Honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan

Honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan
Mr.Justice Yahya Afridi


Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice
Sindh High Court
Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar

Latest Case Law (Approved For Reporting)
1 . R.A (Civil Revision) 24/2024 (S.B.) Mst. Khawar Kifayat @ Khawar Saeed V/S Chaudhary Mohammad Faisal Latif Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur

2 . R.A (Civil Revision) 3/2007 (S.B.) Mst:Fatima Parveen and another V/S Muhammad Younis and other Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
The provisions of Articles 17 and 79 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order (QSO), 1984, concerning the competence and number of witnesses and the procedure for proving attested documents, are procedural in nature and possess retrospective effect. These provisions apply to cases where evidence was recorded after the QSO's enforcement, even if the transaction occurred prior to its promulgation.
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Matter:-Against Judgment

3 . R.A (Civil Revision) 174/2019 (S.B.) Bashir Ahmed and others V/S Rehmat Ali and others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur

4 . R.A (Civil Revision) 191/2023 (S.B.) Umaid Ali & Another. V/S P.O.Sindh & Others. Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2025 SHC HYD 17
Jurisdiction of civil Courts is barred in specified cases, excluding questions of title. Civil Courts retain jurisdiction over title disputes in partition matters. Agreement to sell does not confer title; it requires legal transfer of title. Agreement to sell must be produced and properly exhibited in evidence. Declining relief based on an unproduced and un-exhibited sale agreement is legally unsustainable.
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Matter:-Against Judgment

5 . Const. P. 512/2025 (D.B.) Zahid Hamid V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

6 . Const. P. 361/2025 (D.B.) Humanitas Education Systems (Pvt) Ltd V/S Province of Sindh & Another Sindh High Court, Karachi
Illegal commercial use, as school, of residential premises.
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7 . Suit 739/2024 (S.B.) SALMAN SAEED SIDDIQUI V/S SHEEBA AHMED KAPADIA Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order XVIII Rule 18)

Under what circumstances and categories of information can the Nazir inspect in 2025 in the case of a partnership that ended in 2021?
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Matter:-Commercial Cases/Suits as per Circular dated: 30-10-2013

8 . I. A 103/2018 (D.B.) Muhammad Anis V/S M/s. Pak Gulf Leasing Company Ltd. & others Sindh High Court, Karachi

9 . Const. P. 6167/2019 (D.B.) M/s Indus Motor Company Ltd V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

10 . Const. P. 546/2025 (D.B.) Sohail Hameed V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Constitution of Pakistan

Challenge to a Bill before it is passed by the Assembly; Held No. Petition premature; dismissed.
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11 . Const. P. 6739/2021 (D.B.) Qadeer Hussain and Others V/S Province of Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Doctrine of Unclean Hands
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13 . Execution 51/2019 (S.B.) MENA ENERGY DMCC V/S HASCOL PETROLEUM LIMITED Sindh High Court, Karachi

14 . Suit 1548/2006 (S.B.) NAJMUDDIN & ORS V/S MST. ZAITOON ALVI & ORS Sindh High Court, Karachi
Matter:-Land Dispute


16 . Const. P. 1/2018 (F.B.) Fecto Cement & Ors V/S Competition Appellat Tribunal & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
Cement manufacturers - Suspension of statutory hierarchy of adjudication proceedings pursuant to the Competition Act. Stay dismissed.
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17 . Const. P. 8444/2017 (D.B.) Attock Cement Ltd and Ors V/S Competitive Appellate Tribunal and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi

18 . Cr.Misc. 787/2024 (S.B.) Muhammad Anwar V/S S.P Complaint Cell Hyderabad & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2025 SHC HYD 12
Justice of the Peace u/s 22-A is not obliged to afford an opportunity of hearing to the accused party; nor obliged to necessarily or mechanically issue directions for registration of FIR; but is required to consider all relevant factors, with care and caution; to avoid machinery of criminal law from being misused; frivolous complaints must be discouraged; relationship, enmity, transactions, litigation and other remedies, are some of the relevant factors.
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Matter:-561-A Cr.P.C

19 . Cr.Bail 35/2025 (S.B.) Ghulam Hussain V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2025 SHC HYD 13
In cases of recovery of narcotics in large quantities, special caution is required; narcotics is a serious crime against the society; it brings bad reputation to the country globally; liberal exercise of discretion while considering bail in such cases has been discouraged; except where the Court is satisfied that the charge against the accused appears to be groundless; section 25 of CNS Act specifically excludes applicability of section 103, Cr.P.C.
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Matter:-Bail After Arrest

20 . Suit 358/2020 (S.B.) Altaf Nazim V/S Riaz Hussain Sindh High Court, Karachi

21 . II.A. 317/2024 (S.B.) Dr. Munir Ahmed Sharer Thr. Attorney Azhar Muneer V/S Muhammad Asad Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Arbitration Law (Arbitration Act 1940 - Award)

What will be the fate of an Arbitral Award where the award creditor has not paid the Court Fee?
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22 . Suit 64/2024 (S.B.) SPIRIT BUSINESS ENTERPRISES V/S INAM AKBAR Sindh High Court, Karachi

23 . Cr.Bail 1359/2024 (S.B.) Muhammad Nadeem V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
Matter:-Bail After Arrest

24 . Const. P. 5958/2023 (D.B.) Shakar ud Din V/S M/s Twin Badar and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
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25 . Suit 1523/2019 (S.B.) Nasreen Basit Rahman V/S Shakeel ahmed & others. Sindh High Court, Karachi
Matter:-Suit for Specific Performance

26 . H.C.A 333/2024 (D.B.) Shamim Ahmed Siddiqui V/S Karachi Metropolitan Corporation and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

27 . Suit 154/2018 (S.B.) Muhammad Yousuf Naz V/S Ms. Neelam & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Limitation for suit for specific performance. Suit time-barred. Plaint rejected.
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Armaghan Case
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29 . Cr.Bail 2622/2024 (S.B.) ARYAN AFRIDI S/O YAQOOB KHAN V/S THE STATE Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: CNS Act, 1997 (Post Arrest Bail U/S 6/9 C)

In what cases does the saying "A case to err in granting bail is better than a case to err in declining bail" not hold true?
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30 . R.A (Civil Revision) 40/2021 (S.B.) Muhammad Amin thr: L.Rs V/S Abdul Rahim & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
The cases discusses the rejection of plaint under Resjudicata, (Section 11 CPC) emphasizing the impact of a pending application under Section 12(2) CPC on decree finality. It advocates using Section 10 to stay subsequent suits until the pending application is resolved, ensuring judicial consistency. It also addresses the limitation period under Article 91 and 120 of the Limitation Act, focusing on when plaintiff to seek cancellation. The importance of deciding application under Order VII Rule 11 CPC based solely on plaint averments in highlighted, excluding extrinsic material at this stage.
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Matter:-Against Judgment

31 . Const. P. 5661/2024 (D.B.) Sindh Club V/S Syed Muhammad Taqi Naqvi and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi


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32 . Cr.Bail 67/2025 (S.B.) Shahzaib & another V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
Matter:-Bail After Arrest

33 . Cr.Tran 102/2024 (S.B.) Nazeer Ahmed Mastoi V/S The State & Another Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur

34 . M.A. 11/2024 (S.B.) Unitied Bank Limted V/S Dr. Farooque Adil Abbasi & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
Jurisdiction of consumer protection court in ATM card service disputes and appropriate compensation for delays.
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Matter:-Against Order

35 . Suit 963/2018 (S.B.) M/s. Ruknuddin (Pvt.) Ltd V/S Province of Sindh & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Suit not maintainable against acquisition proceedings under Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
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36 . Const. P. 3463/2017 (D.B.) Karam Ali V/S Province Of Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
Refusal to issue appointment orders due to criminal cases against petitioners. Section 15 of the Sindh Civil Servants act, 1973: appointment criteria and moral turpitude. Impact of acquittal on eligibility for civil service appointment. Malicious implication and false accusations not ground for disqualification. Acquittal nullifies prior guilt and fortifies petitioners' eligibility for appointment. No juridical impediment to appointment following acquittal. Equivalence of acquittals under compromise and criminal procedure code, and the role of "badal-i-sulh" in restorative justice. Distinction between probationary release and acquittal. Probationary release as a legally recognized conviction.
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37 . Suit -200/2025 (S.B.) M/S BRANDS UNLIMITED (PVT.) LIMITED V/S FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN & OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
Sales tax pre-suspension notice. Stay declined.
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38 . Criminal Miscelleneous 633/2024 (S.B.) Khair Muhammad Korejo V/S The State & others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur

39 . Cr.Bail 1354/2024 (S.B.) Muhammad Hayat V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
Matter:-Bail After Arrest

40 . Const. P. 466/2025 (D.B.) Humayu Sultan V/S Pakistan & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Custom Act, 1969

2025 SHC KHI 5
Suspension of licence of customs agent; Held: Not justified without notice and assigning of reasons; Rule 102(4) of the 2001 Rules interpreted
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41 . R.A (Civil Revision) 46/2014 (S.B.) ZAFAR IQBAL V/S MST. QAISER JEHAN & OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
Inverse bona fide purchaser.
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42 . Const. P. 410/2025 (D.B.) Anwer Zaib V/S M/s Rasheed Fabrics Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: CONSTITUTION OF PAKISTAN, 1973, Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984

The Article 162 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984
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43 . H.C.A 289/2024 (D.B.) Perwaiz Ahmed Shaikh and Others V/S Muhammad Tahir and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Intellectual Propoerty Organization of Pakistan Act 2012 (Sec.18 and TMO, 2021, S.80(4) - High Court Jurisdiction)

In a J. Misc. filed in High Court under Section 84(3) and 14(4) read with Section 116 of the Trademark Ordinance, 2001, which was instituted prior to the Trade Marks (Amendment) Act, 2023, enacted on 16.08.2023, which forum should hear the lis: the High Court or under Section 18 of IPOP, 2012, the IP Tribunal, alone?
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44 . E.P 59/2024 (S.B.) SIRBULAND KHAN V/S THE RETURNING OFFICER PS-112 AND OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
Scope of service under section 143(3) of the Election 2017. Tribunal has jurisdiction to examine order of recount passed by ECP.
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45 . Suit 2442/2015 (S.B.) M/s. ICI Pakistan Limited. (ISSUES) V/S M/s. Al-Abid Silk Mills Limited. Sindh High Court, Karachi
Matter:-Commercial Cases/Suits as per Circular dated: 30-10-2013

46 . R.A (Civil Revision) 55/2024 (S.B.) Trooh Khan V/S Abdul Rasheed & Others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur

47 . Cr.Bail 1347/2024 (S.B.) Balach Khan V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
Matter:-Bail After Arrest

48 . Suit 197/2019 (S.B.) Ghulam Yaseen & others. V/S Hussainullah & others. Sindh High Court, Karachi

49 . Const. P. 288/2024 (D.B.) Engro Fertilizers Limited through Asad Shakil Khan V/S Full Bench of NIRC & others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
Touching on the second issue of non-service of grievance notice. Under Section 33 of the Industrial Relations Ac1,2012 (lRA 2012), ifa grievance notice is not served, the grievance petition can be dismissed. This is because service of the grievance notice is a mandatory requirement and a precondition for filing a grievance petition. The law requires that a grievance notice be served on the employer before filing a grievance petition. This allows the employer to respond to the grievance and attempt to resolve it amicably. If the employer fails to respond or resolve the grievance, the employee can then file a grievance petition with the National Industrial Relations Commission CNIRC) if the organization is transprovincial. If the employee fails to serve a grievance notice, the NIRC may dismiss the grievance petition. This is because the employer has not had an opportunity to respond to the grievance and attempt to resolve it. In some cases, the NIRC may allow the employee to amend the grievance petilion to include the grievance notice. However, this is usually only done if the employee can show that they had a good reason for not serving the grievance notice. In the present case, the parties were allowed to lead evidence and the petitioner company responded to the allegations as such they were well aware of the allegations and led the evidence as such this point is ofno use to be looked into in constitutional jurisdiction at this stage.
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50 . Suit -180/2025 (S.B.) MCB Islamic Bank Limited V/S Sindh Employees Sindh High Court, Karachi
Remedy available under SESSI Act, 2016. Stay declined.
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51 . Suit 156/2025 (S.B.) MCB Bank Limited V/S Sindh Employees Sindh High Court, Karachi
Remedy available under SESSI Act, 2016. Stay declined.
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52 . Criminal Appeal 717/2024 (D.B.) DANISH S/O ZAHEERUDDIN V/S THE STATE Sindh High Court, Karachi

53 . H.C.A 336/2024 (D.B.) Federation of Pakistan & Another V/S Premium Textile Mills Ltd & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: OGRA Ordinance 2002 (Sec.8 - Notification - Mustafa Impex)

2025 SHC KHI 4
What are the exceptional situations when the principles of Mustafa Impex disapply - Discussed in the context of OGRA Ordinance, 2002
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54 . Judicial Companies Misc. 18/2024 (S.B.) OPAL LABORATORIES & Another V/S Nil Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Companies Act, 2017

Merger approved.
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55 . Const. P. 3670/2023 (D.B.) Rehan Pervez V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
First and foremost, we would address the issue of maintainability of the instant Petition under Article 199 of the Constitution based on the doctrine of laches as this petition was filed in 2016, whereas the alleged cause of action accrued to the petitioner in 1992. The petitioner asserts that he pursued his legal remedy just after involvement in the FIR lodged by FIA and in the intervening period the respondent dismissed him from service where after he preferred petition No. 2137 of 1992 before this court which was misplaced by the office of this court and an inquiry was conducted by the office, however, the fate of the inquiry could not be brought on record. In the meanwhile he was acquitted of the charges by the trial court vide judgment dated 15.08.2014 as he was accused of criminal breach of trust w.e.f. 31.03.1990 to 29.05.1990 and on similar charges, he was dismissed from the service finally the respondents were bothered to decide the departmental appeal in the year 2016, and then he approached this court immediately, therefore the question of laches did not arise.
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56 . Const. P. 3670/2023 (D.B.) Rehan Pervez V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
It is well settled now that unexcused absence from duty is misconduct. This court cannot offer relief simply because the absence was brief or otherwise. Interpreting absence from duty as potentially extending to a certain period, improperly rewrites the law on the subject issue, effectively changing the threshold for misconduct. This is an incorrect interpretation. 13. The Supreme Court has held that as soon as the act of misconduct is established and the employee is found guilty after due process of law, it is the prerogative of the employer to decide the quantum of punishment, out of the various penalties provided in law. The casual or unpremeditated observation that the penalty imposed is not proportionate with the seriousness of the act of misconduct is not adequate but the order must show that the competent authority has applied its mind and exercised the discretion in a structured and lawful manner.
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57 . Cr.Acq.A. 606/2019 (D.B.) OBAID MUHAMMAD KHAN NIAZI S/O ABDUL SATTAR V/S MUHAMMAD IQBAL & ORS Sindh High Court, Karachi

58 . Spl.Anti.Ter.A. 82/2024 (D.B.) KHALIL KHAN S/O HABIBULLAH & ANOTHER V/S THE STATE Sindh High Court, Karachi

59 . Suit 230/2019 (S.B.) Raees Didar Hussain Rind V/S Hashmat Ali & others. Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC


60 . Const. P. 6193/2016 (D.B.) Syed Musawar Shah V/S M.D CSD and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
First and foremost, we would address the issue of maintainability of the instant Petition under Article 199 of the Constitution based on the doctrine of laches as this petition was filed in 2016, whereas the alleged cause of action accrued to the petitioner in 1992. The petitioner asserts that he pursued his legal remedy just after involvement in the FIR lodged by FIA and in the intervening period the respondent dismissed him from service where after he preferred petition No. 2137 of 1992 before this court which was misplaced by the office of this court and an inquiry was conducted by the office, however, the fate of the inquiry could not be brought on record. In the meanwhile he was acquitted of the charges by the trial court vide judgment dated 15.08.2014 as he was accused of criminal breach of trust w.e.f. 31.03.1990 to 29.05.1990 and on similar charges, he was dismissed from the service finally the respondents were bothered to decide the departmental appeal in the year 2016, and then he approached this court immediately, therefore the question of laches did not arise.
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61 . Suit 1406/2024 (S.B.) WSKB & Company V/S Province of Sindh & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Public Procurement - In absence of material violation of law on public procurement, Court will not interfere in public projects.
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Matter:-Commercial Cases/Suits as per Circular dated: 30-10-2013

62 . Const. P. 4117/2019 (D.B.) Dr. Muhammad Ali Abbasi V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
So far as the stance of the respondent that the claim of annual increases is a policy decision of the provincial government and the KMC has no objection if the provincial releases funds for annual increase annual increases @ Rs. 15% and 10 % for the year 2019-20 and 2020-2021. 9. KMC claims to be an autonomous body and has not adopted the increases, so the petitioner's claim is invalid. The petitioner counters that increases have been paid (per bank statements), and the KMC is obligated to continue them. 10. Without touching the merits of the case of the issue of annual increases in the pensionary emoluments of the petitioner, in terms of policy decision of the provincial government, such annual increase, if permissible in the case of employees of KMC, requires further assessment to be made by the court of plenary jurisdiction. KMC's reluctance due to funding issues and lack of adoption of provincial increases, creates a factual dispute that cannot be resolved in writ jurisdiction, requiring the petitioner to pursue other legal avenues.
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63 . Const. P. 2925/2013 (D.B.) M.Israr Khan V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
In view of the foregoing legal position of the case, the petitioner is entitled to claim the service dues of the intervening period from 19.02.2007 to 13.04.2011 when he remained out of service till his reinstatement. On the aforesaid proposition, we are fortified by the decisions of the Supreme Court in the cases of Nafees Ahmad V/S Government of Pakistan and others, 2000 SCMR 1864, Ch. Muhammad Azim V/S The Chief Engineer, Irrigation and others, 1991 SCMR 255, and Chairman, Central Board of Revenue and others V/S Nawab Khan and others, 2010 SCMR 1399.
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64 . Const. P. 8499/2017 (D.B.) Haris Hamid V/S Port Qasim Authority and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
It is well settled that disciplinary proceedings fall within the ambit of expression terms and condition of service of a civil servant, therefore, the jurisdiction of all other courts is barred by the provision of Sindh Service Tribunals Act, 1973 read with Article 212(2) of the Constitution. On the aforesaid proposition, we are fortified with the decision rendered by the Supreme Court in the case of Ali Azhar Khan Baloch vs. the Province of Sindh [2015 SCMR 456]. The Supreme Court in paragraphs 146 to 150 has decided the issue in hand no need for further deliberation on our part.
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65 . Const. P. 296/2025 (D.B.) Ahmed Raza V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Generally, civil servants have limited avenues to challenge transfers. The appropriate forum for challenging a transfer order is the Service Tribunal. This is because transfer orders are typically considered within the administrative discretion of the employer. However, there may be exceptions in cases where the transfer is motivated by malice, personal vendetta, or discrimination against the employee, they may have grounds to challenge before the appropriate forum.
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66 . Const. P. 4561/2024 (D.B.) Tasneem Enterprises Pvt Ltd V/S National Tarrif Commission and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Anti-Dumping Act, 2015 (Section 70(1)(i) - appeal - specified conditions only)

