandhkot & others (Applicant) VS Abdul Hafeez Chachar & others (Respondent) 30-JAN-23 Yes The courts can mould the relief within the scope of the provisions of Order VII, Rule 7 of the Code of Civil Procedure Code, 1908 ("C.P.C."), and are empowered to grant such relief as the justice may demand in the facts and circumstances of the case. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
64 Const. P. 457/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Allied Bank Ltd (Petitioner) VS Nasir Khan (Respondent) 14-NOV-24 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
65 I. A 2/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Arsalan Ali @ Rameez Memon (Appellant) VS Zaheer Hussain Memon (Respondent) 09-MAR-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
66 Const. P. 125/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Writ Jurisdictions 2023 M/S United Cargo Good Transport Co. (Petitioner) VS The Federation of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 01-MAR-23 No Customs. release of smuggled goods. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi
67 R.A (Civil Revision) 13/2002 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2002 Muhammad Bux Khan Khuhawar (Applicant) VS Secretary Education and others (Respondent) 30-MAR-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
68 Cr.Bail 291/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUHAMMAD HUSSAIN S/O WALI KHAN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 05-APR-23 No 462B, 462C PPC. Bail denied Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
69 Cr.Bail 563/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Criminal Bail Application No. 564 of 2023 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUHAMMAD SHAHZAD S/O MUHAMMAD ASLAM & ANOTHER (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 30-MAR-23 No 399, 402 PPC. Bail granted Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
70 Spl.Cr.Rev. 297/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Spl.Cr.Rev. (S) 298/2021, 299/2021, 300/2021 and 301/2021 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 HANIF MOOSA S/O MOOSA & ANOTHER (Applicant) VS THE STATE & ANOTHER (Respondent) 18-DEC-23 Yes Intent of section 540 CrPC is to ensure a just decision. If that leads to filling of lacuna in evidence, such consequence does not come in the way of exercising the power. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
71 Suit 1161/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2009 MUHAMMAD FEROZE AKHTAR (Plaintiff) VS MUHAMMAD NASIM AKHTAR (Defendant) 09-FEB-24 Yes Effect of Article 79 Qanun-e-Shahadat Order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
72 Spl.Cr.Bail 65/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Spl. Cr. Bail App. No. 69 of 2023 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 TANVEER HUSSAIN S/O TOUQEER HUSSAIN (Applicant) VS THE STATE THROUGH DIR GEN I & I INLND REV. HYDERBD (Respondent) 30-OCT-23 No Sales Tax Fraud. Bail Granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
73 Spl.Cr.A.A 4/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 THE STATE THROUGH DAG (Appellant) VS LEARNED PRESIDIN OFFICER SPL. JUDGE CUSTOM & ORS (Respondent) 07-DEC-23 No Limitation in section 185-F Customs Act prevails over limitation in section 417 CrPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
74 Const. P. 48/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 M/s Aisha Steel Mills Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 08-JAN-24 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
75 Const. P. 1233/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Major (Rtd) Raja Mohammad Basharat Ahmed & others (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & others (Respondent) 04-DEC-23 Yes Re-grant of land under Colonization Act. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
76 Cr.Bail 1871/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 SHAH ASAD S/O SHAHEEN PERVAIZ (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 09-OCT-23 No Direction by a superior Court to trial Court to conclude a trial within a specified period is administrative direction and non-compliance does not ipso facto entitle an accused to bail. Bail dismissed as misconceived. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
77 Spl.Cr.A.A 22/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 THE COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS KHI (Appellant) VS AZAM WAHEED & ANTOHER (Respondent) 21-FEB-24 No Acquittal appeal dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
78 Const. P. 4501/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Syed Abdul Khalique Shah Jeelani (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 21-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
79 Suit 1663/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 HASCOL PETROLEUM LTD (Plaintiff) VS OIL & GAS REGULATORY AUTHORITY & OTHERS (Defendant) 26-FEB-24 No Suit disposed of under Order XV Rule 1 CPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
80 Spl.Cr.Misc 381/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 JAMALUDDIN S/O LATE BASHIRUDDIN & ORS (Applicant) VS THE STATE THROUGH MCC CUSTOMS KHI (Respondent) 27-FEB-24 No Acquittal under Section 265-K Cr.P.C. declined where trial was at conclusion. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
81 Const. P. 3775/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Latif Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Moulana Qari Qasim and Others (Respondent) 05-SEP-23 No Section 50 and 52 CPC not applicable when neither suit nor decree was against deceased. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
82 Const. P. 3212/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Mahmood Zamir Farooqui (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 04-JUL-23 No Where merit was equal for promotion, preference would be given to length of experience. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi C.P.1120-K/2023 Mahmood Zamir Farooqui v. Federation of Pakistan through its Secretary for Ministry of Maritime Affairs Government of Pakistan Islamabad & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
83 Suit 316/2003 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2003 M/S.GENERAL SALES PVT. (Plaintiff) VS MRS.DAULAT (Defendant) 12-JAN-24 No Special costs imposed on dismissal of suit. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
84 Suit 1237/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 Alhaushabi Stevedores (Pvt.) Ltd. & others (Plaintiff) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Defendant) 17-JUL-23 Yes Suit for abuse of dominant position. Exclusive jurisdiction with Competition Commission. Suit barred. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
85 Const. P. 92/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Dr. Mahjabeen Mughal (Petitioner) VS R.O PS-11 Larkana and Others (Respondent) 09-JAN-24 No Electric bill relied upon by R.O. for rejecting nomination was a questionable document. Petition allowed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
86 Const. P. 3210/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Samira Mahamadi (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 21-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.L.A.1133-K/2023 Samira Mahamadi v. Federation of Pakistan and others,C.P.L.A.983-K/2023 Samira Mahamadi v. Federation of Pakistan & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending ,Pending
87 Suit -2134/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 LUCKY CEMENT LIMITED (Plaintiff) VS PAKISTAN & OTHERS (Defendant) 05-SEP-23 No Gas-closure in line with contract and gas policy, no injunction merited. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
88 Const. P. 5205/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Mst. Kainat Javed and Others (Petitioner) VS KDA and Others (Respondent) 17-OCT-24 No Petition dismissed against show-cause notice. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
89 Const. P. 3877/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Muhammad Arif and Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 30-AUG-24 No Suit on subsequent cause of action. Order II Rule 2 CPC not attracted. Petition dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
90 Const. P. 2054/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Badaruddin (Petitioner) VS D.J Malir and Others (Respondent) 03-MAY-24 No Petition against revision dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Justice Ms. Sana Akram Minhas
91 Spl. Cr. A. 1/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 THE STATE / ANF (Applicant) VS B.R.R GUARDIAN MODARABE & ANOTHER (Respondent) 11-JUL-24 Yes Appeal of ANF under section 43 of the Prevention of Smuggling Act, 1977 not maintainable. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
92 Const. P. 3822/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Azeem Khan (Petitioner) VS Kaleem Ahmed & Ors (Respondent) 29-AUG-24 No Commissioner for taking accounts - premature when plaintiff yet to lead evidence. Petition dismissed with cost. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
93 Cr.Bail 1645/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 ABDUL WAHAB S/O NAWAB KHAN & ANOTHER (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 11-SEP-24 No No fresh ground for bail made out. Bail dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
94 Judicial Companies Misc. 33/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2023 LUCKY TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED (Applicant) VS AND ANOTHER (Respondent) 25-SEP-24 No Merger petition allowed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
95 Spl.Cr.Bail 85/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 MOHIBULLAH S/O MUHAMMAD ISLAM & 02 ORS (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 30-SEP-24 No Smuggling alleged of Cigarettes and betel nuts. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
96 E.P 52/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 ZAIN PERVEZ (Petitioner) VS ECP AND OTHERS (Respondent) 03-OCT-24 Yes Interpretation of section 144(2)(a) of the Election Act, 2017. Consequence of defective affidavits by witnesses. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
97 Suit 437/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 EXIDE PAKISTAN LTD (Plaintiff) VS FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN & OTHERS (Defendant) 06-FEB-25 No Sales tax pre-suspension notice. Stay declined. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
98 Const. P. 499/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Writ Jurisdictions 2013 Qamaruddin Mirani (Petitioner) VS D G Bureau of Statics Planing Dev: Deptt: Khi &Ors (Respondent) 07-MAR-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi
99 Suit 1406/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 WSKB & Company (Plaintiff) VS Province of Sindh & others (Defendant) 30-JAN-25 Yes Public Procurement - In absence of material violation of law on public procurement, Court will not interfere in public projects. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
100 S.M.A 17/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 Syed Zain Abbas (Petitioner) VS Party-2 (Defendant) 28-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
101 Suit 1808/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 Mst. Bilqis Bano & another. (Plaintiff) VS Pakistan Defence Housing Authority & others (Defendant) 17-JUL-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
102 H.C.A 185/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Dr. Obaid ur Rehman & Others (Appellant) VS Mrs. Neelofer Khalid & Others (Respondent) 23-APR-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Syed Hasan Azhar Rizvi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.A.31-K/2019 Mrs. Neelofer Khalid and others v. Dr.Obaid-ur-Rehman and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending Adjourned. Relist it before a 3 members bench
103 Const. P. 8125/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Pakistan Minerals Developement Corporation (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 22-MAY-19 Yes Petitioner, Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd administrative control of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources. In respect of an area of 3818.81 acres at Lakhra, District Jamshoro, for which a mining-lease was granted to the Petitioner for mining coal for a period of thirty[30] years. These renewal applications remained pending with the Respondent No.2, and though in the meantime both the mining-leases of the Petitioner expired in April 2015, the date of such expiry stood extended .Respondent No.2 had granted mining-permits to SLCMC without waiting for a decision on the Petitioners appeals pending under Rule 71 of the SMC Rules. Mr. Jawad Dero, the learned AAG Sindh, and Mr. Jaffar Raza, learned counsel for SLCMC had objected to the maintainability of these fresh petitions on the ground that the Hyderabad Petitions for the same relief were still pending. we agree with Barrister Zameer Ghumro that these petitions cannot be held to be not-maintainable merely on the ground that the Hyderabad Petitions are also pending. Appellate Authority manifests that the refusal to renew the Petitioner mining-leases was only for the reason that the Petitioner was Federal Government entity and the Government of Sindh had already made up its mind to award a mining concession in the same area to the SLCMC, a company wholly owned by the Government of Sindh. Having found no reason to interfere in the discretion exercised by the Respondent No.2 The petitions succeed for prayer clause 3 in terms that the impugned Notifications dated 09-07-2018 granting mining permits to SLCMC (Respondent No.3) having been granted in contravention of Rule 68 of the SMC Rules, the same are without lawful authority and are therefore set-aside judgment shall be dispatched by the office to o be placed in C.P. No. D-7643/2018 pending before this Court at Karachi The petitions stand disposed off. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Syed Hasan Azhar Rizvi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.2795/2019 M/s Sindh Lakhra Coal Mining Company (Pvt) Ltd v. Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation thr. its Project Director & others,C.P.443-K/2019 Province of Sindh thr. Secy: Energy Department, Govt. of Sindh and another v. Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation and another,C.A.1539/2019 M/s Sindh Lakhra Coal Mining Company (Pvt) Ltd v. Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation thr. its Project Director & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave Granted,Disposed Disposed of,Disposed Disposed of
104 Const. P. 536/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Jangi Mahar & another (Applicant) VS P.O Sindh (Appellant) 22-JUN-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
105 S.M.A 252/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 Hutoxy Cowasjee and others (Petitioner) VS Null (Respondent) 22-MAY-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
106 Suit 1254/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2015 Mrs Naveen Irfan (Plaintiff) VS Mst Shama Parveen (Defendant) 03-SEP-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
107 Const. P. 5570/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Muneem Khan & Ors (Petitioner) VS Registrar Pakistan Nursing Council & Ors (Respondent) 15-NOV-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
108 Civil Revision 4/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2005 United Bank Limited (Applicant) VS Shoaib Ahmed and others (Respondent) 09-AUG-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
109 2021 CLC 54 Suit 362/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2015 Wakeel Akhtar (Plaintiff) VS Shahzad Alam (Defendant) 29-NOV-19 Yes While Article 84 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order provides a mode for proving execution of a document by comparison of signature or hand-writing, that is an additional mode and not a substitute of or an alternate to the mandatory provision of Article 79 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order. The mode of proof by way of Article 84 is not the most desirable of modes in that, the signature and hand-writing of a person may vary with time and age; or a person called upon under sub-Article (2) of Article 84 to give a specimen of his signature or hand-writing may feign the same to defeat the comparison. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
110 2021 YLR Note 37 Criminal Appeal 245/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 KARMAT HUSSAIN S/O MUBARAK HUSSAIN (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 31-MAR-20 Yes 1. Even in a case involving capital punishment, conviction can follow on circumstantial evidence, but that such circumstantial evidence should provide all links in an unbroken chain where one end of the chain touches the dead body and the other the neck of the accused. 2. Though evidence implicating an accused cannot be used to convict him if he was not confronted with it under section 342 Cr.P.C., but that does not mean to say that every inadequate examination under section 342 Cr.P.C. results in vitiating the trial, nor does it mean to say that the other independent evidence standing against the accused stands diminished. Rel. S.A.K. Rehmani v. The State (2005 SCMR 364). Even discarding the evidence not confronted to the accused under section 342 Cr.P.C., the chain of circumstantial evidence against him is complete and uninterrupted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) J.P.196/2020 Karamat Hussain v. The State Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending Adjourned
111 Const. P. 4483/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Pakistan International Airline Corp Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 21-OCT-20 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
112 Suit 2256/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 Humayun Sattar. (Plaintiff) VS Faizan Elahi & another. (Defendant) 09-MAR-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
113 Suit 1171/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 Mr. Mohammad Qasim (Plaintiff) VS Haroon Qasim Hussain & others (Defendant) 07-APR-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
114 R.A (Civil Revision) 120/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Shabbir Ahmed Memon and others (Applicant) VS Shahnawaz and others (Respondent) 18-JAN-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.548-K/2021 Shabbir Ahmed & others v. Shahnawaz & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Disposed of
115 Suit 172/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2019 Furqan & others. (Plaintiff) VS Mst. Roshan Ara & others. (Defendant) 09-JUN-20 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
116 Civil Revision 198/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2011 Abdul Majeed Kalhoro (Applicant) VS Amjad Ali Arain (Respondent) 14-OCT-20 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
117 Suit 1494/2008 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2008 M/S.CENTURY INSURANCE CO.LTD (Plaintiff) VS THE ASSITANT COLELCTOR (Defendant) 30-NOV-20 Yes Maintainability of suit to challenge an action taken without issuing the prescribed show-cause notice. Rate of Federal Excise Duty applicable to insurance services under section 10 of the Federal Excise Act, 2005 and the effect of Rule 40 of the Federal Excise Rules, 2005. Maintainability of suit to challenge an action taken without issuing the prescribed show-cause notice. Rate of Federal Excise Duty applicable to insurance services under section 10 of the Federal Excise Act, 2005 and the effect of Rule 40 of the Federal Excise Rules, 2005. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
118 Const. P. 5158/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Dr. Waris Ali and Ors (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-DEC-20 No Reasons assigned to the short order dated 11.11.2020 passed in the MDCAT petitions viz. C.P. Nos.D-4953, 5036, 5158, 5237 of 2020 (challenging the vires of Pakistan Medical Commission Act, 2020) by Division Bench comprising Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.L.A.1302-K/2020 Dr.Waris Ali & others v. Pakistan Ministry of Health Services & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
119 Const. P. 2328/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Tanveer (Petitioner) VS M/s Pakistan Steel Mills Corp Ltd and Ors (Respondent) 14-APR-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
120 Const. P. 4287/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Sahib Khan Lund Baloch (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 20-APR-21 Yes Petitioner, who is serving at present as Assistant Commissioner in BPS-17, is aggrieved by the purported decision of the Provincial Selection Board-II (`PSB-II`) dated 09.3.2020 and 11.3.2020, whereby his promotion to the post of Deputy Secretary (Equivalent BPS-18) was deferred on the ground that his Annual Confidential Reports (`ACRs`) Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
121 Const. P. 985/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Irfan S/o Muhammad Yousuf Nagori (Petitioner) VS Zahid Hussain and others (Respondent) 26-APR-21 No Rent: Default and personal need. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
122 Suit 2316/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2021 MUHAMMAD FARHAN WAZIR & OTHERS (Plaintiff) VS FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN & OTHERS (Defendant) 23-APR-24 Yes Plaint can be rejected if it is bad for multifariousness. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
123 Const. P. 2619/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Khawaja Izhar ul Hasan and Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 16-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
124 Suit 1559/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: along with Suits No. 1560 of 2020 and Suit No. 264 of 2021. Original Side 2020 M/s. Matiari Sugar Mills Limited (Plaintiff) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Defendant) 16-OCT-21 No Selection of audit under section 25 of the Sales Tax Act, 1990 requires giving of reasons. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
125 Const. P. 4896/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muzaffar Hussain Katpar (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 23-APR-21 Yes suspension order Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
126 Const. P. 1206/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Abdul Ghaffar Abbasi (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 13-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
127 Const. P. 3449/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2014 M/s IFFCO Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Hanif Ahmed Siddiqui and Ors (Respondent) 28-OCT-19 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.731-K/2019 Haneef Ahmed Siddiqui v. Chief Executive/Factory Manager M/s IFCO Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.,C.A.27-K/2020 Haneef Ahmed Siddiqui v. Chief Executive/Factory Manager M/s IFCO Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave Granted in all cases and appeals in the fixed for hearing with 3 wekks.,Disposed Dismissed as Not Pressed
128 Const. P. 4035/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Bashir Ahmed Kalwar (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 31-MAY-21 Yes Declare the supersession of the petitioner made by the Respondent No.02 / CSB and the competent authority through impugned order dated 06.06.2018 as illegal--Direct the respondents to consider the case of promotion of petitioner in BPS-20, in terms of original reference of December, 2016--when a civil/public servant is recommended for supersession by the Central Selection Board (CSB) and the recommendation of the CSB is approved by the competent authority, what is its effect, and whether supersession is punishment? Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.3921/2021 The Federation of Pakistan through Secretary, Establishment Division, Govt of Pakistan, Islamabad and another v. Bashir Ahmed Kalwar and another,C.P.757-K/2021 The Chairman (FBR) v. Bashir Ahmed Kalwar & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed as Infructuous,Disposed Dismissed as Infructuous
129 Suit 3/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2019 Amsons Textile Mills (Pvt) Limited (Plaintiff) VS Federation of Pakistan & Others. (Defendant) 05-MAY-21 Yes res judicata in suit after decision in constitution petition. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
130 Suit 850/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Along with other connected Suits. Original Side 2020 Dewan Sugar Mills Limited (Plaintiff) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Defendant) 09-AUG-21 Yes Selection for audit under section 25 of the Sales Tax Act and section 46 of the Federal Excise Act requires the giving of reasons. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
131 Const. P. 4658/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammads Junaid Khan (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 22-APR-21 No To appreciate as to whether the case of the petitioner falls within the ambit of Rule 11-A of 1974 or otherwise, let notice be issued to the respondents as well as to learned AAG for 27.05.2021with direction to file comments Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
132 Const. P. 3786/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 M/s Rajby Industries (Petitioner) VS Sajjad Ali And ors (Respondent) 30-OCT-19 Yes The private respondents in these cases were gatekeepers and labours respectively and were terminated in terms of Section 12(3) of the Standing Order, 1968, thus it is not an industrial dispute which could empower the Commission to assume and exercise its jurisdiction in terms of Sections 54 and 57 of the IRA, 2012. Such provisions empowering the Commission in terms of Sections 54 and 57 of the IRA, 2012 were also in existence well before its promulgation and also while the provisions of IRO(xxiii) of1969 were in existence. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.683-K/2019 M/s Rajby Industries v. Sajjad Ali and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Disposed of
133 Const. P. 1059/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2014 Zaheer Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 02-OCT-19 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.635-K/2019 Zaheer Ahmed v. Province of Sindh thr. Education & Literacy Govt. of Sindh and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
134 Suit 271/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2021 Muhammad Asim (Plaintiff) VS The Federation of Pakistan & Others. (Defendant) 02-JUN-21 No Audit notice issued by the Commissioner beyond jurisdiction, could not be remedied by transferring the same to the Commissioner having jurisdiction. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
135 Const. P. 1644/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Nawaz Murad (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 27-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
136 Const. P. 907/2009 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2009 Roshan Ali (Petitioner) VS Nazim Taluka Municipal Administration Samaro & Others (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
137 Const. P. 365/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Waqas & anothers (Petitioner) VS NAB & Others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
138 Const. P. 1761/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2011 Syed Imam Ali (Petitioner) VS The Appellate Authority Board of Trustee EOBI, & Others (Respondent) 01-DEC-21 Yes CP No. D- 1761 of 2011 CP No. D- 1763 of 2011 CP No. D- 614 of 2012 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
139 Const. P. 68/2009 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2009 Gulshan and others (Petitioner) VS Government of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 15-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
140 Const. P. 10/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Abbasi (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
141 Const. P. 974/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Dr Ghulam Sarwar (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 27-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
142 Const. P. 2155/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Syed Imdad Ali Shah (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
143 Const. P. 517/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Abid Hussain & another (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.103/2022 Federation of Pakistan thr. Chairman Federal Board of Revenue, Islamabad and others v. Abid Hussain Yousafzai and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
144 Const. P. 1763/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2011 Imam Ali (Petitioner) VS The Appellate Authority Board of Trustee EOBI, & Others (Respondent) 01-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
145 Const. P. 1913/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Sindh High Court Employees C.Operative (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
146 Const. P. 943/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 S & Sons Contractor (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & & Others (Respondent) 09-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
147 Const. P. 441/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Saleem Akhtar (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 27-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
148 Const. P. 1160/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2012 Ghous Bux (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
149 Const. P. 114/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: attached case ...... CP No. D- 1236 of 2014 Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Ghulam Mohammad (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
150 Const. P. 842/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Zaheer Ahmed and others (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan and others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
151 Const. P. 1523/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Abdul Haq (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
152 Const. P. 632/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Altaf Hussain (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan and others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.918-K/2022 Faheem Ahmed v. Province of Sindh Chief Minister, through Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Sindh & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
153 Const. P. 202/2003 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2003 Ghulam Mustafa Shah and anothers (Petitioner) VS Land Acquisition Officer (B&R) & others (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
154 Const. P. 477/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Fareed Ahmed & Other (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Other (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.105/2022 Federation of Pakistan thr. Chairman Federal Board of Revenue, Islamabad and others v. Fareed Ahmed and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
155 Cr.Misc. 565/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Mst Badar Khatoon Sahito (Applicant) VS The State through AAG Sukkur & others (Respondent) 29-JUN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
156 Suit 810/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2015 Mrs. Aroosa Iqbal Siddiqui. (Plaintiff) VS Yousuf Qamar Siddiqui & Others. (Defendant) 16-SEP-22 No Dismissal for want of evidence operates as res judicata. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
157 Const. P. 1043/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Khadim Hussain Aradin & Ors (Petitioner) VS P.O. Sindh and others (Respondent) 13-JUN-18 No water issue Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
158 Const. P. 1661/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Syed Zafar Ali Shah & Ors (Petitioner) VS Chief Minister & Ors (Respondent) 28-JUN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