Can a Constitutional High Court come to the petitioner's rescue to restrain an inquiry (like suspending an initial investigation) when the frame of the statute does not enable it? If the answer is in the affirmative, then under what situation(s)/scenario(s)?
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67 . Const. P. 339/2025 (D.B.) Munawar Ali V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
It is well settled that disciplinary proceedings fall within the ambit of expression terms and conditions of service of a civil servant, therefore, the jurisdiction of all other courts is barred by the provision of Sindh Service Tribunals Act, 1973 read with Article 212(2) of the Constitution. On the aforesaid proposition, we are fortified with the decision rendered by the Supreme Court in the case of Ali Azhar Khan Baloch vs. the Province of Sindh [2015 SCMR 456]. The Supreme Court in paragraphs 146 to 150 has decided the issue in hand no need for further deliberation on our part.
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68 . Const. P. 273/2024 (D.B.) Zulfiqar Ali Roshan & Others V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
On the legal aspect, the petitioners either (a) availed the demarcation remedy but prematurely approached this Court without awaiting its outcome, or (b) failed to avail of the remedy provided in the Land Revenue Act and Rules. If the Mukhtiarkar refuses the application, the petitioners must first pursue remedies such as appeal, revision, or review. Article 199 of the Constitution allows High Court intervention only when "no other adequate remedy is provided by law." It is well-settled that an aggrieved person must exhaust available remedies before invoking High Court jurisdiction, regardless of whether those remedies suit them. The doctrine of exhaustion of remedies prevents unnecessary High Court litigation.
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69 . Const. P. 273/2024 (D.B.) Zulfiqar Ali Roshan & Others V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
On the legal aspect, the petitioners either (a) availed the demarcation remedy but prematurely approached this Court without awaiting its outcome, or (b) failed to avail of the remedy provided in the Land Revenue Act and Rules. If the Mukhtiarkar refuses the application, the petitioners must first pursue remedies such as appeal, revision, or review. Article 199 of the Constitution allows High Court intervention only when "no other adequate remedy is provided by law." It is well-settled that an aggrieved person must exhaust available remedies before invoking High Court jurisdiction, regardless of whether those remedies suit them. The doctrine of exhaustion of remedies prevents unnecessary High Court litigation.
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70 . Const. P. 1015/2021 (D.B.) Muhammad Saleem Jehangir V/S Province of Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
It is also important to note that neither seniority nor promotion is the vested right of a civil servant, therefore, neither any seniority nor any promotion could be claimed or granted without the actual length of service on account of vested rights. The purpose of prescribing a particular length of service for becoming entitled to be considered for promotion to a higher grade, of course, is not without logic as the officer who is initially inducted to a particular post needs to serve on the said post to gain experience to hold the next higher post and to serve the public in a befitting manner. It is also important to note that granting of seniority to a civil servant without the actual length of service virtually violates the entire service structure as a civil servant inducted in Grade 17 by claiming such benefit without any experience be directly posted in any higher grade, which is neither the intention of the law nor of the equity.
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71 . Const. P. 257/2025 (D.B.) Zulfiqar Ali Kariro V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
It is well settled that disciplinary proceedings fall within the ambit of expression terms and condition of service of a civil servant, therefore, the jurisdiction of all other courts is barred by the provision of Sindh Service Tribunals Act, 1973 read with Article 212(2) of the Constitution. On the aforesaid proposition, we are fortified with the decision rendered by the Supreme Court in the case of Ali Azhar Khan Baloch vs. the Province of Sindh [2015 SCMR 456]. The Supreme Court in paragraphs 146 to 150 has decided the issue in hand no need for further deliberation on our part.
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72 . Const. P. 4965/2023 (D.B.) Saleem Khan V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
It is well-settled that while considering the case of regular promotion of civil servants, the competent authority has to consider the merit of all the eligible candidates and after due deliberations, to grant promotion to such eligible candidates who are found to be most meritorious amongst them. Since the petitioner was held to be senior to his colleagues who were promoted in BS-19, the petitioner was ignored by the respondent department just to extend favor to the blue-eyed candidate based on OPS, which is apathy on the part of the respondent department. 14. In the light of the position explained above, it is concluded that a civil servant has a fundamental right to be promoted even after his retirement by awarding proforma promotion; provided, his right of promotion accrued during his service but could not be considered for no fault of his own and meanwhile he retired on attaining the age of superannuation without any shortcoming on his part about deficiency in the length of service or in the form of inquiry and departmental action was so taken against his right of promotion.
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73 . Const. P. 256/2025 (D.B.) Hafeezullah V/S Govt of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
It is well-settled that the civil servants must first pursue internal appeals within 90 days. If the appeal is not decided within that timeframe, he/she can then approach the service tribunal to challenge the original order. Once they do so, the Tribunal must decide the appeal on merits and cannot merely direct the department to decide it, as the 90 days for the department to act has already expired. On the aforesaid proposition, we are guided by the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Dr. Sayyid A.S. Pirzada v. The Chief Secretary, Services and Administration Department, etc (2023 SCMR 1087). 7. In view of the above facts and circumstances of the case, petitioner can approach the Sindh Service Tribunal against the impugned order dated 05.1.2024 and it is for the learned Sindh Service Tribunal to take decision in terms of law laid down by the Supreme Court in the case of Dr. Sayyid A.S. Pirzada (supra). 8. This petition stands disposed of in the above terms alongwith listed applications.
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74 . Const. P. 642/2023 (D.B.) Fatima Noor V/S Dow University of Health Science and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Coming to the main case, it is also a well-established proposition of law that when an inquiry is conducted on charges of misconduct by a public servant, the Court is concerned with determining whether the inquiry was held by a competent officer or whether rules of natural justice are complied with. Whether the findings or conclusions are based on some evidence, the authority entrusted with the power to hold inquiry has jurisdiction, power, and authority to reach a finding of fact or conclusion. But that finding must be based on some evidence. Neither the technical rules nor proof of a fact or evidence in the Stricto-Sensu, apply to disciplinary proceedings. When the authority accepts that evidence and conclusion receive support therefrom, the disciplinary authority is entitled to hold that the delinquent officer is guilty of the charge, however, that is subject to the procedure provided under the relevant rules and not otherwise, for the reason that the Court in its power of judicial review does not act as appellate authority to re-appreciate the evidence and to arrive at its independent findings on the evidence. This Court may interfere where the authority held the proceedings against the delinquent officer in a manner inconsistent with the rules of natural justice or in violation of statutory rules prescribing the mode of inquiry or where the conclusion or finding reached by the disciplinary authority is based on no evidence. If the conclusion or finding is such as no reasonable person would have ever reached, the Court may interfere with the conclusion or the finding and mold the relief to make it appropriate to the facts of each case. In service jurisprudence, the disciplinary authority is the sole judge of facts. Where the appeal is presented, the appellate authority has coextensive power to re-appreciate the evidence or the nature of punishment. On the aforesaid proposition, we are fortified by the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Ghulam Murtaza Shaikh v. Chief Minister Sindh (2024 SCMR 1757).
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75 . H.C.A 97/2020 (D.B.) Mian Ahmed Akbar & others V/S M/s. Al-Dahra Agriculture Co. Pak (Pvt) Ltd. & ors Sindh High Court, Karachi 2025 SHC KHI 2
Test of section 34 Arbitration Act, 1940. Appeal against stay dismissed.
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76 . Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 562/2024 (D.B.) The Collector of Customs (West), Karachi V/S M/s. Seminar (Pvt) Ltd., Sialkot Sindh High Court, Karachi
Invoice retrieved from consignment; assessment on such higher invoice; held YES; Section 25A(2) of the Customs Act, 1969
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77 . Const. P. 5747/2024 (D.B.) Bashir Ahmed Khan and Another V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
The police force is crucial for law enforcement. Effective training and capacity building are essential for its success. The institution should prioritize enhancing capabilities, productivity, and public awareness. Constant litigation hinders progress. A culture of strict adherence to internal rules is necessary for smooth governance and administration. 12. Rule 19.25 mandates that Inspectors, SIs, and ASIs complete courses (A, B, C, and D) for promotion. This training is crucial for capacity building and ensuring officers possess the necessary skills and knowledge for their higher roles. Senior police officers must possess the skills and competencies befitting their rank. Continuous professional development is crucial for all officers. Promotions should prioritize training and capacity building, rather than focusing on seniority.
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78 . Const. P. 5748/2024 (D.B.) Faisal Saleem and Others V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
The police force is crucial for law enforcement. Effective training and capacity building are essential for its success. The institution should prioritize enhancing capabilities, productivity, and public awareness. Constant litigation hinders progress. A culture of strict adherence to internal rules is necessary for smooth governance and administration. 12. Rule 19.25 mandates that Inspectors, SIs, and ASIs complete courses (A, B, C, and D) for promotion. This training is crucial for capacity building and ensuring officers possess the necessary skills and knowledge for their higher roles. Senior police officers must possess the skills and competencies befitting their rank. Continuous professional development is crucial for all officers. Promotions should prioritize training and capacity building, rather than focusing on seniority.
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79 . H.C.A 203/2016 (D.B.) Saleh Muhammad V/S Faqir Muhammad & others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Appeal

At times it is convenient for a Judge to dismiss the suit for non-prosecution, however, a Judge is under the obligation to make an attempt to dispose of a case on merit and more importantly when after recording of evidence it has reached to a stage of final arguments, endeavors should be made for merit disposal when it has reached such stage.
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80 . Const. P. 3257/2010 (D.B.) Hafiz Muhammad Tariq V/S Fed.of Pakistan and others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Progressing further on the subject issue, we have noticed that the (Amendment) Act, 2016, and the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Shafique Ahmed Khan and others supra came on 21st January 2016, which clarified the status of NCAES Rules, 2011 of National Command Authority. Therefore, there is no further discussion on the aforesaid proposition required on our part. It is well settled that the Government and control organization fall within the ambit of "person" within the meaning of Article 199(1)(a)(ii) read with Article 199 (5) of the Constitution and if their actions or orders are violative of the statute creating those bodies or of rules/regulations framed under a statute, the same could be interfered with by the High Court under Article 199 of the Constitution. It is also well settled that when the service issues of the employees of such organizations/authorities are non-statutory then its enforcement has been restricted by the Supreme Court in the case of Pakistan Electric Power Company v Syed Salahuddin (2022 SCMR 991).
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81 . H.C.A 370/2022 (D.B.) Shaikh Khalid Safdar and Another V/S Ali Hassan & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: LIMITATION (Limitation Act 1908)

The requirements of Article 91 of the Limitation Act
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82 . Const. P. 1832/2019 (D.B.) Muhammad Fakhar ul Hasnain V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
It is well established now that the provision for proforma promotion is not alien or unfamiliar to the civil servant service structure but it is already embedded in Fundamental Rule 17, wherein it is lucidly enumerated that the appointing authority may if satisfied that a civil servant who was entitled to be promoted from a particular date was, for no fault of his own, wrongfully prevented from rendering service to the Federation/ province in the higher post, direct that such civil servant shall be paid the arrears of pay and allowances of such higher post through proforma promotion or upgradation arising from the antedated fixation of his/her seniority.
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83 . Const. P. 5888/2015 (D.B.) Abdul Basit Khan V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
Hence, in our view, the decision taken by the Cantonment Executive Officer Clifton Cantonment to impose the major penalty of compulsory retirement upon the petitioner is violative of the principles of natural justice and law on the subject issue, so as the length of service of the petitioner is concerned, which is not sustainable under the law. On the aforesaid proposition, the decision rendered by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case of Jan Muhammad v. General Manager, Karachi Telecommunication Region and another, 1993 SCMR 1440, is clear in its terms. 15. Foregoing the reasons, this petition is disposed of with a direction to the Cantonment Executive Officer Clifton Cantonment to take a fresh decision by hearing the petitioner within two months.
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84 . Const. P. 6280/2024 (D.B.) M/s Fazlee Sons (Pvt) Ltd V/S Fed. of Pakistan & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Income Tax Ordinance, 2001

2025 SHC KHI 1
Exemption from audit under Clause 105A of part-4 of 2nd Schedule. Preceding 4 tax years interpreted. It is not from the date of finalisation of audit but from the tax year involved.
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85 . Suit 878/2020 (S.B.) Mst. Bushra Hamid & others V/S Mst. Farzana Nizam & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Benami Transactions status as a resulting trust under Section 102 of the Sindh Trusts Act, 2020 and whether a claim can be maintained by legal heirs of a person who is contended to be the real owner of a property but who didn't claim the property to being held benami in his lifetime in terms of Article 120 of the Limitation Act,1908 and Section 42 of the Specific Relief Act, 1877
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Matter:-Land Dispute

86 . Suit 2121/2019 (S.B.) Mst. Sanobar Rizwan V/S Naseera Begum Sindh High Court, Karachi
Status of an email as Primary Evidence of Secondary Evidence under Article 73 and Article 74 of the Qanun e Shahdat Order, 1984 read with the Electronic Transactions Odinance 2002
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Matter:-Land Dispute

87 . H.C.A 264/2021 (D.B.) Mahle Engine Components Japan Co. V/S Azam Autos & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Intellectual Propoerty Organization of Pakistan Act 2012 (Rejection of Plaint or transfer to IP tribunal or Continuing hearing by High Court)