159 Const. P. 1291/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Habib ur Rehman (Petitioner) VS NIRC & Ors (Respondent) 29-OCT-19 Yes we have straightaway enquired from the Counsel as to what reason was provided in support of the application for condonation of delay, he relied upon the affidavit in support of the application available at page-99. In para-2, para-12 of the memo of petition was adopted in support of the application for codonation of delay. He claimed to have fallen sick due to sudden shock of his removal from service and claimed to have remained in constant supervision of a doctor with effect from 02.2.2012 to 30.4.2012. In support of such contention he attached two certificates of doctors available on record. First certificate is of 29.4.2012 and the other is of 01.5.2012. Both these certificates only demonstrate that the petitioner remained under treatment of a doctor and not that he was bedridden or unable to engage in daily activities Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
160 Const. P. 7648/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Pakistan Refinery Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 17-FEB-22 No section 87(b) of the Cantonments Act, 1924 is not mandatory. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
161 Suit -1500/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 ARY COMMUNICATIONS LTD (Plaintiff) VS FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN & OTHERS (Defendant) 13-AUG-22 No ARY Communications versus PEMRA. Interim order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
162 Const. P. 1835/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Faraz Hussain (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 10-AUG-22 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
163 Const. P. 764/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Inayatullah Lashari (Petitioner) VS Commissioner Larkana and others (Respondent) 08-FEB-23 Yes Employee engaged on adhoc or under a time-bound contract has no vested right to regularization Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi C.P.L.A.688-K/2023 Inayatullah v. The Commissioner Larkana & another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending Disposed of
164 Suit 1653/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 K-Electric Limited (Plaintiff) VS Province of Sindh & others (Defendant) 02-DEC-22 No K-Electric. Consumer Service Manual. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
165 Spl.Cr.Misc 652/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 OMER DANIAL BAWEJA (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 07-NOV-22 No Where two Courts have coextensive or concurrent jurisdiction, then in ordinary circumstances the rule of propriety demanded that the jurisdiction of the lower Court be invoked first; and that the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court should not be exercised as a routine but only in extraordinary circumstances. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
166 Const. P. 1348/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Wahadat Siraj Afridi (Petitioner) VS Mst. Furqan Naseem And ors (Respondent) 27-JUN-22 No Distinction between fraud in legal proceedings and fraud by a party upon another. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Ahmed Ali M. Shaikh, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.1190-K/2022 Wahadat Siraj Afridi v. Mst. Furqan Nasreen & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
167 R.A (Civil Revision) 6/1998 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 1998 Allah Warrayo and others (Applicant) VS Ratto Khan and others (Respondent) 20-MAR-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
168 Cr.Rev 80/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 Imran Ghous Shaikh (Applicant) VS Mohammad Gul Brohi & Others (Respondent) 09-MAR-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
169 R.A (Civil Revision) 113/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Qadir Bux Soomro (Applicant) VS Moula Bux Soomro (Respondent) 23-FEB-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
170 R.A (Civil Revision) 73/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Ghulam Safdar Brohi (Applicant) VS Mukhtiar Ali Chandio & others (Respondent) 06-MAR-23 Yes Suit for malicious prosecution where acquittal on benefit of doubt. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
171 Execution First Appeal 68/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 JAWAID SARWAR (Decree Holder) VS RANA MUNIR & ANOTHER (Judgment Debtor) 07-APR-23 Yes Decree for specific performance entails possession. Privity of contract. Compromise decree when executable. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
172 Cr.Bail 153/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Criminal Bail Application No. 35 of 2023 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUHAMMAD NASEEM S/O HIDAYATULLAH (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 29-MAR-23 No 365, 302 PPC. Bail denied Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
173 Cr.Bail 196/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 ABDUL ALI S/O ABDUL GHANI (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 22-MAR-23 No Foreigner Act, bail granted Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
174 Spl.Cr.Bail 11/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 RAHEEL DHANANI S/O DEEDAR ALI (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 28-MAR-23 No Foreign currency in excess of baggage rules. Bail granted Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
175 Spl.Cr.Bail 89/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 ABDUL AZIZ S/O MUHAMMAD ANWAR (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 23-NOV-23 No Fiscal fraud by over-valuing goods. Case of further enquiry. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
176 Const. P. 3213/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Kashif Center Management Association Ltd and Other (Petitioner) VS Karachi Cantonment Board and Another (Respondent) 03-JUL-23 No Definition of building in Cantonment Act is not confined to a new building. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi
177 Const. P. 2230/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Mst. Shehar Bano (Petitioner) VS SBCA and Others (Respondent) 18-JUL-23 No Dangerous building. Public safety paramount. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi
178 Const. P. 19/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Air Indus (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS The Collector of Customs and another (Respondent) 08-JAN-24 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
179 Const. P. 8576/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Ameneen Kashif (Petitioner) VS Moin Kamal & Ors (Respondent) 30-AUG-23 No 12(2) CPC is not a substitute for an appeal. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Ahmed Ali M. Shaikh, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
180 Suit 1192/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 ZIAUDDIN AHMED & CO. (PVT.) LIMITED (Plaintiff) VS KARACHI SHIPYARD & ENGINEERING WORKS LTD & OTHERS (Defendant) 31-AUG-23 Yes Bank guarantee. Rule of non-interference and the rule of strict compliance. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
181 Const. P. 71/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Hassan Sabir (Petitioner) VS R.O NA-236 & Others (Respondent) 09-JAN-24 No Re-election symbol. Valid reasons given by Election Tribunal for allowing appeal against rejection. Petition dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
182 Const. P. 5086/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Muhammad Siraj Masti Khan (Petitioner) VS Wali Muhammad and Others (Respondent) 19-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
183 Spl.Cr.Bail 9/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 HAZRAT HUSSAIN & ANOTHER (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 26-FEB-24 No Offence of smuggling diesel. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
184 Const. P. 4247/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Abid Ali and another (Petitioner) VS Mst. Mareena Soomro & another (Respondent) 05-SEP-23 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
185 Spl.Cr.Bail 19/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 KARAMAT HUSSAIN SHAH (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 24-OCT-23 No Offences under section 32 and 32-A of the Customs Act, 1969. Pre-arrest bail declined. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
186 Const. P. 4363/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Muhammad Farooq (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Arshad & Others (Respondent) 12-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
187 Spl.Cr.Bail 21/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 MUHAMMAD SABTAIN ABBAS S/O GHULAM ABBAS (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 28-MAR-24 No Sales tax flying invoice. Bail declined. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
188 Suit 1141/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 New Hampshire Insurance Company (Plaintiff) VS Province of Sindh & others (Defendant) 01-APR-24 No Suit against show-cause notice dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
189 Const. P. 4524/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Kashif Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Sharafat Hussain and Others (Respondent) 21-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
190 Suit 1246/2007 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2007 MOHAMMAD SULAIMAN (Plaintiff) VS PAKISTAN INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES CORP. & ORS. (Defendant) 17-APR-24 No Counsel's application for recusal denied. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
191 Suit 797/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2023 Syed Abu Bilal Imam (Plaintiff) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Defendant) 18-DEC-23 No Injunction denied against summons under section 37 of the Sales Tax Act, 1990. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
192 Const. P. 3727/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Asif Ahmed and Others (Petitioner) VS Mst. Razia Begum and Others (Respondent) 06-SEP-23 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
193 Const. P. 6004/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 M/s Marco Tex (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-JAN-24 No Right of personal hearing. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
194 Const. P. 640/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Rizwan & Ors (Petitioner) VS Mst. Rukhsana Usman and Ors (Respondent) 15-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
195 Spl.Cr.Bail 51/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 EHSANULLAH S/O ABDUL HAFEEZ & ANOTHER (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 29-JUL-24 No Smuggling of betel nuts. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
196 H.C.A 252/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Tanveer and Another (Appellant) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 04-SEP-24 No No interference with interim order. HCA dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro
197 Const. P. 7584/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Nadeem Ali Khan (Petitioner) VS Rashid Ali Khan and Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-24 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
198 Suit 1091/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 New Hampshire Insurance Company (Plaintiff) VS Province of Sindh & others (Defendant) 29-APR-24 No Suit against show-cause notice, dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
199 Spl.Cr.Bail 80/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 MUHAMMAD QASIM S/O ABDUL HAFEEZ & ANOTHER (Applicant) VS THE STSATE (Respondent) 30-AUG-24 No Goods not notified under section 2(s) Customs Act, offence of smuggling not attracted. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
200 Const. P. 4178/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: C.P. Nos. D - 4179 to 4185 of 2024 and C.P. No. D - 4249 of 2024. Writ Jurisdictions 2024 M/s Al-Mashood Oil & Ghee Industries Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Another (Respondent) 03-SEP-24 No Vires of the Infrastructure Cess. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro
201 Judicial Companies Misc. 28/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2021 N.P Spinning Mills Limited (Applicant) VS Muhammad Siddique (Respondent) 06-SEP-24 Yes Company Bench is not the Court designated to try offences under Companies Act, 2017. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
202 E.P 28/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 ABDUL QADEER (Petitioner) VS ECP AND OTHERS (Respondent) 18-DEC-24 No Affidavit of service beyond limitation. Petition rejected. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
203 E.P 36/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 SAEED AHMED S/O SAID GHAFOOR (Petitioner) VS ECP AND OTHERS (Respondent) 17-OCT-24 Yes Affidavit of service not filed within time. Election Petition rejected. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
204 Spl.Cr.Bail 180/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Hasnain Raza S/o Raza Hussain (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) 16-JAN-25 No Whether opportunity given to make declaration under section 139, Customs Act, 1969. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
205 I. A 65/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Muhammad Momin (Appellant) VS Faisal Aman and Others (Respondent) 28-AUG-24 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana(Author)
206 Cr.Rev 68/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Cr. Rev. 69/2015 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 SULEMAN LALANI & 02 OTHERS (Applicant) VS AQEEL KARIM DEDHI S/O HAJI KARIM DEDHI & ANOTHER (Respondent) 30-MAY-24 Yes Test for issuing process under section 204 CrPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
207 Const. P. 280/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Kazim Jaffar (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 23-OCT-24 No Prayer for appointment on deceased quota. Petition dismissed in view of Muhammad Jalal???s case. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
208 Const. P. 5968/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: C.P. No. D ??? 5969 of 2024 Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Muhammad Kashif (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Amir and Others (Respondent) 25-NOV-24 No No proof of fraud or misrepresentation. Petition dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
209 Spl.Cr.Misc 612/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 USMAN BAJWA S/O JAWED A. BAJWA (Applicant) VS THE STATE &ORS (Respondent) 31-OCT-24 Yes Separate trials of special offences by Special Courts does not attract bar of double jeopardy. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
210 Const. P. 5793/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Saifuddin (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 21-NOV-24 No No violation of service rules. Petition dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
211 Judicial Companies Misc. 31/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2023 ARIF HABIB CORPORATION LTD AND ANOTHER (Applicant) VS Court Notice - SECP & Pakistan Stock Exchange (Respondent) 21-OCT-24 No Scheme of de-merger under section 282 of the Companies Act, 2017. Petition allowed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
212 Const. P. 1782/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Hashim (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 04-NOV-24 No Import and Export (Control) Act, 1950. Extension of time in date of effect. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
213 Spl.Cr.Bail 179/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 NAJEEBULLAH S/O MUHAMMAD RAUF & ORS (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 20-JAN-25 No Allegation of smuggled cloth yet to be proved. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
214 Const. P. 4123/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Muhammad Shakeel (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 29-AUG-24 No Pending decision on show-cause notice, petition dismissed as premature. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
215 Spl.Cr.Misc 710/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 BABER WAHEED S/O MUHAMMAD RAFIQUE (Applicant) VS THE STATE THR CHAIRMAN FBR & ORS (Respondent) 20-JAN-25 No Remedy available under Section 265-K Cr.P.C. Application for quashment dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
216 Suit -200/2025 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2025 M/S BRANDS UNLIMITED (PVT.) LIMITED (Plaintiff) VS FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN & OTHERS (Defendant) 14-FEB-25 No Sales tax pre-suspension notice. Stay declined. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
217 Suit 154/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 Muhammad Yousuf Naz (Plaintiff) VS Ms. Neelam & others (Defendant) 20-FEB-25 No Limitation for suit for specific performance. Suit time-barred. Plaint rejected. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
218 Suit 741/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2019 Muhammad Asif Kapadia & another. (Plaintiff) VS Muhammad Shafi Kapadia & others. (Defendant) 25-FEB-25 No Suit for trademark infringement filed after effect of sections 17, 18 of IPOP Act, plaint returned. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
219 Const. P. 1847/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Yasin Ali Baloch and Ors (Petitioner) VS The Administrative Sect: STEVTA and Ors (Respondent) 16-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
220 H.C.A 85/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 SAGA Shipping & Trading Corporation Ltd. & others (Appellant) VS WALIA Steel Industries PLC & others (Respondent) 07-MAY-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Syed Hasan Azhar Rizvi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.2407/2019 SAGA Shipping & Trading Corporation Ltd & others v. WALIA Steel Industries & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed as Not Pressed
221 Const. P. 601/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Kashif Hussain Gaad (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Respondent) 13-FEB-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Saleem Jessar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
222 Const. P. 4190/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Askari Bank Ltd (Petitioner) VS President of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 05-APR-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
223 S.M.A 68/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 Dr.Mohammad Sharif (Petitioner) VS Party-2 (Defendant) 23-FEB-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
224 S.M.A 241/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 Barbara Helena Philomina through attorney Debbie (Petitioner) VS Marina Caroline Bond - Deceased (Respondent) 18-OCT-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
225 I. A 15/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Pak Leather Crafts Limited & others (Appellant) VS Al-Barak Bank Limited (Respondent) 19-OCT-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.1422-K/2018 Pak Leather Crafts Limited and others v. Al-Baraka Bank Limited,C.A.24-K/2019 Pak Leather Crafts Limited and others v. Al-Baraka Bank Limited Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave Granted,Disposed Dismissed
226 Const. P. 2304/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Meezan Bank Ltd (Petitioner) VS Textilers (Pvt) Ltd and Ors (Respondent) 24-DEC-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
227 S.M.A 369/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 Aziz Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Party-2 (Defendant) 13-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
228 Suit 370/2005 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2005 MANZOOR AHMED SHAHZAD (Plaintiff) VS MUHAMMAD SHAKIR SHAN (Defendant) 15-AUG-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
229 Suit 905/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 Aftab Hussain. (Plaintiff) VS Jay Kishan Phulwani. (Defendant) 04-NOV-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
230 Const. P. 451/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Ghulam Ali (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & others (Respondent) 01-OCT-19 Yes Sindh Tenancy Act, 1950 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.652-K/2019 Province of Sindh thr. Senior Member Board of Revenue and others v. Ghulam Ali Leghari,C.A.7-K/2022 Province of Sindh thr. Senior Member Board of Revenue and others v. Ghulam Ali Leghari Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave Granted,Pending Notice be repeated
231 Cr.Bail 1507/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 FAHEEMUDDIN S/O ALEEMUDDIN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 27-NOV-19 Yes In section 395 PPC, while the alternative to life imprisonment is rigorous punishment which shall not be less than four years nor more than ten years, that alternative punishment still provides for a maximum of 10 years, keeping the offence within the prohibitory clause of section 497 Cr.P.C. Thus, at the stage of bail when the Court looks at the alternate punishment provided under section 395 PPC, that is for the purposes of considering whether the case is one of further inquiry within the ambit of sub-section (2) of section 497 Cr.P.C., and it is not to say that the case does not fall within the prohibitory clause of section 497 Cr.P.C. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
232 2021 SBLR Sindh Note 522 Const. P. 5237/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Gautam Dawani and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-DEC-20 No Reasons assigned to the short order dated 11.11.2020 passed in the MDCAT petitions viz. C.P. Nos.D-4953, 5036, 5158, 5237 of 2020 (challenging the vires of Pakistan Medical Commission Act, 2020) by Division Bench comprising Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
233 Suit.B 4/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2014 National Bank of Pakistan. (Plaintiff) VS M/s. Amna Export (Pvt) Ltd. & Others. (Defendant) 09-JUN-20 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
234 Suit 42/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 Syed Zain Ul Abideen (Plaintiff) VS Federal Board of Revenue & others. (Defendant) 16-APR-20 Yes Ouster of jurisdiction to try a civil suit in respect of matters arising under the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 2017 and exceptions to such ouster. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
235 Suit 2/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2012 MST. ANEELA ZEHRA (Plaintiff) VS FAHEEM HAIDER & OTHERS (Defendant) 19-MAY-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
236 Suit 304/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 Husein Industries Ltd (Plaintiff) VS Sui Southern Gas Company Limited & others. (Defendant) 09-MAR-20 Yes 1. A bank guarantee is an independent contract between the surety (bank) and the creditor (beneficiary of the guarantee), and as such the bank guarantee is to be construed on its own terms independent of the underlying contract between the creditor and the principal debtor, and irrespective of claims pending interse the creditor and principal debtor. Rel: National Construction Ltd. v. Aiwan-e-Iqbal Authority (PLD 1994 SC 311); and Shipyard K. Damen International v. Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd. (PLD 2003 SC 191). 2. Mobilization Guarantees are generally not subject to a restraining order even if there is a dispute between the parties to the underlying contract. However, in cases of guarantees other than Mobilization Guarantees, the Court have granted or refused injunction to restrain encashment depending upon the literal words used in the guarantee. Rel: National Grid Company v. Government of Pakistan (1999 SCMR 2367); and Shipyard K. Damen International ibid. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
237 2022 PLC CS 197 H.C.A 163/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 National Refinery Ltd. & another (Appellant) VS Syed Niaz Ahmed (Respondent) 07-NOV-19 Yes The terms of the service were ensured at the time of his (respondent's) transfer, which cannot be lifted unilaterally depriving an employee of his post-retirement benefits or any of the terms of transfer, to which he was entitled at the time when he was inducted/transferred. The transfer confirmation letter dated 08.03.1992 does suggest variance in Scheme for employees but the boards decision has prospective application as far as lifting of any beneficial arrangements are concerned. Wisdom should have prevailed at the time when employees were being transferred and not at the twilight of their career when they (employees) only hoped to get their retirement benefits.. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.711-K/2019 National Refinery Ltd another v. Syed Niaz Ahmed Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
238 Const. P. 4953/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Peoples University of Medical & Health Sci (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 16-OCT-20 No Interim orders passed by Sindh High Court Division Bench comprising Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry for the MDCAT entry test in the petitions challenging the vires of Pakistan Medical Commission Act, 2020 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.L.A.1301-K/2020 Peoples University of Medical & Health Seiences for Womon & others v. Pakistan Ministry of Health Services & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
239 Suit 618/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2012 ABDULLAH RAFI (Plaintiff) VS DIRECTOR PROPERTY AND ENTERTAINMENT TAX & OTHER (Defendant) 12-FEB-21 Yes Sindh Entertainment Duty Act, 1958 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
240 Const. P. 3100/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Ms. Surriya Kanwal (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 29-APR-21 Yes whether the resignation once tendered by the civil servant voluntarily and accepted by the competent authority and communicated to him/her could be considered to be final and cannot be revoked afterwards? Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.L.A.3922/2021 Managing Director Pakistan Bait ul Mal, Islamabad v. Surriya Kanwal and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending Adjourned
241 Const. P. 2714/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Qamaruddin Soomro (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 20-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
242 Execution First Appeal 51/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 MENA ENERGY DMCC (Decree Holder) VS HASCOL PETROLEUM LIMITED (Judgment Debtor) 12-OCT-21 Yes Execution of Foreign Decree. Judgment when conclusive under section 13 CPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
243 Suit 370/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 Kohinoor Soap & Detergents Pvt Ltd (Plaintiff) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Defendant) 16-NOV-20 No Suit against tax proceedings. Deposit required by Searle IV Solution v. Federation of Pakistan (2018 SCMR 1444) Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
244 Const. P. 984/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Saleem Nagori S/o Muhammad Yousuf Nagori (Petitioner) VS Zahid Hussain and others (Respondent) 26-APR-21 No Rent: Default and personal need. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
245 Suit 2581/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2014 Mohsin Ahmad. (Plaintiff) VS Nasreen Irfan & Others. (Defendant) 01-JUL-21 Yes Stipulation in mortgage deed that mortgagee would become owner or vendee of the property if mortgage money is not paid, is a clog on the right/equity of redemption, repugnant to law and void. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
246 Const. P. 2511/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Inspector Syed Saeed Akhtar Naqvi and Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 12-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
247 Const. P. 2410/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Abdul Basit (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 21-APR-21 Yes promotion issue Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
248 Const. P. 1272/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Asralan Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 12-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
249 Suit 1608/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 Seamax Marine Services (Plaintiff) VS The Ministry of Maritime Affairs & others. (Defendant) 14-JUL-21 Yes Rule 48 of Public Procurement Rules, 2004. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
250 Const. P. 2573/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Syed Mahmood Akhtar Naqvi (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 19-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
251 Suit 717/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2010 AGAH ASAD ABBAS (Plaintiff) VS MST.NASEEM IRFAN (Defendant) 01-JUL-21 Yes Limitation for an application for restoration of a suit dismissed for non-prosecution, is governed by Article 163 of the Limitation Act, not by Article 181. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
252 Const. P. 3585/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Misri (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 23-APR-21 Yes termination--Sindh Madressatul Islam University Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
253 Spl.Anti.Ter.A. 111/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Spl. Cr.A.T.A. No.112 of 2019 & Spl. Cr.A.T.A. No.113 of 2019 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 KAMRAN KHAN S/O DAWOOD KHAN & ANOTHER (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 01-NOV-21 No Testimony of chance witness found unreliable. Recovery of firearms from accused also doubtful. Accused acquitted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
254 Const. P. 532/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Arif & Others (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.104/2022 Federation of Pakistan thr. Chairman Federal Board of Revenue, Islamabad and others v. Nadeem Arif and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
255 Const. P. 262/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2012 Muhammad Juman (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
256 Const. P. 1550/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Jalauddin (Petitioner) VS Fed of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 25-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
257 Const. P. 51/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Mst Shahnaz Bibi (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.1713-K/2021 Mst. Shahnaz Bibi v. Ali Ahmed & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
258 Const. P. 1655/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Junaid Ahmed & another (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 27-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.6282/2021 Junaid Ahmed v. Province of Sindh, through Chief Secretary, Government of Sindh, Sindh Karachi and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed as Withdrawn
259 Civil Revision 107/2000 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: RA. sec 92 CPC not applicable to waqf Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2000 Misri @ Shamsuddin (Applicant) VS Tharparkar Dist Devolopment (Respondent) 11-NOV-21 Yes Civil Revision section 92 CPC not applicable to waqf Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
260 Const. P. 344/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Abbas Ali (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
261 2025 SHC KHI 2 H.C.A 97/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Mian Ahmed Akbar & others (Appellant) VS M/s. Al-Dahra Agriculture Co. Pak (Pvt) Ltd. & ors (Respondent) 23-JAN-25 Yes Test of section 34 Arbitration Act, 1940. Appeal against stay dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho C.P.4584/2021 Al-Dahra International Investment SP LLC, Karachi v. Mian Ahmad Akbar & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Disposed of
262 Const. P. 2382/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2013 Attaullah & Ors (Petitioner) VS Federal Secretary Ministry of Water and Power dev.... (Respondent) 21-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
263 Const. P. 203/2003 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2003 Saifal Shah and Others (Petitioner) VS Land Acquisition Officer (B&R) and others (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
264 2022 SBLR Sindh 1061 Const. P. 1170/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Haroon Sohail (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & others (Respondent) 01-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
265 Const. P. 2134/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2013 Abdul Wahid and others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.L.A.101-K/2022 Abdul Wahid & others v. Province of Sindh through Secretary Livestock, Fisheries Department & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
266 Const. P. 1261/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Shamshad Ali and another (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 14-DEC-21 Yes It is well-settled that conversion of an amenity plot into any other purpose is illegal and encroachment thereon cannot be allowed under any circumstances. This view is fortified by the following authorities of Honble Supreme Court and cases decided by learned Division Benches of this Court, laying down the principles regarding illegal conversion and use of amenity plots/public properties for other purposes, rights of public in respect of amenity plots/public properties and duties of authorities concerned for maintaining the status of amenity plots/public properties Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
267 Const. P. 382/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Atta Hussain Qadri (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 01-OCT-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
268 Suit 1717/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Suit No. 2600 of 2015, Suit No.2439 of 2016, Suit No.2573 of 2016. Original Side 2015 The Searle Company Limited & Others. (Plaintiff) VS Federation of Pakistan & Others. (Defendant) 11-APR-22 No Section 5A Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 declared unconstitutional. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
269 Const. P. 2760/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Syed Mahmood Akhtar Naqvi (Petitioner) VS Govt of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 06-MAY-22 No Test of public interest litigation. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
270 Suit 1256/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2019 Eaton Phonenixtec MMPL Co., LTD (Plaintiff) VS Messrs. New Rabia Enterprises (Defendant) 22-NOV-22 Yes Plea of equitable set-off in defense to Order XII Rule 6 CPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
271 Const. P. 1666/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Nanjo Mal (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Other (Respondent) 10-AUG-22 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
272 Const. P. 816/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Imran Ali Kalhoro (Petitioner) VS Commissioner Larkana and Others (Respondent) 08-FEB-23 Yes Employee engaged on adhoc or under a time-bound contract has no vested right to regularization Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.689-K/2023 Imran Ali Kalhoro v. The Commissioner Larkana & another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
273 II.A. 7/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Mohammad Rafique Aghani (Appellant) VS Mohammad Ali Aghani and Others (Respondent) 26-JAN-23 Yes The requirement of Article 79 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 is that if a document is required by law to be attested, it shall not be used as evidence until two attesting witnesses at least have been called for the purpose of proving its execution, if there be two attesting witnesses alive, and subject to the process of the Court and capable of giving evidence. There is a proviso for a registered document, but that is not relevant for the present purposes. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
274 R.A (Civil Revision) 57/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Haji Mohammad Usman Memon (Applicant) VS Qurban Ali and Others (Respondent) 20-FEB-23 No Section 21(e) Specific Relief Act, 1872. Section 36, Colonization & Disposal of Government Lands (Sindh) Act, 1912. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
275 Cr.J.A 13/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Assadullah Magsi (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 14-FEB-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi
276 Cr.J.A 40/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Adnan Khan Pathan (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 21-FEB-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
277 R.A (Civil Revision) 56/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Qurban Ali and another (Applicant) VS Ghulam Rasool and others (Respondent) 20-FEB-23 No Section 21(e) Specific Relief Act, 1872. Section 36, Colonization & Disposal of Government Lands (Sindh) Act, 1912. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
278 Const. P. 2/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Mohammad Bachal and another (Petitioner) VS Secretary Education and literacy dept: & ors (Respondent) 08-MAR-23 No No regularization of contract employee. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi
279 R.A (Civil Revision) 137/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Alam and Others. (Applicant) VS District officer community and others. (Respondent) 03-MAR-23 Yes Order XXI Rule 103 CPC Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
280 Cr.Acq.A. 581/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 MUHAMMAD IQBAL SALEEMI (Appellant) VS THE STATE & ORS (Respondent) 29-MAR-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
281 Criminal Appeal 68/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 MUHAMMAD IMRAN @ LAL S/O MUHAMMAD ALAM & ANOTHER (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 28-MAR-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
282 Cr.Bail 1456/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 ABDUL HAMEED S/O BASHIR 05 OTHERS (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 05-APR-23 No 302 PPC. Bail granted Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
283 Cr.Bail 570/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 SARFARAZ AHMED S/O SIRAJ (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 12-APR-23 No CNSA. Statutory delay. Bail declined Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
284 Criminal Miscelleneous 100/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2023 NADEEM SALEEM & ORS (Applicant) VS THE STATE & ORS (Respondent) 18-MAY-23 No Where there is no application of mind on the investigation report and the report is also vague as a triable offence, the High Court can interfere in the exercise of inherent jurisdiction. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
285 Cr.Acq.A. 259/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 SALEEM ISHTIAQ S/O ISHTIAQ AHMED (Appellant) VS QADIR SAEED & ORS (Respondent) 08-DEC-23 No Scope of interfering with acquittal is restricted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
286 H.C.A 263/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Muhammad Azam & others (Appellant) VS Khalid Manzoor & others (Respondent) 08-AUG-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Abdur Rahman(Author)
287 Const. P. 4108/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 M. Akbar Awan (Petitioner) VS Govt of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 29-AUG-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
288 Const. P. 3222/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Dr. Muhammad Ilyas Laghari (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 18-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
289 Spl.Cr.A.A 8/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 THE STATE THROUGH COLLECTOR OF CUSTOM KHI (Appellant) VS FATEH MUHAMMAD & ANTOHER (Respondent) 31-JAN-24 No Sufficient cause to condone limitation in Criminal Acquittal Appeal under Customs Act. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
290 Const. P. 4554/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Carvan-e-Pakistan Hajj & Umrah (Pvt) Ltd & Ors (Petitioner) VS State through Sect: M/o Religious Affairs & Ors (Respondent) 26-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
291 Const. P. 88/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: C.P. No. 89/2024 Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Masroor Ali (Petitioner) VS Dist: Returning Officer NA-231 (Malir-II) & Others (Respondent) 09-JAN-24 No Material relied upon by R.O. for rejecting nomination was questionable. Petitions allowed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
292 Suit 1344/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 Aviserv Limited (Plaintiff) VS Civil Aviation Authority (Defendant) 24-NOV-23 Yes Specific performance of un-registered agreement to lease. The Plaintiff failed to demonstrate that it was ready and willing to perform the same. Stay application dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
293 Spl.Cr.Bail 24/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 MUHAMMAD USMAN TANVEER S/O TANVEER SHOUKAT & ANOTH (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 08-APR-24 No Bail. Smuggling by way of en-route pilferage of transit goods. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
294 Suit 645/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2010 MST.SHABANA HANIF (Plaintiff) VS M/S.NEW CHALI TRADE CENTRE (Defendant) 01-NOV-23 Yes Section 13(3) SBCO, 1979. Interpretation of. Regulation 5-1.22 KBTPR, 2002. Section 22(1) of Limitation Act, 1908. Time runs from date of joinder application. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
295 Cr.Bail 553/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUZAFFAR HUSSAIN S/O KHADIM HUSSAIN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 11-OCT-23 No Offence under section 420, 408 PPC. Pre-arrest bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
296 Cr.Bail 909/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 JAHANGIR KHAN S/O MIRZA KHAN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 21-JUL-23 No Sections 489-B and 489-C PPC. Bail Granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
297 Cr.Bail 2511/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 AZHARULLAH S/O MAZHARULLAH (Applicant) VS THESTATE (Respondent) 30-AUG-23 No It is settled law that grant of pre-arrest bail is an extraordinary relief which may be granted in extraordinary situations as for example to protect innocent persons against victimization through abuse of law for ulterior motives; and that pre-arrest bail is not to be granted as a substitute or an alternative to post-arrest bail. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
298 Spl.Cr.Bail 46/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 VICTOR SHAHBAZ S/O WAFATI DAS (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 05-SEP-23 No Offence under clause 40-A of section 156(1) Customs Act, 1969. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
299 Suit 983/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 JIAOZUO CREATION HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO. LTD (Plaintiff) VS HUANENG FUYUN PORT & SHIPPING (PVT.) LTD (Defendant) 07-NOV-23 No Extent of arbitration record for an application under section 6 of the Recognition and Enforcement (Arbitration Agreements and Foreign Arbitral Awards) Act, 2011. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
300 Cr.Bail 1860/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 RASHID S/O GHUMMAN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 15-SEP-23 No Offence under section 496-A PPC. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
301 Spl.Cr.Bail 81/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Syed Umair Riaz Gilani S/o Riaz Hussain Gilani (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) 09-SEP-24 No Tampered in Detention Receipts. Statement of Importer against Clearing Agent not sufficient. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
302 Const. P. 1439/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Nisar Ahmed Tanoli (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 01-NOV-24 No Holding on to accommodation on plea of re-employment. Petition dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
303 H.C.A 282/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Maha Shaikh & Others (Appellant) VS Syed Aziz Hassan & Another (Respondent) 26-AUG-24 No Framing of charge for contempt yet to be considered. Appeal dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
304 Const. P. 4934/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Riaz Ahmed Jalbani and Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 17-OCT-24 No Writ issued for passing orders on recommendations of DPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho C.M.A.1217-K/2024 Muhammad Mubarak Chachar v. Riaz Ahmed Jalbani and others` Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
305 E.P 25/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 Usman Ghani s/o Yaqoob Hingoro (Petitioner) VS Election Commission of Pakistan and others (Respondent) 22-NOV-24 Yes Restoration of Election Petition, allowed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
306 Const. P. 5799/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Muhammad Sajjad (Petitioner) VS Govt of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 19-NOV-24 No Remedy available before Service Tribunal. Petition dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
307 Spl.Cr.Bail 177/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 MUHAMMAD RAZA UL HAQ MALLICK (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 15-JAN-25 No Question of issuing fake PRCs for clearing imported vehicles. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
308 Spl.Cr.Bail 194/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 "WAHEED AHMED S/O ABDUL MAJEED" (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 23-JAN-25 No Goods not included in SRO of smuggled goods. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
309 Suit -83/2025 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2025 M/S UMAR TEXTILES (Plaintiff) VS THE FEDERAL BOARD OF REVENUE & OTHERS (Defendant) 27-JAN-25 No Sales Tax Act, 1990 - Pre-suspension notice is essentially show-cause notice. Injunction declined. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
310 Const. P. 4091/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Abdul Samad Abdul Rahim (Petitioner) VS Chief Administrator Auqaf and Others (Respondent) 27-AUG-24 No Religious Purpose Committee withdrawn by Auquf. Power available under section 20 W.P. General Clauses Act. Petition dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
311 H.C.A 505/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Dr. Shahid Rasool (Appellant) VS Federation of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 09-JAN-25 No Exceptions to non-interference with interim orders. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zafar Ahmed Rajput, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
312 Suit 93/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2023 Wateen Telecom Limited (Plaintiff) VS Federation of Pakistan & another (Defendant) 12-JUL-24 No Renewal of LDI License by PTA under Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-Organization) Act, 1996. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
313 Suit 717/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 M/S CENTURY ROLLER & STONE FLOUR MILLS PVT LTD&ORS (Plaintiff) VS MUHAMMAD ASIF & OTHERS (Defendant) 15-JUL-24 Yes Suit barred by section 69(2) of the Partnership Act. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
314 Spl.Cr.Bail 39/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 SIRAJUDDIN S/O NAJAMUDDIN & ANOTHER (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 13-MAY-24 No Smuggling alleged of Gutka. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
315 E.P 4/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 IRFANULLAH KHAN MARWAT (Petitioner) VS ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAK & OTHERS (Respondent) 13-JUN-24 Yes Verification and oath on election petition. Section 144(4) Election Act. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
316 Suit 963/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 M/s. Ruknuddin (Pvt.) Ltd (Plaintiff) VS Province of Sindh & others (Defendant) 14-FEB-25 Yes Suit not maintainable against acquisition proceedings under Land Acquisition Act, 1894. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
317 Suit 1196/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 PRESSON DESCON INTERNATIONAL (PVT) LIMITED & ANOTR (Plaintiff) VS PAKISTAN PETROLEUM LIMITED (Defendant) 31-JAN-25 No Limitation for application under section 20 Arbitration Act. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
318 Cr.Appeal 133/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Nadeem Ahmed Malik (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 20-JUN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry Crl.P.879/2018 Nadeem Ahmed v. The State thr. P.G, Sindh Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave Granted
319 Const. P. 190/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 A-One Laboratories and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 15-FEB-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
320 J.M 7/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 Syeda Maryam. (Applicant) VS Mst. Rabia Bibi & Others. (Respondent) 24-APR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
321 H.C.A 219/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Karachi Metropolitan Corporationi & another (Appellant) VS M/s. Zafar Memorial Education Society (Respondent) 24-DEC-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
322 H.C.A 404/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 MCB Bank Ltd. (Appellant) VS Sajida Naqi Riaz & others (Respondent) 12-OCT-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
323 S.M.A 46/1998 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Mohammad Abdul Bashir - DECEASED Original Side 1998 Mst. Jamila Naheed...........(Petitioner (Petitioner) VS Mrs. SaminaQasim (Respondent) 19-APR-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
324 Suit 1676/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 Manzoor Ahmed Soomro.. (Plaintiff) VS Hameed Ahmed & Others. (Defendant) 13-AUG-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
325 H.C.A 104/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Port Qasim Authority (Appellant) VS Industrial Management & Investment Co. Ltd. & ors (Respondent) 24-DEC-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.A.577/2019 Aromatic Foods Limited v. Port Qasim Authority & others,C.A.578/2019 Industrial Management & investment Company Ltd. v. Port Qasim Authority & others,C.A.579/2019 Project Development Corporation LTD v. Port Qasim Authority & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending ,Pending ,Pending
326 I. A 95/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 The Lake City Holdings (Pvt) Limited (Appellant) VS United Bank Limited and another (Respondent) 24-DEC-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
327 Const. P. 587/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Muneeb Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 24-DEC-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
328 Const. P. 6554/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Ms. Urooj Fatima (Petitioner) VS PM & DC and Ors (Respondent) 14-NOV-19 Yes (a) The repeal of the PMDC Ordinance, 2019 was by virtue of Article 89(2)(a)(ii) of the Constitution, i.e., by a resolution of the Senate disapproving the same and not by way of any repealing enactment. Therefore, the effect of repeal contained in sections 6, 6-A and section 24 of the General Clauses Act, 1897, which otherwise apply only when a repeal is by way of a repealing enactment, were neither triggered nor would those serve as an aid in construing the effect of repeal under a Constitutional provision such as Article 89. In other words, on the repeal of the PMDC Ordinance, 2019 by the effect of Article 89 of the Constitution, nothing contained in the General Clauses Act, 1897 would come to save the Amending Admission Regulations that had been made under the repealed Ordinance. In view of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council v. Muhammad Fahad Malik (supra), Article 264 of the Constitution also did not have the effect of saving or giving permanency to the Amended Admission Regulations when the effect of the PMDC Ordinance, 2019 was only temporary as it was never accorded approval by the Parliament. Therefore, on 29-08-2019, when the PMDC Ordinance, 2019 was repealed by the effect of Article 89 of the Constitution, the Amended Admission Regulations also stood repealed and the Original Admission Regulations were revived. (b) It will be seen that while the proviso to sub-section (2) of section 50 of the PMC Ordinance, 2019 repeals all previous Regulations, but that is subject to sub-section (7) which provides that the previous Regulations will continue to apply to the on-going admission process. The repeal of the PMDC Ordinance, 1962 by the PMC Ordinance, 2019, the former being a permanent statute under the 1973 Constitution, is not a repeal by virtue of Article 89 of the Constitution, but a repeal by a repealing statute, albeit a temporary one, and one which has been expressly made subject to section 6 of the General Clauses Act, 1897, which in turn provides that the repeal shall not revive anything not in force or existing at the time at which the repeal takes effect. We have already discussed above that on 29-08-2019 the Amended Admission Regulations had ceased and the Original Admission Regulations had revived. Therefore, when sub-section (7) of section 50 of the PMC Ordinance, 2019 provides that the previous Regulations will continue to apply to the on-going admission process, those can only be the Original Admission Regulations. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.4221/2019 Pakistan Medical & Dental Council thr. its Secretary, Islamabad v. Ms. Urooj Fatima & others,C.A.610/2020 Pakistan Medical & Dental Council now Pakistan Medical Commission thr. its Secretary, Islamabad v. Ms. Urooj Fatima & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave Granted,Disposed Dismissed for Non-Prosecution
329 Civil Revision 20/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Assistant Manager NADRA and others (Applicant) VS Jumo (Respondent) 16-AUG-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
330 Const. P. 1400/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Lt. Commander (R) Engr: Abdul Aziz Narejo (Petitioner) VS K.P.T and Ors (Respondent) 23-OCT-19 Yes Though he was appointed in the year 1996 on ad-hoc and the appointment apparently was not regular one yet the petitioner has spent more than two decades with a hope that no later, the post would fallen vacant, he will be considered. The record reflects that he is still being considered as ad-hoc. This status throughout his career has not earned him anything except that he has faced certain charges which he defended and that he being deprived of further promotion on account of such status. The period of ad-hoc appointment should not have prevailed for such a long period. In case the authority had no complaints as far as the conduct and working of the petitioner is concerned, steps should have been taken by the authority to regularize the services of the petitioner. The authority remained indolent and petitioner continued as ad-hoc. The record shows that the only ground whereby he was deprived of any such promotion is that he was an ad-hoc employee. Thus, while we consider that his very appointment was not made on regular basis in BPS-18, we are also conscious of the fact that the petitioner has served more than two decades without any prospects of promotion Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
331 R.A (Civil Revision) 55/1996 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 1996 Muhammad through his legal heirs (Applicant) VS Muhammad Islam & other legal heirs of Gul Muhammad (Respondent) 05-DEC-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
332 Civil Revision 6/2000 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2000 Executive Engineer Highways and others (Applicant) VS Nazir Ahmed and others (Respondent) 27-AUG-20 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
333 Civil Revision 170/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2010 Raja Abdul Hameed,thr:L.Rs. (Applicant) VS Muhammad Ahsan Nawaz & anor (Respondent) 02-SEP-20 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
334 M.A. 8/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Mazhar Ali Shaikh (Appellant) VS Public at Large and others (Respondent) 14-SEP-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
335 Const. P. 4953/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Peoples University of Medical & Health Sci (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-20 No Short order on MDCAT petitions decided by the Division Bench of Sindh High Court comprising Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.L.A.1301-K/2020 Peoples University of Medical & Health Seiences for Womon & others v. Pakistan Ministry of Health Services & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
336 Suit 348/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 The Sprint Express (Pvt) Ltd (Plaintiff) VS Karachi Metropolitan Corporation & others. (Defendant) 01-MAR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
337 Suit 2345/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 FAREED YOUNUS & OTHERS (Plaintiff) VS MUHAMMAD NAEEM & OTHERS (Defendant) 21-JUN-21 No When matter can be addressed by an injunction, no need to appoint Receiver. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
338 Suit 2249/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 Saeed Ibrahim Veera . (Plaintiff) VS Muhammad Iqbal & Others. (Defendant) 10-MAR-21 No Section 202 Contract Act, 1872. Power of Attorney coupled with a sale agreement. Effect of. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
339 Const. P. 2167/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Shahnawaz Channa (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 19-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
340 Suit 1682/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2014 Pakistan Petroleum Limited. (Plaintiff) VS Pakistan & another. (Defendant) 23-FEB-21 Yes Ouster clause in Section 227(1) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 Suit against show cause notice Plaint rejected. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
341 Const. P. 6604/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Nasim Ahmed Memon (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 12-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
342 Cr.J.A 631/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 JAWAD ALI S/O DEEDAR ALI (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 13-SEP-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
343 Suit 1872/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 Saleem Butt.. (Plaintiff) VS Pakistan & others (Defendant) 31-MAY-21 Yes Challenge to the vires of section 230(2) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 on the ground of delegation of excessive legislative power not successful. While making such challenge, the Plaintiff had also to demonstrate infringement of a Fundamental Right. SRO 115(I)/2015 re the conferring of powers and functions on the DG I&I, was within the jurisdiction of the FBR. Effect of striking-down of same SRO by another High Court discussed. The invoking of section 176 does not militate against the concept of deemed assessment under section 122 of the Ordinance. Malafides had to be pleaded with particulars. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
344 Const. P. 580/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2013 Zulfiqar Ali (Petitioner) VS Prov of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 21-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
345 Const. P. 639/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2011 Muhammad Ismail & Others (Petitioner) VS Province Of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
346 Const. P. 1102/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 MS Beenish Naqvi (Petitioner) VS Province Of Sindh And Others (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
347 Const. P. 1548/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Mst Sajida &anothers (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
348 2022 SBLR Sindh 505 Const. P. 974/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Isra village Housing Scheme (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & others (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
349 Const. P. 1393/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Asif Raza &another (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 09-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
350 Const. P. 427/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Arsalan Khan (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 21-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
351 Const. P. 344/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Abbas Ali (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
352 Const. P. 745/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Asma Hameed (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & others (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
353 Const. P. 526/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2012 Muhammad Juman (Petitioner) VS HESCO Hyderabad and others (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
354 Const. P. 1720/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Abdul Razzaque (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
355 Const. P. 2380/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2013 Abdul Khaliq (Petitioner) VS Prov of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
356 Const. P. 1328/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Mehboob Ali & Others (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 21-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
357 Const. P. 3157/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Sh. Nenoo Bheel (Petitioner) VS Province Of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 Yes we may observe that pensionary benefits cannot be stopped on account of criminal charges; prima-facie there was/is no conviction in his credit, and pensionary benefits cannot be stopped on that score. In our view pensionary benefits cannot be stopped on account of any charges; and, is violative to the law laid down by the Honorable Supreme Court in the case of Haji Muhammad Ismail Memon (PLD 2007 SC 35) Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
358 Const. P. 656/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Rao Abdur Razik & Others (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
359 Const. P. 335/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2014 Shahid Hussain (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
360 Const. P. 361/2005 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2005 Mehran Oils (Pvt) Limited (Petitioner) VS The Commissioner (Hyderabad) (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
361 Criminal Miscelleneous 19/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Original Side 2021 Ghulam Nabi (Applicant) VS Senior Superintendent of Police (Respondent) 14-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
362 Const. P. 1564/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ghulam Mujtaba Dayo (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 15-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
363 Civil Revision 116/2002 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2002 Govt Of Pakistan & Others (Applicant) VS Noor Muhammad (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
364 Suit 1264/2008 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2008 MUHAMMAD SHAKIR QURESHI (Plaintiff) VS AHMED ALI & ORS. (Defendant) 11-MAR-22 No Receivership application dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
365 Const. P. 996/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur; attached cases: C. P. No. D-755 of 2018 Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Zubair Ali Almani (Petitioner) VS The State through NAB & Ors (Respondent) 21-JUN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
366 Suit 298/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 M/s. Dalda Foods Ltd (Plaintiff) VS Federation of Pakistan & another. (Defendant) 18-APR-22 No Audit notice under section 25 Sales Tax Act, 1990, un-lawful in absence of reasons. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