What are the criteria for Suits and/or J. Misc. Applications instituted under the Trade Marks Ordinance in the first instance Jurisdiction of the High Court to be either transferred and/or the plaint returned or rejected following the coming into force of the IPOP 2012 - key date 29.12.2015
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88 . Const. P. 3568/2024 (D.B.) Yawar Abbas V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
On the subject proposition, primarily, the disciplinary proceedings and criminal proceedings are altogether different and independent of each other and cannot be termed synonymous and interchangeable. The departmental inquiries for misconduct use a lower standard of proof ('balance of probabilities') compared to criminal trials ('proof beyond reasonable doubt'). The forums for adjudication, principles of evidence, and procedure are also separate and distinct. The decision of one forum cannot have a bearing on the decision of the other forum. On the aforesaid proposition, we are guided by the decision of the Supreme Court in the cases of Dr. Sohail Hassan Khan v. Director General (Research), Livestock and Dairy Development Department, Punjab, Lahore and others (2020 SCMR 1708), (2021 SCMR 420), The District Police Officer, Mianwali and others v. Amir Abdul Majid, Province of Punjab v. Khadim Hussain Abbasi (2021 SCMR 1419) and Usman Ghani v. The Chief Post Master, GPO Karachi, and others (2022 SCMR 745). The respondent department's reliance on clause 27.1 (2) (i) of Estacode 2021 to defer proceedings against the petitioner is incorrect based on Supreme Court rulings.
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89 . Const. P. 1503/2024 (D.B.) Naveed Iqbal & Others V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Sindh Civil Servants, are governed by the Sindh Service Tribunal Act, 1973, generally cannot file Constitutional Petitions (Article 199) for service matters, including termination. This is because the Sindh Service Tribunal has exclusive jurisdiction over service matters, as per Section 3(2) of the Act and Article 212 of the Constitution. The Supreme Court in Azhar Ali Khan Baluch v. Province of Sindh (2015 SCMR 456) held that "Terms and Conditions of Service" fall under the Service Tribunal's jurisdiction. Civil Servants have a remedy before the Sindh Service Tribunal against Dismissal and Appellate Orders.
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90 . Const. P. 2228/2023 (D.B.) Mst. Shaiza Said Khan V/S Military Estate Officer and Another Sindh High Court, Karachi
This court concluded that the complex factual issues, including the subject issues as agitated by the petitioner to declare the subject notices as illegal, should be resolved in a civil/revisional court, where the lis is stated to be pending. Therefore, this petition is found to be not maintainable and is dismissed along with the pending application(s), and the petitioners may seek remedies through the civil court process as discussed supra.
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91 . Const. P. 3980/2023 (D.B.) Muhammad Adam Soomro V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
It appears from the record that this Court has previously issued orders on multiple dates in 2023 and 2024, directing action against forestland encroachers. These orders align with a Supreme Court judgment. Law enforcement agencies must assist the Forest Department in enforcing this court's orders. However, this Court does not endorse the Forest Department's authority to rent out shops to private individuals, as they have failed to clarify the stance backed by law. 12. Foregoing the reasons, this petition is disposed of in terms of orders dated 12.03.2024, 27.05.2024, 21.08.2024, 04.09.2024, 25.09.2024, and 09.10.2024, passed by this court, which must be complied with by the officials respondents without fail. Let a copy of this order be communicated to Chief Secretary Sindh, the Secretary Forest Department, and all concerned to ensure compliance.
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92 . Cr.Bail 2690/2024 (S.B.) NOOR AGHA S/O GUL MUHAMMAD V/S THE STATE Sindh High Court, Karachi
Statutory ground of delay. Assessment of hardened, desperate or dangerous criminal. Bail denied.
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93 . Const. P. 469/2022 (D.B.) Zain Ahmed V/S The I.G of Police and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
In the instant case, the guidelines as set forth would not apply, as the criminal Court has not convicted the petitioner, rather he has been acquitted of the criminal charges based on evidence and it is well-settled law that once the civil servant is acquitted in the criminal case, then on this very charge he cannot be awarded in any punishment by the department and held him disqualified for the post because acquittal for all future purposes. The aforesaid proposition has been set at naught by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case of the District Police Officer Mainwali and 2 others v. Amir Abdul Majid, 2021 SCMR 420. 12. There is no denial from the fact that in Government service it is expected that the persons having their character above board, free from any moral stigma, are to be inducted. Verification of character and antecedents is a condition precedent for appointment to a Government service. The candidates must have good character and provide two recent character certificates from unrelated individuals. What is discernible from the above is that the only impediment to being appointed to a Government service is the conviction on an offense involving moral turpitude but involvement, which does not culminate into a proof by conviction, cannot be a way out or guise to do away with the candidature of the petitioner.
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94 . Const. P. 6025/2024 (D.B.) Dr. Pritam Das V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
So far as the stance of the respondents that pensionary benefits could be withheld on account of the allegations leveled against the petitioner, in our view, section 20 of the Sindh Civil Servants Act of 1973 deals with the pension and gratuity that civil servants are entitled to. However, the act does provide for certain circumstances under which a civil servant's pension may be withheld or reduced. These include if a civil servant is found guilty of misconduct or negligence during their service, their pension may be withheld or reduced. If a civil servant is convicted of a serious crime, their pension may be withheld or reduced. In some cases, a civil servant's pension may be withheld or reduced if he/she fails to comply with certain conditions set by the government. In other circumstances as discussed supra pensionary benefits cannot be stopped on account of criminal charges after the retirement of two years; and, is violative of the law laid down by the Supreme Court in the case of Haji Muhammad Ismail Memon, PLD 2007 SC 35. Thus, the competent authority of the parent department of the petitioner and the Chief Secretary, Sindh, are liable to release the pensionary amount of the petitioner and pay the pension amount and other ancillary benefits to the petitioner to which he is entitled under the law within two months from the date of receipt of this order. The competent authority of the respondent is also directed to recalculate the pensionary benefits of the petitioner and increases accrued thereon the withheld pensionary benefits with effect from stopping to date.
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95 . Const. P. 6390/2024 (D.B.) Syeda Farhat V/S Province of Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
This court concluded that the complex factual issues, including the subject issues as agitated by the petitioner to declare the subject notices as illegal, should be resolved in a civil/revisional court, where the lis is stated to be pending. Therefore, this petition is found to be not maintainable and is dismissed along with the pending application(s), and the petitioners may seek remedies through the civil court process as discussed supra.
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96 . Const. P. 6085/2024 (D.B.) Zubair Ahmed V/S Govt. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
To elaborate further on the subject point of law, Article 25 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, guarantees equal treatment to all persons similarly placed. In terms of Article 27 of the Constitution, no citizen in the service of Pakistan or other persons shall be discriminated against in any manner. Article 27 of the Constitution does not only safeguard against discrimination at the time of appointment of service but after the appointment as well. The disparity in the pay scale allowances of Stenographers in the District Judiciary is in the clear negation of the law laid down by the Supreme Court in its various pronouncements.
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97 . Const. P. 469/2022 (D.B.) Zain Ahmed V/S The I.G of Police and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
To elaborate further on the subject point of law, Article 25 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, guarantees equal treatment to all persons similarly placed. In terms of Article 27 of the Constitution, no citizen in the service of Pakistan or other persons shall be discriminated against in any manner. Article 27 of the Constitution does not only safeguard against discrimination at the time of appointment of service but after the appointment as well. The disparity in the pay scale allowances of Stenographers in the District Judiciary is in the clear negation of the law laid down by the Supreme Court in its various pronouncements. 11. In the light of the above facts and circumstances of the case, and in addition to the jurisdiction conferred upon this Court under Article 199 (1)(c) of the Constitution 1973, we deem it appropriate to direct the competent authority of respondents, to take a fresh decision after providing meaningful hearing to the petitioner, within three months, without discrimination.
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98 . J.M -1494/2024 (S.B.) M/s. Dr. Mubin Akhtar Hospital & another V/S Syed Muhammad Salahuddin & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
Applications under sections 73 and 80 of Trade Marks Ordinance, 2001 returned when no proceedings concerning trademark were pending in High Court.
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99 . Const. P. 1639/2019 (D.B.) Tariq Kaleem V/S Institute of Charted Accountant & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
13. While the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) does not have explicitly named "statutory rules of service," it operates under a framework of regulations: Chartered Accountants Ordinance, 1961. This is the primary legislation governing ICAP's existence and functions. ICAP Bye-Laws. These bylaws provide the internal rules and procedures for ICAP's operations, including membership, examinations, and disciplinary matters. ICAP has internal policies and procedures that govern employment matters, including recruitment, performance management, and employee conduct. The ICAP Staff Service Rules, 2011 were framed by the respondent/Institute, these rules may not have the operates within a clear legal and regulatory framework of the respondent/Institute. 14. In view of what has been discussed above, without touching the merits of the case, the preliminary objection regarding the maintainability of the petition is sustained and the petition is held to be not maintainable in terms of Article 199 of the Constitution for the reason that non???statutory rules of service cannot be enforced through writ of mandamus in terms of ratio of the judgment passed by the Supreme Court in the case of Pakistan Electric Power Company supra.
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100 . Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 638/2024 (D.B.) The Collector of Customs, Karachi V/S M/s. Bilal Metals (Pvt) Ltd, Karachi Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Custom Act, 1969

Frustrated cargo; section 138 of the Customs Act; Customs Tribunal has no jurisdiction in such cases.
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101 . Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 792/2023 (D.B.) Lucky Core Industries Limited, Karachi V/S The Director, D.G I & I (Customs) Karachi & others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Custom Act, 1969

Classification of partial shipment of project consignment; domain of Classification Committee; matter remanded
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102 . H.C.A 324/2024 (D.B.) M/s. ARY Communication Limited V/S Federal Board of Revenue and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Income Tax Ordinance, 2001

Section 227 of the ITO 2001; plaint rejected; Suit barred in law; Appeal dismissed.
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103 . Const. P. 2918/2023 (D.B.) Naeem ur Rehman Khan V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Sindh Local Government Act, 2013 (Section 18, 21, 79 to 81, ), CONSTITUTION OF PAKISTAN, 1973 ( Article 90, 91, 130, 130(9) and 140A)

*The Federal and Provincial Governments are constitutional constructs whereby they are governed by the provisions set out under the Constitution whereas the Local Government is a statutory construct which operates under the Provincial Government hence since the Local Government system is a statutory construct and operates on the basis of enactments by the Provincial Government, the same can be statutorily amended, which is well within the legislative competence of the Provincial Government.
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104 . Const. P. 5340/2024 (D.B.) IQ Properties Pvt Ltd V/S Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Specific Relief Act, , Specific Relief Act, (Forms 47 & 48 Appendix A of CPC 1908)

In a suit for specific performance, is the omission of Forms 47 and 48 of Appendix A of CPC, 1908, fatal to the case?
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105 . I. A 54/2023 (D.B.) Taha Bin Abu Talha V/S Ahsaan Yousuf & Another Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Limitation )

When can a diary sheet extend or condone the limitation period prescribed for filing leave to defend application in a summary suit
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106 . R.A (Civil Revision) 147/2022 (S.B.) Muhammad Shafi Nagori (died thr LRs) Thr Waqar V/S Muhammad Ayoub and others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC

Proprietary rights.
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107 . Const. P. 6115/2024 (D.B.) Ms. Shafaq Ishtiaq V/S The Principal Govt. Elemetary College & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
This Court has limited power to interfere in college disciplinary matters. Intervention is warranted only if bias, inadequate defense, unfair procedures, statutes, or regulations are breached, fundamental rights are infringed (Right to education, expression), and the decision is manifestly unjust. Courts prioritize fairness and uphold fundamental rights while respecting the autonomy of educational institutions. On the aforesaid proposition, we are guided by the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Khyber Medical University and others v. Aimal Khan and others, PLD 2022 Supreme Court 92. 9. The aforesaid exceptions are missing in the present case. In such circumstances, this petition is found to be not maintainable and is dismissed accordingly with pending application (s).
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108 . Const. P. 5300/2020 (D.B.) Rasheed Alam V/S Dr. Qadeer Muhammad Ali & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
We are also cognizant of the fact that the invocation of the writ of Mandamus under Article 199 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, has been restricted to enforce the terms and conditions of non-statutory rules of service of government-owned and controlled organizations. However, the petitioner's case involves the enforcement of the university's service rules. The court cannot hear the transfer order challenge as it falls within the terms and conditions of service. Regarding the quo warranto writ, the petitioner must file a separate petition to challenge the private respondents' appointment orders keeping in view that one of the respondents has retired from service as pointed out by the counsel for the respondent university. 12. The petition and applications pending therein stand dismissed with no order as to costs.
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109 . R.A (Civil Revision) 112/2013 (S.B.) NASREER KHAN V/S NISAR KHAN & OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
Articles 117, 118 and 129 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984, discussed.
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110 . I. A 156/2024 (D.B.) Atif V/S Muhammad Danish Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order XXXVII Rule 3 Leave to Defend)

Appellant/Defendant did not answer how only one leaf, which was ultimately dishonoured, was stolen from the chequebook or why the crime was reported to the Police belatedly after filing a summary suit against him. The first appeal was dismissed.
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111 . Const. P. 6148/2024 (D.B.) Ghuran ul Haq V/S Anjuman Jamia Masjid Khulfa e Rashieen & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Constitution of Pakistan (199)

The Imam and his family's accommodation in the residential quarters of the Masjid was tied to his employment. Once his services were severed, his continuing overstay was contrary to the law.
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112 . Const. P. 2717/2018 (D.B.) Rizwana Akhtar and Ors V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
The 2011 letter granted certain benefits. It is the Competent Authority's responsibility to determine if these benefits apply to the petitioners, based on the FST decision. This Court cannot intervene, as per the Supreme Court's ruling in Hameed Akhtar Niazi (1996 SCMR 1185). This ruling has conditions, and since the petitioners failed a qualifying exam, they cannot claim equity or this Court's jurisdiction based on the Niazi case analogy. 9. In view of the above facts and circumstances of the case, petitioners have not demonstrated a case for this court's intervention under Article 199 of the Constitution.
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113 . H.C.A 507/2024 (D.B.) Dawood Ahmed Salar V/S Saud Ahmed Salar and Another Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Limitation )

Correction in a Judgment cannot be made a basis to challenge the said Judgment on merits in appeal. The appellant should have remained vigilant and raised his challenge to the Judgment within time.
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114 . F.R.A 48/2023 (S.B.) Rehman Dino S/o Khawend Dino V/S Mst. Fehmida Sindh High Court, Karachi

115 . Const. P. 4419/2023 (D.B.) Mehwish Hameed and Another V/S School Education & Literacy Dept: and Another Sindh High Court, Karachi
The High Court can review SPSC decisions if they are unconstitutional, illegal, or unfair. However, the Court cannot substitute its judgment for the SPSC's, but can only ensure the decision's legality and fairness. However, in the present case, it appears that the Sindh Public Service Commission announced the posts of subject specialist Zoology and Botany (BS-17) under the School Education and Literacy Department Government of Sindh vide advertisement No. 09/2022 dated 11.11.2022, both petitioners applied against the said posts and secured fewer marks in pre-interview written test on Urban quota as alleged. The recommendation process has not been completed vide press release dated 10.10.2023, 17.10.2023, and 21.11.2023, and the candidates have been accommodated to their respective posts, at this stage to scrutinize the MCQs answer sheet of the petitioners by this Court is a herculean task, which cannot be undertaken under Article 199 of the Constitution, however, the petitioners are at liberty to approach the Chairmen Sindh Public Service Commercial redressal of their grievances in terms of regulations framed by the competent authority of the Government of Sindh, which shall be taken care of after providing meaning hearing of the petitioners.
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116 . Const. P. 4745/2024 (D.B.) Tufail Ahmed Soomro V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Another Sindh High Court, Karachi
The Supreme Court's judgment, being in rem, applies to all and can be referenced even if the petitioner was not directly involved in the case. However, the Sindh government incorrectly repatriated the petitioner to a non-existent organization at the relevant time. They should have sent him to the Establishment Division as per the Supreme Court's order. But at the same time, we are cognizant of the fact that a non-civil servant does not fall under the category of individuals covered by Section 11-A of the Civil Servants Act, 1973. This section specifically applies to civil servants who are rendered surplus due to the reorganization or abolition of a division, department, or office. Non-civil servants, by definition, are not subject to the provisions of the Civil Servants Act. Their terms and conditions of service are typically governed by separate contracts or agreements with the employing organization. Therefore, the provisions of Section 11-A, including the possibility of being posted to another department, would not apply to non-civil servants.
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117 . Const. P. 5066/2024 (D.B.) Ayaz Hussain and 432 Others V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Given the legal analysis on the subject issue, we are of the view that the claim of the petitioners for retroactive regularization from their initial contract appointment and seniority and promotion thereon, from that angle is not legally sound, besides promotion and seniority, not absolute rights, they are subject to rules and regulations if the recruitment rules of the subject post permit the case of the petitioners for promotion may be considered, however, we are clear in our point of view that contractual service cannot be considered for seniority and promotion as the seniority is reckoned from the date of regular appointment and promotion depends upon seniority cum fitness, subject to availability of vacancy subject to the approval of the competent authority. The regularization of the petitioners shall be considered from the date of their regularization. On the aforesaid proposition, we are guided by the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Deputy Director Food Faisalabad Division, Faisalabad, etc. vs Muhammad Tauqir Shah and others vide order dated 10.03.2021passed in C.P.43-L/2021 to C.P.58-L/2021.
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118 . Const. P. 886/2023 (D.B.) Khair Nawaz Khan V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Regularization of contractual employees requires a clear legal basis, a well-defined policy, and a fair assessment of the employee's performance and qualifications. Without these, employees cannot claim regularization of service. Reference in this regard may be made to the cases of Vice Chancellor Agriculture University, Peshawar v Muhammad Shafiq 2024 SCMR 527, Federation of Pakistan through Secretary, Ministry of Law and Justice Islamabad and another v. Fazal-e-Subhan and others (PLD 2024 SC 515); Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa through Secretary Forest, Peshawar and others v. Sher Aman and others (2022 SCMR 406); and Messrs. State Oil Company Limited v. Bakht Siddique and others (2018 SCMR 1181).
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119 . Const. P. 5113/2023 (D.B.) Hamid uz Zafar V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Section 119 of the Sindh Local Government Act, 2013, primarily deals with the establishment and composition of the Provincial Local Government Commission. It outlines that the Commission shall consist of the Minister for Local Government, who serves as the Chairman, and two members of the Provincial Assembly of Sindh, nominated by the Leader of the House and the Leader of the Opposition. However, it does not explicitly address the tenure of members or the implications of the dissolution of the Provincial Assembly on their positions. Besides, Rule of the Provincial Local Government Commission (Conduct of Business) Rules, 2017, do not directly address the issue of a member's tenure or the impact of the Provincial Assembly's dissolution. It primarily outlines serving of notice and hearing before removing members. The Commission's rules do not address the salary issue for former MPAs on the Commission. As MPAs are already public servants with salaries. The court cannot decide if the former MPA can claim additional salary for their role on the Commission as the rules do not provide clear guidance on this matter.
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120 . H.C.A 158/2020 (D.B.) Mrs. Anjum Ara V/S Shabbir A. Halai Sindh High Court, Karachi
No statutory mandate under the Specific Relief Act, 1877, compelling the Plaintiff (vendee) to tender the outstanding sale consideration in Court at the time of filing or presenting the plaint, nor at the admission of the suit before the issuance of summons to the Defendant.
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121 . H.C.A 33/2005 (D.B.) Najibul Haq & Ors V/S M/s. Works Coop. Housing Society and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
(i). Discussion on Articles 91, 120, 142 of Limitation Act. (ii). In a case where one denies to be a party to the transaction, he can simply ask for a declaration that the document shall not be deemed to be operative as against his rights and the Court need not give any relief of cancellation thereof.
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122 . H.C.A 167/2020 (D.B.) Trading Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. V/S Sadan General Trading LLC & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
(i). Discussion on Section 74 of Contract Act. (ii). maxim "ubi jus ibi remedium" Meaning `where there is right, there is a remedy.
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123 . Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 358/2024 (D.B.) The Collector of Customs, Karachi V/S M/s. Allmed Laboratories, Karachi & another Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Custom Act, 1969

No Reassessment under Section 80(3) of the Customs Act, when goods are out of charge and released
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124 . Const. P. 1465/2024 (D.B.) National Accountability Bureau V/S Federation of Pakistan & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
Request of the National Accountability Bureau for 25 % share amount of misappropriation recovered by NAB is denied.
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125 . Const. P. 479/2019 (D.B.) Waheed Akhtar V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
The petition regarding the upgraded post and pay fixation are not entertainable for the reasons that such matters are typically handled by administrative or service tribunals, and the legal grounds for this petition are insufficient as such this petition is dismissed, which involves disputed claims and counterclaims on the subject post, therefore this court is not in a position to dilate upon such disputes in constitutional jurisdiction.
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126 . Const. P. 8180/2019 (D.B.) Saif Shujaat and Ors V/S Govt. of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Given the legal analysis on the subject issue, we are of the view that the claim of the petitioners for retroactive regularization from their initial contract appointment and promotion thereon, from that angle is not legally sound, besides promotion and seniority, not absolute rights, they are subject to rules and regulations if the recruitment rules of the subject post permit the case of the petitioners for promotion may be considered, however, we are clear in our point of view that contractual service cannot be considered for seniority and promotion as the seniority is reckoned from the date of regular appointment and promotion depends upon seniority cum fitness, subject to availability of vacancy subject to the approval of the competent authority.
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127 . Const. P. 5828/2020 (D.B.) Shiraz Mazhar V/S D.H.A and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Article 199 of the Constitution allows this Court intervention only when: All other legal remedies have been exhausted, or, no alternative legal remedies exist. To invoke the jurisdiction of this Court, the petitioner must demonstrate a vested/legal right or interest that has been violated, which the petitioners failed to demonstrate by producing cogent material on record, merely saying that reclassifying Plot No. 12-B for commercial use is not sufficient until and unless it is proved in evidence that it is illegal as the Board of DHA has no power and authority to do so under the relevant regulations, which involve zoning approvals and environmental impact assessments, depending on the proposed commercial use. Besides it is yet to be determined that Plot No. 12-B, a corner plot on Commercial Avenue, was always shown as an open plot for residential purposes, however, respondents had shown the plot's purpose as a "Sewerage Pump" station on older maps and now relocated it somewhere else. These all facts require evidence and this court at this stage cannot give concrete findings on the subject issue.
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128 . H.C.A 414/2023 (D.B.) Karachi International Container Terminal Limited V/S Brig [Retd] Arif Mahmud Malik Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Section 152 - corrections to judgment challenged in appeal)

The Respondent/Decree-Holder cannot agitate his claim for the company car in the Appellant/KICTL appeal. Further, the Respondent has challenged this aspect neither in judgment nor during execution proceedings, nor is it the subject matter of the impugned Order arising out of an arithmetical correction to the learned Single Judge's impugned Order.
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129 . H.C.A 465/2024 (D.B.) M/s. National Telecommunication Corporation V/S M/s. Zahra Communications Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Arbitration Law (Arbitration Act 1940 - Award)

No grounds were made out to set-aside the Judgment, making the arbitral award rule of the court
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130 . R.A (Civil Revision) 53/2006 (S.B.) Mohammad Akram Rahoojo V/S Province of Sindh and others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
It is a well-established doctrine that the concurrent findings of fact recorded by the Tribunals and the Courts below are generally impervious to being set aside within the ambit of revisional jurisdiction
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Matter:-Against Order

131 . R.A (Civil Revision) 48/2012 (S.B.) Gahi @ Gada Hussain Samtio and others V/S Shaman Samtio and others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
Section 11 C.P.C enunciates that once a court has conclusively adjudicated an issue, it cannot be re-litigated in a subsequent suit
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Matter:-Against Order

132 . Const. P. 5732/2024 (D.B.) Trade Smart Securities Pvt Ltd V/S SECP and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Arbitration Law (Judicial review not maintainable)

No judicial review is made out against the Pakistan Stock Exchange under Article 199(1)(a)(ii) of the 1973 Constitution when an arbitration is ongoing and PSX has not done any act or proceeding in connection with the functions and affairs of the Federal Government
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133 . Const. P. 6123/2024 (D.B.) Waqas Javed V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Moreover, in a chain of judgments, the Supreme Court has pronounced that the revenue authorities can only resort to variation/correction of old standing entries in the revenue record if those which crept in due to some omission, inadvertence or clerical mistake. In this context, reference can conveniently be made to the cases of Waris Khan and 18 others v. Col. Humayun Shah and 41 others (PLD 1994 SC 336) and Muhammad Yousaf and 3 others v. Khan Bahadur through L.R.s. (1992 SCMR 2334). In the case of Muhammad Yousaf (Supra), the Supreme Court has drawn a line of distinction between the matters wherein the revenue authorities have the jurisdiction to effect any correction and those which are to be determined by the Civil Courts on the move of the aggrieved party
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134 . Const. P. 6120/2024 (D.B.) Saresh Kumar Manglani V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Moreover, in a chain of judgments, the Supreme Court has pronounced that the revenue authorities can only resort to variation/correction of old standing entries in the revenue record if those which crept in due to some omission, inadvertence or clerical mistake. In this context, reference can conveniently be made to the cases of Waris Khan and 18 others v. Col. Humayun Shah and 41 others (PLD 1994 SC 336) and Muhammad Yousaf and 3 others v. Khan Bahadur through L.R.s. (1992 SCMR 2334). In the case of Muhammad Yousaf (Supra), the Supreme Court has drawn a line of distinction between the matters wherein the revenue authorities have the jurisdiction to effect any correction and those which are to be determined by the Civil Courts on the move of the aggrieved party
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135 . Const. P. 6122/2024 (D.B.) Tehseen Haroon V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Moreover, in a chain of judgments, the Supreme Court has pronounced that the revenue authorities can only resort to variation/correction of old standing entries in the revenue record if those which crept in due to some omission, inadvertence or clerical mistake. In this context, reference can conveniently be made to the cases of Waris Khan and 18 others v. Col. Humayun Shah and 41 others (PLD 1994 SC 336) and Muhammad Yousaf and 3 others v. Khan Bahadur through L.R.s. (1992 SCMR 2334). In the case of Muhammad Yousaf (Supra), the Supreme Court has drawn a line of distinction between the matters wherein the revenue authorities have the jurisdiction to effect any correction and those which are to be determined by the Civil Courts on the move of the aggrieved party
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136 . Const. P. 2739/2011 (D.B.) Haji Muhammad Ashraf Memon V/S Ministry of Housing & Works & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
The High Court's constitutional jurisdiction is extraordinary and should only be used when other remedies are unavailable. The Supreme Court's judgment in Dr. Abdul Nabi's case (2023 SCMR 1267) supports this view. ???The extraordinary jurisdiction under Article 199 of the Constitution is envisioned predominantly for affording an express remedy where the unlawfulness and impropriety of the action of an executive or other governmental authority could be substantiated without any convoluted inquiry. The expression "adequate remedy" signifies an effectual, accessible, advantageous, and expeditious remedy that should also be remedium juris, i.e. more convenient, beneficial, and effective. To effectively bar the jurisdiction of the High Court under Article 199 of the Constitution, the remedy available under the law must be able to accomplish the same purpose which is sought to be achieved through a writ petition. This extraordinary jurisdiction is provided as a remedy to cure illegality which can be established without any elaborate inquiry into disputed facts???
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137 . Const. P. 6194/2024 (D.B.) Muhammad Anwar & Others V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Moreover, in a chain of judgments, the August court has pronounced that the revenue authorities can only resort to variation/correction of old standing entries in the revenue record if those which crept in due to some omission, inadvertence or clerical mistake. In this context, reference can conveniently be made to the cases of Waris Khan and 18 others v. Col. Humayun Shah and 41 others (PLD 1994 SC 336) and Muhammad Yousaf and 3 others v. Khan Bahadur through L.R.s. (1992 SCMR 2334). In the case of Muhammad Yousaf (Supra), the August Court has drawn a line of distinction between the matters wherein the revenue authorities have the jurisdiction to effect any correction and those which are to be determined by the Civil Courts on the move of the aggrieved party.
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Matter:-Land Matters

138 . Const. P. 4667/2023 (D.B.) Atta Muhammad V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
Primarily, the police force is a disciplined force; it shoulders the great responsibility of maintaining law and order and public order in the society; that people repose great faith and confidence in it; that it must be worthy of that confidence; that in recent times, the image of the police force is tarnished and instances of police personnel behaving in a wayward manner by misusing power are in Public domain and are a matter of concern. This factual position is also a cause of great concern these days in our Country as well. On numerous occasions, we come across the involvement of Police personnel in routine as well as heinous crimes, and even if they are apprehended, are let off by the Courts due to faulty and supportive investigation by their brethren by extending the benefit of the doubt. Taking guidance from these observations, it is observed that this must stop and Courts are also required to play their part and let this issue be decided by the Executive / Appointing Authority which in all fairness is in a much better position to ascertain facts and the relevant ground realities.
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139 . Const. P. 5911/2024 (D.B.) Muhammad Nasir Khan and Others V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
This petition seeking reconsideration of Rules framed by the respondent department vide notification dated 23.9.2024 cannot be entertained as this Court lacks the jurisdiction under Article 199 of the Constitution for the reasons that it lacks the expertise to dictate policy decisions/framing the rules and that such decisions are required to be made by experts in the field. 6. This petition is found to be not maintainable and is dismissed accordingly with pending application (s).
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140 . Const. P. 5887/2024 (D.B.) Sajjad Ahmed Sunny and Others V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
We do not agree with the findings of the IGP Sindh and other members of the Committee for the simple reason that transferring the investigation wing to the Executive branch is not justified by the Police Act or the Police Rules 1934, citing para 56 of the Gul Hassan Jatoi judgment. The transfer of investigation officers to the Executive branch contradicts the Supreme Court's judgment as their appointment letters as Inspector Investigations limit their transfer and posting to the Executive Branch, is a matter of their terms and conditions of service and is outside the jurisdiction of the court under Article 212 of the Constitution. Therefore, the petitioners cannot be allowed to be transferred from the Investigation wing to perform their service in the Executive Branch of the Police Department. The petition is dismissed as it lacks merit as well.
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141 . Cr.Bail 2633/2024 (S.B.) MUHAMMAD SALEEM S/O TAJ MUHAMMAD V/S THE STATE Sindh High Court, Karachi
It appears from the record that the applicant is not nominated in the FIR and no recovery has been effected from his possession. The only allegation against the applicant that facilitated the co-accused who had named him in the present crime, this factum was recorded by the trial court in the order. The alleged extra-judicial confession of co-accused made before police, if any, is not admissible under Articles 38 and 39 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984, that no confession made to a police officer shall be proved as against a person accused of any offence, while Article 39 emphasizes that, subject to Article 40, no confession made by any person whilst he is in the custody of a police officer, unless it be made in the immediate presence of a Magistrate, shall be proved as against such person. Seemingly, a confession made before the police is not made admissible by dint of the aforesaid provisions of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order 1984 in order to preserve and safeguard the philosophy of safe administration of criminal justice and is also based on public policy. In the aforesaid backdrop, I am sanguine that the case of applicant requires further inquiry to prove his guilt which can only be thrashed out after recording of evidence in the trial Court. On the aforesaid proposition I am guided by the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Ikram-ul-Haq v Raja Naveed Sabir & others (2012 SCMR 1273).
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Topic: Income Tax Ordinance, 2001

Section 24A of General Clauses Act, 1897; Orders without assigning reasons; liable to be set aside;
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143 . II.A. 40/2019 (S.B.) Wapda and another V/S Kadir Bakhsh and another Sindh High Court, Karachi

144 . Criminal Appeal 471/2024 (D.B.) The State/ANF through Assistant Director (Law) V/S Sheikh Kaiser Waheed & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
Coming to the rule position of the case, Rule 22.16 of the Police Rules, 1934, outlines the procedures for handling case property, Police must seize relevant items and mark them with details of the case and the person from whom they were seized. Seized items must be stored securely until further legal action. Items connected with cases sent for trial or suspicious/unclaimed items ordered by a Magistrate must be submitted to headquarters or outposts. Detained material must be presented to a Magistrate for early disposal or release on security. The Police Rules require that case property be stored in the Malkhana and recorded in Register No. XIX. The police and prosecution are responsible for ensuring the safe custody of the property, including its secure transportation to laboratories for analysis. This procedure guarantees the integrity of the case property until it is presented in court.
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145 . Cr.Bail 2483/2024 (D.B.) MUHAMMAD FAROOQ S/O ADUL WAHEED V/S THE STATE Sindh High Court, Karachi
Bail can be denied in cases involving fraud, forgery, cheating, and criminal conspiracy if the prosecution can establish a strong prima facie case against the accused. In the present case, the learned counsel for the applicant has been unable to explain why the applicant has been a beneficiary of Rs. 2200,000/- credited into his account No. 1286-0221929371001739 from the account of his brother Abdul Latif Sheikh (co-accused). The learned counsel although submitted the said payment was the internal transaction between two brothers i.e. Abdul Latif and the applicant, yet remained unable to explain the nature of the said transaction.
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146 . Criminal Appeal 815/2024 (D.B.) THE STATE / ANF V/S MUHAMMAD JAVEED Sindh High Court, Karachi
The prosecution wanted to summon PW HC Muhammad Naeem Moharrar of Malkhana In-charge to re-examine him about handing over the sample parcel to the parcel witness. The trial court denied the request, on the premise that he was already examined on oath and his cross-examination had been conducted and now the prosecution wants to fill the lacuna. The reasoning of the learned trial court is justiciable for the simple reason that PW 4 Muhammad Naeem had already been examined by the trial court on 14.11.2024, in which he deposed clearly and produced certain documents and he was cross-examined by the defense.
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147 . Const. P. 6807/2015 (D.B.) Imam Bux V/S M/s Sea Board Service Sindh High Court, Karachi
Primarily, resignation is characteristically the voluntary surrender of a position by the one resigning, made freely and not under duress, here petitioner moved an application to the competent authority of the respondent company for withdrawal of his resignation on 07.08.2004, however before the subject application, the respondent company accepted the resignation of the petitioner on 10.07.2004 (page No. 305 of memo of petition) and it was accepted, but the petitioner remained mum and waited for 27 days to move the application to the respondent company for withdrawal of resignation. Prima facie, the petitioner was/is responsible for such delay, failure thereof, and the respondent company could not be held responsible.
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148 . H.C.A 323/2024 (D.B.) Muhammad Qutub-ul-Arefeen and Others V/S Muhammad Younus Qureshi and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (12 (2) CPC)

Court documents relied on Suit "Alpha" to evidence fraud played in Suit "Beta" and required no further inquiry on the part of the Court deciding Section 12(2) CPC proceedings. Appeal dismissed.
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Topic: Income Tax Ordinance, 2001

No Reference Application is maintainable against dismissal of Rectification Application.
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150 . E.P 30/2024 (S.B.) MUHAMMAD ALAMGIR KHAN V/S ECP AND OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
Failure to join a contesting candidate ??? effect. Non-compliance of section 68 Election ??? effect.
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151 . Const. P. 1590/2023 (D.B.) Attock Cement Pakistan Ltd and another V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: The Constitution (26th Amendment) Act, 2024 (Article 199 & 202A - Constitutional High Court Powers & Constitutional Benches Roster)

High Court Roster Assignments in terms of Article 175 and 202A
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152 . H.C.A 492/2024 (D.B.) M/s. Kababjees Group V/S Province of Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order VII Rule 10)

Essential documents to build a case that an "Association of Person" (AoP) is a legal person
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153 . Cr.Misc. 473/2023 (S.B.) THE STATE THROUGH P.G SINDH V/S MUHAMMAD AKBAR CHANDIO & ORS Sindh High Court, Karachi

154 . R.A (Civil Revision) 101/1995 (S.B.) Budho Khan thr:LRs V/S Mst: Hawa and other. Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
Matter:-Against Judgment

155 . Const. P. 84/2023 (D.B.) Parvez Ali Khaskheli V/S P.O Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur

156 . Const. P. 84/2023 (D.B.) Parvez Ali Khaskheli V/S P.O Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur

157 . M.A. 69/2022 (S.B.) M/s. Meerut Cooperative Housing Society Ltd V/S Shahid Akhtar Qureshi and others Sindh High Court, Karachi
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158 . M.A. 69/2022 (S.B.) M/s. Meerut Cooperative Housing Society Ltd V/S Shahid Akhtar Qureshi and others Sindh High Court, Karachi
The Court interpreted the Cooperative Societies Act, 1925, and its 2020 amendment, observing that the Act primarily supports broad economic activities in agriculture, not for housing schemes of affluent and influent persons. The Court directed the Chief Secretary of Sindh to ensure the Act's effective implementation in line with its original purpose and called for educational programs Bachelor degree(s) in the subject of cooperative societies.
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159 . M.A. 69/2022 (S.B.) M/s. Meerut Cooperative Housing Society Ltd V/S Shahid Akhtar Qureshi and others Sindh High Court, Karachi
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160 . Const. P. 1447/2020 (D.B.) Yaseen Ali Ghunio V/S Govt of Pak & Others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
CP(D) 1447/2020 connected with CP(D) 228/2021 - Judgment in Sindhi
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Matter:-Railway Bridge

161 . Const. P. 1447/2020 (D.B.) Yaseen Ali Ghunio V/S Govt of Pak & Others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
CP(D) 1447/2020 Connected with CP(D) 228/2021 - Judgment in Urdu
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Matter:-Railway Bridge

162 . Const. P. 6712/2020 (D.B.) M/s Telenor Microfinance Bank Ltd V/S Province of Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Topic: Sindh Employees Social Security Act, 2016