367 Spl.Cr.Bail 8/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Spl. Cr. Bail Application No. 09 of 2022 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 MUKESH KUMAR S/O RADHOMAL (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 08-MAR-22 No Bail declined in offence under Section 156(1) (89) of the Customs Act, 1969 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
368 Const. P. 5373/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Principal Links School and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 28-JAN-22 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Ahmed Ali M. Shaikh(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
369 Suit 1387/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Suit No. 386 of 2019 Original Side 2019 Mrs. samina (Plaintiff) VS Faraz Tasneem & others. (Defendant) 27-SEP-22 No Power to appoint receiver exists to meet the ends of justice. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
370 Suit -1267/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 TANWIR JAMSHED (Plaintiff) VS THE SINDH BUILDING CONTROL AUTHORITY & OTHERS (Defendant) 18-AUG-22 No KBTPR, 2002. Dangerous building. Protected heritage. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
371 Suit 1035/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 Ali Gohar (Plaintiff) VS Nisar Ahmed (Defendant) 14-SEP-22 No Cheque given as guarantee effect. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
372 Criminal Appeal 39/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Original Side 2022 Ghulam Nabi @ Naboo @ Nabi Bux Machhi (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 24-JAN-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
373 Const. P. 1202/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Hameer Ali (Petitioner) VS Commissioner Larkana and others (Respondent) 08-FEB-23 Yes Employee on engaged adhoc or under a time-bound contract has no vested right to regularization Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.L.A.690-K/2023 Hameer Ali Abbasi v. The Commissioner Larkana & another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending Disposed of
374 Const. P. 2622/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Ghulam Fareed & Others (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Other (Respondent) 30-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
375 Suit 320/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 K-electric (Plaintiff) VS Pakistan & others (Defendant) 18-MAY-22 No Jurisdiction of DG I&I IR to issue notice under section 176 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
376 R.A (Civil Revision) 84/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Agha Altaf Nabi and an other. (Applicant) VS Agha Abdul Nabi and others. (Respondent) 12-JAN-23 No Scope of bar to fresh suit under Order 23 Rule 1 (3) C.P.C. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
377 Criminal Appeal 48/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Original Side 2022 Ali Gul Magsi (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 22-FEB-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
378 Civil Revision 156/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana; attached cases: Civil Revisin S-113/2022 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Qadir Bux Soomro (Applicant) VS Moula Bux Soomro & others (Respondent) 23-FEB-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
379 Const. P. 2789/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Writ Jurisdictions 2011 Mst. Hina Tunio and others (Petitioner) VS E.D.O Kamber and others (Respondent) 01-MAR-23 No Daily-wagers cannot be regularized. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi
380 Cr.Bail 624/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUHAMMAD SAQIB S/O MUHAMMAD SADIQ (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 17-APR-23 No 302,109 PPC. Bail granted Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
381 Cr.Bail 128/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUHAMMAD WAQAR MALIK (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 17-APR-23 No 489-F, bail granted Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
382 Cr.Bail 417/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUHAMMAD SHAHID S/O MUHAMMAD HANIF (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 13-APR-23 No 392, 397 PPC. Bail granted Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
383 Cr.Bail 2490/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 AQEEL S/O ABDUL GHANI & ANOTHER (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 03-APR-23 No 9-c CNSA. Bail declined Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
384 Cr.Bail 2014/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 ZAHOOR AHMED S/O IMAM BAKHSH (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 11-OCT-23 No 13-A of Foreign Act. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
385 Suit.B 30/2003 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Suit No. B ??? 24 of 2003 Original Side 2003 MIRZA SUGAR MILLS LTD. (Plaintiff) VS P.I.C.I.C (Defendant) 17-OCT-23 Yes Banking suit. Effect of Restructuring Agreement. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
386 Const. P. 4099/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Waqef Shah (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 05-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
387 Const. P. 4797/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Shoaib Yaseen (Petitioner) VS Province of SIndh & Ors (Respondent) 06-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.L.A.3887/2023 Shoaib Yasin v. The Registrar Trademark, Trademark Registry, Karachi Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
388 Const. P. 2489/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: C.P. No. D. 2202 of 2023 Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Tanveer Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 07-AUG-23 Yes KBTPR prohibits regularization of additional floors. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi C.P.L.A.1089-K/2023 Muhammad Mohsin Waheed v. Tanveer Ahmed & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
389 H.C.A 33/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Nazeer Ahmed & others (Appellant) VS Nazia Bibi & another (Respondent) 08-AUG-23 No Summoning evidence. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Abdur Rahman
390 Spl.Cr.A.A 7/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 THE STATE THOROUGH COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS KHI (Appellant) VS TALIB HUSSAIN & ANOHTER (Respondent) 31-JAN-24 Yes Sufficient cause to condone limitation in Criminal Acquittal Appeal under Customs Act. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
391 Spl.Cr.Bail 103/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUHAMMAD ARIF S/O MUHAMMAD SIDDIQUE (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 14-DEC-23 No Offence of tax fraud. No investigation into the role of the Applicant. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
392 Cr.Bail 1898/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUHAMMAD ASIF S/O MUHAMMAD SHAFI (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 27-SEP-23 No Offence u/s 411 PPC. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
393 Spl. Cr. A. 8/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 AFFAN USMAN GHANI S/O USMAN (Applicant) VS SPL. JUDGE CUSTOM & TAXATION KHI & ORS (Respondent) 27-SEP-23 No Appeal under section 185-F Customs Act. Dismissed as time-barred. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
394 Spl.Cr.Bail 14/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Abdul Wahid S/o Muhammad Yousuf & 2 others (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) 12-MAR-24 No Smuggling of Boostin injections. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
395 Const. P. 3387/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: C.P. No. D ??? 3388/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3389/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3390/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3397/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3399/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3417/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3430/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3431/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3432/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3433/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3434/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3435/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3459/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3477/2023 Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Mst. Sumera Amir (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 01-AUG-23 Yes Preventive detention under the MPO Ordinance, 1960. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi
396 Cr.Bail 1959/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Criminal Bail Application 2166 of 2023 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 YAWAR ABBASS S/O BAKHSH ALI KHUWAJA & TARIQ MEHMOOD SON OF ADALAT HUSSAIN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 05-OCT-23 No Offence under section 5 PCA. Bail dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) Crl.P.1163/2023 Yawar Abbas v. The State through Anti Corruption Circle, Federal Investigation Agency, Karachi and another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Converted into Appeal and Allowed
397 Suit 1285/2004 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2004 ABDUL SAMAD & ORS. (Plaintiff) VS ABDUL RAZZAK (Defendant) 02-AUG-24 No Only certified copy of village form is admissible as secondary evidence. Plaintiffs did not deposit balance sale consideration. Suit for specific performance dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
398 Spl.Cr.Bail 72/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Attaullah S/o Amanullah & another (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) 22-AUG-24 No Applicants not present on seizure of smuggled goods. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
399 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 213/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Director, Directorat Gen., Int.& Inv (Custom) Hyd. (Applicant) VS Muhammad Sabir S/o Muhammad Yousaf & another (Respondent) 05-NOV-24 Yes Burden of proof under section 187 Customs Act. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
400 Const. P. 4286/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Fareed Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 25-OCT-24 No No vested right in deputation. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
401 E.P 30/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 MUHAMMAD ALAMGIR KHAN (Petitioner) VS ECP AND OTHERS (Respondent) 03-DEC-24 Yes Failure to join a contesting candidate ??? effect. Non-compliance of section 68 Election ??? effect. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
402 H.C.A 42/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Abdul Rashid (Appellant) VS Muhammad Usman & Others (Respondent) 13-NOV-24 No HCA dismissed against dismissal of application under section 12(2) CPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
403 Const. P. 4913/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Shahzad Sultan (Petitioner) VS Governor State Bank of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-NOV-24 No No writ can issue to a Bank. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
404 Suit 1367/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 MUHAMMAD ARIF & OTHERS (Plaintiff) VS UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI & ANOTHER (Defendant) 18-DEC-24 No Plaintiffs failing in more than one subject not eligible to sit for higher examination. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
405 Spl.Cr.Bail 168/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 MUHAMMAD AHMED ILYAS (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 06-JAN-25 No Carrying currency in excess of baggage rules. Allegation of smuggling. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
406 H.C.A 285/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Time Press Pvt. Ltd. (Appellant) VS Sui Southern Gas Company & Others (Respondent) 26-AUG-24 No Order that application for rejection of plaint shall be considered first, did not merit interference. Appeal dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
407 E.P 2/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 Khurram Sher Zaman (Petitioner) VS Mirza Ikhtiar Baig & Others (Respondent) 16-SEP-24 Yes Where the Petitioner deposited costs in the old treasury account instead of the prevailing account, consequence of rejection in Section 145(1) of the Election Act is not attracted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
408 I. A 147/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Muhammad Irfan Akram (Appellant) VS Adil Razzaque (Respondent) 09-JAN-25 No Time-barred appeal. Dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zafar Ahmed Rajput, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
409 H.C.A 177/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Nazar Mohammad Bozdar (Appellant) VS Muhammad Ishrat & others (Respondent) 22-NOV-24 Yes Section 5(3) of the Contempt of Court Ordinance, 2003 also states that ???In the case of a contempt having been committed, or alleged to have been committed, by a company, the responsibility thereof shall extend to the persons in the company, directly or indirectly, responsible for the same, who shall also be liable to be punished accordingly.??? Therefore, in our view, before the matter could be fixed for framing charge, there had to be some discussion as to which of the alleged contemnors was prima facie responsible. It is the case of some of the Appellants that they were posted to SITE for brief periods and could not be held responsible for acts committed before or after their posting, which aspect has not been considered in the impugned order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho(Author)
410 Criminal Appeal 132/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Original Side 2023 Ghulam Shabbir & Another (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 15-OCT-24 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Soomro
411 Const. P. 5352/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Muhammad Anwar Khan (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 25-OCT-24 No Re-employment prohibited by Section 14 of the Sindh Civil Servant Act, 1973. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
412 H.C.A 12/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Mst. Zainab & Others (Appellant) VS Mazharullah Khan & Others (Respondent) 24-OCT-24 No Dismissed as time-barred. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho C.P.L.A.1110-K/2024 Mst. Zainab and others v. Mazharullah Khan and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
413 Const. P. 5744/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Muhammad Shoaib (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-NOV-24 No Provisional release of imported goods allowed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
414 Judicial Companies Misc. 31/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 Al-Hoqani Investment Corporation (Private) Limited (Applicant) VS Court Notice - SECP (Respondent) 03-OCT-24 No Winding-up order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
415 Spl.Cr.Bail 178/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 MUHAMMAD RAZA UL HAQ MALLICK (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 15-JAN-25 No Question of issuing fake PRCs for clearing imported vehicles. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
416 Judicial Companies Misc. 8/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 EFG HERMES PAKISTAN LTD AND ANOTHER (Applicant) VS Court Notice - PSX & SECP (Respondent) 09-OCT-24 Yes Sanction of scheme of merger. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
417 E.P 20/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 Aftab Jahangir (Petitioner) VS Election Commission of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 03-DEC-24 No Affidavit of service filed after limitation does not cure non-compliance of section 145(2) of Election Act. Petition rejected. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
418 Const. P. 5409/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Jawad Ali (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 28-OCT-24 No Petition against charge sheet dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
419 Suit -180/2025 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2025 MCB Islamic Bank Limited (Plaintiff) VS Sindh Employees (Defendant) 04-FEB-25 No Remedy available under SESSI Act, 2016. Stay declined. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
420 I. A 45/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Muhammad Ali Rashid (Appellant) VS M/S Unuted Bank Ltd & others (Respondent) 22-OCT-19 Yes The appellant cannot be made to suffer on these facts and circumstances when he had deposited the bid amount at the relevant time. The bid amount was in fact more than forced sale value evaluated by the consultant and declared in the sale proclamation to which no objections were raised. Thus there are enough material and reasons available to interfere with order passed by the Banking Court, which has no reason or logic. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
421 Suit 533/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 Zain Khan. (Plaintiff) VS Taj Roshan & Others. (Defendant) 16-APR-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
422 S.M.A 247/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 Mst.Faiza Muslim (Petitioner) VS Party-2 (Defendant) 07-MAR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
423 Suit 665/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2011 M/S.VENUS PAKISTAN PVT LTD (Plaintiff) VS M/S.SUPREME FUEL GMBH CO & OTHER (Defendant) 27-APR-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
424 Suit 1593/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2012 NAZAR GUL (Plaintiff) VS MAYMAR HOUSING SERVICE (PVT) LTD. & OTHERS (Defendant) 17-MAY-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
425 Suit 195/2013 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2013 MRS. SURIYA IQBAL CHISHTI (Plaintiff) VS MRS. RUBINA MAJIDULLA & OTHERS (Defendant) 27-SEP-21 No Revocation of Gift. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
426 Const. P. 905/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 M/s MCB (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 05-APR-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.2612/2019 MCB Bank Ltd, Lahore v. Federation of Pakistan thr. Zulfiqar Hussain Awan, Director (Legal-II), Office of Consultant Legal Affairs to the President of Pakistan, Islamabad & others,C.A.533/2020 MCB Bank Ltd, Lahore v. Federation of Pakistan thr. Zulfiqar Hussain Awan, Director (Legal-II), Office of Consultant Legal Affairs to the President of Pakistan, Islamabad & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave be fixed after 4 weeks a/w C.As.1386/2018 etc,Pending
427 H.C.A 285/2007 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2007 Mst. Nafeesa Siddiqui & others (Appellant) VS Danish Rafiq & others (Respondent) 16-OCT-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.1178-K/2018 Mst: Nafeesa Siddiqui and others v. Danish Rafique and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
428 Spl.Anti.Ter.J.A. 103/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 IMRAN S/O AMEER BUX (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 10-AUG-18 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Ahmed Ali M. Shaikh, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
429 Suit 1808/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 CPLC-Neighborhood Care & Others. (Plaintiff) VS Federation of Pakistan & Others. (Defendant) 24-JUL-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
430 I. A 74/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Abu Bakar (Appellant) VS First Women Bank Ltd. & others (Respondent) 05-OCT-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.1120-K/2018 Abu Bakar v. First Women Bank Limited and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed for Non-Prosecution
431 S.M.A 312/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 Sobia Jasim (Petitioner) VS Jasim Rasool - Deceased (Respondent) 22-FEB-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
432 S.M.A 252/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 Hutoxy Cowasjee and others (Petitioner) VS Null (Respondent) 10-MAR-20 No A Probate is not a direction by the Court to any third-party to do, or to refrain from doing a certain act. A Probate, or Letters of Administration and a Succession Certificate are not a decree passed by a Court. Thus, where a person or authority to whom a Probate, or Letters of Administration or a Succession Certificate is presented to demonstrate authorization to act for the estate of a deceased, and such person/authority refuses to facilitate the Executor or Administrator, the Executor or Administrator can invoke remedies available at law. Contempt applications dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
433 Const. P. 6439/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Javeria (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 14-NOV-19 Yes (a) The repeal of the PMDC Ordinance, 2019 was by virtue of Article 89(2)(a)(ii) of the Constitution, i.e., by a resolution of the Senate disapproving the same and not by way of any repealing enactment. Therefore, the effect of repeal contained in sections 6, 6-A and section 24 of the General Clauses Act, 1897, which otherwise apply only when a repeal is by way of a repealing enactment, were neither triggered nor would those serve as an aid in construing the effect of repeal under a Constitutional provision such as Article 89. In other words, on the repeal of the PMDC Ordinance, 2019 by the effect of Article 89 of the Constitution, nothing contained in the General Clauses Act, 1897 would come to save the Amending Admission Regulations that had been made under the repealed Ordinance. In view of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council v. Muhammad Fahad Malik (supra), Article 264 of the Constitution also did not have the effect of saving or giving permanency to the Amended Admission Regulations when the effect of the PMDC Ordinance, 2019 was only temporary as it was never accorded approval by the Parliament. Therefore, on 29-08-2019, when the PMDC Ordinance, 2019 was repealed by the effect of Article 89 of the Constitution, the Amended Admission Regulations also stood repealed and the Original Admission Regulations were revived. (b) It will be seen that while the proviso to sub-section (2) of section 50 of the PMC Ordinance, 2019 repeals all previous Regulations, but that is subject to sub-section (7) which provides that the previous Regulations will continue to apply to the on-going admission process. The repeal of the PMDC Ordinance, 1962 by the PMC Ordinance, 2019, the former being a permanent statute under the 1973 Constitution, is not a repeal by virtue of Article 89 of the Constitution, but a repeal by a repealing statute, albeit a temporary one, and one which has been expressly made subject to section 6 of the General Clauses Act, 1897, which in turn provides that the repeal shall not revive anything not in force or existing at the time at which the repeal takes effect. We have already discussed above that on 29-08-2019 the Amended Admission Regulations had ceased and the Original Admission Regulations had revived. Therefore, when sub-section (7) of section 50 of the PMC Ordinance, 2019 provides that the previous Regulations will continue to apply to the on-going admission process, those can only be the Original Admission Regulations. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.4396/2019 Pakistan Medical and Dental Council thr. its Secretary, Islamabad v. Javeria & others,C.A.611/2020 Pakistan Medical and Dental Council now Pakistan Medical Commission thr. its Secretary, Islamabad v. Javeria & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave Granted,Disposed Dismissed for Non-Prosecution
434 2021 CLD 194 Suit.B 15/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 National Bank of Pakistan (Plaintiff) VS Pakistan Textile City Limited & others (Defendant) 22-APR-20 Yes 1. Notwithstanding the failure of the defendant to comply with conditions of a leave application, the Court is still required to apply its mind to the case of the plaintiff before passing any order/judgment. Leave granted where statement of account incomplete. 2. Notwithstanding the creation of a mortgage, the mortgagor remains liable to the lessor for any breach or non-performance of the conditions of lease; and that if the lessor forfeits the lease, the remedy of the mortgagee is against the mortgagor for indemnification, and not against the lessor. The security of the mortgagee in the mortgaged property can be no better than the interest given to the mortgagor by the lease. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
435 J.M 49/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 Iftikhar Ahmed Qureshi (Applicant) VS Mr. Muhammad Abrar Ahmed Qureshi & others (Respondent) 02-MAR-20 Yes 1. Substituted service by way of publication is only presumed to be personal service by virtue of Rule 20(2) of Order V CPC. Such presumption is rebuttable. Therefore, where service by publication is challenged, the first test is to see whether the conditions of Order V Rule 20 CPC had been met, viz., that the publication was resorted to after the Court was satisfied that the defendant was avoiding service, or there was some other reason to believe that summons could not be served in the ordinary manner; in other words, whether the ordinary modes of service available had been exhausted. Rel: Muhammad Anwar v. Abdul Haq (1985 SCMR 1228); Haji Akbar v. Gul Baran (1996 SCMR 1703); and Nargis Latif v. Feroz Afaq Ahmed Khan (2001 SCMR 99). 2. While a couriers receipt was filed to show that summons had been dispatched, there was no report of delivery by the courier to show that summons so dispatched were delivered or tendered within the meaning of Order V Rule 10 CPC. So far there is no statute that attaches a presumption of service to summons sent by a private courier service (as opposed to a public courier service). Rel: Inayatullah v. Syed Khursheed Ahmed Shah (2014 SCMR 1477). Thus, it can be safely said that prior to publication neither the available modes of service were exhausted nor was there a verification that the modes of service so used had failed. In any case, the publication made was at best publication of the notice of the pending CMAs and there was no publication made of the summons of the suit. 3. Had it not been a case attracting section 12(2) CPC, the exparte judgment and decree could nonetheless be set-aside under Order IX Rule 13 CPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
436 Suit 1479/2008 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2008 M/S.ADAMJEE INSURANCE CO.LTD (Plaintiff) VS THE ASSISTANT COLLECTOR & ORS. (Defendant) 30-NOV-20 Yes Maintainability of suit to challenge an action taken without issuing the prescribed show-cause notice. Rate of Federal Excise Duty applicable to insurance services under section 10 of the Federal Excise Act, 2005 and the effect of Rule 40 of the Federal Excise Rules, 2005. Maintainability of suit to challenge an action taken without issuing the prescribed show-cause notice. Rate of Federal Excise Duty applicable to insurance services under section 10 of the Federal Excise Act, 2005 and the effect of Rule 40 of the Federal Excise Rules, 2005. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
437 Const. P. 5036/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Ramsha Haider and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 11-DEC-20 No Reasons assigned to the short order dated 11.11.2020 passed in the MDCAT petitions viz. C.P. Nos.D-4953, 5036, 5158, 5237 of 2020 (challenging the vires of Pakistan Medical Commission Act, 2020) by Division Bench comprising Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
438 Const. P. 5025/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Imdad Ali Abro & Ors (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 28-APR-21 Yes the petitioners are seeking the up-gradation of the post of Computer Operator/Assistant Computer Programmer BS-16 to 17--we are clear that petitioners proceeded on erroneous premises. On the issue of up-gradation, we seek guidance from the decisions of the Honorable Supreme Court rendered in the cases of the Government of Pakistan M/o. Railways v. Jamshed Hussain Cheema and others, 2016 SCMR 442, Regional Commissioner Income Tax, Northern Region, Islamabad, and another Vs. Syed Munawar Ali and others (2017 PLC (C.S.) 1030) and Federal Public Service Commission v. Anwar-ul-Haq (2017 SCMR 890). Therefore, in our view, the petitioners have been unable to make out a case for the up-gradation/re-designation of their posts in BPS-17 with retrospective effect, based on discrimination under Article 25 of the Constitution. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
439 Const. P. 875/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Arif and Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-APR-24 Yes Three thousand three hundred and fifty nine petitioners collectively filed these forty eight petitions, requiring this court, in its writ jurisdiction, to judge their individual claims for regularization in Suit Southern Gas Company Limited; premised upon their averment of having rendered contingent / contractual services thereto, though third party companies or otherwise. Petitions dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.A.1376/2021,C.P.5119/2021,C.P.1092-K/2022,C.P.3914/2022,C.A.3991/2022,C.A.4009/2022 SCP Disposed Allowed and Remanded,Disposed Leave Granted.impugned judgement is be fixed after 3 months,Disposed Converted into Appeal and Allowed and Remanded,Disposed Converted into Appeal and Allowed and Remanded,Disposed ,Disposed
440 Const. P. 2828/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Abu Bakar Kabir Suleman (Petitioner) VS Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Others (Respondent) 23-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
441 Const. P. 6462/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Najam (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 22-APR-21 Yes deceased quota Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
442 Suit 2576/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 Abdul Karim Rathor & others (Plaintiff) VS Muhammad Naeem & others (Defendant) 21-JUN-21 No When matter can be addressed by an injunction, no need to appoint Receiver. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
443 2021 PTD 2063 Const. P. 5430/2020 (F.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Imad Samad (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 10-SEP-21 Yes - Import of vintage cars on the strength of SRO No.833(I)/2018 dated 03.07.2018 followed by a decision in the case of Moin Jamal Abbasi in CP No.D-4124 of 2019 reported as 2020 PTD 660. --Full Bench was constituted to consider the question arising out of litigation:- Whether the subject SRO No.833(I)/2018 issued in terms of Section 19 of Customs Act, 1969 can also be treated as SRO issued by the Ministry of Commerce in terms of Section 3 of the Import & Export Control Act, 1950, permitting import of vintage cars which are otherwise not importable as being old and used in terms of the Import Policy Order of both 2016 and 2020. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro
444 Suit 633/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 Sabre Travel Network Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. (Plaintiff) VS Pakistan & Ohers. (Defendant) 17-NOV-20 No Suit against tax proceedings. Deposit required by Searle IV Solution v. Federation of Pakistan (2018 SCMR 1444) Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
445 Const. P. 2580/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Noman Ahmed Khan and Others (Petitioner) VS Board of Intermdiate Education and Others (Respondent) 22-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