Social Security for workers
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Latest Case Law (Citation)
R.A (Civil Revision) 191/2023 (S.B.) Umaid Ali & Another. V/S P.O.Sindh & Others. Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2025 SHC HYD 17
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 1497/2023 (D.B.) M/S pakistan Chemical & Energy Sector Skills V/S Rabnawaz & others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2025 SHC SUK 16, 2025 PLC Lab. 14
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 1/2025 (D.B.) ACL Capital Pvt LTd V/S Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2025 SHC KHI 15
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
Const. P. 203/2024 (D.B.) Zafar Ahmed Shaikh V/S P.O Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2025 SHC SUK 14, 2025 MLD 14
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Cr.Bail 35/2025 (S.B.) Ghulam Hussain V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2025 SHC HYD 13
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Hasan (Akber)(Author)
Cr.Misc. 787/2024 (S.B.) Muhammad Anwar V/S S.P Complaint Cell Hyderabad & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2025 SHC HYD 12
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Hasan (Akber)(Author)
R.A (Civil Revision) 59/2022 (S.B.) Muhammad Bux through Lrs. V/S Wali Muhammad & Ors. Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2025 SHC HYD 11
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Hasan (Akber)(Author)
R.A (Civil Revision) 58/2022 (S.B.) Muhammad Bux through Lrs. V/S Wali Muhammad & Ors. Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2025 SHC HYD 10
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Hasan (Akber)(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (12 (2) CPC)
J.M 15/2016 (S.B.) Muhammad Yaseen. V/S Muhammad Hanif Ghanchi & Others. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2025 SHC KHI 9
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana(Author)
2025 SHC KHI 8
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zafar Ahmed Rajput(Author), Hon'ble Justice Ms. Tasneem Sultana
Const. P. 22/2025 (D.B.) Advocate Muneer Ahmed V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2025 SHC HYD 7
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ali Sangi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro
Cr.Bail 17/2022 (D.B.) Muhammad Paryal V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2025 SHC HYD 6
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto(Author)
R.A (Civil Revision) 31/2018 (S.B.) Executive Engineer & Irrigation & others, V/S Gul Mohammad Phul Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 CLC 1460
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
R.A (Civil Revision) 147/2019 (S.B.) Ahmed and another V/S Rehmat Ali deceased through his L.Rs. and others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 PLD Sindh 305
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
R.A (Civil Revision) 91/2021 (S.B.) Sukhio Khan Gadehi V/S Ali Nawaz Dahar & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2024 MLD 656
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
R.A (Civil Revision) 11/2016 (S.B.) Hussain Ahmed Brohi and Others V/S PO Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2024 CLC 428
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
R.A (Civil Revision) 42/2022 (S.B.) Rehmatullah & others V/S Inayatullah Khoso & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2024 CLC 311
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Criminal Appeal 65/2021 (D.B.) Adam Khan V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2024 YLR 2831, 2023 SBLR Sindh 1875
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Criminal Appeal 65/2021 (D.B.) Adam Khan V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2024 YLR 2831, 2023 SBLR Sindh 1875
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Criminal Appeal 102/2021 (S.B.) Ishtiaque Ali V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 SBLR Sindh 1869
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Custom Act, 1969
Const. P. 466/2025 (D.B.) Humayu Sultan V/S Pakistan & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2025 SHC KHI 5
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Abdur Rahman
Const. P. 203/2024 (D.B.) Zafar Ahmed Shaikh V/S P.O Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2025 SHC SUK 14, 2025 MLD 14
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 6283/2019 (D.B.) Faique Ali V/S Lyari Development Authority & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLJ 171
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
H.C.A 45/2022 (D.B.) Zeeshan Mughal V/S Export Processing Zone Authority & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLJ 167
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
H.C.A 205/2018 (D.B.) Syed Mehmood Ali V/S Amjad Yousuf Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLJ 161
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
H.C.A 429/2022 (D.B.) Muhammad Sufyan V/S Muhammad Sabreen & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2025 PLJ 1
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 1497/2023 (D.B.) M/S pakistan Chemical & Energy Sector Skills V/S Rabnawaz & others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2025 SHC SUK 16, 2025 PLC Lab. 14
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 2406/2014 (D.B.) Nazeer Ahmed & other V/S P.O Sindh & Ors Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 CLC 2044
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Cr.Bail 918/2023 (S.B.) Anwar Ali Chakrani V/S The State Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 MLD 1848
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
I. A 26/2024 (D.B.) Syed Ayaz Haider V/S National Bank of Pakistan & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 1373, 2024 YLR 2773
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
I. A 26/2024 (D.B.) Syed Ayaz Haider V/S National Bank of Pakistan & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 1373, 2024 YLR 2773
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 526/2022 (D.B.) Sher Muhammad V/S P.O Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 YLR 2537
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
I. A 26/2021 (S.B.) Mst. Bibi Saira and others V/S P.O.Sindh and another Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 MLD 1729
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 180/2023 (D.B.) Mohammad Umar Shaikh V/S The Secretary Local Govt:, Karachi & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2024 PLD Sindh 284
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Irshad Ali Shah, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 62/2023 (D.B.) Gulshan Bibi & another V/S Saddar Din & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2024 CLC 1105
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Irshad Ali Shah, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 15/2021 (S.B.) Iftikhar Hussain & another V/S Mst Zahida Parveen & Others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 SBLR Sindh 964
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 220/2023 (D.B.) Faqir Muhammad & another V/S P.O Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 SBLR Sindh 843
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 84/2022 (S.B.) Mumtaz Hussain & Others V/S Allah Wadhayo Through L.Rs & Others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 YLR 1043
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 2785/2013 (D.B.) Ghulam Mohammad Khoso V/S P.O Sindh & Ors Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 YLR 1028
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
II.A. 3/2016 (S.B.) Mian Hassanullah,thr: LRs. V/S Muhammad Sadiq and others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 SBLR Sindh 655
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
I. A 30/2021 (S.B.) Ghulam Mustafa Jamro V/S Rashid Ali Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 CLD 435, 2024 MLD 569
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
I. A 30/2021 (S.B.) Ghulam Mustafa Jamro V/S Rashid Ali Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 CLD 435, 2024 MLD 569
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Cr.Bail 464/2023 (S.B.) Muhammad Saleem V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 SBLR Sindh 2227
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Election Appeal 7/2023 (S.B.) Ghulam Mustafa. V/S Election Commission of Pkaistan & Ors. Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 SBLR Sindh 1987
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance,1979 (Order VII Rule 11 CPC)
Const. P. 401/2022 (S.B.) Rehmatullah Brohi V/S Ghulam Sarwar Sadhayo & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2024 CLC 1158, 2024 SBLR Sindh 263
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance,1979 (Order VII Rule 11 CPC)
Const. P. 401/2022 (S.B.) Rehmatullah Brohi V/S Ghulam Sarwar Sadhayo & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2024 CLC 1158, 2024 SBLR Sindh 263
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 3364/2016 (D.B.) Syed Mouj Ali Shah and another V/S Muhammad ismail and Ors Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 SBLR Sindh 63
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Election Appeal 8/2023 (S.B.) Imam Bux Rind. V/S Sain Dad & Ors. Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 SBLR Sindh 2233
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 404/2023 (D.B.) Ali Hassan Bugti & others V/S P.O SIndh & Others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 PLC CS 396, 2024 SBLR Sindh 257
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
Const. P. 404/2023 (D.B.) Ali Hassan Bugti & others V/S P.O SIndh & Others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2024 PLC CS 396, 2024 SBLR Sindh 257
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
II.A. 6/2016 (S.B.) Production Engineer PPL and Others V/S Azizullah Chachar and Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2024 PLD Sindh 259
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arbab Ali Hakro(Author)
OGRA Ordinance 2002 (Sec.8 - Notification - Mustafa Impex)
H.C.A 336/2024 (D.B.) Federation of Pakistan & Another V/S Premium Textile Mills Ltd & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2025 SHC KHI 4
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana(Author)
Cr.Bail 15/2024 (S.B.) Shakeel Ahmed Solangi V/S The State Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2025 SHC SUK 3
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Irshad Ali Shah(Author)
H.C.A 97/2020 (D.B.) Mian Ahmed Akbar & others V/S M/s. Al-Dahra Agriculture Co. Pak (Pvt) Ltd. & ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2025 SHC KHI 2
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
Income Tax Ordinance, 2001
Const. P. 6280/2024 (D.B.) M/s Fazlee Sons (Pvt) Ltd V/S Fed. of Pakistan & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2025 SHC KHI 1
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Abdur Rahman
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 756/2015 (D.B.) M/s. Packages Ltd. V/S Custom Appellate Tribunal & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PTD 1532
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 3971/2022 (D.B.) Senator Khalida Ateeb V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLD Sindh 273
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Suit 1921/2023 (S.B.) MALIK PANJWANI & ANOTHER V/S FAROOQ NASIR & OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLC 1896
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Service matters (Regularisation of Employee)
Const. P. 5333/2018 (D.B.) Muhammad Umair & Ors V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 2250
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 817/2023 (D.B.) Muhammad Aslam Tunio V/S XEN SCARP Larkana Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2024 PLD Sindh 442
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Shamsuddin Abbasi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 40/2021 (D.B.) Munawar Ali Sagar & Others V/S P.O Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2024 PLD Sindh 428
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arshad Hussain Khan
Const. P. 532/2022 (D.B.) Govt of Sindh V/S A.D.J XII (South) & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 MLD 1859
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Justice Ms. Sana Akram Minhas
H.C.A 82/2007 (D.B.) The Trustees of the Port of Karachi & Ors V/S Muhammad Zahir Shah & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLC 1862, 2024 SBLR Sindh 1625
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Justice Ms. Sana Akram Minhas
Civil Defence (Special Powers) Rules, 1951
Suit 182/2011 (S.B.) PAKISTAN STATE OIL CO. LTD. V/S ABDUL ALI & OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLD Sindh 174
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Specific Relief Act, (Section 27 - Relief against subsequent buyer )
II.A. 11/2016 (S.B.) Abdul Aziz V/S Abdul Kareem & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 YLR 104
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Companies matters
Judicial Companies Misc. 47/2021 (S.B.) G.A ENTERPRISES (PRIVATE) LIMITED AND TWO OTHERS V/S NA Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 417
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Const. P. 241/2024 (D.B.) Azizullah & Another V/S Muzafar Hussain & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2024 CLC 1740
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Shamsuddin Abbasi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 973/2022 (D.B.) Qamar Ali V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 2009
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 4669/2022 (D.B.) Salman Zafar Siddiqui & Others V/S Govt of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 2063
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Arbitration Law
H.C.A 134/2020 (D.B.) Federation of Pakistan & others V/S M/s. Al-Hassan Tech Engg. SVC (Pvt) Ltd. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 YLR 1484, 2024 SBLR Sindh 39, 2024 SBLR Sindh 566
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance,1979 (Section 15 (Personal Bonafide Need) ), Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance,1979 (Section 14)
Const. P. 295/2012 (S.B.) Kamran Abdul Shakoor V/S Mst Zahida Haroon and Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2024 YLR 254
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Const. P. 3179/2019 (D.B.) Haji Moosa Khan V/S Mst. Nazia and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLC 1785, 2024 SBLR Sindh 399
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
Banking Law, Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance XLVI of 2001
I. A 25/2016 (D.B.) Zafar Hasan Khan & others V/S M/s. Habib Bank Ltd. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLC 1068, 2024 CLD 770
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial
Tender , Tender (Feeding fry in Manchar Lake)
Const. P. 1616/2019 (D.B.) Muhammad Sharif V/S P.O Sindh & Other Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2024 CLC 371
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Irshad Ali Shah
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction)
Suit 1961/2022 (S.B.) Amir Hussain V/S Sir Syed University of Engineering & Tecnology Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLC CS 943
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
NADRA Employees (Service) Regulations, 2002
Suit 2841/2021 (S.B.) ALI ADNAN ARIF TABBA V/S NADRA & OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLC CS 890
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
2024 PLC CS 341
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Const. P. 3853/2022 (D.B.) PTCL V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLC Lab. 25
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction), Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order VII R.11)
Suit 630/2020 (S.B.) Mohammad Tarique Khan V/S Trading Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLC CS 91, 2023 SBLR 22
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (12(2))
I. A 23/2019 (D.B.) Zahoor Ahmed & others V/S M/s. Al-Zamin Leasing Modraba & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 1344
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial
Monopolies & Restrictive Trade Practices (Control & Prevention) Ordinance, 1970 (Section 59), Competition Act, 2010 (Sections 61), Monopolies & Restrictive Trade Practices (Control & Prevention) Ordinance, 1970 (Sections 3, 4, 11 and 12)
M.A. 7/2007 (D.B.) Searle Pakistant Ltd. & anor V/S The Monopoly Control Authority Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 1314
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Justice Ms. Sana Akram Minhas
Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance XLVI of 2001 (Section-22- Appeal)
I. A 89/2023 (D.B.) M/s. Farooqui Fisheries & Others V/S Faysal Bank Limited & Another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 1199, 2024 SBLR Sindh 1599
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Justice Ms. Sana Akram Minhas
Banking Law (limitation of liability to the extent of a cap provided by the registered mortgage deed)
I. A 127/2011 (D.B.) Mst Khursheed Begum & Ors V/S NIB Bank Ltd & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLD Sindh 276, 2024 CLD 765, 2024 CLD 888
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial
Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance XLVI of 2001
I. A 61/2016 (D.B.) United Bank Ltd. V/S Ghulam Nabib Sheikh Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 864
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial
Banking Law (limitation of liability to the extent of a cap provided by the registered mortgage deed)
I. A 127/2011 (D.B.) Mst Khursheed Begum & Ors V/S NIB Bank Ltd & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLD Sindh 276, 2024 CLD 765, 2024 CLD 888
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial
Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance, 2001 (Recovery)
I. A 120/2016 (D.B.) Faysal Bank Limited V/S Masood Asghar & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 744
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial
Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance XLVI of 2001
I. A 78/2021 (D.B.) M/S Qalandri Filling & CNG Station V/S The Manager SME Leasing Ltd Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2024 CLD 106
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arshad Hussain Khan
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Injunction Granted. ), Sugar Factories Control Act, 1950
Suit 145/2023 (S.B.) JDW Sugar Mills Limited & others V/S Federation of Pakistan & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLD Sindh 348, 2024 SBLR Sindh 1355
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Custom Act, 1969, Pakistan Plant Quarantine Rules 2019 , Pakistan Plant Quarantine Act, 1976
Const. P. 2322/2024 (D.B.) Muhammad Umair V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 1843
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Justice Mrs. Rashida Asad
Civil Procedure Code CPC
H.C.A 39/2024 (D.B.) Province of Sindh and Others V/S Muhammad Faisal and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 1861
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Justice Ms. Sana Akram Minhas
Contempt of Court Ordinance, 2003 (Section 19(1))
H.C.A 277/2024 (D.B.) Roque Martin D V/S Federation of Pakistan & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 1837
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
H.C.A 52/2024 (D.B.) Gohar Yaqoob Khan through attorney Ghulam Qadir V/S Abdul Rasheed Memon and Another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 1781
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial
H.C.A 82/2007 (D.B.) The Trustees of the Port of Karachi & Ors V/S Muhammad Zahir Shah & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLC 1862, 2024 SBLR Sindh 1625
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Justice Ms. Sana Akram Minhas
Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance XLVI of 2001 (Section-22- Appeal)
I. A 89/2023 (D.B.) M/s. Farooqui Fisheries & Others V/S Faysal Bank Limited & Another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 1199, 2024 SBLR Sindh 1599
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Justice Ms. Sana Akram Minhas
Civil Procedure Code CPC (order XXXIX Rule 4 CPC)
H.C.A 168/2022 (D.B.) Shahryar through attorney Kashif Naseem V/S Sheikh Muhammad Iqbal & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 1160
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial
NAB, NAB (forfeiture/ confiscation of Properities after abatement )
Cr.Acctt..Acq. A. 6/2007 (F.B.) THE STATE V/S AHSAN BASEER Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 923
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Salahuddin Panhwar
Tax matters
Const. P. 4079/2021 (D.B.) Shakeel Ahmed Kanasa V/S Federal Tax Ombudsman and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PTD 1, 2024 SBLR Sindh 569
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Arbitration Law
H.C.A 134/2020 (D.B.) Federation of Pakistan & others V/S M/s. Al-Hassan Tech Engg. SVC (Pvt) Ltd. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 YLR 1484, 2024 SBLR Sindh 39, 2024 SBLR Sindh 566
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
Transfer of Property Act 1882
H.C.A 34/2023 (D.B.) Dr. Nafees Zubair through her attorney V/S Saeeda Bano & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLC 1146, 2024 SBLR Sindh 178, 2024 SBLR Sindh 553
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
Const. P. 4111/2020 (D.B.) Amir Mahmood V/S Izharuddin and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 401
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
Const. P. 3179/2019 (D.B.) Haji Moosa Khan V/S Mst. Nazia and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLC 1785, 2024 SBLR Sindh 399
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order 2 R.2)
Const. P. 4172/2023 (D.B.) Syed Laique Ali V/S UBL and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 202
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana(Author)
Arbitration Law
H.C.A 134/2020 (D.B.) Federation of Pakistan & others V/S M/s. Al-Hassan Tech Engg. SVC (Pvt) Ltd. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 YLR 1484, 2024 SBLR Sindh 39, 2024 SBLR Sindh 566
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
Const. P. 218/2024 (D.B.) Aamir Ali V/S District & Sessions Judge, Larkana & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2024 PLC (CS) 1070
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Shamsuddin Abbasi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 217/2024 (D.B.) Mehboob Ali Channa V/S District & Sessions Judge, Larkana & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2024 PLC (CS) 1070
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Shamsuddin Abbasi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 29/2023 (S.B.) Mst. Madeha V/S Waqas Ali & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2024 SBLR Sindh 1764
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction)
Suit 583/2023 (S.B.) Mehreen Shoaib Baghpatee V/S Province of Sindh & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 959, 2024 SBLR Sindh 1724
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
R.A (Civil Revision) 316/2021 (S.B.) Sohail Polani V/S Sindh Industrial Trading Estate Ltd & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2024 SBLR Sindh 1512
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
R.A (Civil Revision) 315/2021 (S.B.) Sharif Polani V/S Sindh Industrial Trading Estate Ltd & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2024 SBLR Sindh 1512
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
R.A (Civil Revision) 274/2021 (S.B.) Ameer Ali V/S Feroze Golwala Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2024 SBLR Sindh 1505
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
H.C.A 47/2023 (D.B.) Standard Chartered Bank Pakistan Limited V/S Nasim Ahmed & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 1382
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Justice Ms. Sana Akram Minhas
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Injunction Granted. ), Sugar Factories Control Act, 1950
Suit 145/2023 (S.B.) JDW Sugar Mills Limited & others V/S Federation of Pakistan & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLD Sindh 348, 2024 SBLR Sindh 1355
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Custom Act, 1969
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 1339/2015 (D.B.) Collector Model Customs Collectorate V/S M/s. Venus Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PTD 997
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Const. P. 1257/2017 (D.B.) Abdul Qadeer Khan Durrani V/S State Bank of Pakistan and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2019 CLD 1228, 2024 SBLR Sindh 1230
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 1090/2021 (D.B.) Yasmeen Mashkoor V/S Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 1474, 2024 SBLR Sindh 1225
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Law Reforms Ordinance,1972
H.C.A 372/2023 (D.B.) M/s National Refinery Limited V/S Syed Mansoor Ali and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 1347
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
Succession Act, Carriage By Air Act, 2012 (Rule 6 of 6th Schedule)
M.A. 44/2021 (S.B.) Pakistan International Airlines Corporation Ltd V/S The Court of District Judge, Khi (East) & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 1166
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984, Civil Procedure Code CPC (Injunction Granted. )
Suit 2037/2021 (S.B.) Natasha Malik V/S Naeem Malik & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 1150
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Citizenship Act, 1951
Const. P. 715/1996 (D.B.) MST ANILA ABRAR V/S GOVT. OF SINDH AND OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 1135
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
H.C.A 93/2022 (D.B.) Jameel Ahmed & Others V/S Hayat Muhammad Sher Pao & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 MLD 1337
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
H.C.A 256/2005 (D.B.) Karachi Electric Supply Corporation V/S Mst. Batool Fatima Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLD Sindh 279
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial(Author)
Banking Law (limitation of liability to the extent of a cap provided by the registered mortgage deed)
I. A 127/2011 (D.B.) Mst Khursheed Begum & Ors V/S NIB Bank Ltd & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLD Sindh 276, 2024 CLD 765, 2024 CLD 888
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial
CONSTITUTION OF PAKISTAN, 1973 (Entry No.50 of the Fourth Schedule ), CONSTITUTION OF PAKISTAN, 1973 (Power to levy tax and to legislate on immovable property including tax on annual rental value of immovable property after 18th Amendment), Cantonments Act 1924 (Section-60 to 64)
Const. P. 132/2019 (D.B.) M/s Millennium Mall Management Co V/S Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 1059
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
LIMITATION (Limitation Act 1908)
H.C.A 180/2020 (D.B.) Mst. Bhalan & others V/S Muhammad Asif Sakaria & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 MLD 1160
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana(Author)
Transfer of Property Act 1882
H.C.A 34/2023 (D.B.) Dr. Nafees Zubair through her attorney V/S Saeeda Bano & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLC 1146, 2024 SBLR Sindh 178, 2024 SBLR Sindh 553
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
Banking Law, Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance XLVI of 2001
I. A 25/2016 (D.B.) Zafar Hasan Khan & others V/S M/s. Habib Bank Ltd. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLC 1068, 2024 CLD 770
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction)
Suit 583/2023 (S.B.) Mehreen Shoaib Baghpatee V/S Province of Sindh & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 959, 2024 SBLR Sindh 1724
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (12 (2) CPC)
H.C.A 465/2018 (D.B.) Murtaza Baig & others V/S Province of Sindh & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 793
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial
Banking Law, Civil Procedure Code CPC (Execution. )
Spl.H.C.A 288/2018 (D.B.) PSRM Steel Pvt Ltd. V/S ASkari Bank Ltd. & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 488
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
Sindh Sales Tax on Services Act, 2011 (Section 23), Securities Act, 2015 (Section 6), Securities Act, 2015 (Section 7), Stock Exchanges (Corporatization, Demutualization & Integration) Act, 2012 (???Act 2012???), CONSTITUTION OF PAKISTAN, 1973 (Article- 137)
Const. P. 3601/2018 (D.B.) Pakistan Stock Exchange V/S Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 580
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Scheme of auction proceedings highlighted in order XXI Rule 66, 84, 85, 89, 90 and 92)
Spl.H.C.A 153/2022 (D.B.) Fateh Textile Mills Pvt Ltd & Others V/S Allied Bank of Pakistan Ltd. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 604
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial
Civil Procedure Code CPC
I. A 60/2020 (D.B.) Abdul Basit Khan V/S Bank Islami Ltd & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 631
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
Bankers Book Evidence Act, 1891 (section 2(8))
I. A 105/2016 (D.B.) Muhammad Naveed & other V/S Habib Bank Ltd. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 648
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial
Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance, 2001 (Auction Proceedings)
I. A 92/2021 (D.B.) Abdul Khalid V/S M/s. Habib Bank Limted & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 338
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O. XXXIX, Rule 1 & 2 Dismissed.), Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 (Section 23)
Suit 318/2023 (S.B.) MUHAMMAD AYUB TAREEN & OTHERS V/S JS BANK LIMITED & OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 290
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order XXI Rule 89& 26 CPC), Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order 21 Rule 86)
Spl.H.C.A 137/2023 (D.B.) National Tiles and Ceramics Ltd & Another V/S Sindh Bank Limited & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 264
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Injunciton Dismissed)
2024 PLD Sindh 38, 2024 CLD 202
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
H.C.A 171/2021 (D.B.) New Dadu Sugar Mills Pvt Ltd. V/S Sindh Sugar Corporation Limited & Another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 525
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana(Author)
Companies Act, 2017
Judicial Companies Misc. 15/2019 (S.B.) GULISTAN SPINNING MILLS LIMITED & OTHERS V/S NA Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLD 496
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Tax matters