446 Const. P. 7700/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Husnain Ali and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 22-APR-21 Yes Health Department, Government of Sindh, whereby the petitioners may be allowed to pursue their academic medical career subject to extraordinary leave (without pay) for the required period--At this stage, learned counsel for the petitioners in substance has pleaded discrimination as they were not sent for training within time, however, he has seriously submitted that their other batch mates on the same consideration were considered and were sent for training and the petitioners were left out except petitioners No.6, 9, 10, and 14. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
447 Const. P. 2395/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Abdul Basit (Petitioner) VS The Secretary SWWB & Ors (Respondent) 21-APR-21 Yes The aforesaid petition is virtually against the transfer and posting order of the private respondent on Own Pay Scale basis. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
448 Const. P. 1491/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Akhlaue Hussain Memon (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
449 Const. P. 1769/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Dr Arshad Ali Lodhi (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 24-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.L.A.282-K/2022 Dr.Khalid Iqbal Talpur v. Province of Sindh through Chief Secretary, Government of Sindh & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
450 Const. P. 2608/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Deepak (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
451 Const. P. 133/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ghulam Parwar (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 Yes Out of turn promotion, deputation and OPS Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
452 Const. P. 442/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Abdul Qudoos (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
453 Const. P. 1471/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Shahid Ahmed Khan Qaboolio (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 27-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
454 Const. P. 2724/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Abdul Sattar Khanzada (Petitioner) VS Government of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
455 Suit 2970/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2021 SHUJABAD AGRO INDUSTRIES (PT.) LTD. (Plaintiff) VS FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN & OTHERS (Defendant) 04-MAR-22 Yes Policy-making by the CCI under Article 154(1) is in a different sphere than policy-making by the Federal Government in the exercise of its executive authority under Article 97. The Natural Gas Allocation & Management Policy, 2005 was within the legal competence of the Federal Government and not the CCI. Under the GSAs between the Plaintiffs and the SSGC, the Plaintiffs cannot assert a right to receive gas for industrial use during the months of December, January and February. Article 158 of the Constitution exists as a prerogative of a Provincial Government, and therefore it does not give actionable cause to a person other than the concerned Provincial Government to invoke the same. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
456 Const. P. 356/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2013 Syed Sharafat Ali (Petitioner) VS National Bank of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
457 Suit 1731/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2019 M/s Kaim Khani & Brother (Plaintiff) VS Province of Sindh & others. (Defendant) 31-JAN-22 No Return of Plaint. Scope of section 120 CPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
458 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 22/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Along with Constitution Petition No. D ??? 7423 of 2021 Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Collector of Customs (Enforcement) (Applicant) VS M/s. Ara Detergents & Chemicals FZE & others (Respondent) 26-APR-22 Yes Scope of Tribunals power under section 194A Customs Act, 1969. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.2051/2022 The Collector of Customs (Enforcement), Karachi v. M/s Ara Detergents & Chemicals FZE, Sharjah, UAE Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Adjourned (Stay). Next week
459 Suit 1532/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2015 Mrs. Umahani Fikree & another. (Plaintiff) VS Tewfiq Fikree. (Defendant) 14-JAN-22 No Suit for possession without seeking declaration of title to immovable property is not maintainable, where the Defendant disputed such title. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
460 Suit 175/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 Muhammad Iqbal Khamisani (Plaintiff) VS M/s Hotel Metropole (Pvt) Limited & others. (Defendant) 06-APR-22 No Plaint rejected. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
461 Cr.Misc. 179/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Pervaiz Ahmed Chandio (Applicant) VS The State & 2 others (Respondent) 29-JUN-18 No joining of accused Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
462 II.A. 77/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Shamsher Ali (Appellant) VS Abdul Jabbar & others (Respondent) 22-AUG-22 No Only a single indivisible transaction is envisaged for enforcing part performance under section 16 of the Specific Relief Act, 1877. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
463 Spl.Cr.Rev. 85/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 DAWOOD UR REHMAN S/O HAFEEZ UR REHMAN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 03-NOV-22 No Protection against retrospective punishment. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
464 R.A (Civil Revision) 303/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Muhammad Yamin & Ors (Applicant) VS Muhammad Saleh & Ors (Respondent) 01-SEP-22 No Title of predecessor never proved, hence mis-reading of evidence. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
465 II.A. 46/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Amin (Appellant) VS Muhammad Nawaz (Respondent) 04-JUL-22 No Second Appeal Dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
466 Election Appeal 3/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 Syed Tayyeb Hussain Hashmi S/o Syed Iqbal Hussain (Appellant) VS Election Commission of Pakistan and others (Respondent) 22-AUG-22 No Election Appeal NA-246 KARACHI, SOUTH-I. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
467 Cr.Rev 9/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Muhammad Yar Khoso and Another (Applicant) VS The State and Another (Respondent) 06-FEB-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
468 Const. P. 1937/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 natasha Ali Lakhani & another (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 23-DEC-22 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
469 II.A. 36/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 Qadir Bux Samoon (Appellant) VS Province Of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 16-DEC-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
470 Const. P. 550/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Mst. Kiran Yazdani D/o Syed Ather Yazdani (Petitioner) VS The XXth Civil Judge/JM, Khi South and another (Respondent) 22-JUN-22 Yes When an appeal lies against an order on temporary custody passed under section 12 of the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
471 Conf.Case 23/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 The State (Appellant) VS Mohammad Paryal & others (Respondent) 08-MAR-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
472 Suit 360/2013 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2013 GHULAM ALI ALLANA (Plaintiff) VS LOUIS DREYFUS COMMODITIES SUISSEE SA & OTHERS (Defendant) 06-MAR-23 Yes Test for attachment before judgment under Order XXXVIII Rule 5 CPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
473 Const. P. 153/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Punhal Khan (Petitioner) VS Mst Parveen (Respondent) 27-FEB-23 No No evidence of expenses of minors. No interference with judgment awarding maintenance. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.709-K/2023 Punhal Khan v. Mst. Perveen Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
474 Const. P. 7029/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Salman Talibuddin (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 13-NOV-24 No Matter referred to Cabinet for passing speaking order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
475 Criminal Appeal 102/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2023 ALI SHER & 02 OTHERS (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 17-APR-23 No 337-A, L, F, N. 426 CrPC granted Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) Crl.P.L.A.682/2023 Bilawal v. Ali Sher and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
476 Cr.Bail 556/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MIRZA GHAZANFAR BAIG (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 19-APR-23 No 489-F, bail granted Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
477 Cr.Bail 372/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Criminal Bail Application No. 304 of 2023 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 KAMRAN WAHEED & ANTOHER (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 22-MAR-23 No Foreigners Act, bail granted Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
478 Cr.Bail 522/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 RIZWAN AHMED ABBASSI (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 06-APR-23 No 489-F, bail granted Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
479 Cr.Acq.A. 32/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 Nisar Ahmed Shaikh (Appellant) VS PC Umed Ali Jakhrani & others (Respondent) 19-MAY-23 Yes Scope of Referee Judge in Cr. Appeals. Death in police custody. Appraisal of evidence should not be unrealistic. Applicability of section 302(c) PPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) Crl.P.L.A.131-K/2023 PC Umeed Ali & others v. Nisar Ahmed & another,Crl.M.Appeal.1-K/2023 Umed Ali & others v. The Deputy Registrar Supreme Court Pakistan Karachi. Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending Adjourned,Disposed Disposed of
480 Cr.Bail 1096/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Faisal Sarwar S/o Ghulam Sarwar (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) 28-NOV-23 No Offence under section 420, 468, 471 PPC. Pre-arrest bail confirmed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
481 Const. P. 24/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Fareed Raza & Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 05-JAN-24 No Criminal proceedings can continue in parallel with civil proceedings. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
482 Suit 104/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 AQEELA YOUNUS & OTHERS (Plaintiff) VS SINDH BUILDING CONTROL AUTHORITY & ANOTHER (Defendant) 29-JAN-24 No Scope of deemed approval under section 7-D SBCO, 1979. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
483 J.M 2/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 MRS MOTIA BEGUM (Applicant) VS HAFIZ AMJAD JALIL & OTHERS (Respondent) 19-DEC-23 No 12(2) CPC. Evidence to be recorded for determining fraud. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
484 Const. P. 4584/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Nazeer Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 26-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
485 Cr.Bail 1990/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 FAISAL KASBATI S/O GHULAM (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 09-OCT-23 No Offence under section 489-F PPC. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
486 Const. P. 6912/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 UBL (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-AUG-23 Yes Bank account of customer debited with the forged cheque. Bank held liable to reimburse customer. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Ahmed Ali M. Shaikh, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.L.A.1333-K/2023 United Bank Limited v. Federation Of Pakistan and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending Adjourned
487 Const. P. 2350/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Awais Nabi (Petitioner) VS Federal Urdu University and Others (Respondent) 06-SEP-23 No Remedy under Wafaqi Mohtasib Order, 1983, not exhausted. Writ declined. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
488 Const. P. 3958/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Muhammad Hassan Khan (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 05-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
489 Suit 1660/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2015 Askari Bank Limited (Plaintiff) VS Hafiz Ghulam Murtaza (Defendant) 11-MAR-24 Yes ???Factory??? let without machinery, eviction lies before Rent Controller. Suit entertained for recovery of arrears of rent. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
490 Const. P. 75/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Manzoor Ahmed Khushik (Petitioner) VS Election Commission of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 08-JAN-24 No Petitioner not vigilant in approaching Election Tribunal. Petition dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
491 Const. P. 3738/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: C.P. No. D 3747 of 2023 C.P. No. D 3750 of 2023 C.P. No. D 3761 of 2023 C.P. No. D 3773 of 2023 Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Muhammad Aslam (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 16-AUG-23 No Preventive detention under the MPO Ordinance, 1960. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Ahmed Ali M. Shaikh, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
492 H.C.A 211/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Mst. Azmia Mehboob & others (Appellant) VS Mst. Rani & another (Respondent) 25-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
493 Cr.Bail 1857/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 TEHSEEN S/O TAJAMAL HUSSAIN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 10-OCT-23 No Offence under section 201, 202 PPC. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
494 Spl.Cr.A.A 6/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS KHI EAST (Appellant) VS SHEIKH MUHAMAD NAEEM & ANOTHER (Respondent) 23-JAN-24 No Acquittal Appeal dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
495 Const. P. 5750/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Muhammad Shoaib (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 19-NOV-24 No Provisional release of imported goods allowed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
496 Const. P. 1101/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Imran Ail Sikandar (Petitioner) VS IXth ADJ (East) and Others (Respondent) 30-OCT-24 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
497 Spl.Cr.Misc 961/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 MILLAT INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS LTD & ANOTHER (Applicant) VS THE STATE & ANOTHER (Respondent) 03-OCT-24 No Quashment application without exhausting remedy under section 256-K CrPC. Application dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
498 Spl.Cr.Tran 100/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 MILLAT INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS LTD (Applicant) VS THE STATE & ANOTHER (Respondent) 03-OCT-24 Yes Test of transfer under section 526 (1)(a) Cr.P.C. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
499 E.P 13/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 FAHEEM KHAN (Petitioner) VS ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAK & OTHERS (Respondent) 10-OCT-24 Yes Sections 143(3) & 144(2)(c) Election Act. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
500 J.M 73/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2014 Muhammad Younus Qureshi (Applicant) VS Muhammad Qutub-ul-Arifeen (Respondent) 12-AUG-24 No Compromise decree set aside under section 12(2) CPC while imposing special costs on persons who defrauded the Court. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
501 Judicial Companies Misc. 15/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 The Additional Registrar of the Companies, SECP (Applicant) VS BH ONLINE JOBS SERVICES (SMC, PRIVATE) Ltd. (Respondent) 01-OCT-24 No Winding-up Order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
502 Const. P. 5329/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Mahtab Ali (Petitioner) VS I.G Sindh Police and Another (Respondent) 24-OCT-24 No Prayer for appointment on deceased quota. Petition dismissed in view of Muhammad Jalal???s case. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
503 Spl. Cr. A. 10/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 DIRECTOR I&i INLAND REVENUE (Applicant) VS THE STATE & ORS (Respondent) 07-MAY-24 No Special Court has no jurisdiction to order audit under section 177 Income Tax Ordinance. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
504 E.P 46/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 FARHAN SALEEM (Petitioner) VS ECP AND OTHERS (Respondent) 24-OCT-24 No List of witnesses and affidavit of service not filed at the outset. Petition rejected. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
505 Const. P. 5222/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Tariq Asadullah Bhatti and Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 17-OCT-24 No Failure to object to tentative seniority list, petition dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
506 E.P 7/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 Khalid Mehmood Ali (Petitioner) VS Election Commission of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 30-MAY-24 Yes Power of Election Tribunal to order recount. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
507 Spl. Cr. A. 6/2004 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Spl. Cr. Appeals No. 8 & 9 of 2004 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2004 Tariq Irshad (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) 30-JUL-24 Yes Forfeiture of assets for smuggling narcotics. Jurisdiction lies with Court under CNS Act, not under Sections 30 & 31 of PSA. Appeal by ANF under Section 43 PSA, not maintainable. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
508 Suit 156/2025 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2025 MCB Bank Limited (Plaintiff) VS Sindh Employees (Defendant) 04-FEB-25 No Remedy available under SESSI Act, 2016. Stay declined. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
509 Criminal Miscelleneous 485/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Original Side 2018 Athar Hussain & another (Applicant) VS The State & another (Respondent) 27-JUN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
510 Cr.Tran 95/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Athar Hussain & another (Appellant) VS The State & another (Respondent) 27-JUN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
511 Criminal Miscelleneous 565/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Original Side 2018 Mst Badar Khatoon Sahito (Appellant) VS The State through AAG Sukkur & others (Respondent) 29-JUN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
512 Spl.Cr.Rev. 223/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Anoop Kumar Kundanani S/o Lal Chand (Applicant) VS Muhammad Saleem & another (Respondent) 28-FEB-25 No Special Judge Customs does not have jurisdiction to release goods liable for confiscation. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
513 Suit 1552/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2009 ABDUL QADIR MOSANI (Plaintiff) VS MIAN AFTAB IQBAL & ORS. (Defendant) 02-JUL-24 Yes Decision under Order XXI Rule 58 CPC is res judicata. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
514 Const. P. 946/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: aa Writ Jurisdictions 2013 Astro Plastic (Pvt.) Ltd. (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Respondent) 26-DEC-22 Yes ADR under Customs Act, 1969. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
515 Suit 983/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 Mrs. Hina Mumtaz Somroo (Plaintiff) VS Abdul Sami Soomro (Defendant) 03-JUL-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
516 Suit 2418/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2014 Muhammad Raza & others (Plaintiff) VS Nasir Khan (Defendant) 27-FEB-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
517 H.C.A 217/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Dawlance Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. & another (Appellant) VS G-Force Communicaton & others (Respondent) 05-APR-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.385-K/2019 G.Force Communications and others v. Dawlance Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. and another,C.A.12-K/2020 G.Force Communications and others v. Dawlance Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. and another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave Granted,Pending Adjourned
518 Cr.Bail 486/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Wahid Bux @ wahidoo Shaikh (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) 11-JUN-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
519 H.C.A 109/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Andaleeb Kamran (Appellant) VS Noreen Mughal and Others (Respondent) 14-MAR-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Syed Hasan Azhar Rizvi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.A.21-K/2019 Najamul Seher Soomro v. Mrs. Andaleeb Kamran and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
520 Suit.B 58/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2015 National Bank of Pakistan. (Plaintiff) VS Tuwairqi Steel Mills Ltd., & another. (Defendant) 10-FEB-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
521 Const. P. 1702/2007 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2007 Federation of Pakistan & another. (Petitioner) VS Official Assignee & Ors (Respondent) 17-JUN-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Syed Hasan Azhar Rizvi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.L.A.3535/2019 Federation of Pakistan thr. Secratary Ministry of Finance , Islamabad and another v. Office Assignee/ Official Liquidator in matter of Pakistan Fertilizer Company Ltd. and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
522 Const. P. 4506/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Mst. Shabana Noor (Petitioner) VS D.G Immigration & Passport & Ors (Respondent) 12-OCT-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
523 Cr.J.A 39/2013 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2013 Muhammad Mithal (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 29-JUN-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
524 Cr.Bail 293/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Ali Murad (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) 26-JUN-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
525 S.M.A 141/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 Muhammad Iqbal S/o Abdul Wahab (Petitioner) VS Noor Muhammad Chutani - Deceased (Respondent) 24-SEP-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
526 Suit 242/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 Shiraz Sultan K. Moosa & another. (Plaintiff) VS Ibrahim Ali Bahi Chari table Trst & another. (Defendant) 16-AUG-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
527 Suit 1762/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 Mrs. Zarina Iqbal (Plaintiff) VS Haji Jaffar & others (Defendant) 09-JUL-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
528 Const. P. 64/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Writ Jurisdictions 2011 Syed Akbar Ali Shah (Petitioner) VS Mst Mehar-U-Nisa and others (Respondent) 29-JUL-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
529 Const. P. 4047/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Muhammad Ali Javed and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 22-OCT-19 Yes The general principles of up-gradation that to our mind emerge from the enunciations of the Supreme Court can be elucidated as follows: (i) Up-gradation is not the same as promotion, the latter being a term specifically defined in civil service statutes; (ii) Up-gradation is essentially an upgrade of the post to a higher pay-scale and not a promotion to a higher grade. Thus, the incumbent of the upgraded post retains his substantive grade; (iii) Up-gradation is meant for isolated posts, where the service structure does not provide avenues for promotion to a higher pay-scale thus putting the incumbent at a disadvantage as compared to other employees, its purpose being to address the stagnation and frustration of the employee of such post so that he/she remains productive; (iv) To justify up-gradation, the Government will have to demonstrate that it is required for restructuring or reforming the department or to meet exigencies of service in the public interest. In other words, up-gradation should be pursuant to a scheme or a policy; (v) Up-gradation should not be to the prejudice of other employees and should not be used to by-pass prescribed rules of promotion. Rel. Ali Azhar Khan Baloch v. Province of Sindh (2015 SCMR 456); Regional Commissioner Income Tax v. Munawar Ali (2017 PLC (C.S.) 1030); and Federal Public Service Commission v. Anwar-ul-Haq (2017 SCMR 890). Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
530 Civil Revision 27/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Haji Ghano Khan Jatoi and others (Applicant) VS District Forest Officer a Forestation Division Larkana and others (Respondent) 29-AUG-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
531 Suit 2215/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2014 Muhammad Kashif Vohra. (Plaintiff) VS Muhammad Ismail & Others. (Defendant) 26-NOV-19 Yes 1. A suit for specific performance of contract of immovable property brought by the vendee can be dismissed without going through a trial where the plaintiff, when put on terms to deposit the sale consideration in Court, fails to do so. That has been the consistent approach on the Original side of this Court. The wisdom behind that of course is that when called upon by the Court, if the plaintiff/vendee cannot demonstrate that he is ready and willing to make payment to perform his part of the contract, which is the primary test for grant of equitable discretionary relief in a suit for specific performance, then that is sufficient reason for the Court to decline the exercise of discretionary jurisdiction. Rel: Allah Ditta v. Bashir Ahmed (1997 SCMR 181); Abdul Hameed Khan v. Ghulam Rabbani (2003 SCMR 953); and Hamood Mehmood v. Shabana Ishaque (2017 SCMR 2022); 2. It is not in every case that the Court may require the plaintiff of a suit for specific performance of contract to deposit the sale consideration in Court. Rel: Bin Bak Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. v. Friends Associates (2003 SCMR 238). Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
532 Suit 2319/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 Zamir Ahmed Khan.. (Plaintiff) VS Muhammad Hassan Chaniyoon & Others. (Defendant) 16-SEP-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
533 Const. P. 178/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Muhammad Sajid (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
534 Civil Revision 23/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 Syed Najamuddin Shah & others (Applicant) VS Divisional Forest Officer & ors (Respondent) 22-OCT-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
535 Cr.Bail 459/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 ASAD IQBAL S/O MUHAMMAD ASHRAF (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 29-APR-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
536 Const. P. 1158/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Rehan Khalid (Petitioner) VS Chairman FBR and Others (Respondent) 12-NOV-20 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
537 Const. P. 585/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Inayatullah & anothers (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & others (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.1717-K/2021 Inayatullah & ohters v. Province of Sindh & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
538 2021 YLR 141 J.M 45/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2019 Al-Habib Coop: Housing Society Ltd (Applicant) VS Mrs. Shamim Barlas & another (Respondent) 05-MAY-20 Yes Where the plaintiff/applicant establishes fraud, the defendant benefitting from the fraud and opposing the application of section 18, Limitation Act, must show that the plaintiff had clear and definite prior knowledge of the facts constituting the particular fraud and not merely clues or hints of the fraud, failing which limitation will run only from the date of actual knowledge of the fraud. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
539 Criminal Appeal 506/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 ATTAULLAH S/O RIAZUDDIN (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 24-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
540 2021 SBLR Sindh Note 522 Const. P. 4953/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Peoples University of Medical & Health Sci (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-DEC-20 Yes Reasons assigned to the short order dated 11.11.2020 passed in the MDCAT petitions viz. C.P. Nos.D-4953, 5036, 5158, 5237 of 2020 (challenging the vires of Pakistan Medical Commission Act, 2020) by Division Bench of Sindh High Court comprising Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.L.A.1301-K/2020 Peoples University of Medical & Health Seiences for Womon & others v. Pakistan Ministry of Health Services & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
541 Const. P. 4953/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Peoples University of Medical & Health Sci (Petitioner) VS Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.L.A.1301-K/2020 Peoples University of Medical & Health Seiences for Womon & others v. Pakistan Ministry of Health Services & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
542 Civil Revision 22/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 Ghulam Mustafa Malak (Applicant) VS Divisional Forest Officer & ors (Respondent) 22-OCT-20 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
543 Const. P. 2448/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2011 Justice(R)Ibadatyar Khan(late)through Legal heirs (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors. (Respondent) 20-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
544 Const. P. 2757/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Dr. Yahya Khan Tunio (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 20-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
545 Const. P. 2743/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Mst. Alma Bibi Baran (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 21-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
546 Const. P. 200/1989 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 1989 Wazir Ali Industries (Petitioner) VS Sindh Labour Appellate Tribunal (Respondent) 21-APR-21 No applicant Muhammad Javed Khan, who is the son of late Abdul Wahid Khan/surety, has prayed that the surety documents submitted by his above named late father with the Nazir of this Court be returned to him. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
547 R.A (Civil Revision) 23/2003 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2003 Mst. Bibi Shah Sultani (Applicant) VS Province of Sindh & 05 others (Respondent) 08-FEB-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
548 Suit 308/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2021 M/S. FOREL INTERNATIONAL TRADING & OTHERS (Plaintiff) VS WAQAS AHMED JAT & OTHERS (Defendant) 25-MAY-21 Yes Suit barred for staying freezing order passed under section 5(5) of the FIA Act, 1974. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
549 Const. P. 2575/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Samiullah (Petitioner) VS Board of Trustees KPT and Others (Respondent) 19-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
550 Const. P. 162/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Rashid Ali Khan (Petitioner) VS IBA and Ors (Respondent) 24-OCT-19 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.654-K/2019 Rashid Ali Khan v. Institute of Business Administration (IBA) and anotehr,C.A.45-K/2020 Rashid Ali Khan v. Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi thr. its Registrar and another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Leave Granted/ to be fixed at Islamabad after 3 months,Pending Adjourned for larger Bench.
551 Suit 1560/2008 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2008 M/S.ISLAMIC EDUCATIONAL INST. (Plaintiff) VS MUHAMMAD SADIQ (Defendant) 19-MAR-21 No Bar to fresh suit under Order XXIII Rule 1(3) CPC Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
552 Const. P. 983/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Iqbal Yousuf S/o Muhammad Yousuf Nagori (Petitioner) VS Zahid Hussain and others (Respondent) 26-APR-21 No Rent: Default and personal need. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
553 Cr.Bail 524/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 RAJA MUSHTAQ AHMED S/O RAJA JAN ALAM (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 14-JUL-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) Crl.P.102-K/2021 Raja Mushtaq Ahmed v. The State,Crl.A.13-K/2021 Raja Mushtaq Ahmed v. The State Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Converted into Appeal and Allowed,Disposed
554 Const. P. 2210/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Syed Chuttal Shah and Others (Petitioner) VS Chairman Pakistan Railways and Others (Respondent) 12-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
555 Const. P. 1901/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Ikram Ali (Petitioner) VS M/s PTCL and Ors (Respondent) 06-NOV-19 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
556 Const. P. 2593/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Rao Talib Hussain & anothers (Petitioner) VS Fed: of Pakistan & others (Respondent) 21-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.6489/2021 Sui Southern Gas Company Limited through its M.D. Karachi and others v. Rao Muhammad Asif and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
557 Const. P. 201/2003 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2003 Nabi Bux and Others (Petitioner) VS Land Acquisition Officer (B&R) and Others (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
558 Const. P. 1174/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Sikandar Ali & Other (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
559 Const. P. 1478/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2014 Mst Hanifa Karim (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.L.A.158-K/2022 Mst. Hanifa Karim & others v. Province of Sindh through Secretary Revenue Government of Sindh & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending Adjourned. Relist it before a 3 members bench
560 Const. P. 1931/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2011 Vishandas (Petitioner) VS Province Of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 08-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
561 Const. P. 217/2001 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2001 Agha Nisar Ahmed and others (Petitioner) VS Zeal Pak Cement Factory and others (Respondent) 30-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
562 Const. P. 133/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ghulam Parwar (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
563 Const. P. 1028/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Kashif Hussain (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Other (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
564 Const. P. 3787/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2015 M/s Rajby Industries (Petitioner) VS Rahim Dad And ors (Respondent) 30-OCT-19 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.684-K/2019 M/s Rajby Industries v. Rahim Dad Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Disposed of
565 Const. P. 1523/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Abdul Haq (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
566 Const. P. 3207/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Sardar Ali & Others (Petitioner) VS Govt. Of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 27-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.65-K/2022 Syed Sardar Ali Shah & others v. Government of Sindh through chief Secretary & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed for Non-Prosecution
567 Const. P. 1167/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2013 Jalaluddin Khawaja (Petitioner) VS Government of Sindh (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
568 Const. P. 1163/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Altaf Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan and others (Respondent) 23-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
569 Const. P. 692/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Bheerji (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan and others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
570 Const. P. 1216/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Martha Bibi (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 14-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
571 Const. P. 63/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Amin & Others (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
572 Suit 2041/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2019 Haroon Abdullah (Plaintiff) VS Pakistan Airline Pilots (Defendant) 16-FEB-22 No PALPA Elections. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
573 Family Appeal 1/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Naseer Ahmed Junejo (Applicant) VS Mst. Kainat Parveen Junejo (Respondent) 27-FEB-23 No No evidence of expenses of minors. No interference with judgment awarding maintenance Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
574 Suit 85/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 M/S TAHIR FOODS PRODUCTS (Plaintiff) VS FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN & OTHERS (Defendant) 14-FEB-22 Yes Power of DG I&I Customs re phytosanitory action under the Pakistan Plant Protection Rules, 2019. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
575 I. A 46/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Muhammad Ali Rashid (Appellant) VS M/s. United Bank Ltd. & others (Respondent) 22-OCT-19 Yes Article 166 of the Limitation Act requires such application under Order 21 Rule 89 CPC as well as deposit thereunder to be made within 30 days from the date of sale. Such deposit is a condition precedent to entertain the application and the Court cannot extend the time for depositing the amount under section 148 CPC too. The date of sale in the ibid rules relates to situation on which the sale was knocked out to the highest bidder and not the date of confirmation. The date of confirmation of sale under Rule 92 CPC relates to the issuance of sale certificate. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
576 Const. P. 614/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Adul Basit and others (Petitioner) VS P.O.Sindh and others (Respondent) 08-OCT-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
577 R.A (Civil Revision) 27/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Mumtaz Hussain & others (Applicant) VS Akhtar Hussain Abbasi & others (Respondent) 31-DEC-21 No Gift of mushaa Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
578 Suit 1634/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2009 Mst. Humera Jabeen & Ors (Plaintiff) VS Muhammad Arshad & Ors (Defendant) 30-MAR-22 Yes Principles of recusals of a Judge. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
579 Const. P. 3461/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 M/s Quick Contractor & Traders (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 22-FEB-22 No Prime Movers. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.767-K/2022 The Collector of Customs v. M/s. Quick Contractors & Traders & another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Disposed of
580 Suit 1367/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2021 Shahryar (Plaintiff) VS Sheikh Muhammad Iqbal & other (Defendant) 16-MAY-22 No Enforcement of trademark under Customs Rules, 2001. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
581 Election Appeal 2/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 Muhammad Jawed S/o Muhammad Anwer (Appellant) VS Election Commission of Pakistan and others (Respondent) 22-AUG-22 No Election Appeal NA-246 KARACHI, SOUTH-I Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
582 Suit 891/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2021 MST. FEHMIDA BEGUM (Plaintiff) VS MATI-UR-RAHMAN & OTHERS (Defendant) 09-SEP-22 Yes Stranger to an arbitration award cannot file objections. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
583 R.A (Civil Revision) 139/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Govt: Of Sindh and Others (Applicant) VS Amjad Saeed and Others (Respondent) 11-AUG-22 No Amenity Plot in private housing scheme. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
584 II.A. 7/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Mohammad Rafique Aghani (Appellant) VS Mohammad Ali Aghani and Others (Respondent) 26-JAN-23 Yes The requirement of Article 79 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 is that if a document is required by law to be attested, it shall not be used as evidence until two attesting witnesses at least have been called for the purpose of proving its execution, if there be two attesting witnesses alive, and subject to the process of the Court and capable of giving evidence. There is a proviso for a registered document, but that is not relevant for the present purposes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
585 M.A. 53/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Clover Pakistan Limited (Appellant) VS Executive Director, Onsite Deptt SECP Islamabad (Respondent) 28-JUN-22 No Order of Registrar of Appellate Bench SECP appealable before said bench. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
586 R.A (Civil Revision) 21/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Madadullah Alias Bakhshan Ahmadani (Applicant) VS Nisar Ahmed Ansari and Ors (Respondent) 02-FEB-23 No Article 181 of the Limitation Act is applicable to application under section 12(2) C.P.C. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
587 Suit 1497/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 TOTAL PARCO PAKISTAN LIMITED (Plaintiff) VS PAKISTAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY & OTHERS (Defendant) 16-NOV-22 Yes Doctrine of indoor management. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
588 Spl. Cr. A. 47/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 THE STATE / ANF (Applicant) VS AGHA MEHMOOD UL HASSAN HARAVI & OTHERS (Respondent) 19-OCT-22 Yes Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997, overrides Prevention of Smuggling Act, 1977. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) Crl.P.L.A.198-K/2022 The State / Director General Anti-Narcotics Force Sindh v. Agha Mehmood Ul Hassan Haravi & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed
589 Succession Appeal 2/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Original Side 2015 Mst. Bibi Sakina (Appellant) VS Bibi Nawab Zadi and Others (Respondent) 10-FEB-23 No Succession proceedings do not constitute declaration of status of legal heir. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
590 Criminal Miscelleneous 12/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Original Side 2022 Sajid Hussain and Another (Applicant) VS The State and Another (Respondent) 15-MAR-23 Yes Transfer application under section 23 ATA, 1997. Jurisdiction of ATC under third schedule of the ATA, 1997 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi
591 R.A (Civil Revision) 156/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 Qadir Bux Soomro (Applicant) VS Moula Bux Soomro & others (Respondent) 23-FEB-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
592 Cr.Rev 15/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Assadullah Chijjan (Applicant) VS Muhammad Ayoub & others (Respondent) 01-MAR-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
593 Cr.Bail 2264/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 SYED SAEED RAZA ZAIDI (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 20-MAR-23 No 489-F, bail granted Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
594 Cr.Bail 1815/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 OWAIS ANSARI S/O TALAT MEHMOOD ANSARI (Applicant) VS THE STAE (Respondent) 20-MAR-23 No 489-F, successive FIRs, bail granted Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
595 Cr.Bail 2044/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 Waqar Hussain S/o Ashique Hussain (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) 12-OCT-23 No Offence of rape. Bail declined. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
596 Cr.Bail 2068/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Cr. Bail Appl. 2018 of 2023 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 UBEDULLAH @ NAVEED SO SAEEDULLAH & MUHAMMAD SALIM SON OF MUHAMMAD ISRAEL (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 10-OCT-23 No Injury offences. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
597 Const. P. 49/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Makhdoom Fazal Hussain Qureshi (Petitioner) VS FOP & another (Respondent) 03-JAN-24 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
598 Const. P. 4245/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Abdul Aziz (Petitioner) VS Chairman Higher Education & Ors (Respondent) 05-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
599 Const. P. 4525/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 M/s Utopia (Pvt) Lttd (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 21-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
600 Spl.Cr.Bail 17/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Spl. Cr. Bail No.18/2024 and Spl. Cr. Bail No.19/2024 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 ATTAULLAH S/O ALLAH DIWAYO KHUSHIK & ANOTHER (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 14-MAR-24 Yes Bail. Smuggling by way of en-route pilferage of transit goods. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
601 Spl.Cr.Bail 34/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 MUZAMIL AKBAR MOTEN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 15-APR-24 Yes Sales tax fraud in refund claims. Section 33 of the Sales Tax Act, 1990. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
602 Const. P. 3601/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: C.P. No. D ??? 3603/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3546/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3547/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3548/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3549/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3550/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3551/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3552/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3553/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3554/2023, C.P. No. D ??? 3555/2023 Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Akbar Ali (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 31-JUL-23 No Preventive detention under the MPO Ordinance, 1960. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi
603 Const. P. 3588/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: C.P. No. D ??? 3597 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3616 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3617 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3618 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3626 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3627 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3628 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3634 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3637 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3638 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3639 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3640 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3641 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3642 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3643 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3644 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3645 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3646 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3647 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3648 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3649 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3650 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3653 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3654 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3657 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3658 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3659 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3660 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3665 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3678 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3679 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3680 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3681 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3682 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3683 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3684 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3685 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3687 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3688 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3692 of 2023 C.P. No. D ??? 3611 of 2023 Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Muhammad Ousaf Khan (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & others (Respondent) 03-AUG-23 No Preventive detention under the MPO Ordinance, 1960. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi
604 Const. P. 4646/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 M. Ahmed Siddiqui & another (Petitioner) VS Abdul Abid Advocate & another (Respondent) 28-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
605 Cr.Bail 2161/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUHAMMAD USMAN S/O SHAHID HUSSAIN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 11-OCT-23 No Section 8 of Gutka. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
606 Cr.Bail 1887/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Criminal Bail Application 1888 of 2023 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 ASGHAR S/O REHMAN GUL (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 05-OCT-23 No Offence u/s 462-C & 462-E PPC. Bail granted. Absconsion is not disqualification. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
607 Spl. Cr. A. 9/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 THE STATE / ANF THROUG A.D LAW (Applicant) VS MUHAMMAD ANWAR ACHAKZAI @ ANWAR KHAN & ORS (Respondent) 07-AUG-24 No Appeal of ANF under section 43 of the Prevention of Smuggling Act, 1977 not maintainable. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
608 Spl.Cr.Bail 90/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 ZULIFQAR S/O MUMTAZ HUSSAIN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 02-OCT-24 No Offence under AMLA 2010, bail granted on statutory ground of delay. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
609 Cr.Rev 250/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 NASREEN BANO D/O ABDUL WAHAB (Applicant) VS MUHAMMAD ASIF & ORS (Respondent) 30-MAY-24 No Section 7 of the Illegal Dispossession Act, 2005. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
610 H.C.A 185/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Khair Mohammad (Appellant) VS Muhammad Ishrat & others (Respondent) 22-NOV-24 Yes Section 5(3) of the Contempt of Court Ordinance, 2003 also states that ???In the case of a contempt having been committed, or alleged to have been committed, by a company, the responsibility thereof shall extend to the persons in the company, directly or indirectly, responsible for the same, who shall also be liable to be punished accordingly.??? Therefore, in our view, before the matter could be fixed for framing charge, there had to be some discussion as to which of the alleged contemnors was prima facie responsible. It is the case of some of the Appellants that they were posted to SITE for brief periods and could not be held responsible for acts committed before or after their posting, which aspect has not been considered in the impugned order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho(Author)
611 Spl.Cr.Bail 40/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 YASIR LATIF S/O MUHAMMAD LATIF (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 23-MAY-24 No Sales Tax Fraud. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
612 Const. P. 6618/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Shahida Atia (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 30-OCT-24 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
613 Const. P. 4728/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Kaleemullah (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 20-NOV-24 No No writ can issue for appointment on deceased quota. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
614 Suit -1495/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 M/S. DR. MUBIN AKHTAR HOSPITAL & ANOTHER (Plaintiff) VS SYED MUHAMMAD SALAHUDDIN & ANOTHER (Defendant) 14-JAN-25 Yes Jurisdiction of IP Tribunal not confined merely to suits for infringement of trademark. Plaint returned under Order VII Rule 10 CPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
615 Spl.Cr.Bail 176/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 MUHAMMAD RAZA UL HAQ MALLICK (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 15-JAN-25 No Question of issuing fake PRCs for clearing imported vehicles. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
616 Const. P. 4657/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Ubaidullah Qazi (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 04-SEP-24 Yes Absorption contrary to section 11A Civil Servants Act. Writ issued. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro
617 Suit 449/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Suits No. 450, 451 of 2022 and Suits No. 2616, 2617 of 2021. Original Side 2022 DESCON ENGINEERING LIMITED (Plaintiff) VS CNERGYICO PK LIMITED (Defendant) 13-AUG-24 No Referral to mediation. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
618 Const. P. 2060/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Naseem Shakir (Petitioner) VS VIIth A.D.J East and Others (Respondent) 03-MAY-24 No Petition against revision dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Justice Ms. Sana Akram Minhas
619 Suit 1621/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 Jamia Binoria Aalamia & another (Plaintiff) VS Daily Juraat & another (Defendant) 24-APR-24 No Defamatory publications. No defense. Stay granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
620 Suit 728/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 IMRAN ABBAS KHAN (Plaintiff) VS MALIK MUHAMMAD AFZAL KHAN & OTHERS (Defendant) 13-JAN-25 No Application for rejection of plaint dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
621 H.C.A 180/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Rahim Buksh Baloch (Appellant) VS Muhammad Ishrat (Respondent) 22-NOV-24 Yes Section 5(3) of the Contempt of Court Ordinance, 2003 also states that ???In the case of a contempt having been committed, or alleged to have been committed, by a company, the responsibility thereof shall extend to the persons in the company, directly or indirectly, responsible for the same, who shall also be liable to be punished accordingly.??? Therefore, in our view, before the matter could be fixed for framing charge, there had to be some discussion as to which of the alleged contemnors was prima facie responsible. It is the case of some of the Appellants that they were posted to SITE for brief periods and could not be held responsible for acts committed before or after their posting, which aspect has not been considered in the impugned order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho(Author)
622 H.C.A 108/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Menahel Majeed (Appellant) VS Sahibzada Ghulam Muhammad Khan & Others (Respondent) 30-AUG-24 No Suit not time barred. Appeal dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
623 E.P 59/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 SIRBULAND KHAN (Petitioner) VS THE RETURNING OFFICER PS-112 AND OTHERS (Respondent) 10-FEB-25 Yes Scope of service under section 143(3) of the Election 2017. Tribunal has jurisdiction to examine order of recount passed by ECP. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
624 Const. P. 2847/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Sajjad Ahmed (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & others (Respondent) 24-JUL-19 Yes Declare that naming, renaming any street, road, government institute, town, or city after the name of any individual having no positive social, role, courage or exceptional dedication to service in ways that bring special credit to an area, city town is illegal, unlawful against the basic rights of citizens of particular areas, towns, cities and public at large. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
625 Civil Revision 49/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 Mumtaz Ali Hulio (Applicant) VS Azhar Ali and others (Respondent) 25-MAR-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
626 Suit 1710/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2015 Syed Shafaat Ali.(ISSUES) (Plaintiff) VS Syed Feroz Ali. (Defendant) 26-MAR-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
627 H.C.A 171/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Mst. Sajeda Mushtaq (Appellant) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Respondent) 15-NOV-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.4612/2018 Mst. Sajeda Mushtaq v. Federation of Pakistan thr. the Secretary M/o Interior, Islamabad & others,C.P.518-K/2019 Mst: Sajida Mushtaq v. Federation of Pakistan and others,C.P.883/2020 Mst. Sajeda Mushtaq v. Federation of Pakistan thr. the Secretary M/o Interior, Islambad & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed for Non-Prosecution,Disposed Dismissed,Disposed Dismissed
628 S.M.A 354/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 Zahid Rahim (Petitioner) VS Party-2 (Defendant) 22-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
629 Suit 702/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2014 Shabbir Ismail & Others. (Plaintiff) VS Al-Rashid Co-Op. H.S. Ltd. & Others. (Defendant) 27-AUG-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
630 Suit -9/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 Muhammad Afzal (Plaintiff) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Defendant) 02-MAR-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
631 Suit -52/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 Allahdino & Others.. (Plaintiff) VS H.H Shaikh Zaid Bin ultan Al-Nahyan & Others. (Defendant) 09-JUL-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
632 H.C.A 6/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Faiz Muhammad (Appellant) VS National Bank of Pakistan & others (Respondent) 24-DEC-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.286-K/2019 Shahid Hussain Malik v. Faiz Muhammad and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Disposed of
633 Cr.Bail 698/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Jawad Ali (Applicant) VS The State (Respondent) 15-JUL-19 No Bail After Arrest Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
634 Const. P. 354/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Muneer Ahmed & Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 28-OCT-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.704-K/2019 Muneer Ahmed and others v. Province of Sindh and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed for Non-Prosecution
635 Civil Revision 3/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Dr. Rajkumar alias Gul (Applicant) VS Anand Ram and others (Respondent) 19-AUG-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
636 Civil Revision 64/2003 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2003 Muhammad Sulleman Mughal (Applicant) VS Niaz Ahmed Dahar and another (Respondent) 10-SEP-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.388-K/2014 Niaz Ahmed Dahar v. Muhammad Suleman and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
637 Cr.Bail 1083/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 ARIF BALOCH S/O YAR MUHAMMAD (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 14-NOV-19 Yes Plea of alibi can be considered at the stage of bail. Rel: Zaigham Ashraf v. The State (2016 SCMR 18). Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