Const. P. 4079/2021 (D.B.) Shakeel Ahmed Kanasa V/S Federal Tax Ombudsman and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PTD 1, 2024 SBLR Sindh 569
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Specific Relief Act, (Agreement ), Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984
R.A (Civil Revision) 113/1995 (S.B.) Muhammad Haroon through LRs V/S Ali Asghar and other. Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2024 CLC 580
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order VII R.11)
2024 PLD Sindh 75
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Const. P. 28/2019 (S.B.) Arsalan Aijaz V/S Mst. Sanober & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2022 YLR 450
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Service matters (Pension matters)
Const. P. 2695/2019 (D.B.) Tarruf Ali V/S I.G of Police Sindh and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC CS Note 26
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Service matters (Promotion)
Const. P. 8251/2019 (D.B.) Jamal Nasir V/S Govt. of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC CS Note 24
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 3031/2020 (D.B.) Muhammad Akber Siyal & Ors V/S Province of Sindh & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC CS 1378
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon
Const. P. 687/2022 (D.B.) Liaquat Ali Kamangar V/S Returning Officer & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2022 SBLR Sindh 2207
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Mobeen Lakho
Const. P. 8070/2017 (D.B.) Mir Mumtaz Ali V/S Province of Sindh and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 2164
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Cr.Bail 2327/2021 (S.B.) RIAZ AHMED DAHIRI S/O HAJI NOOR MUHAMMAD V/S THE STATE Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 1826
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Service matters (Promotion)
Const. P. 954/2016 (D.B.) Ms. Rehana Parveen V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 1794, 2018 PLC (CS) Note 123
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon
Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (Section 177), Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (Section 214C )
Const. P. 5107/2021 (D.B.) Atlas Honda Ltd V/S Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 866, 2024 SBLR Sindh 409, 2022 PTCL 253
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936
Suit 1932/2022 (S.B.) DINSHAW BEJAN AGA V/S FIZOOZEH AGA Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 405
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
PEMRA Ordinance, 2002
2024 PLD Sindh 50
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction)
Suit 2020/2021 (S.B.) M/S FORTUNE FOUR LLP V/S FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN & OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 MLD 387
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Cr.Bail 26/2020 (D.B.) Haji Muhammad Siddique khokhar V/S The State Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2023 PCr.LJ Note 21
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed
II.A. 58/2019 (S.B.) Balach V/S Imtiaz-ul-Haq & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 YLR 12
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Service matters (Proforma Promotion)
Const. P. 340/2013 (D.B.) M.Saleem Khan V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC CS Note 103
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 3218/2017 (D.B.) Zaheer Ahmed V/S Province of Sindh and others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 PLC CS Note 99
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Service matters (Regularisation of Employee)
Const. P. 2293/2018 (D.B.) Noureen Naz and Ors V/S Province of Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC CS Note 97
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 5859/2019 (D.B.) Kamran Chandio V/S P.D.O.H.A and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC CS Note 94
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 985/2018 (D.B.) Hammad Ali V/S Province of Sindh and others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 PLC Lab. Note 89
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 417/2019 (D.B.) Zameer Hussain V/S Registrar & Campus Administrator & Security Advisor Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 PLC Lab. Note 81
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Service matters (Pension)
Const. P. 6863/2019 (D.B.) Taj Muhammad Ansari V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC Lab. Note 78
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 3065/2016 (D.B.) Muhammad Rehan Qureshi V/S Federation of Pakistan and others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 PLC Lab. Note 68
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 244/2019 (D.B.) Syed Zahid Hassan Rizvi V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC Lab. Note 66
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 63/2021 (D.B.) Muhammad Iqbal Naseem V/S Province of Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC CS 700
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 325/2017 (D.B.) Aijaz and others V/S Province of Sindh and others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 PLC Lab. Note 52
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 2406/2019 (D.B.) Khairullah Qureshi V/S Province of Sindh & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 PLC CS 48
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 7528/2018 (D.B.) Shahnawaz and Ors V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC CS 447
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon
Const. P. 134/2014 (S.B.) Iftikhar Ahmed V/S Zeal Pak Cement Factory Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 PLC Lab. 62
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 6221/2021 (D.B.) Asif Ali Memon V/S Province of Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC CS 228
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon
Const. P. 4462/2020 (D.B.) Ghulam Hussain V/S Province of Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC CS 194
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Employee Old Age Benefits Act, 1976 (Pensionary Benefits )
Const. P. 3026/2015 (D.B.) Muhammad Waris V/S E.O.B.I Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC Lab. 41
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Service matters (Pension)
Const. P. 2341/2010 (D.B.) Muhammad Anwer V/S The federation of Pakistan & Ors. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC Lab. Note 10
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Cr.Bail 1609/2023 (S.B.) ASAD SHAHID SOORTY & ANOTHER V/S THE STATE Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 2151
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Cr.Bail 214/2023 (S.B.) Muhammad Qasim V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 SBLR Sindh 2039
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 3035/2019 (D.B.) Kamran Ali Sheikh V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 1995
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 1318/2020 (D.B.) Wasim Ahmed Khan V/S Province of Sindh & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 1992
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 2358/2019 (D.B.) Faisal Shah Muhammad & others V/S Province of Sindh & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 SBLR Sindh 1604
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
Const. P. 1375/2017 (D.B.) Muhammad Iqbal Kazi and others V/S Province of Sindh Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 SBLR Sindh 1493
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Cr.Bail 1800/2021 (S.B.) FAISAL MALIK S/O MALIK MUHAMMAD EJAZ V/S THE STATE Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 1299
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Cr.Bail 279/2021 (S.B.) Badal Bariro V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2023 SBLR Sindh 1193
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 6192/2020 (D.B.) Imtiaz Hussain V/S Province of Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 1117
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
Const. P. 5552/2022 (D.B.) Mansoor Ahmed V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 952
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
R.A (Civil Revision) 228/2017 (S.B.) Civil Aviation Authority V/S Afzal ur Rehman Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 SBLR Sindh 672
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 2696/2015 (D.B.) Syed Abdul Aleem Jafri V/S Pakistan and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 665
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Mahar
Const. P. 3236/2022 (D.B.) Mehrun Nisa Khaskheli V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 633
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
H.C.A 253/2019 (D.B.) K-Electric Ltd. V/S Syed Anwar Ali & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 537
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 1584/2019 (D.B.) Mst, Saabi V/S P.O Sindh & Other Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 SBLR Sindh 98
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 1430/2020 (D.B.) Mst Touqeer Fatima Shah V/S P.O Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 SBLR Sindh 94
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
Const. P. 5192/2016 (D.B.) Dr. Pirzada Jamaluddin Ahmed Siddiqui V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLC CS 23
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Sales Tax
Const. P. 1472/2016 (D.B.) M/s Tufail Chemical V/S Province of Sindh and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 145
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance,1979 (Section 16)
Const. P. 1049/2022 (S.B.) Mst. Badar-Un-Nisa V/S Vedho & Jawhar & another Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2024 SBLR Sindh 170
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 8569/2018 (D.B.) International Brands Ltd V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PTD 49
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance,1979 (Section 8 (Fair Rent))
Const. P. 2068/2016 (S.B.) Gulistan Textiles Mills Limited V/S VIIIth ADJ Karachi South & Another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 YLR 16
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
2024 MLD 66
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Suit 2/2016 (S.B.) Ali Mushtaq & Others. V/S Federation of Pakistan & Others.. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLC 18
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Injunciton Dismissed)
2024 PLD Sindh 38, 2024 CLD 202
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Companies matters, Companies matters (Merger Under Companies Act,2017)
Judicial Companies Misc. 33/2021 (S.B.) NUTRICO MORINAGA (Private) Limited. V/S NA Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 SBLR Sindh 319
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Transfer of Property Act 1882
H.C.A 34/2023 (D.B.) Dr. Nafees Zubair through her attorney V/S Saeeda Bano & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 CLC 1146, 2024 SBLR Sindh 178, 2024 SBLR Sindh 553
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jawad Akbar Sarwana
2022 SBLR Sindh 1125, 2023 PLC (CS) 202
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
2022 SBLR Sindh 1125, 2023 PLC (CS) 202
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order VII R.11)
Suit 51/2017 (S.B.) Sultan Ahmed Hashmani V/S M/s Thatta Cement Company & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC (CS) 527
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Const. P. 139/2017 (D.B.) Nadeem Zuberi V/S C.A.A Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC (CS) 1133
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon
Civil Procedure Code CPC
Suit 1357/2020 (S.B.) ABDUL REHMAN V/S NOMAN ABID Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLC 1098
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Territorial Jurisdiction), Civil Procedure Code CPC, Service matters
Suit -775/2021 (S.B.) SYED FARRUKH GHANI V/S BANK OF PUNJAB & OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLC 1361
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance,1979, Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance,1979 (Order First Appeal is Maintained.)
Const. P. 2129/2018 (S.B.) Muhammad Akram V/S M/s. Jamia Imamia Trust & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 MLD 522
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
PEMRA Ordinance, 2002
2023 MLD 1131
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Suit 2642/2021 (S.B.) ABDUL RAUF KHAN V/S MEEZAN BANK LIMITED & ANOTHER Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 MLD 1131
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Sindh Abkari Act, 1878 (Section 35A)
Const. P. 1781/2015 (D.B.) M/s Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Ltd V/S Province of Sindh and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLD Sindh 278
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
II.A. 44/2021 (S.B.) Abdul Malik V/S Province of Sindh & Others. Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 YLR 414
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction)
Suit 2707/2021 (S.B.) M/S AGP LIMITED & ANOTHER V/S M/S GALAXY PHARMA (PVT) LIMITED & OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 366, 2023 YLR 1177, 2023 SBLR Sindh 366
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction)
Suit 923/2019 (S.B.) Mst. Irshad Bibi V/S Samiullah Niazi & others. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 YLR 1385
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction)
Suit 2299/2016 (S.B.) Maqbool Ahmed Solangi. V/S The Chairman Board of Revenue & Others. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 YLR 1431
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
H.C.A (Discretionery Powers of Single Judge to pass interlocutory order)
H.C.A 192/2022 (D.B.) Muhammad Aqeel & Others V/S Federation of Pakistan & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLD Sindh 400, 2022 SBLR Sindh 1938
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction)
2023 PLD Sindh 421, 2023 CLD 1220
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Companies matters (Company winding up )
2023 CLD 162
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Companies matters
Judicial Companies Misc. 8/2022 (S.B.) Amer Tex (Pvt) Ltd and 6 others V/S NA Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 170
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Companies matters (reduction of share capital)
Judicial Companies Misc. 2/2022 (S.B.) DIN FARM PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD V/S Security & Exchange Commissioner of Pakistan Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 219, 2024 SBLR Sindh 166
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Companies matters (Companies Ordinance, 1984)
Judicial Companies Misc. 35/2009 (S.B.) The Securities & Exchange Commissioner of Pakistan V/S Natover Lease Reliance Ltd Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 225
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Companies matters
Judicial Companies Misc. 29/2015 (S.B.) Total Parco Pakistan limited & another V/S NA Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 241
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order VII R.11)
Suit.B 2/2017 (S.B.) Bankers Equity Limited. V/S Galadari Cement (Gulf) Ltd., & Others. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 253
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction), Competition Act, 2010 (section 24(1), (5) & (6) read with section 28(1))
2023 PLD Sindh 66, 2023 CLD 265
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction)
Suit 2707/2021 (S.B.) M/S AGP LIMITED & ANOTHER V/S M/S GALAXY PHARMA (PVT) LIMITED & OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 366, 2023 YLR 1177, 2023 SBLR Sindh 366
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Merger, Companies matters (Amalgamation )
Judicial Companies Misc. 45/2021 (S.B.) ASSOCIATED CONSULTING ENGINEERS ACE LtD & 4 OTHERS V/S NA Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 426
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Judicial Companies Misc. 44/2021 (S.B.) Muhammad Shafi Tanneries (Pvt) Ltd & (2) Others V/S NA Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 454
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Merger, Companies matters (Amalgamation )
Judicial Companies Misc. 18/2022 (S.B.) Habib Metropolitan Modaraba Manag. & Others V/S NA Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 464
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Companies matters
M.A. 2/2022 (S.B.) Mckinsey & Company Pakistan (Private) Limited V/S Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 530
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Companies matters (Merger Under Companies Act,2017)
Judicial Companies Misc. 12/2022 (S.B.) RAZAQUE STEELS (PVT) LTD AND ANOTHER V/S NA Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 616
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Judicial Companies Misc. 9/2022 (S.B.) AWWAL MOHDARABA MANAGEMENT LTD AND OTHERS V/S NA Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 644
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Companies matters
Judicial Companies Misc. 16/2022 (S.B.) Awwal Modaraba Managment Limited & 3 others V/S NA Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 624
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Judicial Companies Misc. 13/2022 (S.B.) LUCKY LANDMARK (PVT) LTD AND ANOTHER V/S NA Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 639
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Judicial Companies Misc. 1/2022 (S.B.) Nadeem Power Generation & Nadeem Textile Mills Ltd V/S Nadeem Textile Mills Ltd. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 652
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Isra University Act, 1997
Judicial Companies Misc. 29/2020 (S.B.) Amir Bux Channa & Another through Attorney V/S Isra Islamic Foundation (Guarantee) Limited. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 691
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction)
2023 PLD Sindh 421, 2023 CLD 1220
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Federal Excise Duty (Section 46), Sale Tax Act 1990 (Section 25)
Const. P. 4729/2021 (D.B.) Wazir Ali Ind Ltd V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PTD 576
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
2023 CLC 2119
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Companies matters (reduction of share capital)
Judicial Companies Misc. 2/2022 (S.B.) DIN FARM PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD V/S Security & Exchange Commissioner of Pakistan Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 219, 2024 SBLR Sindh 166
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Custom Act, 1969
Const. P. 4446/2022 (D.B.) Hascol Petroleum Ltd V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PTD 1415
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction), Competition Act, 2010 (section 24(1), (5) & (6) read with section 28(1))
2023 PLD Sindh 66, 2023 CLD 265
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Const. P. 5389/2022 (D.B.) M/s Youngs Pvt Ltd V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 1747
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Suit 1027/2022 (S.B.) Syed Qadir Dad Shah V/S Pakistan International Airline Company (PIACL) Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 YLR 2101, 2022 SBLR Sindh 1037
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Custom Act, 1969
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 136/2017 (D.B.) M/s. OBS Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. V/S The Customs Appellate Tribunal & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PTD 908
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Companies matters (Merger Under Companies Act,2017)
Judicial Companies Misc. 49/2021 (S.B.) SPI INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED AND ANOTHER V/S . Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 1088
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Banking Law, Bankers Book Evidence Act, 1891
Suit.B 39/2021 (S.B.) THE BANK OF PUNJAB V/S M/S HASCOL PETROLEUM LIMITED Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 920
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Judicial Companies Misc. 14/2022 (S.B.) Foundation Securities (Pvt) Limited & Another V/S NA Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 883
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Suit -3416/2021 (S.B.) MUHAMMAD ASLAM V/S FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN & OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC (CS) 889
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
PPRA Rules, 2004
2023 CLC 1422
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Const. P. 1090/2021 (D.B.) Yasmeen Mashkoor V/S Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 1474, 2024 SBLR Sindh 1225
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
2023 SBLR Sindh 819
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 59/2007 (D.B.) Digri Sugar Mills Ltd V/S The Additional Collector of Customs & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PTD 825
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
I.T.R.A 493/2009 (D.B.) Commissioner (Legal Division) V/S Pakistan Services Limited Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PTD 773
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Cr.Acctt.A 27/2022 (D.B.) Afzalul Haq S/o Muhammad Ishaque V/S NAB through its Chairman & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 1286
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 5506/2020 (D.B.) M. Asif Hashim Mughal V/S Dawood University of Engr: and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC (CS) 711
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 1103/2021 (D.B.) Kiran Babu and OThers V/S Jamil Ahmed and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 844
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 8233/2019 (D.B.) Sapphire Textile Mills Ltd V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 1007
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 5842/2022 (D.B.) Shell Pakistan Ltd V/S Pakistan & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PTD 607
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Fatal Accident (Limitation )
Suit 102/2014 (S.B.) M/s. Sassi International. V/S M/s. Oman Air Lines & Others. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 1041
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Suit 1027/2022 (S.B.) Syed Qadir Dad Shah V/S Pakistan International Airline Company (PIACL) Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 YLR 2101, 2022 SBLR Sindh 1037
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Service matters (Termination from service), Sindh Industrial Relations Act (SIRA) , 2013, (Section 77), Sindh Industrial Relations Act (SIRA) , 2013, (Section 34)
Const. P. 1351/2022 (D.B.) Novex Dry Cleaners Hyd V/S learned Sindh Labour Court Hyderbad & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2023 SBLR Sindh 1373
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Irshad Ali Shah
Const. P. 4469/2019 (D.B.) Nestle Pakistan Ltd V/S Full Bench NIRC & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLC Lab. 95
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 5482/2017 (D.B.) Nestle Pakistan Ltd V/S The F.B.R & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PTD 527, 2023 SBLR Sindh 211
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 530/2022 (D.B.) M/s SSGCL V/S Syed Hisamuddin & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 441
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 5842/2022 (D.B.) Shell Pakistan Ltd V/S Pakistan & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 393
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Service matters (Laches)
Const. P. 3986/2021 (D.B.) Mansoor Ahmed V/S DG of Pakistan Coast Guard and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 493
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order 39 Rule 1 & 2 CPC)
Suit 1225/2022 (S.B.) Pakistan Beverage limited V/S State Bank of Pakistan & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 125, 2023 SBLR Sindh 444
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction)
Suit 2707/2021 (S.B.) M/S AGP LIMITED & ANOTHER V/S M/S GALAXY PHARMA (PVT) LIMITED & OTHERS Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 366, 2023 YLR 1177, 2023 SBLR Sindh 366
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Return of Plaint- O VII R 10)
Suit 2637/2017 (S.B.) Tayyaba Motors (Pvt) Ltd. V/S Regal Automobiles Industries & another. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 263
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction), Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order VII R.11)
Suit 630/2020 (S.B.) Mohammad Tarique Khan V/S Trading Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2024 PLC CS 91, 2023 SBLR 22
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
H.C.A 210/2022 (D.B.) Haji Ibrahim & Others V/S Abdul Qadir Lakhani & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLD Sindh 11
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Justice Mrs. Rashida Asad
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order VII R.11)
Suit 1068/2018 (S.B.) Liaquat Dawood Kukda. V/S Syed Hashim Raza. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLC 237
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (O.XXXIX, Rule.1 & 2 Interim Injunction)
2023 CLC 372
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance,1979 (Section 15 (Personal Bonafide Need) )
Const. P. 891/2019 (S.B.) M/s United Business Machines thr Muhammad Aslam V/S Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 YLR 40
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Companies matters
Judicial Companies Misc. 18/2021 (S.B.) N.P waterproof Industries Pvt ltd & others V/S N.P spinning Mills limited & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 33
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order 39 Rule 1 & 2 CPC)
Suit 1225/2022 (S.B.) Pakistan Beverage limited V/S State Bank of Pakistan & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 CLD 125, 2023 SBLR Sindh 444
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Revision 25/2015 (S.B.) Nazar Muhammad V/S PO Sindh and others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2023 SBLR Sindh 328
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order VII R.11)
Suit 1557/2021 (S.B.) SALEEM BUTT V/S DR. AFNAN ULLAH KHAN & ANOTHER Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 SBLR Sindh 28
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 5482/2017 (D.B.) Nestle Pakistan Ltd V/S The F.B.R & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PTD 527, 2023 SBLR Sindh 211
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 310/2019 (D.B.) M/s Al Tariq Construction V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 1444
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Const. P. 4826/2013 (D.B.) Muhammad Usman Ghani Qureshi V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 1129
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Service matters (Dismissal-Termination)
Const. P. 1480/2019 (D.B.) Dr. Maryam Shafiq V/S Chancellor Fed. Urdu University & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 1070
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 1170/2021 (D.B.) Haroon Sohail V/S Province of Sindh & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2022 SBLR Sindh 1061
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
Const. P. 4674/2018 (D.B.) Pakistan Services Ltd V/S Full Bench NIRC & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 957
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 2647/2020 (D.B.) Dr. Muhammad Ayaz Mustafa V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 949
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 974/2021 (D.B.) Isra village Housing Scheme V/S P.O Sindh & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2022 SBLR Sindh 505
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry(Author)
Const. P. 6167/2020 (D.B.) Al - Ghazi Traders Ltd V/S Govt. of Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 371
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 830/2014 (D.B.) Sohail and ors V/S Fed. Of Pakistan and ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 50
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 275/2020 (S.B.) Bakaullah Khan Samoo V/S Province Of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2022 PLD Sindh 308
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 569/2020 (D.B.) Syed Asghar Ali Shah V/S Secretary Local Govt & Others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur
2022 CLC 442
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed
Family matter (Decree of dissolution Marriage In Section 10(2) Up held . CP dismissed.)
Const. P. 309/2020 (S.B.) Muhammad Aslam V/S Learnd Family Judge Tando Adam & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2022 CLC 1447
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Cr.Bail 698/2021 (S.B.) MUHAMMAD ALI SOOMRO V/S THE STATE Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2022 MLD 1315
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Guardian and Ward Act, 1890 (Section 12 G&W Interim Custody Modified. )
Const. P. 991/2021 (S.B.) Mst. Fatima Zehra D/o Zahid Abbas V/S Muhammad Sheroz and others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 MLD 1506
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 1679/2017 (D.B.) Mazhar Ali V/S Province Of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2022 PLC (CS) 150
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 6948/2019 (D.B.) Anis Haroon and Ors V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC (CS) 307
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
CONSTITUTION OF PAKISTAN, 1973 (Petition hit by laches )
Const. P. 4941/2020 (D.B.) Jameel Ahmed V/S Pakistan Post and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC (CS) 481
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 5649/2018 (D.B.) Rao Muhammad Gulzar & Ors V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC (CS) 454
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 2307/2018 (D.B.) Muhammad Yaqoob V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC (CS) 833
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 5143/2020 (D.B.) Dr. Tariq Ahmed Sheikh V/S Province of Sindh & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC (CS) 1304
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon
CONSTITUTION OF PAKISTAN, 1973 (Petition hit by laches )
Const. P. 3854/2011 (D.B.) Mst. Farah Naz V/S Federation of Pakistan & Ors. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC (CS) 1266
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 4077/2016 (D.B.) Yar Muhammad Bozdar V/S Province of Sindh Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC (CS) 1289
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
2022 SBLR Sindh 1125