638 Suit 1461/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 Mohsin Abbas. (Plaintiff) VS Air Waves Media (Pvt) Ltd., & Others. (Defendant) 16-OCT-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
639 Suit 1646/2008 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2008 Arshad Mahmood & Others (Plaintiff) VS Province of Sindh (Defendant) 23-DEC-19 Yes Since the Hindu Gymkhana is a Government-owned protected heritage and the Subject Agreement is not with any private-owner of protected heritage under sections 7(3) to 7(5) or section 8 of the Sindh Cultural Heritage (Preservation) Act, 1994 [the Heritage Act], the role of the Advisory Committee envisaged under the said provisions is also not attracted. For the same reason the power of the Advisory Committee to pass a prohibitory order under section 10 of the Heritage Act, which is dependent on an agreement with the private owner under section 8 of the Act, is also not attracted. The record does not show that the Government sanctioned custodianship of the Hindu Gymkhana to the Advisory Committee under section 7(1) of the Heritage Act; nor does the criteria of section 13 of the Heritage Act seems to be met by the Hindu Gymkhana. Thus, having seen that the provisions of sections 7, 8, 10 and 13 of the Heritage Act are not attracted to the circumstances of the case, prima facie it cannot be said that construction of a theatre by NAPA on the land granted to it was prohibited by the Heritage Act, or that the said Act required NAPA to obtain the approval of the Advisory Committee before raising such construction. Impugned notice to remain suspended pending suit. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
640 Suit 346/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 Dr. Ayaz Hussain Khaskheli & Others. (Plaintiff) VS Ms. Shahila Perveen. (Defendant) 17-FEB-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
641 Cr.Bail 829/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 ALLAH MUHAMMAD S/O KHUDA NOOR (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 22-JUL-20 Yes (1) Direction by a superior Court to the trial court to conclude a trial within a specified period is an administrative direction, and non-compliance thereof does not ipso facto entitle an accused person to be admitted to bail. (2) Return of the stolen amount by the accused cannot be taken as a ground in itself to grant bail independent of the merits of the case. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
642 R.A (Civil Revision) 16/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2010 Shahnawaz and another (Applicant) VS Shabbir Ahmed Memon and others (Respondent) 18-JAN-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
643 Cr.Bail 508/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 ABDUL RASHEED S/O GHULAM RASOOL (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 28-JUL-20 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
644 Cr.Bail 558/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 MUHAMMAD YOUSUF S/O JAN MUHAMMAD (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 19-MAY-20 Yes Effect of the prohibition in section 51(1) of the CNS Act, 1997. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
645 Const. P. 5124/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 M/s Farkhunda Yasmeen (Petitioner) VS Secretary, M/o Interior & Ors (Respondent) 21-OCT-20 Yes It is well-settled law that the service of temporary employees can be terminated on 14 days??? notice or pay in lieu thereof, whereas in the present case petitioner claims revival of the contract through reinstatement in service, which factum cannot be thrashed out in writ jurisdiction. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
646 Const. P. 2512/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Abrar Ali Khichi (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 13-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
647 Const. P. 2556/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Hafiz Syed Naveed Qamar (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 12-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
648 Spl.Anti.Ter.A. 103/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 MUHAMMAD ASAD QURESHI S/O MASOOD AHMED (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 25-SEP-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
649 2021 PLC (CS) Note 11 Const. P. 756/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 S.M Kaleem Makki (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 28-OCT-19 Yes It is the general principle of jurisprudence that the law takes its effect from the date of promulgation and interpretation of the said law cannot be subjected to the doctrine of retrospective effects unless expressed specifically in the judgment, therefore, Mustafa Impexs case is to be applied prospectively, in general. It is the existence of law at the relevant time that counts, which may have been interpreted at a later date. Since the deficiency in the appointment notification as far as Provincial Cabinet is concerned, is not questioned no challenge could be thrown. The principle we derive from the conclusion of the aforesaid three judgments is that Mustafa Impex only invalidates those actions retrospectively which were impugned in that lis and not all others, so by virtue of aforesaid principle the notification for the appointment of the petitioner is saved whereas it set a mechanism for future course i.e. issuance of impugned notification. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.724-K/2019 Province of Sindh and others v. S.M Kaleem Makki,C.P.41-K/2020 S.M Kaleem Makki v. Province of Sindh and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed as Infructuous,Disposed Dismissed as Not Pressed
650 Const. P. 8126/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Riaz Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 30-SEP-19 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.4186/2019 Riaz Ahmad v. Federation of Pakistan thr. Secretary M/o Finance, Finance Division, Islamabad & another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed for Non-Prosecution
651 Const. P. 2628/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Rashid Ejaz (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 16-APR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
652 Const. P. 5232/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Danish Khan (Petitioner) VS NBP and Ors (Respondent) 02-OCT-19 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
653 Criminal Miscelleneous 189/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2021 DR. EHSAN BARI & ANOTHER (Appellant) VS THE STATE & OTHERS (Respondent) 26-MAR-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
654 Const. P. 3534/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Imtiaz Hussain (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 23-JUN-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
655 Const. P. 6300/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Bashir Ahmed Abbasi Kalhoro (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 15-APR-21 Yes Prima facie under the Sindh Rules of Business, 1986, the Chief Minister is the Chief Executive of the Province; and, has no direct role whatsoever in the matter of a Junior School Teacher, about his appointment, posting, transfer, promotion, and disciplinary issues. On the aforesaid proposition, the Honble Supreme Court in the case of The STATE v. ANWAR SAIF ULLAH KHAN (PLD 2016 Supreme Court 276) Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.L.A.572-K/2021 Bashir Ahmed v. Government of Sindh Chief Secretary of Sindh & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
656 Suit 2019/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Along with other connected Suits. Original Side 2015 A&Z Agro Industries (Pvt) Limited. (Plaintiff) VS Federation of Pakistan & Others.. (Defendant) 13-SEP-21 Yes Search of premises under section 38 of the Sales Tax Act, 1990, and section 175 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
657 2023 SBLR Sindh 1117 Const. P. 6192/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Imtiaz Hussain (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 22-APR-21 Yes quo warranto Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.L.A.562-K/2021 Roshan Ali Kanasro v. Province of Sindh & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed as Not Pressed
658 Const. P. 4172/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Sami Iqbal (Petitioner) VS Pakistan Post and Others (Respondent) 21-APR-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
659 Criminal Appeal 565/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2020 WAKEEL S/O ABDUL GHAFOOR (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 15-SEP-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
660 Const. P. 673/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Ali Nawaz (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
661 Const. P. 894/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2011 Muhammad Rafique and Others (Petitioner) VS Province Of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
662 Conf.Case 23/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Hassan @ Ali Hassan (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 02-DEC-21 Yes The murder of two persons at the hands of appellant has although been proved beyond a shadow of doubt but the motive alleged has not been established. All these factors point out to circumstances overwhelmingly mitigating in nature and justify conversion of death sentence. Accordingly, the appeal is dismissed and conviction of the appellant is maintained but his death sentence is converted into life imprisonment each against each murder. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
663 Const. P. 1518/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Asif Raza &another (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 09-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
664 Const. P. 344/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Abbas Ali (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 20-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
665 Const. P. 38/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Administrator Evacuee Trust property & Others (Petitioner) VS Pardeep Kumar & Others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
666 Const. P. 594/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Muhammad Urs (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & others (Respondent) 27-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
667 Const. P. 3310/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Imamdin and others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
668 Const. P. 254/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Mir (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
669 Const. P. 2296/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Mohammad Siddique (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
670 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 5/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS M/s. Shahzad & another (Respondent) 23-FEB-22 Yes Confiscation of vehicle under Section 157(2) of the Customs Act, 1969. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.L.A.690-K/2022 Shahzad v. The Collector of Customs & another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
671 Cr.Bail 1162/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 UBAIDULLAH (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 21-MAY-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
672 Suit 2121/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Suit No.126 of 2022 Original Side 2021 MUNIB ABDUL RAUF JANGDA (Plaintiff) VS FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN & OTHERS (Defendant) 18-APR-22 No Audit notice under section 25 Sales Tax Act, 1990, un-lawful in absence of reasons. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
673 Const. P. 369/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Ahmed Ali Bhutto (Petitioner) VS P. O Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 08-OCT-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
674 Suit 1500/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2019 Abdul Ghani & others. (Plaintiff) VS Waheeduddin Siddique & others. (Defendant) 01-SEP-22 No Where main relief is time-barred, then the ancillary, dependent or consequential relief, even if attracting a larger period of limitation, has to go along with the main relief. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
675 R.A (Civil Revision) 136/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2010 Hyderabad Cantonment Board & Others (Applicant) VS Noor Muhammad & Others (Respondent) 29-AUG-22 No Limitation not a measure technicality. Court bound to dismiss time-barred restoration application. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.L.A.3927/2022 Noor Muhammad through his L.Rs and others v. The Mukhtiarkar Taluka Hyderabad City Hyderabad Sindh and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
676 R.A (Civil Revision) 37/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2012 P.O Sindh and another (Applicant) VS Raheemdad Mahar and others (Respondent) 23-JAN-23 No There was nothing to show that prior to the suit the Plaintiffs had made any claim for compensation to the Irrigation Department under section 31 of the Sindh Irrigation Act, 1879, or that they had ever intended to use the suit land for agricultural purpose. Therefore, the award of damages on the ground that the Plaintiffs were deprived of agricultural produce from the land was not supported by the evidence and was only conjecture. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
677 Const. P. 7641/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Constitution Petition No. D ??? 7642 of 2019 Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Usman (Petitioner) VS Trustee of Port of Karachi and Ors (Respondent) 03-JUN-22 No Eviction under the Port Authorities Land and Building (Recovery of Possession) Ordinance, 1962. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Ahmed Ali M. Shaikh, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.L.A.834-K/2022 Muhammad Usman v. Trustee of the Port of Karachi & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
678 Const. P. 240/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Mazhar Ali Langah (Petitioner) VS Asad Ali Khoso & ors (Respondent) 12-JAN-23 Yes Territorial jurisdiction of Family Court is governed by Rule 6 of the Family Court Rules 1965, not by provisions of the Guardians and Wards Act 1890. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
679 Const. P. 7075/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Ghulam Ali Khan and Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 01-DEC-22 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
680 Const. P. 646/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2014 Engro Foods Ltd (Petitioner) VS Registrar of Trade Union and another (Respondent) 18-AUG-22 Yes "Industrial Relations. Challenge to registration of trade union re trans-provincial establishment". Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
681 Cr.J.A 23/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 Zahid Lashari (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 08-MAR-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
682 Suit 1192/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2019 Mrs. Fatima Bano (Plaintiff) VS Mujtaba Kamal & others. (Defendant) 08-NOV-23 No Judgment under Order XV Rule 1 CPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
683 Const. P. 4552/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Mst. Ishrat Fatima (Petitioner) VS Kazim Haider Mirza and Others (Respondent) 22-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
684 Suit 458/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2021 MUNIBA IQBAL (Plaintiff) VS PRIDE BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS & OTHERS (Defendant) 04-JAN-24 No Plaint rejection denied. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
685 Cr.Bail 1842/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Bail Appl. 1840/2023 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUHAMMAD MUSHARRAF & ANOHTER (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 28-SEP-23 No Injury offences. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
686 Const. P. 82/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Syed Amjad Hussain Shah (Petitioner) VS Election Commission of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 09-JAN-24 No Grounds taken for rejecting nomination papers were not material. Petition allowed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
687 Suit 224/2013 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2013 ABDUL QAYUM KHAN (Plaintiff) VS ABDUL AZIZ KHAN & OTHERS (Defendant) 01-MAR-24 Yes Mistake of Court. Court-Sale set-aside under inherit powers. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
688 Suit -2582/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2023 M/s. Printech Packages (Pvt.) Ltd (Plaintiff) VS The Federation of Pakistan & others (Defendant) 21-DEC-23 No Election of trade organization. Injunction denied. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
689 Const. P. 2674/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Muhammad Saleh (Petitioner) VS Abdul Ghani and Others (Respondent) 08-AUG-23 No Fraud in serving summons not proved. Petition dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Abdur Rahman
690 Const. P. 69/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Yasiruddin (Petitioner) VS R.O PS-109 & Another (Respondent) 09-JAN-24 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
691 Suit 855/2007 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2007 KHAWAJA QAMARUL HASAN (Plaintiff) VS MST. NUZHAT KHAWAJA (Defendant) 12-JAN-24 No Failure of advocate to adhere to dress code despite warning. Suspension of practice while referring complaint to Bar Council. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
692 Cr.Bail 1542/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 NAVEED SHAH S/O MAJEED SHAH (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 14-SEP-23 No Injury u/s 337-A(iv) PPC. Pre-arrest bail denied. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
693 Const. P. 3686/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: C.P. No. D 3686 of 2023 C.P. No. D 3689 of 2023 C.P. No. D 3690 of 2023 C.P. No. D 3698 of 2023 C.P. No. D 3699 of 2023 C.P. No. D 3702 of 2023 C.P. No. D 3705 of 2023 C.P. No. D 3709 of 2023 C.P. No. D 3712 of 2023 C.P. No. D 3720 of 2023 Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Mst. Razia Sultana (Petitioner) VS Govt of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 07-AUG-23 No Preventive detention under the MPO Ordinance, 1960. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Abdur Rahman
694 H.C.A 28/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: High Court Appeal No. 29 of 2021 Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2021 SPEC Energy DMCC (Appellant) VS Pakistan Petroleum Ltd & another (Respondent) 20-SEP-23 Yes Works contract running into minute details, not specifically enforceable, hence temporary injunction cannot be granted. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Ahmed Ali M. Shaikh, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
695 Const. P. 4676/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 M/s Abdul Qayoom Mazari (Petitioner) VS NHA and Others (Respondent) 28-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
696 Suit 2042/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Suit No. 1831 of 2016, Suit No. 1981 of 2016, Suit No. 2260 of 2016, Suit No. 2381 of 2016, Suit No. 524 of 2018 Original Side 2016 Umer Spinning Mills (Pvt.) Limited. (Plaintiff) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Defendant) 05-MAR-24 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
697 Suit 141/2012 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2012 M/S.HABIB SUGAR MILLS LTD (Plaintiff) VS PROV.OF SINDH & OTHER (Defendant) 07-MAR-24 Yes Under section 20(c) CPC, notification of statute is not place of cause of action. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
698 Suit 1290/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2010 SYED HABIB HAIDER ZAIDI (Plaintiff) VS SYED HUSSAIN KHURSHEED BILGRAMI & OTHERS (Defendant) 19-MAR-24 Yes Proof of possession of gifted property. Elements of Benami. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
699 Cr.Bail 1382/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUHAMMAD RAHEEM KHAN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 11-OCT-23 No Offence under section 20, 21, 24 PECA. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
700 Spl.Cr.Bail 64/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 HASSAN ALI BADAMI S/O QASIM ALI BADAMI (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 12-OCT-23 No Sales Tax fraud. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
701 Const. P. 2026/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muhammad Asif (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 03-OCT-23 No Review in CP. Article 162 Limitation Act applies. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
702 Suit.B 21/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 MST. ZAHIDA ASHRAF & OTHERS (Plaintiff) VS M/S. THE BANK OF PUNJAB LIMITED (Defendant) 09-AUG-24 No Sale under section 19(3) of the FIO. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
703 J.M -1494/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 M/s. Dr. Mubin Akhtar Hospital & another (Applicant) VS Syed Muhammad Salahuddin & another (Respondent) 14-JAN-25 Yes Applications under sections 73 and 80 of Trade Marks Ordinance, 2001 returned when no proceedings concerning trademark were pending in High Court. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
704 Spl.Cr.Bail 93/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 SYED ASAD HUSSAIN ABIDI (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 30-SEP-24 No Allegation of accomplice to smuggling. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
705 Spl.Cr.Bail 69/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 IMRAN HUSSIAN S/O ABDUL REHMAN KAMBOH (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 07-OCT-24 No Allegation of Sales Tax Fraud. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
706 Const. P. 473/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Enayatullah & Ors (Petitioner) VS The XIth A.D.J Karachi West and Ors (Respondent) 15-OCT-24 No Petition allowed against dismissal of 12(2) CPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
707 Cr.Bail 782/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 MUHAMMAD RAFIQ S/O GUL RAUF (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 24-APR-24 Yes Statutory ground of delay. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
708 H.C.A 182/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Zeeshan Alvi (Appellant) VS Muhammad Ishrat (Respondent) 22-NOV-24 Yes Section 5(3) of the Contempt of Court Ordinance, 2003 also states that ???In the case of a contempt having been committed, or alleged to have been committed, by a company, the responsibility thereof shall extend to the persons in the company, directly or indirectly, responsible for the same, who shall also be liable to be punished accordingly.??? Therefore, in our view, before the matter could be fixed for framing charge, there had to be some discussion as to which of the alleged contemnors was prima facie responsible. It is the case of some of the Appellants that they were posted to SITE for brief periods and could not be held responsible for acts committed before or after their posting, which aspect has not been considered in the impugned order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho(Author)
709 H.C.A 183/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Lubna Ejaz (Appellant) VS Muhammad Ishrat (Respondent) 22-NOV-24 Yes Section 5(3) of the Contempt of Court Ordinance, 2003 also states that ???In the case of a contempt having been committed, or alleged to have been committed, by a company, the responsibility thereof shall extend to the persons in the company, directly or indirectly, responsible for the same, who shall also be liable to be punished accordingly.??? Therefore, in our view, before the matter could be fixed for framing charge, there had to be some discussion as to which of the alleged contemnors was prima facie responsible. It is the case of some of the Appellants that they were posted to SITE for brief periods and could not be held responsible for acts committed before or after their posting, which aspect has not been considered in the impugned order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho(Author)
710 Spl.Cr.Bail 31/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 KASHIF ALI S/O PATHAN KHAN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 25-APR-24 No Boostin injection. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
711 H.C.A 184/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Behzad Amir Memon (Appellant) VS Muhammad Ishrat & others (Respondent) 22-NOV-24 Yes Section 5(3) of the Contempt of Court Ordinance, 2003 also states that ???In the case of a contempt having been committed, or alleged to have been committed, by a company, the responsibility thereof shall extend to the persons in the company, directly or indirectly, responsible for the same, who shall also be liable to be punished accordingly.??? Therefore, in our view, before the matter could be fixed for framing charge, there had to be some discussion as to which of the alleged contemnors was prima facie responsible. It is the case of some of the Appellants that they were posted to SITE for brief periods and could not be held responsible for acts committed before or after their posting, which aspect has not been considered in the impugned order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho(Author)
712 Adm. Suit -2/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 M/s TRANSFAR LOS ANGELES PTE LTD (Plaintiff) VS M.V. "TSS AMBER" AND OTHERS (Defendant) 14-SEP-24 No Application for arrest of vessel admiralty jurisdiction - Dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
713 H.C.A 296/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Late Saeeduddin Qureshi through L/Rs (Appellant) VS Dr. Waqar Saeed and Others (Respondent) 09-JAN-25 No Time-barred appeal. Dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zafar Ahmed Rajput, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
714 E.P 57/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 GHULAM QADIR (Petitioner) VS ECP AND OTHERS (Respondent) 18-OCT-24 No Affidavit of service not filed within time. Election Petition rejected. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
715 H.C.A 303/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Syed Shah Rafiuddin (Appellant) VS Shah Abdul Raheem & Others (Respondent) 22-NOV-24 No Limitation for summary suit. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
716 H.C.A 101/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 K-Eectric Limited (Appellant) VS Muhammad Shahnawaz & others (Respondent) 24-DEC-24 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho(Author)
717 Cr.Bail 2690/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 NOOR AGHA S/O GUL MUHAMMAD (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 16-JAN-25 Yes Statutory ground of delay. Assessment of hardened, desperate or dangerous criminal. Bail denied. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
718 H.C.A 253/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 The Sindh Industrial Trading Estate Ltd & Another (Appellant) VS Nayab Haider (Respondent) 27-AUG-24 No No interference merited in interim order. Appeal dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
719 H.C.A 281/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Mrs. Yagana Muzaffar (Appellant) VS Khubana Omer and Others (Respondent) 27-AUG-24 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana(Author)
720 Spl.Cr.Bail 9/2025 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2025 ALI MURAD S/O BADEEN & 02 ORS (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 06-FEB-25 No Goods not notify under section 2(s) of the Customs Act. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
721 Spl.Cr.Bail 3/2025 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2025 MUHAMMAD NAVEED KHAN S/O DAUD KHAN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 06-FEB-25 No Tax fraud yet to be established. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
722 Spl.Cr.Bail 13/2025 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2025 SHERAZ AHMED S/O NIAZ AHMED (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 11-FEB-25 No Whether Applicant beneficiary of tax fraund. Case of further inquiry. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
723 Const. P. 3525/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Abdul Latif Narejo and Ors (Petitioner) VS E.O.B.I and Ors (Respondent) 30-OCT-17 Yes Board of Trustees were required to convene a meeting and the petitioners agreed. The petition was disposed off accordingly. It perhaps on an interpretation of order dated 18.12.2017 that the Board of Trustees resolved to approve the upgradation of the petitioner as Executive Director as if it was an order of this Court, which Board of Trustees decision was subsequently withdrawn. The alleged contemnor may have stated that the upgradation was allowed but it was only the statement of the Counsel that was recorded. Neither the withdrawal nor review of earlier decision taken in 118th Meeting could constitute contempt as there was no straightaway direction for up-gradation of the post from Assistant Director to Executive Director. The issue was to be resolved by the Board of Trustees of EOBI Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.431/2018 Employees Old Age Benefits Institution thr. its Chairman, Karachi & others v. Abdul Latif Narejo & others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed as Withdrawn
724 Execution 46/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2011 HOUSE BUILDING FINANCE CORP. LTD (Decree Holder) VS FIRST DAWOOD INVESTMENT BANK (Judgment Debtor) 09-JUN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
725 Suit 553/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2009 Party-1 (Plaintiff) VS Party-2 (Defendant) 09-MAR-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
726 Suit 533/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2009 Cdr. (Retd) Zahoor Ahmed & another (Plaintiff) VS C. Muhammad Abid & others (Defendant) 23-FEB-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
727 Suit 1572/2010 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2010 Zahid Hussain (Plaintiff) VS United Bank Limited & another (Defendant) 16-FEB-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
728 Const. P. 858/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Irshad Ali and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) 15-FEB-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
729 Suit 344/2007 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2007 MUHAMMAD SHAHID AKRAM. (Plaintiff) VS GHULAM QADIR JUMANI & ORS (Defendant) 02-MAR-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
730 H.C.A 448/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Ahsanuddin (Appellant) VS Shahid Hussain Malik & others (Respondent) 24-DEC-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
731 Suit 203/2002 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2002 ADVOCATE GENERAL SINDH (Plaintiff) VS ISLAMIC EDUCATION TRUST & ORS. (Defendant) 07-AUG-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
732 Suit 1264/2007 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2007 MUHAMMAD AYUB GABOL (Plaintiff) VS THE PROV OF SINDH & ORS. (Defendant) 09-JUL-18 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
733 Spl.Anti.Ter.A. 66/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 SHAKEEL S/O DODO KHAN (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 10-AUG-18 Yes Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Ahmed Ali M. Shaikh, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
734 Cr.Bail 1508/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 DILAWAR S/O MIR ALI (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 12-NOV-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
735 Civil Revision 30/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2015 Mst. Hijab Akhtar (Applicant) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 06-SEP-19 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
736 Cr.Bail 1649/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 KARIM GUL S/O FAQIR MUHAMMAD & ANOTHER (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 25-NOV-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
737 Cr.Bail 1197/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 AZIZULLAH MALIK S/O HAJAN KHAN MALIK (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 25-NOV-19 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
738 J.M 74/2015 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2015 Maula Bakhsh. (Applicant) VS Muhammad Abrar Ahmed & Others. (Respondent) 02-MAR-20 Yes 1. Substituted service by way of publication is only presumed to be personal service by virtue of Rule 20(2) of Order V CPC. Such presumption is rebuttable. Therefore, where service by publication is challenged, the first test is to see whether the conditions of Order V Rule 20 CPC had been met, viz., that the publication was resorted to after the Court was satisfied that the defendant was avoiding service, or there was some other reason to believe that summons could not be served in the ordinary manner; in other words, whether the ordinary modes of service available had been exhausted. Rel: Muhammad Anwar v. Abdul Haq (1985 SCMR 1228); Haji Akbar v. Gul Baran (1996 SCMR 1703); and Nargis Latif v. Feroz Afaq Ahmed Khan (2001 SCMR 99). 2. While a couriers receipt was filed to show that summons had been dispatched, there was no report of delivery by the courier to show that summons so dispatched were delivered or tendered within the meaning of Order V Rule 10 CPC. So far there is no statute that attaches a presumption of service to summons sent by a private courier service (as opposed to a public courier service). Rel: Inayatullah v. Syed Khursheed Ahmed Shah (2014 SCMR 1477). Thus, it can be safely said that prior to publication neither the available modes of service were exhausted nor was there a verification that the modes of service so used had failed. In any case, the publication made was at best publication of the notice of the pending CMAs and there was no publication made of the summons of the suit. 3. Had it not been a case attracting section 12(2) CPC, the exparte judgment and decree could nonetheless be set-aside under Order IX Rule 13 CPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
739 2021 PCr.LJ Note 38 Criminal Appeal 219/2019 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2019 ANANTKUMAR PARSHOTAM (Appellant) VS MEM. OF MANAGING COMT. NARAYAN TEMPLE TRUST & ORS (Respondent) 17-MAR-20 Yes 1. Under section 8-A of the Illegal Dispossession Act, 2005, an order that is appealable to the High Court does not include an order dismissing the complaint. However, the appeal can be converted to a criminal revision. 2. In order to constitute an offence under the Illegal Dispossession Act, the complaint must disclose actus reas and mens rea, and if the facts that constitute an offence under section 3 of the Illegal Dispossession Act are not disclosed through the complaint or documents with it, then the Court can dismiss the complaint straight away. Rel: Waqar Ali v. The State (PLD 2011 SC 181). Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
740 Civil Revision 109/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2017 Shafi Muhammad Khan (Applicant) VS Abdul Rehman & others (Respondent) 16-SEP-20 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
741 Const. P. 6339/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Muhammad Habeen Fatani (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 24-DEC-20 Yes ECL Matter. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Shamsuddin Abbasi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
742 Const. P. 5036/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Ramsha Haider and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) 16-OCT-20 No Interim orders passed by Sindh High Court Division Bench comprising Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry for the MDCAT entry test in the petitions challenging the vires of Pakistan Medical Commission Act, 2020 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
743 Civil Revision 93/2009 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2009 Kehar son of Sanwal (Applicant) VS Changoo Mal son of Juman Dass and others (Respondent) 05-DEC-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
744 Suit.B 2/2017 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2017 Bankers Equity Limited. (Plaintiff) VS Galadari Cement (Gulf) Ltd., & Others. (Defendant) 17-JUN-20 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
745 Suit 989/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 Reliance Petrochemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. (Plaintiff) VS F.B.R., & others. (Defendant) 01-MAR-21 Yes After repeal of proviso to section 40B of the Sales Tax Act, 1990, the posting order passed thereunder by the Commissioner is not saved under section 6 of the General Clauses Act, 1897. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
746 Suit 2415/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 Saleem Butt (Plaintiff) VS Pakistan and Others (Defendant) 31-MAY-21 Yes Given the mechanism in-built in section 177 of the Income Tax Ordinance, which includes the providing of reasons in writing to the taxpayer, the power conferred on the Commissioner to call for record under section 177(1) of the Ordinance, does not by itself offend Article 25 of the Constitution. The question then, whether such power has been used unlawfully, is different, and one that may vary with the circumstances of each case. While making such challenge, the Plaintiff had also to demonstrate infringement of a Fundamental Right. The invoking of section 177(1) does not militate against the concept of deemed assessment under section 122 of the Ordinance. Malafides had to be pleaded with particulars. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
747 Const. P. 8331/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Mehboob Ali and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 11-OCT-19 Yes Regularization Act 2013 does not suggest that all those contractual employees for whom the basic requirements of transparency is not fulfilled, are also entitled to be regularized. Regularization of Ad-hoc or contract employees under Act of 2013 is not open for all those contractual and ad-hoc employees for whom the codel formalities have not been fulfilled thus a competition should have been made available amongst all those who were interested in the appointments on subject posts. We would not approve the process involved in the appointment of petitioners, which could ultimately deprive the eligible and entitled persons of a fair competition and a precedent could be made to cater the system where the appointment of selected persons, can be legitimized. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry C.P.614-K/2019 Mehboob Ali and others v. Province of Sindh and others Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Dismissed
748 Const. P. 4112/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Muhammad Imran (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 12-APR-21 Yes Petitioner seeks appointment in the Karachi University as Adhoc Teacher, based on differently-abled quota on the premise that he was/is a qualified and fit person to be considered for the subject post. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
749 Suit 316/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2016 Khawaja Muhammad Arif & another. (Plaintiff) VS Mst. Zeenat Begum & Others. (Defendant) 12-FEB-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
750 Const. P. 6604/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Nasim Ahmed Memon (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) 13-APR-21 Yes the petitioner is an educationist and has been serving in the Public Education Sector in Sindh since 1987. Per learned counsel the Universities and Boards Department, the Government of Sindh, Karachi invited application for the position of Chairman-Board and petitioner was one of the candidates for the aforesaid post-- Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
751 Const. P. 4003/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Munaza Yasmeen and Ors (Petitioner) VS Learned / Hon (Respondent) 22-APR-21 Yes the petitioners have assailed the findings of the learned Single Bench of National Industrial Relations Commission (NIRC), Karachi whereby their Grievance Petitions were dismissed with direction to the respondent-Pakistan International Airline Company to allow joining period to them till 13.06.2019. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
752 Const. P. 640/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2011 Gulji & Others (Petitioner) VS Province Of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
753 Const. P. 503/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2017 Vishandas (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & others (Respondent) 08-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
754 Const. P. 2648/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Neno (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 02-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
755 Const. P. 366/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Muhammad Arsalan (Petitioner) VS NAB & Others (Respondent) 24-NOV-21 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
756 Const. P. 2623/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2015 Gul Hassan (Petitioner) VS Federation Of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) 07-DEC-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
757 Const. P. 944/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2016 Mst. Bano (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Ors. (Respondent) 21-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
758 2023 SBLR Sindh 1604 Const. P. 2358/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: CP No. D- 2358 & 2622 of 2019 Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Faisal Shah Muhammad & others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & others (Respondent) 30-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
759 Const. P. 1757/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2012 Herlal and others (Petitioner) VS Govt of Sindh and others (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
760 Const. P. 583/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Lakhmir (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 27-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
761 Const. P. 361/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2021 Abdul Rasheed (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
762 Const. P. 656/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Rao Abdur Razik & Others (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 11-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
763 Const. P. 1442/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Muzaffar Hussain and others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) 03-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
764 Const. P. 688/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Imran (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 27-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
765 Const. P. 837/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Mir Munawar Ali Talpur (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 26-OCT-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
766 Const. P. 1348/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2018 Noor Muhammad (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 10-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
767 2023 SBLR Sindh 94 Const. P. 1430/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Mst Touqeer Fatima Shah (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) 09-NOV-21 Yes Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
768 Const. P. 4863/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Zargul Khan (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 30-SEP-19 No Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
769 Suit -3324/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2021 M/S METRO INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL (PVT) LTD & OTHERS (Plaintiff) VS SINDH BUILDING CONTROL AUTHORIY(S.B.C.A) & ANOTHER (Defendant) 25-JAN-22 No Use of residential plot for school without conversion under KBTPR, 2002 is unlawful. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
770 Spl.Cr.Bail 4/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 MUHAMMAD WASIF S/O MUHAMMAD SADIQ (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 26-APR-22 No Offence of Smuggling Bail Granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
771 Cr.Misc. 187/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2018 Pervaiz Ahmed Chandio (Applicant) VS Sardar Khan Chandio & others (Respondent) 29-JUN-18 No bail cancellation Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
772 Cr.J.A 92/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2013 Mumraiz Khan Pathan & another (Appellant) VS The State. (Respondent) 26-JUN-18 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
773 Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 371/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Collector of Customs (Applicant) VS M/s. Quick Contractors & Traders (Respondent) 22-FEB-22 No Prime Movers. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author) C.P.741-K/2022 The Collector of Customs v. M/s. Quick Contractors & Traders Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Disposed Disposed of
774 Suit 1468/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2021 ZAHEEN COOPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY (Plaintiff) VS PROVINCE OF SINDH & OTHERS (Defendant) 29-APR-22 No Dispute of boundaries of suit land stay granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
775 Spl.Cr.Rev. 35/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Spl. Cr. Rev. 36, 37 and 38 of 2020 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 MUHAMMAD IDRESS S/O ABDUL MAJEED & ORS (Applicant) VS THE STATE & ANTOHER (Respondent) 25-OCT-22 No Cognizance u/s 185A(1)(a) Customs Act is similar to that u/s 190(1)(b) Cr.P.C. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
776 R.A (Civil Revision) 74/2011 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2011 Mushtaque alias Mushtaque Ahmed Shaikh (Applicant) VS Haji Sathi Shaikh and Others (Respondent) 24-FEB-23 No Effect of Article 79 of the Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
777 Const. P. 115/2020 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Writ Jurisdictions 2020 Syed Parvez Ali Shah Lakyari (Petitioner) VS Mst. Benazir & Another (Respondent) 09-FEB-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
778 Const. P. 1835/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad Writ Jurisdictions 2019 Faraz Hussain (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Ors (Respondent) 10-AUG-22 No Encroachment in Katchi Abadis Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
779 Suit 1529/2018 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2018 Mohammad Ahmed Ansari (Plaintiff) VS Interglobe Commerce Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd & another (Defendant) 13-JUN-22 Yes Lifting the veil of incorporation Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
780 Conf.Case 15/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2020 The State (Appellant) VS Assadullah Magsi (Respondent) 14-FEB-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
781 Cr.Acq.A. 19/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Sikandar Ali Shah (Appellant) VS Noor Ul Haque Abro & Others (Respondent) 21-FEB-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author)
782 R.A (Civil Revision) 31/2016 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2016 Hakim Ali Deepar and another (Applicant) VS Imtiaz Ali Deepar and Others (Respondent) 17-MAR-23 No Presumption of correctness in old revenue entries. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
783 R.A (Civil Revision) 9/2014 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2014 Abdul Ghaffar Kakepoto (Applicant) VS Ahmed Ala Shah and Others (Respondent) 16-FEB-23 No Effect of Aricle 79 of Qanun e Shahadat Order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
784 Suit 2580/2021 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Suit No.2719 of 2021, Suit No.2720 of 2021, Suit No.2721 of 2021 & Suit No.2897 of 2021 Original Side 2021 AL-KARAM TOWEL INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED (Plaintiff) VS FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN & OTHERS (Defendant) 14-MAR-23 Yes Re: Concessionary Tariff of RLNG. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
785 Cr.Acq.A. 168/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 GHULAM FARID JOKHIO S/O GHULAM HUSSAIN (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 28-MAR-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
786 Cr.Bail 691/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUHAMMAD SHADMAN KHAN (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 19-APR-23 No 408, 468 PPC. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
787 Cr.Bail 555/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 SHAH ADIL S/O MUHAMMAD TAHIR (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 18-APR-23 No 9(2) CNSA, bail granted Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
788 Const. P. 2303/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Abdul Kabeer (Petitioner) VS KMC and Others (Respondent) 15-MAY-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
789 Spl.Cr.Bail 81/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUSTAFA SIKANDAR S/O MUHAMMAD SIKANDAR (Applicant) VS THE STATE & ANOTHER (Respondent) 10-NOV-23 No Alleged smuggling of Boostin Injections. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
790 Const. P. 1561/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 M/s Al-Saba Textile (Petitioner) VS Presiding Officer Foreign Exchange Regulation & Or (Respondent) 29-AUG-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
791 Const. P. 3405/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 Dr. Hazoora Shaikh (Petitioner) VS Learned XIth ADJ South & Ors (Respondent) 19-JUL-23 No No fraud proved in effecting service. Petition against dismissal of 12(2) CPC is dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi
792 Const. P. 3369/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Muhammad Waqas Qureshi (Petitioner) VS IXth ADJ and Others (Respondent) 30-AUG-23 No Deposit of partial decretal amount did not satisfy decree. Petition dismissed. Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Ahmed Ali M. Shaikh, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
793 Spl. Cr. A. 13/2002 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2002 Mohammad Siddique Pechuho (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) 30-JAN-24 Yes Officer of Customs can be charged for offence u/s 32(1) of the Customs Act. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
794 Spl.Cr.A.A 21/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2022 THE COLLECTOR OF CUSTOM, CUSTOM HOUSE KHI (Appellant) VS ABDULLAH WAHEED & ANOTHER (Respondent) 21-FEB-24 No Acquittal appeal dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
795 Const. P. 4586/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2023 M/s Plan B (Petitioner) VS Govt of Sindh & Others (Respondent) 25-SEP-23 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
796 Election Appeal 263/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 Muhammad Najeeb Haroon S/o Muhammad Maoon ur Rashid (Appellant) VS Provincial Election Commission Sindh and Another (Respondent) 25-MAR-24 No Appeal allowed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
797 Spl.Cr.Bail 32/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 RAB NAWAZ S/O ALLAH NAWAZ (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 08-APR-24 No Fiscal fraud. Section 32A of the Customs Act, 1969. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
798 Cr.Bail 1012/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Cr. Bail Application No. 1013 of 2023, 1014 of 2023 , 1015 of 2023, 1016 of 2023, 1017 of 2023, 1018 of 2023, 1019 of 2023 and 1020 of 2023 Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 USMAN MAQBOOL S/O MAQBOOL ALI (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 28-AUG-23 No Offence under sections 420 and 406 PPC. Pre-arrest bail denied. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
799 Cr.Bail 1936/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MUHAMMAD WAJAHAT YOUNUS S/O MUHAMMAD YOUNUS (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 11-OCT-23 No Offence under section 489-F PPC. Pre-arrest bail dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
800 Cr.Bail 1850/2023 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2023 MOHSIN ABDULLAH S/O MUHAMMAD ILYAS (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 20-SEP-23 No Offence under section 489-F PPC. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
801 Suit 1397/2008 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi; attached cases: Suit No. 800 of 2009 Original Side 2008 IQBAL & ORS. (Plaintiff) VS MST. AZIZA BAI (Defendant) 19-SEP-24 Yes Scope of Order XVI Rule 1 CPC for summoning a Defendant. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
802 Suit 971/2022 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2022 M/S INSAF & BROTHERS (Plaintiff) VS PROVINCE OF SINDH & OTHERS (Defendant) 13-MAY-24 Yes Rules 31, 32 SPPRA, 2010. Section 10 CPC. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
803 H.C.A 283/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Muhammad Habib (Appellant) VS Jawad ur Rehman Bari & Others (Respondent) 26-AUG-24 No Modification of interim order. No interference merited. Appeal dismissed. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
804 Const. P. 452/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2022 Muhammad Ali (Petitioner) VS Govt of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 13-NOV-24 No Matter referred to Cabinet for passing speaking order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
805 I. A 132/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Dileep Kumar (Appellant) VS Nanik Ram and Another (Respondent) 04-NOV-24 No Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho C.P.L.A.1111-K/2024 Dileep Kumar v. Nanik Ram and another Before Supreme Court of Pakistan Pending
806 H.C.A 290/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 Mian Pervez Akhtar (Appellant) VS The Federation of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) 29-AUG-24 No Rejection of suit against show-cause notice. Upheld. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
807 E.P 3/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Original Side 2024 FAUZIA SIDDIQUI (Petitioner) VS ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAK & OTHERS (Respondent) 04-DEC-24 No Failure to file the affidavit of service. Petition rejected. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
808 Const. P. 5897/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Writ Jurisdictions 2024 Kulsoom Aftab (Petitioner) VS Provincial Ombudsman (Sindh) & Others (Respondent) 21-NOV-24 No Remedy available before Governor under protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
809 H.C.A 181/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Civil Appellate Jurisdictions 2019 Abdul Rasheed Malano (Appellant) VS Muhammad Ishrat (Respondent) 22-NOV-24 Yes Nil.Section 5(3) of the Contempt of Court Ordinance, 2003 also states that ???In the case of a contempt having been committed, or alleged to have been committed, by a company, the responsibility thereof shall extend to the persons in the company, directly or indirectly, responsible for the same, who shall also be liable to be punished accordingly.??? Therefore, in our view, before the matter could be fixed for framing charge, there had to be some discussion as to which of the alleged contemnors was prima facie responsible. It is the case of some of the Appellants that they were posted to SITE for brief periods and could not be held responsible for acts committed before or after their posting, which aspect has not been considered in the impugned order. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho(Author)
810 Cr.Bail 936/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 ABDUL WAHID S/O MUHAMMAD YOUSUF & 02 ORS (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 21-AUG-24 No Section 6 CNS Act connotes conscious possession. Bail granted. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
811 Cr.Bail 1002/2024 (S.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi Criminal Appellate Jurisdictions 2024 MUNSIF KHAN S/O NARAS ALI (Applicant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) 02-SEP-24 Yes Bail on ground of statutory delay, not available under CNS Act. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)