Sale Tax Act 1990 (Section 2), Sindh Sales Tax on Services Act, 2011
Const. P. 5791/2016 (D.B.) Zona Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd V/S Province of Sindh and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 984, 2022 SBLR Sindh 1536
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
H.C.A (Discretionery Powers of Single Judge to pass interlocutory order)
H.C.A 192/2022 (D.B.) Muhammad Aqeel & Others V/S Federation of Pakistan & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2023 PLD Sindh 400, 2022 SBLR Sindh 1938
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Const. P. 5058/2021 (D.B.) Muhammad Rashid Siddiqui V/S Province of Sindh & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC CS 1216
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 3349/2017 (D.B.) Pakistan Dental Association & Ors V/S Province of Sindh & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 1491
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 715/2018 (D.B.) M/s Cellandgene Pharmaceutical International V/S FOP & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 1464
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (12(2))
Suit 648/2020 (S.B.) Muhammad Idrees Abbasi V/S Syed Akbar Khan & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 CLC 1322
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Resjudicata , Admiralty
Adm. Suit 2/2021 (S.B.) Tenedos Denizcilik ve Tie Ltd. V/S M.T MAKHAMBET & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLD Sindh 378
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Custom Act, 1969 (section 81)
Const. P. 5674/2020 (D.B.) M/s Spectrum Enterprises V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 732, 2021 SBLR Sindh 2391
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Const. P. 5596/2020 (D.B.) M/s Zarif Khan Zai and Others V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 779
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Sale Tax Act 1990 (Section 2), Sindh Sales Tax on Services Act, 2011
Const. P. 5791/2016 (D.B.) Zona Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd V/S Province of Sindh and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 984, 2022 SBLR Sindh 1536
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (Section 177), Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (Section 214C )
Const. P. 5107/2021 (D.B.) Atlas Honda Ltd V/S Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 866, 2024 SBLR Sindh 409, 2022 PTCL 253
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Import Policy
Const. P. 3068/2019 (D.B.) M/s Quick Contractor & Traders V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 1302
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Const. P. 4662/2017 (D.B.) M/s Quality Steel Re-Rolling V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 39
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 3240/2020 (D.B.) Shoe Planet Pvt Ltd V/S The Collector of Custom and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 875
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 557/2019 (D.B.) Director DG I&I (Customs) V/S M/s. Umer Zahid Malik & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 1112
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 417/2018 (D.B.) Collector of Customs V/S Niaz Muhammad & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 1174
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 443/2019 (D.B.) Director DG I&I (Customs) V/S Nasir ul Haq & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 1193
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 4524/2020 (D.B.) Nasir ul Haq V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 1193
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 1753/2020 (D.B.) Niaz Muhammad V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 1174
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 4514/2020 (D.B.) Umer Zahid Malik V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 1112
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Promotion (respondents are hereby directed to consider the petitioner???s case for promotion in DPC. CP Allowed.)
Const. P. 3429/2021 (D.B.) Akhtar Hussain Abro V/S Province of Sindh and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC (CS) 906
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 826/2015 (D.B.) Collector of Customs V/S M/s. Samad Enterprises Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 796, 2022 SBLR Sindh 22
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Service matters (Bar of Jurisdiction )
Const. P. 5269/2019 (D.B.) Ghulam Murtaza V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC (CS) 687
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Succession Act
S.M.A 394/2020 (S.B.) Saleem Islam s/o late SYed Zafar ul Islam V/S Wing Cdr Syed Feroze Ali Rizvi & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLD Sindh 278
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (Section 177), Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (Section 214C )
Const. P. 5107/2021 (D.B.) Atlas Honda Ltd V/S Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 866, 2024 SBLR Sindh 409, 2022 PTCL 253
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Custom Act, 1969 (Section 25-D), Custom Act, 1969 (Section 25-A)
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 948/2015 (D.B.) Collector of Customs V/S M/s. Abdullah Traders Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 372, 2022 PTCL 420
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Sale Tax Act 1990 (Section 11(2))
Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 94/2021 (D.B.) Commissioner inland revenue legal V/S M/s filters pakistan pvt. ltd. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 345, 2022 PTCL 415
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Sale Tax Act 1990
Const. P. 8297/2019 (D.B.) Louis Dreyfus Co. Pvt Ltd V/S F.B.R & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 205, 2022 PTCL 400
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
Sales Tax Special Procedure Rules, 2007, Sale Tax Act 1990 (Section 71)
Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 104/2019 (D.B.) Commissioner I-R Zone-I V/S M/s. Faizan Steel Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 390, 2022 PTCL 396
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Custom Act, 1969 (SRO 577(I)/2006)
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 850/2019 (D.B.) Collector of Customs MCC (Preventive) V/S Falak Jan & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 512
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Custom Act, 1969 (Show Cause Notice)
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 418/2018 (D.B.) Collector of Customs V/S Abdul Ghafoor Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 402
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
II.A. 20/2012 (S.B.) Khayyam Ahmed Khattani V/S M/s. Orix Leasing Pakistan Limited Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 1052
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Const. P. 4917/2021 (D.B.) Penta International V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 900
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010 (Section 9), Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010 (Section 5), Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010 (Section 3 ), Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (Section 230)
Const. P. 8642/2017 (D.B.) Govind Ram V/S Fed. of Pakitan and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 634, 2021 SBLR Sindh 2408
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Import Policy Order 2020, Imports and Exports (Control) Act, 1950
Const. P. 4292/2021 (D.B.) M/s Outdoorsman V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 539
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Sindh Sales Tax on Services Act, 2011 , Finance Act, 2014
Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 2/2017 (D.B.) IMS Health Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. V/S Commissioner-II SRB Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 576
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Const. P. 2226/2019 (D.B.) Shamshad Kakepota V/S Sect: School Education & Literacy and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 1049
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 4662/2017 (D.B.) M/s Quality Steel Re-Rolling V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 39, 2022 SBLR Sindh 904
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 526/2020 (D.B.) M/s K.K Mart Multan V/S M/s. S.S. Traders Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 642
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author)
Custom Act, 1969
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 450/2016 (D.B.) Collector of Customs V/S M/s. Allied Engineering & Services Ltd. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 687
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Const. P. 145/2004 (D.B.) Muhammad Hashim Thr:L.Rs Dr.Aftab Ahmed & Others V/S Haji Abdul Ghafoor and Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2022 CLC 489
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Irshad Ali Shah(Author)
Const. P. 8302/2019 (D.B.) Southened Club (Pvt) Ltd V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2021 SBLR Sindh 2102, 2022 TAX 203
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 7409/2018 (D.B.) Karachi Club and Ors V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2021 SBLR Sindh 2102, 2022 TAX 203
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 7042/2018 (D.B.) M/s Karachi Golf Club (Pvt) Ltd V/S Province of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2021 PTD Sindh 558, 2021 SBLR Sindh 2102, 2022 TAX 203
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Sindh Mining Concessions Rules, 2002
Const. P. 787/2010 (D.B.) Muhammad Yousuf & Others V/S Province Of Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2022 PLD Sindh 138
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 166/2020 (D.B.) Fayaz Ali Mastoi V/S Assistant XEN Irrigation Shahdadkot & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana
2022 PLD Sindh 131
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zafar Ahmed Rajput, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 4662/2017 (D.B.) M/s Quality Steel Re-Rolling V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 39, 2022 SBLR Sindh 904
Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
H.C.A 423/2016 (D.B.) Messrs Federal Handicraft V/S Civil Aviation Authority & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 SBLR Sindh 177
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal(Author)
Const. P. 1970/2019 (D.B.) Dr. Gulshan Ali Memon V/S Province of Sindh & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2022 PLC (CS) Note 6
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 3123/2018 (D.B.) Rubina Bano and others V/S Province of Sindh and others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2022 PLC (CS) Note 1
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Senior Pusine Mr. Justice Nadeem Akhtar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 3271/2020 (D.B.) Bilqees V/S The Sect: Wafaqi Mohtasib and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC (CS) 235
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Const. P. 847/2020 (D.B.) Khalid Ali Dars & Others V/S P.O Sindh & Others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad
2022 PLD Sindh 20
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon(Author)
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 826/2015 (D.B.) Collector of Customs V/S M/s. Samad Enterprises Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 796, 2022 SBLR Sindh 22
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Civil Servants Act, 1973, Law Reforms Ordinance,1972, Services Tribunal Act, 1973
H.C.A 163/2016 (D.B.) National Refinery Ltd. & another V/S Syed Niaz Ahmed Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC CS 197
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Adnan Iqbal Chaudhry
Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Television Broadcast Station Operations) Regulations, 2012, Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority Rules, 2009 (Rule 5), PEMRA Ordinance, 2002 (section 13), PEMRA Ordinance, 2002
M.A. 1/2017 (S.B.) Show Time Cable & Datacom Pvt Limited V/S PEMRA & Another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 CLC 254
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order VII R.11)
II.A. 205/2019 (S.B.) Ms. Qaiser Jehan Begum Thr. Salman Hussain Memon V/S Sindh Building Control Authority (SBCA) & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 MLD 308
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Stamps Act, 1899 (Sections 27), Stamps Act, 1899 (Sections 57), Stamps Act, 1899 (Sections 56)
Civil Ref. 2/2018 (F.B.) Assistant Chief Inspector of Stamps V/S .. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLD Sindh 47
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Omar Sial, Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar
Sales Tax Special Procedure Rules, 2007, Sale Tax Act 1990 (Section 71)
Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 104/2019 (D.B.) Commissioner I-R Zone-I V/S M/s. Faizan Steel Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 390, 2022 PTCL 396
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Custom Act, 1969 (Section 25-D), Custom Act, 1969 (Section 25-A)
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 948/2015 (D.B.) Collector of Customs V/S M/s. Abdullah Traders Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 372, 2022 PTCL 420
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Custom Act, 1969 (section 138 of Customs Act, 1969 read with Customs Rules 86 to 89 laid down in SRO 450(I)/2001)
Const. P. 6544/2020 (D.B.) M/s Drive Line Motor Ltd V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Othes Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 363
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Sale Tax Act 1990 (Section 11(2))
Spl:Sales Tax Ref: A. 94/2021 (D.B.) Commissioner inland revenue legal V/S M/s filters pakistan pvt. ltd. Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 345, 2022 PTCL 415
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (Section 239 ), Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (Section 221), Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (S.170), Workers" Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1971 (section 4(1))
Const. P. 5113/2021 (D.B.) OBS Pakistan Ltd V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 290
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Federal Excise Duty, CONSTITUTION OF PAKISTAN, 1973, Sindh Sales Tax on Services Act, 2011
Const. P. 4778/2021 (D.B.) Pakistan Mobile Communication V/S Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 266
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Custom Act, 1969 (section 162), Custom Act, 1969 (section 163)
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 335/2012 (D.B.) Collector of Customs V/S Forte Impex Lahore Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 245
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Sale Tax Act 1990
Const. P. 8297/2019 (D.B.) Louis Dreyfus Co. Pvt Ltd V/S F.B.R & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 205, 2022 PTCL 400
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
Sindh Epidemic Diseases Act, 2014, 5G Technology (Telecommunication)
Const. P. 948/2021 (D.B.) Mst. Ameer Jahan / Bisma Noreen V/S Fed. of Pakistan & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 MLD 73
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority Rules, 2009, PEMRA Ordinance, 2002
M.A. 7/2017 (S.B.) Southern Networks Limited V/S PEMRA Thr. Its Chairman & Another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLD Sindh 6
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author)
Custom Act, 1969 (section 81)
Const. P. 3682/2016 (D.B.) Samad Pipe Ind V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 168
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Baggage Rules, 2006 (Rule 17), Custom Act, 1969 (Section 89), Custom Act, 1969 (Section 139), Custom Act, 1969 (Section 156), Custom Act, 1969 (Section 8)
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 424/2018 (D.B.) Collector of Customs MCC V/S Syed Javed Ahmed & another Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 8
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Custom Act, 1969 (Section 25-A)
Spl. Cus. Ref. A. 203/2019 (D.B.) M/s. Universal Enterprise V/S The Customs Appellate Tribunal & others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 94
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan(Author)
Custom Act, 1969 (SRO 499(I)/2009 issued under section 181 )
Const. P. 4188/2020 (D.B.) M/s Panjgour Goods Transport and Co. V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PTD 59
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal
Service matters
Const. P. 3893/2016 (D.B.) Shabana Haider V/S Fed of Pakistan & Others Sindh High Court, Karachi
2022 PLC (CS) 69
Approved for Reporting
Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan
Latest Case Law (Topic Wise)
Topic: Re-investigation of Case (By Consent Petition allowed .Direction issued for Re investigation .)
Const. P. 2563/2020 (D.B.) M/s Madina Ind V/S Fed. of Pakistan and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi(Author), Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
Order Date: 29-MAY-20
Topic: Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance,1979 (Section 8 (Fair Rent))
Const. P. 441/2018 (S.B.) Irfan Ahmed S/o Mukhtar Ahmed V/S Maqsood Ahmed & Another Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Nazar Akbar(Author)
Order Date: 18-OCT-18
Topic: Constitution of Pakistan (Petition dismissed as Other remedy is available . )
Const. P. 1177/2018 (S.B.) Syeda Shumila Bibi V/S The Province of Sindh & others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Nazar Akbar
Order Date: 23-MAY-18
Topic: Bail Matters (Pre arrest bail Dismissed In Injury case.)
Cr.Bail 492/2009 (S.B.) Akram & others V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad

Hon'ble Judge Mr. Justice Gulzar Ahmed
Order Date: 04-AUG-09
Topic: Guardian and Ward Act, 1890 ( Appeal Dismissed against interim order of Section 12G&W.)
Const. P. 181/2009 (S.B.) Dr. Khalid Munir V/S Mst. Aysha Yousuf & anrs. Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Munib Ahmed Khan
Order Date: 18-MAY-09
Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order XLI Rule 27 -Additional Evidence), Civil Procedure Code CPC (Dismissed)
Civil Revision 220/2005 (S.B.) Muhammad Khan V/S Mukhtiarkar Kot Ghulam Muhammad District Mirpurkhas and 02 others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Amir Hani Muslim
Order Date: 15-MAY-09
Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order XLI Rule 27 -Additional Evidence)
Civil Revision 220/2005 (S.B.) Muhammed Khan V/S Mukhtiarkar (Revenue) Kot Ghulam Muhammed & others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Amir Hani Muslim
Order Date: 15-MAY-09
Topic: Bail Matters (Bail Granted In Police Encounter , In Effective firing U/S 324,353 PPC.)
Cr.Bail 1399/2008 (S.B.) Haroot Khan & another V/S The State Sindh High Court, Karachi

The Hon'ble Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali
Order Date: 11-MAY-09
Topic: Bail Matters (Bail Granted In Police Encounter , In Effective firing U/S 324,353 PPC.)
Cr.Bail 1320/2008 (S.B.) Farooque Khan V/S The State Sindh High Court, Karachi

The Hon'ble Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali
Order Date: 11-MAY-09
Topic: Bail Matters (After Arrest---497, under S.9(C))
Cr.Bail 1330/2008 (S.B.) Farooque Khan & another V/S The State Sindh High Court, Karachi

The Hon'ble Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali
Order Date: 11-MAY-09
Topic: Bail Matters (bail Granted in 9 C Narcotics )
Cr.Bail 1394/2008 (S.B.) Haroot Khan V/S The State Sindh High Court, Karachi

The Hon'ble Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali
Order Date: 11-MAY-09
Topic: Criminal Revision (sentences awarded to the applicants reduced already undergone. Revision dismissed. )
Cr.Rev 130/2006 (S.B.) Rasheed Khan V/S state Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Mahar
Order Date: 24-APR-09
Topic: Murder Bail (Protective Bail Granted)
Cr.Bail 331/2009 (S.B.) Umar Abul Hassan & another V/S The State Sindh High Court, Karachi

The Hon'ble Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali
Order Date: 03-APR-09
Topic: Transfer Application (Allegation against presiding officer ), Transfer Application (Dismissed)
Civil Tran 12/2009 (S.B.) Gulzar Mehmood V/S Dr. Muhammad Bashir Qasim & ors. Sindh High Court, Karachi

The Hon'ble Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali
Order Date: 30-MAR-09
Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Delay in payment of Court Fee)
Civil Revision 17/2008 (S.B.) Muhammad Iqbal V/S Hakeem Mohsin Jan Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur

Mr. Justice Arshad Noor Khan
Order Date: 27-MAR-09
Topic: Criminal Pre Arrest Bail (Bail Confirmed)
Cr.Bail 190/2009 (D.B.) Naeem Shah V/S The State Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Justice Faisal Arab, Mr. Justice Bin Yamin
Order Date: 25-MAR-09
Topic: Transfer Application (Allegation against presiding officer ), Transfer Application (Allowed)
Civil Tran 51/2008 (S.B.) Mst. Sobia Shah V/S Muhammad Shoaib Haswari & another Sindh High Court, Karachi

The Hon'ble Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali
Order Date: 06-FEB-09
Topic: Service matters (Appointment against plot donation)
Const. P. 596/2007 (D.B.) Sadaruddin and others V/S EDO Education and others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana

Mr. Justice Khalid Ali Z. Qazi, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Nadeem Azhar Siddiqui
Order Date: 14-JAN-09
Topic: Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance,1979 (Section 8 (Fair Rent))
Const. P. 271/2008 (S.B.) Bilal V/S Syed IMran Ahmed & ano Sindh High Court, Karachi

Mr. Justice Azizullah M. Memon
Order Date: 10-NOV-08
Topic: Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance,1979 (Judgment of Rent Controller& Order Appellate Court is maintained . C P dismissed .)
Const. P. 1068/2002 (S.B.) Abdul Wahab Polani V/S M/s. Valika Properties (pvt) Ltd & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ali Sain Dino Metlo
Order Date: 30-OCT-08
Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Limitation )
I. A 12/2008 (D.B.) M/s S.Malik Traders & another V/S Saudi Pak Leasing Co. Ltd Sindh High Court, Karachi

Mr. Justice Zafar Ahmed Khan Sherwani, The Hon'ble Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali
Order Date: 23-SEP-08
Topic: Transfer Application (Allegation against presiding officer ), Transfer Application (Allowed)
Cr.Tran 69/2007 (S.B.) Abdul Khaliq Bhatti V/S Muhammad Hussain & anothers Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Nadeem Azhar Siddiqui
Order Date: 14-JUL-08
Topic: Criminal Pre Arrest Bail (Non-appearnce of accused before trial court )
Cr.Bail 362/2007 (S.B.) M.Ismail @ Jumo @ Juman Brohi V/S The State Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Munib Ahmed Khan
Order Date: 18-JUN-08
Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Delay in payment of Court Fee)
Suit 0/2007 (S.B.) Mureed Fatima and others V/S Home Secretary and others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Mr. Justice Dr. Qammaruddin Bohra
Order Date: 13-JUN-08
Topic: CONSTITUTION OF PAKISTAN, 1973 (Police officials are legally bound to provide protection)
Const. P. 304/2008 (S.B.) Nawab Machhi V/S S.H.O P.S Thariri Muhabat and others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana

Mr. Justice Abdur Rehman Faruq Pirzada
Order Date: 09-JUN-08
Topic: Amenity Plot
Suit 917/2006 (S.B.) FAZAL-E-HAAQ & ORS V/S V/S CDGK & ORS Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Nadeem Azhar Siddiqui
Order Date: 12-MAY-08
Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Appointment of commissioner to record evidence)
Suit 855/2000 (S.B.) MERCK & CO. V/S V/S HILTON PHARMA PVT. LTD. Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Nadeem Azhar Siddiqui
Order Date: 09-MAY-08
Topic: Arbitration Law (Arbitration Act,1940 Section 34)
Suit 1357/2007 (S.B.) SURGEON MUNAWWAR ALI V/S HEATH VISION & ORS. Sindh High Court, Karachi

Mr. Justice Khawaja Naveed Ahmed
Order Date: 18-APR-08
Topic: Arbitration Law (Section 20 of Arbitration Act, 1940 )
Suit 1333/2003 (S.B.) M/s Tariq Const Pvt V/S M/s I.Puri Terminal Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Nadeem Azhar Siddiqui
Order Date: 28-MAR-08
Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Appointment of commissioner to record evidence)

Mr. Justice Khawaja Naveed Ahmed
Order Date: 28-MAR-08
Topic: Murder Bail (No Objection by complainant (Allowed) )
Cr.Bail 581/2007 (S.B.) Sadaruddin V/S The State Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur

Mr. Justice Dr. Rana Muhammad Shamim
Order Date: 24-MAR-08
Topic: Family matter (CP Allowed, Dissolution Marriage Decree Sat aside , Directed fresh Order ,)
Const. P. 484/2004 (S.B.) Humaira Majeed V/S Vth ADJ Karachi East & 2 Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Justice Mrs. Yasmin Abbasey
Order Date: 07-FEB-08
Topic: Family matter (CP Allowed, Dissolution Marriage Decree Sat aside , Directed fresh Order ,)
Const. P. 285/2004 (S.B.) Shaukat Hussain & Ors V/S Saifuddin Saleh Bhai & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Justice Mrs. Yasmin Abbasey
Order Date: 07-FEB-08
Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Appointment of commissioner to record evidence)
H.C.A 207/2007 (D.B.) Khawaja Feroz & another V/S Altaf & others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Mr. Justice Farrukh Zia G. Shaikh
Order Date: 06-FEB-08
Topic: CNS Act, 1997 (Trial Court had already taken a lenient view, being a foreign national, fine amount was reduced .Appeal dismissed. )
Cr.J.A 261/2007 (S.B.) V/S Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Justice Mrs. Yasmin Abbasey
Order Date: 01-FEB-08
Topic: Bail Matters (Bail After Arrest---497- Under S. 302 PPC)
Cr.Bail 476/2006 (D.B.) Ghous Ali V/S V/S The State Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur

Mr. Justice Dr. Rana Muhammad Shamim
Order Date: 30-JAN-08
Topic: Guardian and Ward Act, 1890 (Father Application G&W dismissed up to High Court ,Mother Obtained Khulla .)
Const. P. 38/2006 (S.B.) Dr. Ashfaq Ahmed Sharif V/S Dr.Shireen Qasim Bhan & 2 Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Munib Ahmed Khan
Order Date: 16-JAN-08
Topic: Criminal Revision (Dismissed As Other remedy is already available. )
Cr.Rev 90/2007 (S.B.) Abdul Rauf Khan V/S Muhammad Hanif Moosa & another Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Justice Mrs. Qaiser Iqbal
Order Date: 26-SEP-07
Topic: Criminal Revision (Dismissed As Other remedy is already available. )
Cr.Rev 91/2007 (S.B.) Abdul Rauf Khan V/S Muhammad Hanif Moosa & another Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Justice Mrs. Qaiser Iqbal
Order Date: 26-SEP-07
Topic: Cantonment Rent Restriction Act, 1963 (FRA dismissed. )
F.R.A 22/2006 (S.B.) Shaikh Muhammad Sadiq V/S Mst. Zarin Islam Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zia Perwez
Order Date: 25-SEP-07
Topic: Bail Cancellation (Bail order Maintained)
Cr.Bail 163/2007 (S.B.) Pir Mohammad Kamboh & Others V/S The State Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Justice Mrs. Qaiser Iqbal
Order Date: 20-SEP-07
Topic: Bail Cancellation (Bail order Maintained)
Cr.Misc. 83/2007 (S.B.) Shehraz Khan Awan V/S The State & Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Justice Mrs. Qaiser Iqbal
Order Date: 28-AUG-07
Topic: Criminal Miscellaneous Application . (Application for Quashing of FIR U/S 489 PPC is dismissed. )
Cr.Misc. 115/2007 (S.B.) Mohammad Sabir V/S The State Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Justice Mrs. Qaiser Iqbal
Order Date: 20-AUG-07
Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Appointment of commissioner to record evidence)
Suit 1138/2004 (S.B.) QAMAR HILAL & ORS V/S V/S S.I.T.E LTD. Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Justice Mrs. Qaiser Iqbal
Order Date: 08-MAY-07
Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Appointment of commissioner to record evidence)
Suit 85/2003 (S.B.) MALIK MUSTAFA V/S V/S MALIK MEHBOOB & ORS. Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Justice Mrs. Qaiser Iqbal
Order Date: 07-MAY-07
Topic: Re-investigation of Case (Police Submitted report In B Class, Magistrate Approved. Sat aside Magistrate Order and Re Investigation allowed. )
Const. P. 342/2007 (S.B.) Mst.Jadul V/S V/S Station Inchasrge Investigation P>S Pano Akil Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur

Mr. Justice Dr. Rana Muhammad Shamim
Order Date: 17-MAR-07
Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Order XIII Rule 1 & 2)
Suit 1290/2006 (S.B.) MUSHTAQ ALI NANGORE V/S V/S UBL Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Justice Mrs. Qaiser Iqbal
Order Date: 28-FEB-07
Topic: Civil Procedure Code CPC (Limitation )
Civil Revision 40/2002 (S.B.) Abdul Kadir V/S The Town Committee Nasirabad and others Sindh High Court, Circuit at Larkana

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ali Sain Dino Metlo
Order Date: 01-NOV-06
Topic: Guardian and Ward Act, 1890 (Family Court Appointed Father as Guardian ,Appellate Court Sat aside and appointed Mother as Guardian .Petition dismissed. )
Const. P. 33/2006 (S.B.) Mst. Samreen Mannan Qureshi V/S Shahid Azhar Siddiqui & 2 Ors Sindh High Court, Karachi

Hon'ble Justice Mrs. Qaiser Iqbal
Order Date: 18-OCT-06
Topic: Admission to Institution (transfer from One Court to Other Court )
Const. P. 95/2003 (S.B.) Nasir Ahmed, Tahir Ahmed & Habib Hasim V/S Zaheer and others and District & Sessions Judge & others Sindh High Court, Karachi

Mr. Mohammad Sadiq Laghari
Order Date: 25-APR-03